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10 Good
  1. I'd like to see your Team Ranked SR to be honest, or even better: I'd like to see you stream your gameplay so that we can see what an awesome "I can counter everything" - Player you are. Hilarious.
  2. Ich glaube er ist sich über die Bedeutung des Wortes "Diskretion" nicht so ganz im Klaren.
  3. Too mobile? Why do Operatives still have a shadowstep and two immunity rolls then? Why do Snipers have a Roll (and a reset cooldown for that roll) while the class is designed to be stationary? Why can literally every Range DPS (except for snipers (thank god)) cast skills while moving? Why do Sorcs get Force Speed, Phasewalk and an "Oh **** Squirrels!"- Paladinbubble? Why do Fury Maras get a ******** of immunities, jumps and rootbreak predations? Why do Juggernauts get a ******** of jumps and dashes? Literally EVERY Class right now is more mobile than Assassins x) Great Job Bioware! I mean, what do you people expect of a Dev-Team that can only play Sorcs/Sages on their Devstreams? Here a video to show you people why bioware can't properly balance this game: Enjoy yourselves and have a good laugh! P.S.: Not my video.
  4. I couldn't agree more to what you just said mate. The core problem of balancing in this game has always been a Dev-Team that couldn't give a single **** about player opinions. In the past 6 years, there were SO MANY posts in which players tried to reason and actually HELP the Dev-Team to improve this game, but they just didn't care, because their philosophy is the complete opposite of that what you just quoted. Now the funny thing is, that swtor is just a WoW copycat in several areas and "features". I personally don't understand, why they constantly try to copy the most successful MMO there is, but fail to look at their Developers philosophy. Now to say something about the idea of separated balancing for PvE and PvP: Blizzard had a very simple solution for this in WoW. They simply changed how some abilities worked in PvE/Questing and in PvP and WROTE A NOTE INSIDE THE TOOLTIPS of said abilities. For example: "Ability X does Y amount of healing and provides a procc that increases Z's critical chance by 30%. In PvP, this procc only provides 20%." Another Example: They changed the way how critical hits worked. In PvE your critical strikes increased the damage dealt by the ability by 100%, so you did double the damage. In PvP the critical strikes only deal 50% more damage. And to be honest, if a player is not able to read the tooltips of his spells and abilities, then he can't be considered "average", he can't even be considered "below average". Players who fail at reading their abilities are bad and always will be, unless they gain some intelligence at some point. So the issue with balancing PvE/PvP through seperate skill mechanics (in the way of buffing/nerfing specific proccs etc. for the different Gametypes) is not a problem of making the game more complex than it is now. It is actually reducing its complexity through being more transparent with the gamemodes and what effects certain skills will have in PvP. But that is just my opinion, I might be wrong, I might be right, feel free to discuss about it. tl;dr: I approve of this thread and what sparks is trying to achieve! /thumbs up.
  5. Don't know what problems you all have I'm perfectly fine with how Sins are performing at the moment, considering the **** bioware gave us since 3.0. Sure it would be better to have a Burst buff and a gap closer on seperate abilities, but it's just working fine as it is right now. If you want to use it as a gap closer and still profit from the burst, just open up with Phantom Stride and you'll have that extra Discharge. Sure it won't profit of a recklessness stack, but in my opinion and with my gear the critchance of it is already quite high. And if you're not using the 3 Reck stack utility you won't profit from the extra discharge anyways because Ball Lightning is worth way more than a second discharge right after the first one. And it's like that since the Surge nerf for Discharge. I have neither a problem with closing gaps, nor do I have a problem bursting people down quickly. Maybe you should stop looking at the class and it's nonexistent problems and start looking at your abilities as a player
  6. Dunno what kind of shadow you seem to be playing but my sins and shadows all got a new gap closer called phantom stride
  7. Actually, literally every class has become easier to play as of 3.0 and 4.0 thanks to flashy procc effects on your quickbar and the almost complete removal of RNG proccs. You don't need to pay attention to anything in your buff bar's and will still do better than most did before 3.0, so obviously you haven't played before 3.0, or you just can't remember how it was. The cliff between really really good deception sins from 2.x to beginners, or even average sins was WAY bigger than it is at the moment. 3.0 and it's class and skill system changes were just utter **** in my opinion and if it would be possible I'd instantly roll back to how the game was before those last 2 Addons. But back to topic: In my Opinion the only "Damage Buff" Sin's would need is an alternate Duplicity Procc on Low Slash with a seperate ICD and maybe either a Maul damage increase of said procc back to 30% instead of 20%, OR a slight Surge Buff because at the moment, Arsenal Mercs are the only class that hasn't been touched by any kind of surge nerf iirc, which is why they are still dealing insane crits. But other than that: Deception is - as other said before - more about managing your CC's than it is about facebursting and when I hear people complaining about the fact that they need to use 3 skills to burst and that other classes do only need 2 skills than you should probably start rerolling that other class Sins Burst is fine in combination with it's CC capabilities.
  8. My go-to class is - and probably will always be - my assassin, favorably in deception or darkness, sometimes even hatred altho I find this specc clunky as **** and not as fun to play as it used to be back in 3.0 (yes it was OP as fck back then but I really liked its playstyle with 30m deathfield and spread on deathfield. They should've reduced the dot damage on spreaded targets or smth but not the range on DF and its ability to spread the dots ) But what I basically wanted to say is, that I also rotate from time to time, but those "secondary mains" sometimes change, At the moment I mostly play Assassin > Marauder > Mercenary. Maybe next month it's Assassn > PT > Sniper again or somth like that. Assassin is always my favorite class to play and therefore my main.
