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Welcome to KotFE and Ch 12 - the new *refocused* SWTOR


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So in chapter 12, we see satele shan + phantom marr create force-imbued class specific weapons for every character. That is not a new and exciting take on Star Wars, that is a lazy plot device rudely shoved into KotFE's already flimsy plotline and only to try and explain and justify the alliance of light and dark, and how a non-force using class would even benefit from that in the inevitable 1v1 with Arcann the invincible (who can apparently even survive falling out of a building like nothing happened).


Make no mistake about it. This is nothing more than BW's lackluster writing coming full circle and colliding head on with its own laziness and apathy. The alliance is not there because they wanted it for the *exciting* stories - it's there because clumsily shoehorning both factions and light/dark into one story is simply easier, cheaper, and faster than actually creating interesting and unique stories. You know, actually living up to their disingenuous refocusing on story content that has left the game lacking actual MMO content - even more than it normally does in a given year.


They started it with Revan, obviously continued it with KotFE, and now they've completely gone off the rails and exploded in a ravine. So when we do actually fight Arcann, jedi/sith will fight using the power of light and dark while troopers and agents and so forth bust out their special gun and invariably end with the same cutscene (with exactly the same dialogue) of Arcann dying or let's be honest barely surviving so they can extend KotFE into yet more chapters.


They are just milking the BioWare brand with this false commitment to story content, and doing so in a way that will do nothing to help SWTOR.


I remember this game being marketed as "the mmo with story", and it wasn't until a year and a half later that they finally introduced the first substantial story driven content with Makeb. In Makeb, they actually bothered to give republic and imperial factions opposing goals and objectives with unique characters and dialogue. And then came revan, with it's singular story. Regardless of faction or class every player's experiences in the Revan exp are exactly the same. Any way you look at that, it's a decline. And now we are being told we are in the midst of a "return" to story driven content, but they have simply just followed the same lazy plan as Revan. Only it's worse now, because they are actually treating their laziness as if it's something worth praising or celebrating. Or, creating more content focused on their badly written plotlines.


*cough* the new warzone *cough*


While I have no doubt some players may actually like and enjoy KotFE, those of us who have been here since release are wondering what this could mean for the future. If BioWare decides this was a good idea, and creates more chapter based "stories" like this they will undoubtedly follow suit and ignore class + faction just out of pure laziness. If in doing that, they ignore other aspects of the game (PVP, PVE, etc) even more than they have already done since release - just what kind of game is this? And what will it look like a year or 2 years from now?


The biggest flaw with SWTOR since release has been imo it's lack of focus. As I said, they marketed it as an mmo with story and then released no substantial story content until a year and a half later. Players focused on PVP or PVE find themselves with sparse updates followed by long periods with nothing, in which BW attempts to appease or attract players with one random and misguided idea after another (SH, GSF, conquest, etc.)


If THIS is bioware finally attempting to find a focus for the game, then it's completely disappointing that it is just so badly written and lazily executed. It also means that all of those niche players they've been simultaneously attempting to appease since release will finally have reason to just throw their hands up in the air and move on. If THIS is what BioWare can produce when they completely focus on one aspect of the game, then ladies and gentlemen - what could they possibly do to vastly improve PVP, PVE, GSH, GSF, Conquest, or even the story content they've so lazily committed themselves too?

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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If THIS is bioware finally attempting to find a focus for the game, then it's completely disappointing that it is just so badly written and lazily executed.


This is what gets me. (I mean, besides every other ridiculous and ill-advised move they've made since Revan.) I enjoy pvp and progression raiding, but I'm also a fan of story and character development. If KotFE really had been "a return to Bioware storytelling" like they promised, I would have been pleased to enjoy the story while waiting for new ops and so on.


But it wasn't. It was one, extremely linear story with no replay value and no "choices that matter". No side-quests, no chance for exploration (FFS after Lana thaws you out, if you start to head down the wrong corridor they close the blast doors on you. BAD RAT. LEARN THE MAZE), no wandering about and discovering the story for yourself. I'm trying to take a second character through the story now to see how it is for Force-users, and it's painful. Oh god, the Skytrooper spam. One quest objective was literally, "stay in this locked room and one-shot Skytroopers until they stop spawning".


