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Do you stick to one class?


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As many of you know I sincerely prefer to play in lowbies on account of the current healing meta, but also because I am extremely flaky in regards to what class to play. I can be dead set on running with a sorcerer only to ditch it 2 days later. This week alone I have played with Arsenal Merc, Madness Sorc, Fury Marauder and Juggernaut Tank. Last week it was Deception Assassin and Concealment Operative.


Don't get me wrong though. I believe it's essential to play all classes in order to fully understand them, but I wish I could stick to one for at least a couple of months.


Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?

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As many of you know I sincerely prefer to play in lowbies on account of the current healing meta, but also because I am extremely flaky in regards to what class to play. I can be dead set on running with a sorcerer only to ditch it 2 days later. This week alone I have played with Arsenal Merc, Madness Sorc, Fury Marauder and Juggernaut Tank. Last week it was Deception Assassin and Concealment Operative.


Don't get me wrong though. I believe it's essential to play all classes in order to fully understand them, but I wish I could stick to one for at least a couple of months.


Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?


Yes because this games pvp is so shallow you have to keep rotating to keep it somewhat fresh sense bioware never changes it up.

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My go-to class is - and probably will always be - my assassin, favorably in deception or darkness, sometimes even hatred altho I find this specc clunky as **** and not as fun to play as it used to be back in 3.0 (yes it was OP as fck back then but I really liked its playstyle with 30m deathfield and spread on deathfield. They should've reduced the dot damage on spreaded targets or smth but not the range on DF and its ability to spread the dots :p)


But what I basically wanted to say is, that I also rotate from time to time, but those "secondary mains" sometimes change,


At the moment I mostly play Assassin > Marauder > Mercenary. Maybe next month it's Assassn > PT > Sniper again or somth like that.


Assassin is always my favorite class to play and therefore my main.

Edited by Lord_Unterhemd
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Nope, cuz after a certain period of time (1-2 weeks usually) it's just too boring and repetitive for me even if my class is OP... and when my current class/spec is not OP it can be even worse (i.e. i will quit the game for a while)! :D
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As many of you know I sincerely prefer to play in lowbies on account of the current healing meta, but also because I am extremely flaky in regards to what class to play. I can be dead set on running with a sorcerer only to ditch it 2 days later. This week alone I have played with Arsenal Merc, Madness Sorc, Fury Marauder and Juggernaut Tank. Last week it was Deception Assassin and Concealment Operative.


Don't get me wrong though. I believe it's essential to play all classes in order to fully understand them, but I wish I could stick to one for at least a couple of months.


Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?


I play a bunch of classes... I'm always trying to figure out which one is my main... LOL

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One cannot play 8 classes and play them all as well as focusing on one, thats a fact. Not to say im any good at the one i focus but there is just no way to play them all, as effectively as focusing on one.


That having been said, i play all at times to better understand them, what they can and cannot do, how they work etc... but always seem to find my way back to my Merc/Mando.


The reason... simple, i prefer ranged hybrid play. Always have in these games whether its WoW, GW2, whatever its just my preferred play style.


The only other class that fits that description in this game would be the Sorc/Sage and i would be quite the hypocrite to jump to FOTM. IDK maybe thats what the game has come to, who knows. I like the class it just feels so darned easy in comparison to the Merc/Mando PVP wise.

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I started with a Merc when the game launched and only played him for a long time.


Then I used to play my Sage healer all the time, but lately I get people complaining about sage healers so I stopped that because I was sick of people crying about it.


I usually stick to one class as I level them to 65 through story & PVP, so I've gone through phases of playing a lot with Gaurdian/Jugg, Sorc, Slinger, and PT - I haven't tried mara/sent yet but I plan to roll one soon.


Lately, I've been sticking to my Shadow and Op healer. These two might be my favorite to play.

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I main an Op and some days I switch it up and play another Op. Every now and then I go bananas and play one of my scoundrels instead. I have been known to throw the odd merc, assassin and jug around too, but I play at least two of the ops/scoundrels every day. I try to avoid playing the sorcs for ethical reasons, and I'm terrible on my snipers so best they stay parked.


I like mixing it up to learn as much as I can about each class so I don't embarrass myself when they're trying to kill me. But I will always come back to the Op.

Edited by Rantank
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Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?

Nope. I like to think of Mara/Sent as my main class, but I play everything. I've been having quite a bit of fun playing Merc healer recently. I'll have times where I'm having a blast playing Concealment, Darkness, Madness, Vengeance, Arsenal, AP, Lethality...everything. Just not sniper (I don't like the cover mechanic). I can probably count on one hand the number of specs that I don't like: sniper (anything), healer operative (don't like HoT heals so much), Pyro PT (lol), Rage Jugg (feels awkward, not sure why), Tank Jugg (just feels too slow, lethargic, lumbering).

