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Everything posted by ridge_guardian

  1. Bioware has never made a attempt to actually balance the system they just kinda do random changes and ride it out, They don't actually have a pvp designer working for them or anyone to design a new gear system (why they still the ridiculous token grind). They really need to hire some new people to come in and spruce it up but they know the game is already on its last legs so its more likely it will stay dropping in population like it is until its been up 9-11 years and then it will shut down with a new star wars mmo launching a day or 2 later. Its exactly what they did with Star Wars Galaxies, it is exactly what they will do again. Look at powertech vs mercenary, PT has almost no dcd's, the only self heal they have only heals them up to 40% of their max health and won't heal them any farther then 40%, and if they spec into it their shoulder cannon can heal them for (very little) per shot which is pretty much useless sense it only gives you about 7k health every shot for 4-7shots and they can only shoot 1 at a time. Meanwhile mercs can do the same but to 70% health while having another instant heal abiltity, which if they use their other cd's right they can get 2 instant heals, plus a reflect sheild, plus the small energy shield the pt's have, they have the hydraulic overrides pt's have, PT's do have a grapple, however mercs have a jetboost that shoots them 20meters backwards to counter that so /kindastupid.
  2. ridge_guardian


    There is no point cause my 208 gear bolsters higher. then basic 230.
  3. Did this the other day vs a sage and sent at grass on my 70 op with 208 gear, blew the sent up and then stealthed and instantly cc'd and started regening my hp, then tore that sage apart and capped it as the sent came back to only die again. They were bads.
  4. ridge_guardian


    There is literally no point. My 208 gear bolsters me above 230. No. Its retarded when I am already out damaging and out healing others by miles when I have no gear, If I had full gear it wouldn't even be close, its no fun to play the game and be doing barley better then fully geared people and the only reason they can keep up at all is cause they have a full set of gear and for me to get that same gear its going to take a very long time, so answer me this: Why the hell would I stick around here when I could just go play another game, get pvp, and not have to worry about this stupid mountain of gear. I have no *********** wish to "enjoy the path" I am a pvper and a pvper only the path is PVP and if its going to be stretched out and as grindy as possible I will just go back to elderscrolls online. There is NO point in anyone that is solely interested in pvp to stick around and grind gear just so they can be on a level playing field. Entire point is Grinding Kills pvp faster then these broken *** mercs with 10billion dcd's like seriously who thought that it was a good idea to overload a ranged dps with that much defensive cooldowns. I played my jug, my sorc, my op, and finally got around to logging in my merc and was blown away by how 0 skill that class has become, it is literally a I win class, it can tank more damage then my juggernaut and has more utility. All its missing is guard and it becomes god class, But that is besides the point that why the hell would I grind to command rank 300 (on each character), and farm for days to get 1 gear piece at a time when I can go to any other game jump in and have fun. I was in a voidstar on my veng jug and I broke over5k dps and all did was sit on the enemys only healer all game, just focused him 24/7 and ofcourse with my dps alone I still can't bring down a merc healer, I can annoy them but cannot kill them, Where is the "fun" when I have the highest damage in the match, over 5k dps in my 208 gear, and still can only tickle a merc healer? There is no "enjoy the path" when you literally are not on a level playing field.
  5. ridge_guardian


    So came back to the game, had about 60k pvp comms saved up last time a took a break and you guys deleted my coms and gave me credits.... great you screwed me cause I can't use those credits to get the new gear. Ok so I have played 63 warzones and I am now command rank 50, I only have 370/774 components I need for my mainhand. So let me get this strait I have played 63warzones and I am not even half way to getting 1 piece of gear? That is literally the biggest FU I have ever seen in a games pvp gear system, Im leaving the game again maybe if you fix this ridiculous grind I will come back, I just want to pvp I do not want to spend a month just trying to get gear so I can have fun. I should be able to jump in and start having fun, that is how you keep me as a player not adding in a mountain of grinding. I get your struggling to keep a player base so in your mind adding a ridiculous grind is 2nd hand to content but its not the answer and you have only driven me away and with me I am taking two guildies to go play eso so your losing 3 players. if nothing else listen to this PVPERS DO NOT WANT TO GRIND, ITS SIMPLE JUST LET US PICK WHAT WARZONES WE WANT TO PLAY AND GIVE US THE GEAR TO PLAY WITH AND WE WILL BE HAPPY. When I left this game last time it was cause I only really enjoy the 4v4's and huttball, I have no interest in any of your other warzones but I will play huttball all day, I got tired of spending 90% of my warzones and pvp time stuck in warzones I don't like. I also have no interest in any other aspect of your game other then pvp. Don't lump us pvpers in with the pve'ers and assume we want to climb a mountain of grinding. 1.Let us pick the maps that we queue for in warzone 2. Remove the grind from the pvp gear system. (I don't mind earning the gear like it was before, but this is just stupid, seriously whoever designed it needs to have their job checked. If you want I offer to replace them for free you can skype me into any of your meetings and I will fix your game for you). Until then, Bye Bye.
  6. ridge_guardian