How could anyone who enjoys story be satisfied with this drivel? I've replayed the original class stories many times, but I'm struggling to give enough of a hoot to plow through KotFE a second time.


I'm done. They're failing as an MMO, and they're failing as a single-player story-driven game.

Edited by DalekTheCat
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Even though i don't totally enjoy the new "history" (if you could call that of history) it's not terrible, but not good too. It's OK.

My only problem and concern is : after KotFE what would be the idea or style ? Like, they have gone too far with this "neutral" faction/force/heroes etc. After the end, they can't go just back to the again "war republic/empire, sith/jedi", they have changed too much stuff. yeah, i don't know...


Honestly i don't even like to call this game Star wars anymore.

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I don't buy that they're "lazy" or "apathetic" toward the KotFE content. To me it seems more like a lack of talent than motivation. They're doing all they can to provide an epic story experience...and if that falls short of genuine greatness, it's only because the writers lack professional training and/or genius. Edited by Hebruixe
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if that falls short of genuine greatness, it's only because the writers lack professional training and/or genius.


Oftentimes, yes, the writing is bad. The plot is absurd to the point where I don't know why the Player Character is motivated to go along with it, and the dialogue oftentimes is uninspired or cringeworthy.


It is also apparent that the writing is getting shoehorned into this very narrow gameplay model which caters to the lowest common denominator in terms of skill and intelligence, so any kind of plot or character development which a writer wants to explore gets squanched because PC needs to


  • Go a certain way down a certain corridor with a predetermined companion
  • Fight a certain number of Skytroopers per minute
  • Click on a certain number of blue objects in order to trigger the next passive cutscene.


Compared to something like a Fallout game, where quests can be completed a number of ways with varying outcomes and consequences, KotFE plays like a rough draft. No matter how good the writers may be, their work is not going to be able to shine in this sort of presentation.

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i definitely really dislike this story and everything related to zakuul.


i want to go back to just empire and republic and class stories. no more putting us in the same story with non-force users either, it's ridiculous and cheapens force users and makes us look weaker. it takes away all the power feeling we get completing the class story.

Edited by ganondorq
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Thanks for the welcome! I for one, love the story and this game is fantastic. I thought the latest chapter was outstanding and can't wait for the next installment. I'm not drinking the kool-aid ... I'm shooting it up and wanting more.
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How is any player character in this game a non-force user? We have classes, sure, but the characters themselves are innately force users, through the legacy system at the very least... it's been that way since launch.

You aren't playing some-shmo-off-the-street... you are playing your character: the hero of your story, within and assisted by your legacy.

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Some of the story aspects do have room for improvement, there are some moments where in my opinion the ball was dropped by BW in regard to in-game history of characters/NPCs but overall I don't think KotFE is bad. So far I've taken a Jedi Knight, a Jedi Consular, Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Trooper, Smuggler and boosted IA into KotFE and I've had fun on each of them. The story doesn't always match my headcanon so to speak but I'm also pretty easy going and just make the most of it really.


As with most anything though, the 'better' writers/producers/developers are sitting at home behind their screen. ;)

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As with most anything though, the 'better' writers/producers/developers are sitting at home behind their screen. ;)


You're right. I could never have come up with a quest better than "Go to the cantina, then come back". That was absolutely brilliant writing and game design and the critics here should shut up and stop giving Bioware so much grief.

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As with most anything though, the 'better' writers/producers/developers are sitting at home behind their screen. ;)


There are better writers in the fan fic forum to be honest. If not for some of the reading over there it would be a lot harder to wait for the next month's chapter to show up.


Like what I found unbelievable is that in chapter 12 there is an elevator in the camp that leads out to the planet, but no one has gone to scout out the land and found Satele and Caspar squatting five miles from base? Just LOL.

