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So why are former maxed affection companions


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bumped down to level 10 when you get them back in KOTFE? Vette was maxed out now she is crap level 10 and have to re-grind out her level again. Was this stated somewhere, did I miss something? I didn't notice this on some of the other companions but I have only maxed 1 on each class. Will it screw up future story lines to just grab them from the terminal on Odessen?
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bumped down to level 10 when you get them back in KOTFE? Vette was maxed out now she is crap level 10 and have to re-grind out her level again. Was this stated somewhere, did I miss something? I didn't notice this on some of the other companions but I have only maxed 1 on each class. Will it screw up future story lines to just grab them from the terminal on Odessen?


the pre-KOTFE cap of 10,000 "affection" was translated into Level 10 "influence" and the cap was raised significantly.


This will be true of all companions.


No, pulling companions out via the terminal has nothing to do w/ story content- they are separate; just as (I think?) if a companion "dies" during the story, you can still call them as a companion outside of KOTFE.

Edited by Calinaph
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the pre-KOTFE cap of 10,000 "affection" was translated into Level 10 "influence" and the cap was raised significantly.



From his post it sounded like he had Vette at 50 and got her back at 10.


If so that's a horrible bug they need to address pronto.

Edited by Mykra
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I had kaliyo to level 30 before KOTFE and after I got her back she was level 10. Its not fair to grind influence with these companions just to lose it when we do the new chapters. I have only gone thru KOTFE on 3 of my toons because I don't want to lose the influence for doin crew missions.
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I had kaliyo to level 30 before KOTFE and after I got her back she was level 10.

Whoa! That's terrible.


I wonder if this is a recent bug?


Early in the 4.0 launch, I got M1-4X to rank 50 influence before starting KotFE, and we was still at rank 50 when I got him back during Chapter IX.

Edited by Khevar
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I had kaliyo to level 30 before KOTFE and after I got her back she was level 10. Its not fair to grind influence with these companions just to lose it when we do the new chapters. I have only gone thru KOTFE on 3 of my toons because I don't want to lose the influence for doin crew missions.


Before KOFTE was released, or before you started KOFTE?

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I think OP means that pre 4.0 companions with max. affection (10k) got only to level 10 influence with start of 4.0.


I do agree that influence level 10 is not much - if you play a new character you will end up easily with a higher influence - you can get the companions very easy to at least level 20 with level 1 gifts. Additionally with the influence from the story/quests you are around 30 or even higher I think.


Now with a character already past their class story you can mostly give gifts. There is still Ilum, Makeb and Rishi, but I don't think those stories add much to the companion influence. So starting with influence level 10 you get them easily to 20 but then - no (or not much) story influence anymore. Leaves you with level 20 influence characters with a long way up to 50.


To make it short I think the maxed companions pre 4.0. should have got with start of 4.0 at least influence level 20 or better 30. I don't expect level 50 as I think this is even more a grind than the previous 10k affection but influence level 10 is too low.


I am even thinking of re-playing some of my old characters to get the companions on higher influence level. They all don't need to be 50 but having several companions with level 20 or 30 is better than having all of them on level 10.

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Affection shouldn't reset from a former level, once the companion returns in the story.


The idea behind raised affection is that 10K or so is workable, though not optimal. - Some need to be raised to 10K before they join you - Lokin, Bowdaar, Qyzen etc.


If you keep doing Heroic missions every week to get boxes for Hylo Visz and Sana Rae and the others, with the commander's share you get gifts to raise affection for your companions........ BUT:


- Though at the rate you do the heroics, it's not going to happen fast. - For instance I've cashed in around 400 boxes, and still only have 3 companions at rank 50, and maybe 15-20 at rank 20-40. Then I got rather burned out and couldn't be bothered any more.


The model is that you grind these missions every day/week/month for the duration of KotFE. -By then you might have maxxed every available companion on one or two characters. - Yay!


- Remember the BW formula:


Endlessly repeating old content over and over and over and over ( waves hand)




All shiny and new and not-boring at all. - Ever!



