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Sorc heals? Better to DPS in heal spec now


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Yeah I actually use less force DPS'ing as a Sorc healer now. Thanks BioWare, I see you've kept to form with your play testing before patching. I see a whole *lot* more Merc and Op healers on the horizon....well thats if people dont just finally say enough and just quit entirely.
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I pvp most of the time, so I read your original post with that in mind when I said "utterly dominant." Which is true - Sorc healers have pretty much ruined pvp since 4.0 (in no small part due to Phase Walk). If they wanted to do a pvp specific nerf, they should have started with nerfing Sorc Phase Walk. Personally, I would have given PW to Mercs and given Sorcs Rocket Out (changing names and animations of course).


Anyway, I've done some SM and HM operations as a Sorc and Merc healer. Sorc resource management was definitely easier than Merc. I think that the three healers were all viable for operations, with Sorcs being a bit easier to play than the other two. So I don't know why you don't see a lot of Sorc healers in operations. Seems much easier to me.


I don't PUG operations, so I'm not worried about repair bills.

Edited by teclado
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How could that possibly be anything but a wonderful thing? Sorc healers have been utterly dominant for long enough.


Agreed. PvP has become unplayable of late thanks to each team having 4-5 sorc healers. Enough is enough, and I have no sympathy for sorc healers who're whining about a minor nerf to a stupidly OP class.

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Yep, I heard a lot of complaints about Sorcs in PVP. I don't pvp myself, but it seems something needed to be done, again according to what I've heard. That being said, BioWare takes a blanket approach and now Sorcs are gonna be hurting in PVE end game. I guess its just too complex for them to only make changes to the Sorc in PVP...their devs just aren't skilled enough.
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Agreed. PvP has become unplayable of late thanks to each team having 4-5 sorc healers. Enough is enough, and I have no sympathy for sorc healers who're whining about a minor nerf to a stupidly OP class.


And what about those who only PVE? And if you think its a minor nerf, you are gravely mistaken.

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And what about those who only PVE? And if you think its a minor nerf, you are gravely mistaken.


You realize they said they were OP in PVP AND PVE to correct? to me this is another thread complaining that their FOTM, or at this point FOTY, was nerfed a bit. Going to grab the quote now...



Edit: and

Designer Note: Seer Sages are presently exceptional healers who outperform the other healing disciplines in the game and create unbalanced PvE and PvP scenarios. By increasing the Force costs of heals—and counterbalancing the cost increase with a slight healing boost—we are leveling the healing potential of the Seer Sage to better fit alongside other healing disciplines and combat encounters witnessed in game.


In the future, yes, they should, for the most part keep PVP changes to PVP, but in this case the class changes affected PVE for the better bringing classes more in line together and fixing their power ratios.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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No they weren't OP in PVE. If the devs believe they were, well I chalk that up to their tradition of total lack of testing anything. IMO the other two heal classes were lagging a bit and they should have brought them up instead. For BioWare to say it would have been imbalanced, well that goes back to my first sentence...the obviously dont test much of anything or they wouldn't continually break stuff during patches and roll out stuff that is as bugged as it has been (for quite awhile now). Edited by Decidion
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No they weren't OP in PVE. If the devs believe they were, well I chalk that up to their tradition of total lack of testing anything.


Why not explain why they weren't OP in PVE instead of simply taking a stab at them. This is your chance to prove them wrong and revert the nerf...

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Ha you people think this was a minor nerf. What it did was buff Sorc heals by 4%, you just gotta press vindicate a bit more often.


If you know what you're doing, there was no nerf to sorc heals at all.


~ Eudoxia


The best buff was 4%, most were buffed by 1% or less...

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Agreed. PvP has become unplayable of late thanks to each team having 4-5 sorc healers. Enough is enough, and I have no sympathy for sorc healers who're whining about a minor nerf to a stupidly OP class.


nobody really cares about pvp anyway. pvpers whine and they nerf pve to make them happy

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Why not explain why they weren't OP in PVE instead of simply taking a stab at them. This is your chance to prove them wrong and revert the nerf...


"revert the nerf" OMG that was the funniest thing i have read on these forums in a while. thank you


the simple fact is they are balancing a class (which was overpowered and needs to be smacked down even in pve with regards to force consumption) with a sub game in swtor they dont really care about much. which is unfortunately not a way to balance a class.

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And what about those who only PVE? And if you think its a minor nerf, you are gravely mistaken.


Yeah, cause it is all so important, to nerf and cause issue to a larger percentage of PVE players, to satisfy the smaller percentage of pvp players.


Its not as if they will just migrate to the next FoTM class just like they always do.

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Agreed. PvP has become unplayable of late thanks to each team having 4-5 sorc healers. Enough is enough, and I have no sympathy for sorc healers who're whining about a minor nerf to a stupidly OP class.