    If you seriously think the influx of new players is balancing with the old ones leaving you are so miserably blind. I have been on this game sense launch and it has ONLY gone down down down, I have not ever seen the population take a curve up. Even 1 year ago there was still people on pot5 and now best it gets is 12-20, there is really only 1 server that has a still stable population. The guild I pvp with has gone from having 4 or 5 premades in pvp at all times to being lucky if we can get 4 dudes online. All my friends that I have played with have moved to other games except 2. Even I have left and come back before for the new story but most do not. This game is on the same Downward spiral that Star wars galaxys was on after it released its NGE patch which put it in the grave. That game shut down 1 day before swtor launched and when the license for this game is up they will do the exact same thing with a new StarWars MMO.
  7. They need to shut this game down and start work on a redone version of Star wars galaxies.
  8. Yes because this games pvp is so shallow you have to keep rotating to keep it somewhat fresh sense bioware never changes it up.
  9. Well sense we are listing fictional conspiracies dont forget the bible!
  10. Sorcerer Make force lightning do around 30k damage a cast so us madness sorcs can cast it forever and melt people, thanks bye.
  11. Seriously this can not stand. Bioware needs to buff sorcs so hard. Force lightning dosn't do near enough damage and the dots barley do anything. Meanwhile other class's can JUMP to you can start doing HUGE hits. Seriously bioware needs to fix this class and make it great again. MAKE SORCS GREAT AGAIN
  12. Money would be better spent on that then a sub to swtor.
  13. I leave all novaar coasts, and all odessan warzones. i fcking hate them so much. If queue pops are flowing I will simply leave strait away for anything thats not basic Huttball. Its the only warzone I like. I can stomache civil war and voidstar somtimes if queue's are low but thats it. Don't even get me started on queshball, I wont play queshball unless im in a premade. fcking hate it too. If its a arena I will simply look at my teammates if any of them are in sht gear or its a sht comp then im out of their too. If there was a matchmaking system at all that would be great and if I could simply choose what warzones to play that would be amazing and save everyone a lot of time.
  14. I have suggested a ranking system like you just described so many times and a matchmaking system to go along with it to properly place people for match's but bioware won't do it. I don't know why. A matchmaking system has been asked for sense the launch of the game and we have never seen one. It would keep the noobs from getting steam rolled and it would keep the higher teir players out of games were there team is getting roflstomped and the game turns into a 1v8 for 10mins.
  15. Premading isn't a way to take advantage of people its a way to escape ******* that ruin games. If so many pugs weren't absolute garbage and even had a clue how to play you wouldn't have near as many premades. I'm not saying everyone needs to be a pro, i'm just saying if all the pugs were at least half way decent we wouldn't need to group to get away from them. dude a few days ago was a pyro merc wearing full green and blue gear. I told him he should get some pvp gear when he can and he said he plays for fun and not for competition so he has no need for the gear and guess what, we lost and he had 30k damage done at the end of 2 rounds of the 4v4. Their is no point to play with garbage players that don't even want to try. I only play my operative in solo q cause its the only class I can personally enjoy when the rest of my team is garbage and is getting face rolled. If I have friends to play with I will jump over to my sorc or my jug or any of my other characters cause I know I can have a fun game sense my team wont just be getting face rolled in the spawn.
  16. I like the idea of a PvP planet. Ilum failed becuase it was supposed to be open world pvp in a small area and the objectives and layout made it a total zerg fest. I would like to see a pvp planet great in size and lacking the objectives that created the zerging. It would be super fun to have a huge OPEN area to pvp in. But at the same time there has to be some sort of reward for open world pvp. I can kill 1000 people but there is no reward currently. I can imagine a new com just for that area that you gained by killing players in that area and that com being used to get various rewards. As fun as it would be and a renewed interest in the game for open world pvpers it will never happen because bioware doesn't care they just want money. I do think the planet should have no pve missions or npc mobs. I don't like the idea of their being bases cause those bases will always be