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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The new warzone


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The new cross-faction warzone is popping too much. I can't say people don't like it,we all wanted something new to pvp and we are grateful for this opportunity. Many people are confused and dislike this new warzone (including myself) for cross-faction element because it ruins RP features (the war between republic and empire which must be enemies to each other rather than allies) but IT IS NOT THE MAIN PROBLEM! As you may noticed this warzone procs too much!just visit pvp forum and you can see many complains about it.This is happening because it's much easier for system to make a combined group of reps and imps instead of making reps vs imps or imps vs imps (because of well-known faction imbalance),but WE MUSN'T suffer because of it! I don't remember when i had my favourite civil war warzone last time!


So pls,Bioware do something with proc rate of this new warzone, listen to pvp community which had already created many threads about this problem.

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It will remain this way until they are certain that everyone has been either forced to try it, or has become as sick of it as they are the other WZs.


It was the same way in the past when they released new WZs... those pop much more frequently for a month or two and then the rotation normalizes again.

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I actually like the new WZ. It's way different that others and allows many classes to find their good spot, using their abilities combined with proper battle mod.


Yes, it pops more often, for 2 reasons: as always, BW needs people to learn it, 2nd, you can have Imps and Pubs together in one team, because, hello, it is ODESSEN. So it matches the overall story development in KofTE.


And I can even use my Sorc in this (and that's the class I am totally unsure how to play). usually on my Shadow/Sin, I can deal with them pretty easily, but being on the other side .. it's..a challenge.

Edited by Przemo_No
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the new map is broken boring and favours certain classes


with the force shroud utility an assassin can run into a capture point and deactivate it whilst the defender is powerless


sorcs can bubble yet still cap points


stealth classes cant guard from stealth and cant stealth with a battle pickup


if you have knock back win win for you


aoe/dot classes and superior to there single target burst partners


you cant stealth cap


most of the time you are stood on a point doing nothing

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If this warzone was the only one that ever popped, I'd be thrilled. The fact is, it's quick and most people can handle it. You only need 1-2 people who understand objectives here. When 7/8 people think every warzone is a team death match, you're going to lose. I despise huttball for this exact reason. PEOPLE CAN'T FOCUS ON OBJECTIVES. That being said, this warzone simply WORKS. It's fast and you only need a 1-2 people who know what they're doing to win. And if you're a pub and never get a pop, problem solved. Ultimately, this is the best map they've released so far and they should all be like this.
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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.



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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.




This isn't a particularly huge surprise, this was the case during 1.x with Huttball. It popped so much because it was much easier to fill all imp huttball then multiple imp vs pub matches on a lot of servers.

Edited by SirUrza
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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.




There is a very simple solution! Make all warzones cross faction ... BAM just fixed your problem. Now give me my CC.

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Hey folks,


We have seen quite a few questions about the rate that the Odessen Proving Grounds are popping in the Warzone queue. We want to let you know that it isn’t a bug that is causing this to happen. As you know, this Warzone allows players on both Factions to be on the same team. One side effect of this is that it is far easier for this Warzone to pop than the others as it only requires 16 players, and not a specific Faction distribution of those players. This has caused you to see more of Odessen than you might expect. Even though it isn’t a bug, the team is looking into options to create a larger spread among the Warzones that pop in the future. I will pass on any further information as I have it.


Thanks everyone.





And what about group que taking forever to load?!

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So glad you explained this but forgot to talk about why group q's are bugged for 2 weeks so that we can't even play regs with our friends? So glad to see you all have been listening to what the actual BUG IS. :rolleyes: Edited by Jaiyne
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So glad you explained this but forgot to talk about why group q's are bugged for 2 weeks so that we can't even play regs with our friends? So glad to see you all have been listening to what the actual BUG IS. :rolleyes:

They already acknowledged and said they're looking into that bug:

Hey there!


We are aware of the issue with group queuing, and are looking into it!



If there's nothing new to report on that front... then there's nothing new to report on that front.

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They already acknowledged and said they're looking into that bug:


If there's nothing new to report on that front... then there's nothing new to report on that front.


