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So, I just destroyed the magical lightsaber


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I couldn't accept to use a weapon infused with the power of two untrustworthy people, with my Jedi. So, I actually... Trashed it.


I wonder if I will be able to complete future chapters anyway.

Edited by Audoucet
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I sold it:D


....it will be interesting if it matters beyond the gameplay (which is strange buff to give us as Arcann was never dangerous in the gameplay part...he always kicked our *** in cutscenes)....but I really doubt it:)

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Let's just hope that if it is harder the ones that destroy or sold or whatever they did do not come to the forums complaining that they should have made it known that it was going to be needed in the fight.


Of course, I will do that. I surely will complain about it, no doubt. You know what ? Because they won't take my action into account in any way, story wise.


If they actually take it into account, I mean, if there really is a reference in the story about the fact that I got rid of that dark sided piece of junk, then I will accept any consequences gladly, even my character's death ! But if I'm forced to still have it story-wise... Yeah, I will whine my *** off.

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Of course, I will do that. I surely will complain about it, no doubt. You know what ? Because they won't take my action into account in any way, story wise.


If they actually take it into account, I mean, if there really is a reference in the story about the fact that I got rid of that dark sided piece of junk, then I will accept any consequences gladly, even my character's death ! But if I'm forced to still have it story-wise... Yeah, I will whine my *** off.


I hope we could have the dialog option in that showdown, which we can choose to use the weapon to fight him or "I'm going to kick your *** with my own power" after we throw the weapon aside.

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I kept it but I replaced all the mods because it looked better with the outfit my character is wearing than the one I was using.


I actually tried the other way around, I wanted the mods for my current weapon, but I couldn't take it.

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Let's just hope that if it is harder the ones that destroy or sold or whatever they did do not come to the forums complaining that they should have made it known that it was going to be needed in the fight.


I very much agree. Plus after all the effort I put into making this thing, half a chapter no less, I don't think chucking it away is smart tactics, regardless of who helped me make it, I want to curbstomp Arcann. End of story.

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We shouldn't need a stupid Exalibur glowstick anyway.

If anything we should beat Arcann and Vaylin with our OWN powers and abilities.




All my characters will be using their own weapons. Space Excalibur will just sit in the inventory.

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I sold it:D


....it will be interesting if it matters beyond the gameplay (which is strange buff to give us as Arcann was never dangerous in the gameplay part...he always kicked our *** in cutscenes)....but I really doubt it:)


I don't think that's possible. It is bound to the character who picks it up and it has no value, hence can't be given to any other character by an means, can't be stored anywhere but in the the character's own cargo hold (not guild- or legacy storage) or traded to a character by other means (GTN, direct trade or mail).

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I sold it:D


....it will be interesting if it matters beyond the gameplay (which is strange buff to give us as Arcann was never dangerous in the gameplay part...he always kicked our *** in cutscenes)....but I really doubt it:)


To you and the one above who trashed it: You, as a player, can make that choice, of course. You can also feel that the two people who have thrown their support to you without asking anything in return are "untrustworthy". The reasons are yours and yours alone.


But if in character someone supports you by giving you a very special weapon which does nothing more (nor less) extending your very own power you should feel the consequence of carelessly throwing that aside as "trash". What if your defense in the upcoming fight is calculated as (own defense and attack rating) * 100 * (lightsaber buff), thus giving you a much stronger defense/attack IF you wield the sword but a rating of 0 (!!) if not?


As you said above - I doubt it too, but I'd like to see that :D It should be noted, that there was no option in the dialogue to completely refuse their help, as it clearly made no sense at all. I wish that people who disregard the story to such level would face extremely harsh consequences up to being unable to complete and have to start all over... but hey, that's wishful thinking for ya ;)

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I hope that it does give you a buff or something. I have a better saber/pistol but I am saving it just in case there is a particular reason for it. I doubt they would just give you something tied to the story that is not going to make any difference in the story.


I could be wrong but I hope not.