-I'm kinda surprised they didn't make you run through your 1-50 story 10 more times on every character, telling you it's all "new and nostalgic and really fun" TBH. - /sarcasm.


Basically they couldn't afford / be bothered to make new stuff so they repackaged the old stuff and hoped no-one would notice. - But after ~ 8 months, everyone can see the emperor's new clothes.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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The question stands though. Did you get them to 10k "affection" before KoTFE was ever released. Like before October. Or did you raise a brand new character after KoTFE was released and got them to 50 "Influence" and then when you got them back from KotFE chapter or recruitment and they were at 10 "Influence". There is a difference.
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I had kaliyo to level 30 before KOTFE and after I got her back she was level 10. Its not fair to grind influence with these companions just to lose it when we do the new chapters. I have only gone thru KOTFE on 3 of my toons because I don't want to lose the influence for doin crew missions.


I did NOT have this experience. My Kaliyo was somewhere around influence level 20 before I started the KOTFE story on my agent, and when she returned after the events of Chapter Ten she was still at the same influence rank.


I also had Qyzen at 50 on my sage, and I could bypass his recruitment mission and he came back to me at influence rank 50. Same with Xalek and Talos Drellik on my assassin, iRank 50 prior to starting the KOTFE story, recruited and were still iRank 50. Also, I have a marauder who got Pierce up to iRank 50 prior to starting the KOTFE expansion, and when he came back, he was still 50. My consular is my main so it was early on in the phase of the expansion, so maybe 6 months ago give or take. My agent I got him through chapter 10 to get Kaliyo back just before chapter 12 came out. My mara was some time in November when I got Pierce back. My assassin is more recent, probably within the past month, so definitely before 4.4 but likely after 4.3 if my memory serves. I do have a couple of toons with iRank 50 comps who haven't started the expansion story content yet, so I'll be on the lookout for this bug post 4.4, but I've never had a problem getting back comps at the proper iRank.

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Before KOFTE was released, or before you started KOFTE?


Kaliyo was at 30 before I started the KOTFE chapters. I had raised her influence because this is the toon that I use for armstech and scavenging missions. Before it was called affection and the more affection the quicker they finished and the better chance for multiple crafts and finding purples from missions. I couldn't afford to level affection on all of my companions so I focused on the one I used the most. I also used Kaliyo almost exclusively as my companion from the time I got her until level 65. After I lost the crew, I started using Lana. kaliyo is only now a level 13 but by leveling with her to 65 I would have gained more than 10 levels just from missions and conversations. There is a glitch is the system somewhere, and like I said, im not running my other toons thru it and take the chance on having to re grind the influence again.

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Kaliyo was at 30 before I started the KOTFE chapters. I had raised her influence because this is the toon that I use for armstech and scavenging missions. Before it was called affection and the more affection the quicker they finished and the better chance for multiple crafts and finding purples from missions. I couldn't afford to level affection on all of my companions so I focused on the one I used the most. I also used Kaliyo almost exclusively as my companion from the time I got her until level 65. After I lost the crew, I started using Lana. kaliyo is only now a level 13 but by leveling with her to 65 I would have gained more than 10 levels just from missions and conversations. There is a glitch is the system somewhere, and like I said, im not running my other toons thru it and take the chance on having to re grind the influence again.


That's the confusion. YOu said that you couldn't afford to level affection on all your toons. It didn't get renamed to Influence until after KoTFE was released. Not just the chapters but the actual expansion back in October. Before it was called affection like you said and it wasn't in levels. It was in points and the highest amount of points was 10,000 affection points.


When the expansion was released, they renamed affection to Influence and then converted 10,000 affection points to Level 10 Influence.


So there would be no bug, working as intended.


So the question is, did you level Kalio to Level 30 affection after October 2015 or before October 2015? If you did it before then it would have been affection at 10,000 points and converted to Level 10 Influence which is working as intended.

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So the question is, did you level Kalio to Level 30 affection after October 2015 or before October 2015? If you did it before then it would have been affection at 10,000 points and converted to Level 10 Influence which is working as intended.

