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Weapon Tunings

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I would have coded it like an augment kit so you can add the slot to any weapon you want rather than having to rely on the item having a slot. And I hope we see some more easily obtainable tunings in the future without losing out on the quality and "coolness" of the first one.
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Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.



By bringing in a new tier, aren't we right back to the 3 tiers system that you guys were going away from (bronze, silver, gold) = (silver, gold, platinum), only now the tiers are even less likely to drop?

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Hey folks,


As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.



So they went from a 3 system to a 2 system and now back to a 3 system.


Looks like Platinum is the new Gold. SWTOR has officially gone Hip Hop

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Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


[/cough] Edited by TheSeventhJedi
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Hey folks,


Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.




I freaking knew it!!!


Was in Mumble with our usual group last night and someone mentioned the tunings, another guy was like "where do you get those?", we told him the new CM pack...he buys one pack, goes "huh...I got the lightning, are there any other types?". He assumed one dropped with every pack, so he plopped it on his closest weapon.


After finding out the rarity of it, he went on to buy at least another hypercrate and never got another...

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Please consider adding this modification to the collections system.


Them not being there only makes me less likely to buy packs in the future that include these modifications. Currently they are worthless to someone like me with a lot of alts on different servers.

Edited by micnevv
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So the weapon tunings are around the drop rate of say the Marsh Hunter Acklay Mount in the last pack. That means they'll probably end up settling for around 3 to 5 million credits depending on server. Not that bad honestly. The Unstable Lightsabers were Platinum rarity so they went for 40 million credits at launch. So long as they aren't as rare as the Unstable Lightsabers I'm fine with this. Edited by revcrisis
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1.) PLATINUM???? Are you kidding me? Seriously guys. Get over yourselves. How greedy can you be? So on top of purchasing the game. On top of buying xpacs. On top of subscribing every month. On top of buying $100s and even $1,000's of your stupid gambling packs... we can EXPECT to NOT get certain items? Really bro? I. MEAN. REALLY?


2.) COLLECTIONS: These need to unlock in collections. Just like dyes need to. H O W G R E E D Y C A N Y O U B E?


3.) REPUTATION: You need to bring back reputation for each shipment. If you get to Legend status with that reputation you have legitimately spent $100's or even $1,000s on that shipment. At that point the reputation vendor should flat out sell (FOR CREDITS ONLY ) the gold, oh excuse me "PLATINUM" items from that shipment.


HEY. YOU. Are you listening? You have crossed way over the line of corporate greed. Be really careful here....

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s the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?[/b]

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


This is so garbage. We don't need or want a new rarity. There should be no rarer then rares. It's money grubbing. Fix your packs and crates so people have a resasonable chance of getting 1 of everything. There's no excuse for what's going on with your crates. Stop ripping your players off.

Edited by SirUrza
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... we can EXPECT to NOT get certain items? Really bro? I. MEAN. REALLY?


Um... yeah. That's the thing with random. Opening more packs does not increase your chances of getting the item. It just gives you more chances with the same odds. So... yeah... you should always expect that there is a chance you will not get a particular item.


And Platinum level doesn't really change anything. It puts things back the way they were. And it's a good thing. I think each item at each tier should have the same odds of dropping. I know it doesn't work that way, but it should. It should be fairly clear what the chances are for each item. Putting something in Gold and then making the odds drastically different than other Gold items is just misleading (to put it nicely).

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Hey folks,


I wanted to stop in to this thread and address some of the questions/concerns that have arisen since we introduced Weapon Tunings yesterday. First off, please keep the feedback coming. We have seen a lot of feedback relating to things like drop rates, adding the tuning to Collections, etc. The team is actively looking at all of your feedback and considering what future changes, if any, need to occur. Here are a few of the common questions we have seen:


Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


Are Weapon Tunings only going to drop from the Cartel Market?

Although we introduced the system through the Cartel Market, there are plans moving forward to have Weapon Tunings that are not a part of the Cartel Market. That being said, future packs will likely contain them as well.


My favorite item doesn't have a Weapon Tuning Slot, will you be adding more?

Yup! In fact, we will be making a thread in the Suggestion Box forum where you can let us know specific weapons that you would like to see a Tuning Slot added to.


Thanks everyone.




Why would you guys not put tuning slots on the weapons we just worked for in Chapter 12?