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By playing one class you will get bored quickly and will not achieve good results in pvp. The best way to become good at your class imo - learn the advanced mechanics of other classes. Almost all top tier players that I know have toons of every class and playing them on competitive level.
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I try to play every class regularly and in an ideal world would try every spec, but I just don't have the time. So I stick to the ones that reward my play style of raw aggression Apt, rage jug, sin, conceal ops and tend to stay away from the specs like sniper and sorc where that just gets me killed and I spend most of the match running back from the gyard.


I think its important to play the other classes enough to recognise how they plan on dealing with the class your playing though.

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I keep trying to play other classes but default to my sniper/gunslinger. I just don't have the interest in learning the optimal ability use and more so; what my role is in things like Hutt Ball in other classes. I don't like to take the time in this game any more to craft my own augments and kits even though I can and I have depleted my credits to only around 3 million now and find less and less motivation to PvP or play much other than the 15 minutes of story every month. And that is just because it is Star Wars.


Years ago; I did play every class in PvP and a lot when leveling up. I had fun; but outside of my weird emotional attachments to the game from past fun, I just don't feel the urge any more.

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As many of you know I sincerely prefer to play in lowbies on account of the current healing meta, but also because I am extremely flaky in regards to what class to play. I can be dead set on running with a sorcerer only to ditch it 2 days later. This week alone I have played with Arsenal Merc, Madness Sorc, Fury Marauder and Juggernaut Tank. Last week it was Deception Assassin and Concealment Operative.


Don't get me wrong though. I believe it's essential to play all classes in order to fully understand them, but I wish I could stick to one for at least a couple of months.


Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?


Hell no! I have them all and 2 jugg one i like ANNI Tank and the other Rage DPS. But i play one class for a few days then switch to another. Some days i play a couple hours on one then switch to another. Or i jump sides from Imp to Pub do the classes on that side.

I play what ever i feel like at the time for how long i feel like playing them.


Other wise no real reason at all to do what i do. lol

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i play differently from season to season , i can play mostly dps , tempted to try tank but i want to good in dps that i do

changing too often make you " lose" touch of that class


last season play assasin, pt , sorc , ops

this season sorc, merc, jugg, sniper

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I keep trying to play other classes but default to my sniper/gunslinger. I just don't have the interest in learning the optimal ability use and more so; what my role is in things like Hutt Ball in other classes. I don't like to take the time in this game any more to craft my own augments and kits even though I can and I have depleted my credits to only around 3 million now and find less and less motivation to PvP or play much other than the 15 minutes of story every month. And that is just because it is Star Wars.


Years ago; I did play every class in PvP and a lot when leveling up. I had fun; but outside of my weird emotional attachments to the game from past fun, I just don't feel the urge any more.



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As many of you know I sincerely prefer to play in lowbies on account of the current healing meta, but also because I am extremely flaky in regards to what class to play. I can be dead set on running with a sorcerer only to ditch it 2 days later. This week alone I have played with Arsenal Merc, Madness Sorc, Fury Marauder and Juggernaut Tank. Last week it was Deception Assassin and Concealment Operative.


Don't get me wrong though. I believe it's essential to play all classes in order to fully understand them, but I wish I could stick to one for at least a couple of months.


Do you guys stick to the same class consistently?


Do you delete them or have you still got them?


Remember if you only play lowbies or mids, you are missing most of the cool abilities that you get higher up. Class balance lower down is terrible. Depending on your level, you may not have stun breaks or not enough of them. You may not be able to counter people who have all the abilities because they are at the top of the bracket. This alone can put some people off a class. They may think it's terrible and just reroll. The problem is they never gave it a chance to get better. If you roll a class stick it out till at least 60. By then you will have most of the abilities and also be able to see how cool the class is. If you really dispise a class, then reroll. I absolutely hate Powertechs, I don't know why exactly, I just don't like them. But I've given it a chance and actually lvl to 47 before I eventually said enough.


I have all classes and double most classes. Each class has it strengths and weakness. But not all classes are the same lvl of skill. ie Sorcs are the easiest to learn and start out on, while other classes require a higher lvl of skill, ie operatives and Maras.


What I found best when I started playing at launch was to specialise in either ranged or melee or stealth. I've left healing out of that discription because it can fit into any of those.

Depending on your skill lvl, it's probably best to start on the easiest of those. ie ranged = Sorc, melee DPS = Jugg, stealth DPS = Sin. (These are just examples and what I consider the easiest)


When you feel like you really know the class, step it up to the next hardest in that category. The reason for this is you will often use the same skills and possibly tactics that you've already been using. ie if you've been using a Sorc, you should have learned how to LOS, so you can apply that skill and tactic to another ranged. ie. Merc.

Same goes for melee, Jugg to Mara and so on with stealth.


I find it's a good time to branch out to other categories when you start to feel comfortable with your stage 2 category class. By now you should understand how it works and it is a good time to switch because you have probably worked out by now how to counter them and what the best way to kill them is. This makes switching categories so much easier.