I'm with Nightblazer on this, LeeLoou.


You're saying things like "it used to be called affection", so it sounds like you're trying to claim that you leveled Kaliyo to rank 30 influence before 4.0 dropped.


This is completely impossible. A "max affection" companion pre-4.0 became a "rank 10 influence" companion post 4.0.


Actually, this whole thread is a bit confusing. Is anyone claiming the following:


1. AFTER the release of 4.0 (October 20th, 2015),

2. they increased a companion's influence beyond 10,

3. started KOTFE (losing the companion).

4. Played the story until they got the companion back

5. And found that the companion's influence was reset to 10

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Well, technically I lost influence on a companion, though not of one beyond 10. A companion with influence 7 was reset to 1.


It's a weird story.


When I played through Knights of the Fallen Empire with my Imperial Agent, even after completing chapter VII the lady of sorrows I did not get Scorpio back as companion. She was still listed along with Temple, Vector and so forth as unavailable companions.


I wrote one bug report and over the course of half a year four service requests.


At least two of the CSRs didn't realize that not having Scorpio after Lady of Sorrows is indeed a bug.


Eventually a CSR fixed it for me, but not by restoring the old Scorpio, but by creating a new one. I have Scorpio twice in my Companions & Contacts window, the old one on influence rank 7 and the new one, which started out as 1 with no entries in her profile whatsoever, whereas the old one still says "Scorpio dropped out of contact while you were frozen in carbonite".


A couple of days ago it kinda struck me; I believe I found the reason that caused this problem. The character still has a mission that qualifies as class mission in her mission log. Not the main story line, I completed that, but a class mission that branched off at Taris: You need to interact with various holo recordings on Taris to find out what happened to the refugees that traveled to the "Promised Land".

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just for comparison , my experience is these :


- leveled kaliyo to 28 with sniper , prior to starting kotfe , and when i got her back from chap 10 , she still at 28 influence

- leveled aric jorgan to 25 with commando, prior to starting kotfe, and when i got aric from chao 11 , he still at 25 influence

- leveled corso riggs to 21 with smuggler prior to kotfe, and after chap 9 done i summon corso back via console and i got him back at lv 21 influence


bear in mind all above were played during march-april 2016., all played prior to the latest chapter 13 patch..


so if there's a bug , it is a new one since i never encounter such bug prior to latest parch

Edited by milomilome
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I rolled a new (level 1) Imperial Agent last February, around the time Chapter X KotFE was released. My main purpose was to level up Kaliyo's influence through quests as much as I could. I used gifts once I got her and built up the influence with her to 20. Then had her all the time alongside while doing all class and side quests (no discovery quests, though).


Now, as I'm heading to Yavin 4, she's level 43 on influence. I didn't get any influence options since playing SoR chapters, so I don't expect this will change through the remaining Yavin 4 and Ziost quests. Let's hope she'll not reset to 10 once I start KotFE :eek:, but I'll post an update either case once I get there.

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I'm with Nightblazer on this, LeeLoou.


You're saying things like "it used to be called affection", so it sounds like you're trying to claim that you leveled Kaliyo to rank 30 influence before 4.0 dropped.


This is completely impossible. A "max affection" companion pre-4.0 became a "rank 10 influence" companion post 4.0.


Actually, this whole thread is a bit confusing. Is anyone claiming the following:


1. AFTER the release of 4.0 (October 20th, 2015),

2. they increased a companion's influence beyond 10,

3. started KOTFE (losing the companion).

4. Played the story until they got the companion back

5. And found that the companion's influence was reset to 10


Agreed... the OP just needs to answer the simple question... when did the Companion reach level 30? before KOFTE was released? Or before they started playing KOFTE?

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I raised Qyzen Fess's Affection to level 20 before starting KOTFE and when he returned, he was still level 20.


I think it may be a bug if a companion returns with a lower level of affection than they had prior to their return in KOTFE. I've only had Qyzen Fess return as a class companion and my consular is the only one currently going through KOTFE so I cannot yet provide any other examples.

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