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Find the cheater...


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I too know Kentraras very well and I've flown with and against him more times than I can count.

He IS very good in his gunship, but like all gunship pilots he can be countered - he needs to be focused down with burst scouts and gunships, then you have to keep an eye out for when he has respawned and continue the chase. Attrition more than anything else eventually breaks even the best gunship pilot.


I'm not the best pilot and haven't flown for three months now, but I've shot Kentraras down often enough to assure you that there's absolutely NO CHEATING INVOLVED!

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I opened a support ticket but german support is like... s..t so i post it here aswell to get it to the last forum with "some" mods.


Find the cheater...


So, please share it, sent it to Musco or whatever to get a..holes like this out of your game.


If i'll find the video of the other player in my team, who frapsed the game i'll poste it. He got his by 21k!


Looks like I missed something juicy here. Time to correct it.


It seems the duration of the game was a touch under 12 minutes.


Looks like on that screenshot you were Cainite based on the highlight of the name.

You scored 1, 9, 2 with less than 20k damage. You probably spent the entire game in a bomber, tucked somewhere.

Wow 1.5k damage dealt every minute OR 1.8k per person you damaged. How did you do that?


Your 5 medals were:

2 for assists

1 for damage

2 for healing (since it's unlikely you killed someone solo)


No wonder you scream about hacks, it must be very hard for you to admit that you're bad at GSF or at the very least that there are people who are much better than you. Maybe next time you will consider adjusting your ship choice based on the development of the match. Try a gunship or a scout, you might be more useful to your team, however that will require aiming skills and piloting skills. Sitting behind a rock waiting for your pets to do their thing will not cut it.


Just because you did 100 hours of GSF doesn't mean you're any good. After all 100 hours at about 6 games per hour max will get you 600 games. It is nothing compared to aces who have multiple characters with thousands of games each. I'm not even getting into such things as focusing on a specific ship or getting it mastered. 600 games are barely enough to familiarize yourself with gameplay, strengths, weaknesses, tactics and counter-tactics of just meta ships.


The guy you're calling a cheater doesn't even qualify for the last place in the records thread with that particular screenshot. What would you say about the people on that list? Gods of Cheating?


What you should do is to apologize to the guy in question and ask people to help you with getting better at GSF.

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Any other explantation for the result? Possibly a really good scout pilot, though I seriously doubt it.

I think you have a gunship stuck in your eye. Maybe you should pull it out and allay your serious doubts by familiarizing yourself with the kind of games scouts can put up. Take a look at the scout TDM records. You will see similar stat lines to the OP's "cheater" yet in fact they are better.


The skill gap in GSF is wide. People on the wrong end of that gap ought to take advantage of the many opportunities out there for them to learn the game instead of cooking up conspiracy theories or ranting about class imbalance.


- Despon

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Any other explantation for the result? Possibly a really good scout pilot, though I seriously doubt it.


So, I think Despon pretty much covered it... But in any case I find it amusing that people will complain about gunships and fly burst scouts - the strongest ship in the game both offensively and defensively.

Edited by Greezt
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And it is really strange that in most TDMs those burst scouts will be pummeled by gunshi*s ... and how you never see a swarm of "strongest ships " ripping throughh opposition in a close match :)

Every 'ace' on forums says that ' T2 Scout is the most OP ship" and... well... is saying.

Edited by Bolo_Yeung
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And it is really strange that in most TDMs those burst scouts will be pummeled by gunshi*s ... and how you never see a swarm of "strongest ships " ripping throughh opposition in a close match :)

Every 'ace' on forums says that ' T2 Scout is the most OP ship" and... well... is saying.


I played a lot of games with only one wingman where both of us used T2 scouts. WIth just two persons in T2 scouts it's possible to win 95% of the time.


If you had played on T3-M4 around a year ago, you would have repeatedly seen groups of 2-4 T2 scouts obliterating their opposition.


Also, and I'm sure I mentioned this elsewhere, while the T2 scout is superior in almost any 1v1 situation, there are a lot of situations that require more than raw killing power.

Another point, and I'm sure I mantioned that elsewhere too, is that flying scout is more difficult than flying bomber or gunship in a lot of situations and that's why a lot of pilots prefer the less stressfull classes.

Edited by Danalon
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I played a lot of games with only one wingman where both of us used T2 scouts. WIth just two persons in T2 scouts it's possible to win 95% of the time.


If you had played on T3-M4 around a year ago, you would have repeatedly seen groups of 2-4 T2 scouts obliterating their opposition (...).


Well... I meant teams on equal skill level :) I had once 22 kills /1 death (by dark monitor and Asteroid) in TDM -on a stock strike... but is the strike OPed?

Nope, I was probably few classes up in skill*. Same goes for 2-3 aces, especially coordinated and on voice.


I am playing on Red Eclipse and Shadowlands sometime. While I can meet some really good scout pilots - most of the matches is boiling down to GS/bomber combo aka 'lamerball' (GS/bomber ratio varies depending on the match type).

4 scouts in one game is a rare sight, 4 gunshi*s happen in majority of TDMs.


*That does not mean I am considering myself as an 'ace'.

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