  9. Das hatten die doch 2.(7) glaube ich beim Smasher gemacht. Im PvE und an NPCs zählt der Wogenbonus für alle Ziele, an Spielern, also im PvP zählt der Wogenbonus nur noch für das anvisierte Ziel, der rest wird nur mit dem normalen Kritschaden getroffen. Aber ich vermute dass der eine Dev der das hingekriegt hat, danach an der Anstrengung gestorben ist und sie nun keinen mehr haben. Dazu dann noch €A's Investitionsverweigerungen... Bioware sollte das Spiel komplett resetten und von vorn anfangen, oder bei 2.0 wieder einsteigen und alles was seit 3.0 passiert ist einäschern, denn dieses Update hat Schrittweise damit begonnen das Spiel zu zerstören.
  10. Alternative ist The Red Eclipse, was so ziemlich das neue ToFN geworden ist. Allerdings englischsprachig.
  11. They should bring back 2.x mechanics and the old skilltree. 3.0 and everything that came after that was just awful and destroyed the game in my opinion. When you look at how todays "hybrids" are compared to the old ones, which were the reason for bw to introduce the discipline skill system... Skanktanks and offhealing sages are waaaaaaaay stronger than any hybrid specc was back in 2.x. But well, I guess that this train already departed for good...
  12. Es ist doch jedesmal das gleiche. Die Dev's übersehen wie üblich vollkommen den springenden Punkt, weshalb Klassen OP/UP, bzw zu stark oder zu schwach sind und schaffen es nach 5 Jahren immernoch nicht, PvP und PvE getrennt zu balancen. Den DoT-Assa haben sie mit 3.0 endlich mal spaßig gestaltet, dass man echt eine tolle Hybrid-Mid-Range-Klasse hatte, dabei jedoch die DoT-Stärke derartig heftig überzogen dass sie schlichtweg OP wurde. Anstatt dort dann eine andere Spread-Mechanik einzufügen, die den Schaden reguliert (z.B: dass nur die Dot's auf deinem Maintarget 100% Schaden machen und auf allen gestreuten Zielen nur noch 50-75% - ähnlich der Smash Änderung vor 3.0) nehmen sie Ihm zuerst die 30m Range vom Todesfeld weg und kurz darauf sogar den Dotspread, damit man mit Lacerate - was verfehlen kann - spreaden muss und der ganze Specc einfach nur noch clunky und scheiße wird, während Madness nahezu unverändert blieb. Und jetzt nerfen sie schon wieder etwas völlig falsches weil sie keine Ahnung von ihrem eigenen Spiel haben und nehmen einer weiteren Klasse ihren Spielstil weg (PTs. ebenfalls eine Mid-Range-Hybrid-Klasse). Noch dazu packen sie den kram nichtmal auf den PTS damit die Community es testen und ein Feedback geben kann bevor es live geht, nein sie hauen es direkt auf die Live Server im nächsten Patch und lassen das dann wieder für Monate so, denn "sie haben dann ja was fürs Balancing getan" . Und ich musste echt lachen als ich vorhin gelesen habe dass der Sorc ja nur an 2. oder 3. Stelle stehen würde. :'D Das mag für's PvE durchaus berechtigt sein und da sage ich an dieser stelle dass ich da auch keine tiefgehenden Erfahrungen habe, aber ich hatte PvE immer so in erinnerung dass man - bei einem vernünftigen Tank - außerhalb besonderer Bossmechaniken, eher seltenst, bis gar nicht als Heiler getroffen, unterbrochen oder gestunned wird. Da ist es dann kein Wunder dass Mercs ganz vorne mit dabei sind, doch ist es umso lustiger dass das ganze dann auf's PvP übertragen wird, wo du als Merc Heiler einfach hinterher hinkst. Ich kenne diverse gute Mercheiler und jeder einzelne hinkt hinter einem durchschnittlich gespieltem - und erst recht sehr gut gespieltem - Sorc Heiler hinterher und das meist um 1-2k hps. Also bitte Zuiisitzu: Halt die Klappe wenn du keine Ahnung hast wovon du redest. Ich kann dir auch mal anbieten im Team Ranked gegen dich und deinen meisterlich gespielten Merc oder Sabo Healer anzutreten und wir schauen wie lange du gegen unseren Sorc Heiler bestehst und vorallem, ob du danach immernoch der Meinung bist, dass andere Leute ihren Merc oder Sabo nicht richtig spielen können.
  13. I got a new one last year and I pretty much can play every game that came out since last year at high to ultra high settings with 60+ fps. Only in swtor I get drops from 100+ on the fleet, to 15 in warzones. And sometimes on the fleet, depending on how many people are standing next to me, I already drop to 70 or lower. And it's just frustrating because I always get the feeling that with each new patch, the performance is going to get worse.
  14. One of the bigger questions that I'd ask him would be if they think that the games performance - as it is at the moment - is good, or how they justify that people with high-end computers have heavier impacts on performance (ie. unstable FPS) than people with older computers have. Because everytime I am in a warzone and everybody starts to hit skills, my FPS are dropping from 90 to 12-18. And I know that this isn't only a problem that only I have, because many other people have the same issues. So it would be nice if you could ask him about this.
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