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Pre-Nerf Operative Checkin In!


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Shiv and laceration damage was dropped by 15% each as well as lose of damage through some talents. This was made for with the change to acid blade. Sleep dart and flash band range was dropped to 10m from 30m as was sever tendon. Collatoral strike was changed from 6 to 10 seconds internal cd. Those are the significant nerfs I can remember over the last few builds.


Although the new acid blade made the -15% more of a side upgrade then a nerf once your 40 anyway

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Yeah I find sleep dart's range WAAAAAAY too short. Many times I get the error that I'm not facing the enemy because by the time I get in range and the sleep dart charge delay passes, I already sneaked passed the enemy. 15 or at max 20 meters would be a great improvement.
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can't understand why they nerfed so much of the abilities, i come from playing an assassin and at least at lower lvls, the difference is HUGE, assassin was so much more impressive, dmg and CC-wise, backstab for assassins already deals over 50% more dmg than ours.

for a squishy class with CC that is certainly not on par with that of an inquisitor class.


Assassins' stun is 30m, whirlwind 30m....


i'm sticking witht he operative hoping it 'll get better but i'm rather sceptical about it.


Also for healing purposes, bountyhunter and sorc were way easier to handle resources with and BH could tank more decently when he got agro or in pvp, sorc had shields and amazing CC.


As i said, time will tell but the differences are huge, "nerfing" 1 skill can already be painful but if i read this list it's a damn huge impact.

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Pre-nerf Operative reporting in!


Even pre-FOTM rerollers Operative reporting in!


Rolled this char because I wanted to be a non-force user and have stealth and be a rogue-like type. A healing tree is a nice bonus as well, since I enjoy healing when needed.


The only thing I want to know about the nerfing is: Does the 1,5 sec Jarring Strike still give a full resolve bar or not?

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