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Hey folks,


I wanted to stop in to this thread and address some of the questions/concerns that have arisen since we introduced Weapon Tunings yesterday. First off, please keep the feedback coming. We have seen a lot of feedback relating to things like drop rates, adding the tuning to Collections, etc. The team is actively looking at all of your feedback and considering what future changes, if any, need to occur. Here are a few of the common questions we have seen:


Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


Are Weapon Tunings only going to drop from the Cartel Market?

Although we introduced the system through the Cartel Market, there are plans moving forward to have Weapon Tunings that are not a part of the Cartel Market. That being said, future packs will likely contain them as well.


My favorite item doesn't have a Weapon Tuning Slot, will you be adding more?

Yup! In fact, we will be making a thread in the Suggestion Box forum where you can let us know specific weapons that you would like to see a Tuning Slot added to.


Thanks everyone.




Honestly, if you want to keep this one rare (lightning effect), go for it. I don't mind the black/white, white/white dyes being rare (the black/black isn't as rare since it drops in the cantina crates from last year). I won't mind keeping this one, or a different one, rare. Just make some that aren't rare that launch with the rare items.


It's like the dyes, yeah we got B/B, B/W, W/W dyes as rares when the dye system launched, but there were also common dyes that launched with it. Honestly, that would have made this situation so much better. Have your rare tuning and 1 or 2 more common tunings. Hell, you could have made the cartel market version and had a separate version for the new Eternal Championship vendors for 40 or 50 tokens. My biggest issue is with launching this new feature, is that you promoted it in a dev blog and then made them ridiculously hard to get behind a RNG gamble pack. This should have never been treated like the arbiter sabers. It should have been handled like you guys did with the dye modules.

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They're not changing any drop rates by introducing "Platinum" - they're just accurately labeling items that were already super-duper rare as such.


Unstable Arbiter, Sith Recluse, etc., etc. - they've been dropping at a Platinum Rarity rate all along, this is just about labeling them as such upfront, instead of having them under the same umbrella as the comparatively less rare items that will still be "Gold".

Edited by DarthDymond
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the only thing buying a truckload more of hypercrates will bring, is you're going to get more junk than you bargained for.

I opened pack 3 and got 1 tuning.

got 3 new taun tauns (who cares, right?) and not 1 gold armor set. nothing but junk except for the 1 tuning.

so RN Geesus I have a few words for you: GO F *** youself.

grand chance cubes : working as intended. you get old junk.

buyer beware. it happens. :p

Edited by IslanderRebel
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It really depends on what kind of items we are talking about. Most cases all prices will drop the longer they are available on market until that shipment is embargoed. I have bought some items in first 2-3 days cheaper when price went back up again but that does not happen often. Btw i never bought unstable lightsaber since price is not worth it. I did bought unstable saberstaff on second day of release because price was ok for me and has not lowered since then pretty much at all.

Weapon tuning however is different matter because you cant add it to collection. Therefor price for one item does not justify asking tens of millions for it that most likely will be. If someone is angry at their credits then they can get rid of it easy :)


Saber is sub 20 million on harb now ( last I looked anyway ) down from over 30 for the first few weeks.

Staff is now sub 7 million down from over 15 for the first few weeks.


Not sure what you paid for your staff but prices do continue to drop over time as long as availability is there ( embargo ceases supply ) is the point I'm making.

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Hey folks,


I wanted to stop in to this thread and address some of the questions/concerns that have arisen since we introduced Weapon Tunings yesterday. First off, please keep the feedback coming. We have seen a lot of feedback relating to things like drop rates, adding the tuning to Collections, etc. The team is actively looking at all of your feedback and considering what future changes, if any, need to occur. Here are a few of the common questions we have seen:


Is the Weapon Tuning more rare than other rare items?

The Weapon Tuning's drop rate is on par with most other rare items found in a pack. At times there are rare items which are exceedingly rare, such as the Unstable Lightsaber, but the Weapon Tuning is not one of them. As a note, we are looking at more clearly designating that extra rarity as Platinum in 4.5.


Are Weapon Tunings only going to drop from the Cartel Market?

Although we introduced the system through the Cartel Market, there are plans moving forward to have Weapon Tunings that are not a part of the Cartel Market. That being said, future packs will likely contain them as well.


My favorite item doesn't have a Weapon Tuning Slot, will you be adding more?