But one of the most important things to do is not let your other toons get dusty on the shelf. It's best to stay current on them by playing them every few days. At least get the dailies done on them a few times a week. This will also keep you up to date on any new tactics you see and will help you on your other classes.


Because I play all classes I know what each one's weaknesses are against other classes. I also know how to counter them and take advantage of other classes weakness while I'm against them. You really only learn this when you have good players on another class fighting you. When you see the same attack and defeat when you face them and then can't work out a counter, jump on that class for a bit and target the class you were just on. When you come up against someone who can counter that attack, you'll learn it too for your other class. This is basically how I've learned since launch. There is always someone better out there on a specific class, the more you play against them the better you will be on both classes. But this assumes that you actually pay attention when you see something different happen. If you are just blindly smashing away and not thinking about what your opponent is doing, you won't learn the lessons they are freely giving you.

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I play all the classes. I have most of them at 65 and auged. It depends on my mood to what toon I log in to play, then if my mood changes while I am playing its log that one out and play a different one.
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One cannot play 8 classes and play them all as well as focusing on one, thats a fact. Not to say im any good at the one i focus but there is just no way to play them all, as effectively as focusing on one.


That having been said, i play all at times to better understand them, what they can and cannot do, how they work etc... but always seem to find my way back to my Merc/Mando.


The reason... simple, i prefer ranged hybrid play. Always have in these games whether its WoW, GW2, whatever its just my preferred play style.


The only other class that fits that description in this game would be the Sorc/Sage and i would be quite the hypocrite to jump to FOTM. IDK maybe thats what the game has come to, who knows. I like the class it just feels so darned easy in comparison to the Merc/Mando PVP wise.


Agreed. Even with all my toons, I would say I'm only at the top of my game on some of them. I'm still pretty good on the others, but it's like I'm in a whole other class when I'm playing my favourites.


Since launch I've seen every class be OP and UP. I've always tried to avoid FOTM classes, but sometimes that's not possible. The real gauge of someone's dedication to a class is also playing it when it's UP. I've got nothing against people who play a FOTM if they've always played it even when it's considered rubbish.


Like you, I've always loved range. I think it can be more tactical than straight melee, but so is stealth, which is probably the most tactical class "if" used as intended. But I've also learned to love melee. I actually learned how to play a Mara when they were considered rubbish in PVP. I got extremely good because people weren't used to playing against them (not many about). Then they get a buff or two and heaps of people start playing them, time to move on to another class.


What really annoys me about the Sorc FOTM status is it's based on Madness and Healing. No one could say that Lightning is OP or FOTM. Every nerf people are calling for on the class will also nerf Lightning. I wish people wouldn't call for whole class ability nerfs and only call for specific spec nerfs that are actually making the class OP. I see so many people asking for bubble nerfs and phase walk nerfs. But these are fine in lightning. What they should be asking for is a reduction in DPS or healing output for the FOTM specs


I love Sorc Lighning, it gives you the sort of hybrid between dualing melee or ranged. My only criticism with the spec is the instant burst nerf they received because the Devs got confused with Force Storm being OP and the fact that they put it in the rotation. Other than that, Lightning is extremely fun, it just needs a little bit more burst. I've actually got a madness Sorc but it's so boring.

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I have deleted some yes, but mostly I retired them on other servers (server transfers). The only class I currently have at level 65 is a Fury Marauder. Fully geared and with augments he can do a lot of damage, but level 65 is just a clusterfork in my world. Besides I enjoy the feel of progression, of leveling up and getting new skills. Level 65 only have... valor? The most valor I ever managed was about level 80-81.


I am currently playing midbies with my level 54 juggernaut tank, but I might soon which back to operative or healer merc. So flaky :o.

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I have deleted some yes, but mostly I retired them on other servers (server transfers). The only class I currently have at level 65 is a Fury Marauder. Fully geared and with augments he can do a lot of damage, but level 65 is just a clusterfork in my world. Besides I enjoy the feel of progression, of leveling up and getting new skills. Level 65 only have... valor? The most valor I ever managed was about level 80-81.


I am currently playing midbies with my level 54 juggernaut tank, but I might soon which back to operative or healer merc. So flaky :o.


Don't delete them, as a subscriber I think you now get 16 toons per server for free.


Also if you want to have some fun with different specs, roll another of the same class and lvl in a different spec. Rage Juggs are fun to lvl. Or try an Arsenal Merc. If you really want a challenge and a good story if you like doing that, roll a sniper.

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Don't delete them, as a subscriber I think you now get 16 toons per server for free.


Also if you want to have some fun with different specs, roll another of the same class and lvl in a different spec. Rage Juggs are fun to lvl. Or try an Arsenal Merc. If you really want a challenge and a good story if you like doing that, roll a sniper.


I have done all of that many times :o

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