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GSF on The Red Eclipse


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Hi guys!


After GSF was released it was love at first sight for me... And, excited, I went through 1000 games (or even more, I guess...) in it. Though I had to make a veeeeeeery long break in SW TOR after that awesome time. To cut is short, it is good to be back! xD


So, the questions... Is there a custom GSF channel on the Red Eclipse to chat and team up with other pilots? Any GSF guilds / devoted pilots on the Imperial side there to join or at least play with from time to time?


I am really sorry if there are hundreds of similar topics out there, but It has always been great to ask the awesome SW TOR community. that is you, guys, for a helping hand.





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/cjoin GSF.


"Thranta squadron" is a devoted impside guild, although I haven't seen them lately. It might be me though, since I am on only weekends. I don't know of any other GSF guilds impside, but there are plenty of people who fly both sides. join the GSF channel and ask for a group. With any luck, you'll have a group in no time.

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Maulkat is a fun Gal to fly with.^^


I'm Eudoxia on pub side. I'm taking a break from SWTOR at the moment, but I fly on TRE with Traesha (Annelyn) and Zuck (Maximillianpower/Zuck-SRW).


A lot of us server hop now, it's the only way to be able to play at certain times of day.


~ Eudoxia

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Maulkat is a fun Gal to fly with.^^


I'm Eudoxia on pub side. I'm taking a break from SWTOR at the moment, but I fly on TRE with Traesha (Annelyn) and Zuck (Maximillianpower/Zuck-SRW).


A lot of us server hop now, it's the only way to be able to play at certain times of day.


~ Eudoxia


All of the above is accurate. I'm there a lot, TRE guys are probably sick of me.


I'll add that when I first started on TRE (which was only a couple of months ago, despite the 400-ish matches I've logged there) I was warned that pub side dominated. So I rolled imp, and burned through 250 games or so exclusively on that side.


What I found is that it's not really unbalanced; folks hop factions on TRE just like everywhere else, and things largely balance out. After maybe 300 imp games and about 120 pub, I'm at nearly the same win% on both sides (I think just south of 70%). And when Neutrinos/Equinox is on, he'll swap as needed, and he can balance things almost singlehandedly (yes, he's that good). There are two strong pub guilds, Red Alert (which includes the Ghost Squadron guys) and Unrelenting. When they're both on, it's bad news for the imps, but that rarely happens. Just yesterday I got repeatedly roflstomped playing pub side, against a really strong group of imps including Vospirus and Kaarma.


Overall I really like TRE. Lots of good pilots I don't see much (or at all) elsewhere, and a slightly different (scout-heavy) environment. Bomberballs are nearly unheard of; it's like the anti-Harb. It's a nice change of pace.

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Agree with Zuck to a point. On Six and Lucky, my w/l is almost identical at around 75%. However, I'm an altaholic and have other toons each side I fly on to not be "known". My pub has near a 90% and my imp is maybe 50%. Though those guys only have a handful of matches. <20 or so...not much fly time, but I think the server is more pub dominant.

I notice a few people (Neutrinos and Close mostly) that try to even the sides. On Six/Lucky, I usually do the same. Being in Unrelenting, myself, I fly more pub side than I do on Six. Still try to keep my fly time even though and fly both sides.

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Hello Tash,


As far as I know, we of Thranta Squadron are indeed the only ones with a guild dedicated to GSF on TRE’s impside. Redfantom, our Recruitment Officer, is often online in the evenings. Me, I always try to be there on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays at least. You can currently find me under Arrenic, but hopefully it’ll be back to Pyril soon. We’re rather casual usually, but we’ve got everything a guild needs: a Mumble server, a guild flagship, and a brand new website (see signature :)).

Hope to see you around, and in the meantime: good flying!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sad but true. Crying and complaining done their job - now people who come to fly on RE join only impside, reps stop flying and the situation is changing completely. Looks like now it's our turn to call to arms and call everyone join republic on TRE.

Congratulations - the Empire has finally conquered SWTOR. Now try to enjoy fighting each other, like all sith do.

Edited by Homodmitrius
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Huh, I haven't witnessed this phenomenon. Granted, I haven't been flying on TRE as much over the past couple of weeks as I had in the months prior, but I did power through all my weeklies yesterday, and won every game on both sides. Small sample size, I suppose.


From what I've seen, there are a bunch of guys perfectly willing to swap factions when there's an imbalance. I do it, neutrinos does it (and he can almost balance things by himself), close-shave too...and there are others. I guess we'll have to make more of an effort to hop around as needed.

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When flew last weekend, my wins/losses averaged out. A couple of wins on pubside (thanks to a certain carry), a couple of losses. Impside, a couple of brutal stomps followed by a couple of wins.


I wouldn't say imps are dominant.

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There are dominant hours for each factions, but it isn't the win-loss-win-loss we used to love, this are win-win-win-(over 3 hours) and then loss-loss-loss, and mostly each game is specifically imbalanced when not summing up all games (if we used to see 50-42, now its rare and we see 50-19). Instead of calling to arms on each side when things happen, I was thinking of another solution: check it our here and post there if you like it.
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Looks bad from now. The existing Premade Cheater got reinforcement from TOFN. Soon it is just as unplayable as the Ground PVP.:mad:


What Premade Cheater? My w/l to is almost the same on my main two pilots there. Both are right around 75%.

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Looks bad from now. The existing Premade Cheater got reinforcement from TOFN. Soon it is just as unplayable as the Ground PVP.:mad:


Seen people dying on purpose only once and can never prove it was for the others to win (some people just love trolling).


If by "premade cheaters" you speak of aces who group up to be invincible, though, then far as I know, only 4 people can queue together, and from experience, as much as they have weight, they don't make the game impossible. I do agree that sometimes the imbalance between players online in each faction can look like a premade of 8+ people....

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