camped. It would be nice to start in a ship above the planet and use a escape pod to enter the planet and map which would drop you at a random location on the map, then upon die'ing you would spawn back into the ship and there would be your vendors and such. This could all take place on really any planet if they didn't want to create a new one but I would hope that they would. I would hope that the planet would be at least the size of tatooine, and be very open. They could do this on zakuul and just make a new area of the swamps but leave it very open, or even odessan as a "training" thing and it would give them just another way to feature these worlds. The area should throttle the amount of coms each kill based off how many people were attacking that person, this would discourage grouping and therefor zerging and encourage small groups and solo pvpers in the area. Including missions will eventually lead the area to be flooded with pver's such as we saw when they introduced the ilum pvp area missions, people would stand in lines to complete the daily's cause they didn't want to fight for them. Including pve mobs has no advantage and shouldn't be done either So whats the purpose of this area? Open world pvp (by far the funnest pvp if you have ever played a good game that had open world pvp). Why would people pvp there, for the rewards (with no rewards nobody would ever bother). These rewards could be titles, stronghold items, cosmetic items, emotes, speeders, credits, valor, possibly even materials. Bioware can even market a 1 week pass to the area for the free to players, boom now bioware is making money off it as well as another way to market the game to pvpers which the population of in swtor is dropping. This could only be a good investment for bioware there is really no reason for them not to do it.
  17. If your going to give pvpers random bonus loot make it cosmetic only, And make it based off how well they do. Noobs don't deserve cool stuff until they learn to get better.
  18. Overwatch is not a Rpgmmo though, Different games. If we are going to include overwatch we might as well include call of duty and other cancer games. Voice coms is EXTREMELY common place in first person shooters. Not so much in MMO's.
  19. The game PSU, Phantasy star Universe was a smaller mmo, and would automatically let you voice chat with anyone in your group, one of the best parts of that game.
  20. I really like that name, Sorcerer wars the Old republic, it has a nice ring to it with a hint of truth and irony.
  21. If you did 10k dps you would kill everyone on their team before they had a chance to get the ball. And most of these players are doing just dps. They sit and they hit some buttons in that direction then they die. I have seen sorcs that pop their 6 second invincibility bubble just cause they got cc'd once, doesn't matter if they still have over 80% health. Its purely that some players do not care to be good or try they want to look at the screen and hit some buttons, don't try to make excuses for them. There are times when players are playing objectively and guarding nodes and such but we are talking about something entirely different. We are talking about the players that don't do anything but dps and they still don't even do that. I mostly play solo q on my operative and believe me, I come across these players a lot. I basically specialize in finding them and spawn killing them over and over, or taking objectives from them over and over. My favorite is to stand behind them and watch them use their knockback and just stand still not able to hit me cause they are facing the wrong way cause they are so disconnected from the game they don't even know how to turn around.
  22. Its because they are just terrible players man. Plain and simple. I have boggled over this for so long having so many similar experiences to you and it really comes down to these people are just TERRIBLE at swtor. I know its hard to believe this game is one of the easiest and simplest to play out there, but yes these people are that terrible. They need to make a full set of ranked gear cost more, I can get a full set of ranked gear in just a few days by switching through characters and completing their pvp daily's and weeklys every day. It doesn't have to do with matchmaking or anything like that, its plain and simple that some players do not care if they are bad or not, and they do not care if they ruin the game for you. Only thing you can do is premade up cause thats 3 less of them that could be on your team. most of the time if you offer help they don't want it cause they just don't care about pvp, they just want to stare at the screen and hit buttons.
  23. /agreed if this game wasn't Star Wars it would be long dead, The Star Wars title is the only thing been keeping this turd'a'float.
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