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To you and the one above who trashed it: You, as a player, can make that choice, of course. You can also feel that the two people who have thrown their support to you without asking anything in return are "untrustworthy". The reasons are yours and yours alone.


But if in character someone supports you by giving you a very special weapon which does nothing more (nor less) extending your very own power you should feel the consequence of carelessly throwing that aside as "trash". What if your defense in the upcoming fight is calculated as (own defense and attack rating) * 100 * (lightsaber buff), thus giving you a much stronger defense/attack IF you wield the sword but a rating of 0 (!!) if not?


Well as I said, no problem with consequences gameplay wise, if it is taken into account story wise.


If there is a reference to it in dialogues even though I destroyed it, well it is a bug, and I will totally complain.

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What would be even more cool is if you people who didn't destroy it found out that it was a trap, and that you're now tied definitely to Valk, while people like me win the game. It would make me laugh so much.
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Blindly accepting the way of your enemy to beat him isn't knowledge, that's just emotion.

That's a complete non sequitur, and destroying the weapon prevents you from learning about it.


What would be even more cool is if you people who didn't destroy it found out that it was a trap, and that you're now tied definitely to Valk, while people like me win the game. It would make me laugh so much.

Well, aside from the fact that such a move would be exceedingly selfish, it also wouldn't matter, as once the plot point came up that it was a trap, anyone could back out of the conversation and destroy the weapon.

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If you would look on the weapon itself it states the following:


Constructed in the wilderness of Odessen, this unique weapon has special properties that make it significantly more powerful when facing Arcann in battle.


It is on the weapon itself so it does seem to indicate that the weapon will be more powerful in the battle.

Edited by casirabit
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What would be even more cool is if you people who didn't destroy it found out that it was a trap, and that you're now tied definitely to Valk, while people like me win the game. It would make me laugh so much.


And for some people (from their posts) they would like to be tied to Valk and so in their eyes they would win depending on how you view Valk.


From some of the posts I have read a lot of people like him and bowed to him.

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What if your defense in the upcoming fight is calculated as (own defense and attack rating) * 100 * (lightsaber buff), thus giving you a much stronger defense/attack IF you wield the sword but a rating of 0 (!!) if not?



As far as I can see the problem with that is that depending on what you choose you are given different buffs. So the devs can't give Arcann attack that one shot you unless you have the lightsaber, as some of these buffs doesn't give you damage reduction but attack. And again there are too many classes and variations of what they can do. It is similar problem when enemies taunting you - maybe I am dps and kicking their asses so it's funny when they taunt how weak you are compared to them...or maybe I am healer and just toying with them and nothing they do can really hurt me. Or let's go back to the one hit idea - even if they do it and disregard the buffs, but only if you are wielding the LS or not, there are classes who can (for a shot time) make themselves completely immune to damage. They would have to ignore their own battle system. Which is why I find giving us buff with it funny...not the item itself (they decided that is good middle ground - I don't like it mind you (I wish they gave us SI's the choice to bind Marr's spirit), but I can live with it).


Edit: Sorry I seem to have misunderstood what I quoted:....which...maybe doesn't matter as it requires too much assumptions? on my part (like are there classes that can beat Arcann without any armor/defense/etc - which I believe there are, but that can be argued so..., or the reverse if no attack as I don't know exactly how dots work and if a healer...maybe, maybe not) to answer you and....let's not:D

Edited by Saelinne
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If you would look on the weapon itself it states the following:


Constructed in the wilderness of Odessen, this unique weapon has special properties that make it significantly more powerful when facing Arcann in battle.


It is on the weapon itself so it does seem to indicate that the weapon will be more powerful in the battle.

It is indeed on the weapon, and not the 200-rated mods. The first thing I did when I got my Arcann-slayer weapon was to put my 220/216/216 mods in it from my existing weapon. And fit it with an augment to match the one in my existing weapon.


And it *still* says all that stuff about the wilderness.

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