Yup! In fact, we will be making a thread in the Suggestion Box forum where you can let us know specific weapons that you would like to see a Tuning Slot added to.


Thanks everyone.




something you 'forgot' to answer, will it ever be unlock-able in the collections? (as it is an item from a pack after all like all others)

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I didn't alter the screenshot, nor did I remove some items. It's not a problem with inventory space, because that screen would show all the items in the pack, regardless. I just wouldn't have been able to claim them all. (Plus, I'm one of those neat freaks who cleans up their inventory before logging out each day.)


I have reported it as a Bug, in the dim hope that it actually is a bug and not simply possible if you're really unlucky. I've heard from a couple of other people in PMs that they had this same result, just one item. Maybe it's a new bug and I'll get a nice message back from customer service. Maybe this is how packs work now if you're just wildly unlucky. I'll let you know when I hear back.


Something is different to standard because you generally need your inventory open to open a pack so you've at least changed the initial scene that the pack was opened in.

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I freaking knew it!!!


Was in Mumble with our usual group last night and someone mentioned the tunings, another guy was like "where do you get those?", we told him the new CM pack...he buys one pack, goes "huh...I got the lightning, are there any other types?". He assumed one dropped with every pack, so he plopped it on his closest weapon.


After finding out the rarity of it, he went on to buy at least another hypercrate and never got another...


Which would be typical gold rarity - reading over Eric's post he said the tuning is not an exceedingly rare item like the Arbiter saber which will become a new platinum item.


I remember opening 4 Anarchist crates back to back and getting all sorts of gold goodies but then on the last crate I got 1 Kaliyo statue that I wasn't aware was in the pack so assumed it was super rare since I hadn't had in in over 3 crates but turns out no it's not ... it's just RNG ... in future crates I got quite a few more of these.

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So the weapon tunings are around the drop rate of say the Marsh Hunter Acklay Mount in the last pack. That means they'll probably end up settling for around 3 to 5 million credits depending on server. Not that bad honestly. The Unstable Lightsabers were Platinum rarity so they went for 40 million credits at launch. So long as they aren't as rare as the Unstable Lightsabers I'm fine with this.


Except you can't unlock them and ideally will be far more sought after ( one of a king item right now, there are no other tunings of any type in the game ) so they'll go for far more.

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They're not changing any drop rates by introducing "Platinum" - they're just accurately labeling items that were already super-duper rare as such.


Unstable Arbiter, Sith Recluse, etc., etc. - they've been dropping at a Platinum Rarity rate all along, this is just about labeling them as such upfront, instead of having them under the same umbrella as the comparatively less rare items that will still be "Gold".


Well, then do we take it as an admission that even though they labeled it gold, they gave it a uniquley lower drop rate to deceive those buying packs?

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Well, then do we take it as an admission that even though they labeled it gold, they gave it a uniquley lower drop rate to deceive those buying packs?


The lower drop rate was (apparently) not unique to the unstable saber.

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They're not changing any drop rates by introducing "Platinum" - they're just accurately labeling items that were already super-duper rare as such.


Unstable Arbiter, Sith Recluse, etc., etc. - they've been dropping at a Platinum Rarity rate all along, this is just about labeling them as such upfront, instead of having them under the same umbrella as the comparatively less rare items that will still be "Gold".


I've opened a lot of packs over the years ( 1000's ) and I've never seen anything in the game with the low drop rate like that Arbiter Saber. I got quite a few recluse items though so I wouldn't think they share the same drop rate at all.


It will be interesting to see what items are platinum and if BW will state whether or not they all share the same drop rate because I can't think of much else as rare as that arbiter saber except possibly some items from old packs like dathomir rancor, the original walker, tulak horde chest/helmet.

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And Platinum level doesn't really change anything. It puts things back the way they were. .


We don't know that at all! Let's say in the old packs we had a drop rate as follows


  • Bronze - 60% chance
  • Silver - 15% chance
  • Gold - 5% chance


(obviously these numbers are made up but just used for example)


They then scrapped bronze items and replaced them with chance cubes


  • Chance Cube - 60% chance
  • Silver - 15% chance
  • Gold - 5% chance


Now they introduce a platinum tier


  • Chance Cube - 60% chance
  • Silver - 15% chance
  • Gold - 5% chance
  • Platinum - 1% chance


So it doesn't have to put things back the way they were - it could make things even worse!

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