Then why should anyone have any sympathy for PvP whining about "balance", which 90% of the time amounts to someone complaining that some class, other than their chosen pet class, can actually fight back against their pet class and isn't an easy faceroll defeat...


"Dear Bioware, nerf paper, scissors balanced." -- Rock.


The players who chase FOTM will just move on, the PvP complainers will have a new target for their demands of nerfage, and the downward spiral will continue.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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It was 75% of the population playing inquisitors - yes that means something needed adjustment. More operative and merc healers is a good thing, spread the balance.


I don't raid anymore, but when I check in, on the PVE side, it was 3 sages and then one "off healer" to get the third healing buff into the group. Hardly balanced there either.

Edited by ThrakhathSpawn
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No they weren't OP in PVE. If the devs believe they were, well I chalk that up to their tradition of total lack of testing anything. IMO the other two heal classes were lagging a bit and they should have brought them up instead. For BioWare to say it would have been imbalanced, well that goes back to my first sentence...the obviously dont test much of anything or they wouldn't continually break stuff during patches and roll out stuff that is as bugged as it has been (for quite awhile now).


What you're experiencing now is that sorc healers have gotten a thing we call "resource bar". It's a small addition to bring just a bit of challenge to players. Not much, just a bit, but something.

It's been entrusted to you and you have to take care of it. Mindlessly pushing the green buttons at your disposal non stop, like you were able to do before the patch, will cause these green buttons turn grey and you won't be able to push them anymore.

Just give it time. It'll get better. Every class has a resource bar. :)

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lmao, if it makes it so I actually have to look at my force bar on my sorc then good.


Sorc was (both in pvp and pve) OP as ****.


Sorc wasn't even close to my favourite class to play, but I had one because I made one years ago as a healer and just never played it, then tried it since it was my highest level imp toon.


Raiding (both sm and hm), reg pvp, and ranked pvp had essentially no risk involved in regards to managing force.


In any kind of pvp I could just ignore my force bar and pretend it didnt exist. In raids I just had to use consuming darkness every now and then to make sure I didn't fall below 90% force.


TL;DR: sorcs were OP, are probably still OP, the OP is a whiner, sorcs need more nerfs


PS on balancing the healing classes:


first mercs:

I see the idea of swapping rocket out/phasewalk between mercs and sorcs.....how about instead we just take phase walk from sorcs and give it to merc, and leave merc with rocket out. Sorcs have force barrier. They have static shield. They can get damage reduction on cloud mind. They have an instant self heal that can hit for almost 30k. This is more than enough to get through anything, give mercs more utility and reduce the heat cost of rapid scan (for all specs, not just healer). Give merc healers a passive that gives them extra heat loss when they use the basic healing bullets.


for operatives:

make it so that for every stack of the kolto probe on an enemy all your heals deal 3-6% more healing (so with 2 stacks, 6-12%), as well as boosting the output of ops big heals a bit. This will fix the main problem with op healers, their lack of burst. If you want to compensate this, reduce their dot healing a small amount. I wouldn't increase their burst too much, as it would make all the healers too similar, but they do need their burst to increase a bit.

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Yeah I actually use less force DPS'ing as a Sorc healer now. Thanks BioWare, I see you've kept to form with your play testing before patching. I see a whole *lot* more Merc and Op healers on the horizon....well thats if people dont just finally say enough and just quit entirely.


More like a buff. Spec is clunky but wandering mend can do 80k potentially in a single activation.

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Ha you people think this was a minor nerf. What it did was buff Sorc heals by 4%, you just gotta press vindicate a bit more often.


If you know what you're doing, there was no nerf to sorc heals at all.


~ Eudoxia


This ! :D

Also, the repairbills will be worth it, when watching a previously force-spamming i-have-no-clue-what-i'm-doing-sorc run out of force 30 seconds into the fight!


OP - Sorcs were merely put on par with Merc and Operative regarding resourcemanagement - as they should - in PvP AND PvE

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What you're experiencing now is that sorc healers have gotten a thing we call "resource bar". It's a small addition to bring just a bit of challenge to players. Not much, just a bit, but something.

It's been entrusted to you and you have to take care of it. Mindlessly pushing the green buttons at your disposal non stop, like you were able to do before the patch, will cause these green buttons turn grey and you won't be able to push them anymore.

Just give it time. It'll get better. Every class has a resource bar. :)


I like this post :)


Mostly because it's true. There are times I would literally forget Vindicate was there. The only time I've ever had to use it was when my OP heals got caught up and I started DPSing heavily as well. Only difference now is I may have to use Vindicate instead of TK Throw or Project every once in a while ;)

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