2 weeks ago. Do you think that it's acceptable "we're looking into it" is the last thing that's been said for nearly 2 weeks while hundreds (thousands?) of people can't play?

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Thanks for the communication, Eric. :rak_03:


Good to know that it's not a bug, and I am not surprised. It makes sense that Odessen would pop more often, considering it is cross faction. Also, I notice that a bunch of people leave at the beginning of every Odessen game that I have played, to the point where the 30 second WZ auto-shutdown sequence begins. Every single Odessen game I have been in, this happens. I think that there are a bunch of people who are at the point where they are immediately leaving when they see Odessen, which means that there are quite a few players who get back-filled into that map, meaning that the ones who are willing to stay end up playing Odessen much more often.


I think that I have probably played at least 50 games over the past week. In all that time, I don't recall getting a single Original Huttball or Hypergate. I've had 1-2 Novare Coast, Civil War, and Voidstar. I've had maybe 10 arenas, only 1 Quesh Huttball. So that would be a rough estimate of about 66% Odessen.


I have not left the Odessen map a single time because I quite enjoy it. However, it's going to get old pretty soon. I need SOME variety. Probably the single most irritating thing about the Odessen map is that the reward for winning caps at 80 Warzone Comms. I'm assuming that is a bug, and I'm also assuming that it has been reported (I hope).

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Just do it already.. add cross faction to all WZ, case closed. Everyone wins.

Won't happen. Odessen will remain the only cross-faction WZ and thanks to "it pops too much" whining we will have longer queues because they will force other WZs instead of "assign first 16 players of any faction into Odessen".

Edited by Pietrastor
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There is a very simple solution! Make all warzones cross faction ... BAM just fixed your problem. Now give me my CC.


Stop trying to poison tor with your parody play. Even if you don't have a shred of respect for the lore, there are those of us who do.

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Stop trying to poison tor with your parody play. Even if you don't have a shred of respect for the lore, there are those of us who do.

The lore argument gave us the ridiculous and anti-social (in a social game lol...) communication-wall between factions, going as deep as GUILDS with people having to resort to 3rd party software to chat with each other. Gameplay mechanics have to take precedence over lore/immersion sometimes, period.

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The lore argument gave us the ridiculous and anti-social (in a social game lol...) communication-wall between factions, going as deep as GUILDS with people having to resort to 3rd party software to chat with each other. Gameplay mechanics have to take precedence over lore/immersion sometimes, period.


There has never been and never needs to be communication between factions. The setting is the empire and republic in open war, not peace loving governments on friendly terms chatting it up. An imperial has no business just walking into a republic base to chat it up with a republic player any more than a republic player has any business doing likewise. Guild alliances? Why would two separate factions of guilds who are supposed to be at war with one another, be consorting with each other like the best of friends? Ridiculous. It's you and yours that are the poison killing this game. You'd stomp on the very soul of what makes it what it is simply for your own personal convenience. Well, news flash, lore takes precedence over your wannabe free for all. Want to play for the other team? Hit the character creation screen and mosey on over there.

Edited by Aeristash
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There is a very simple solution! Make all warzones cross faction ... BAM just fixed your problem. Now give me my CC.

I hope that at least the two huttball maps will become cross faction, that wouldn't even hurt any story. And well, for the other warzones, maybe with a new voiceover that talks about this being a joined training and thus taking the later story into account or something like that.

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Cross faction for solo ranked: YES, PLEASE!! Ranked is about testing your mettle versus other serious players. Get rid of the artificial divide that makes it too easy to work the ranked system to your advantage.


Cross faction for unranked (including Odessen): Ehhh, I'm not so sure. For a lot of people, Empire vs Republic is what makes Star Wars great. Good versus evil, light versus dark. If you take that away, you are left with a bunch of gray, which is boring.


I can understand the desire to combine the player pools into one, but once you take that step, I don't think you can ever go back. Perhaps Odessen was a method of dipping the toes into the water, try and gauge the player reaction.

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