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There are better writers in the fan fic forum to be honest. If not for some of the reading over there it would be a lot harder to wait for the next month's chapter to show up.


Like what I found unbelievable is that in chapter 12 there is an elevator in the camp that leads out to the planet, but no one has gone to scout out the land and found Satele and Caspar squatting five miles from base? Just LOL.[/QUOTE]


I was wondering if I was the only one going W-T-F at this.

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You're right. I could never have come up with a quest better than "Go to the cantina, then come back". That was absolutely brilliant writing and game design and the critics here should shut up and stop giving Bioware so much grief.


Ill admit that should of been cut scene only and was a terrible gameplay mechanic. However it was an attempt to show that the outlander NEVER rests, he never gets a time to breath and relax, he is always on the front lines, making decisions about the lives of his troopers and at the same time is mentally confronted by Valkorian putting a even further toll on him. The outlander is being physically, mentally, and spiritually tested with his new alliance.


That aside the story of KOTFE would be okay maybe even great, simply if it wasn't a part of SWTOR. They should of done KOTOR 3 instead.

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Yeah have to agree with the OP.


Bioware are renowned for going 100mph in one direction and ignoring everything else then stopping and turning 90 degrees to the left then 100mph in that direction. Never a constant focus, which leaves people not having alot confidence in them.


End result usually equals a bunch of people happy and a bunch of people unhappy.


And personally KOTFE has zero replay value, by god it's tough going getting one toon through it never mind 2.

Immersion + shoehorn = crap expansion.

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Even though i don't totally enjoy the new "history" (if you could call that of history) it's not terrible, but not good too. It's OK.

My only problem and concern is : after KotFE what would be the idea or style ? Like, they have gone too far with this "neutral" faction/force/heroes etc. After the end, they can't go just back to the again "war republic/empire, sith/jedi", they have changed too much stuff. yeah, i don't know...


Honestly i don't even like to call this game Star wars anymore.


But it is star wars. They have turned the tables. Instead of being the Republic vs. the Empire, it is now the Rebellion vs. the Empire. Its just that "the Empire" is not the Sith Empire, it is the Eternal Empire. The Republic and Sith Empire are now "the Rebellion". Just like episodes 4-6. In that way, it is more Star Wars now than it was before. The main difference is that you must play on the Rebellion side.

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There are better writers in the fan fic forum to be honest. If not for some of the reading over there it would be a lot harder to wait for the next month's chapter to show up.


Like what I found unbelievable is that in chapter 12 there is an elevator in the camp that leads out to the planet, but no one has gone to scout out the land and found Satele and Caspar squatting five miles from base? Just LOL.


oh I agree. If I could shove Lunafox in their faces and make them hire her for future stories I'd do it. :p

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But it is star wars. They have turned the tables. Instead of being the Republic vs. the Empire, it is now the Rebellion vs. the Empire. Its just that "the Empire" is not the Sith Empire, it is the Eternal Empire. The Republic and Sith Empire are now "the Rebellion". Just like episodes 4-6. In that way, it is more Star Wars now than it was before. The main difference is that you must play on the Rebellion side.


The difference is the transition and the way they did it was awful and in no way believable.


The empire waited for the right time to strike in the movies, when the CIS was weak and being manipulated behind the scenes along with the jedi simultaneously. Palpatine got two of the most influential enemies of both sides of the war all in an elaborate trap while Valkorian just plows in with his massive army out of no where triumphing over the two largest armies in the galaxy spanning through hundreds of planets, while Zakuul is simply one. I realize the Republic and the Empire are in a weakened state due to constant war, but Valkorian and his army straight on attacked them on the front lines using power instead of manipulation to win the war.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I agree the writing is terrible sometimes, handwaving things and now giving us some stupid force-imbued weapon, along with ludonarrative dissonance is unacceptable.


Also the new companions Kotfe gave us were stupid and boring, excluding the HK droid.

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Class stories aren't coming back, that much have been made clear with these decisions. However, if I have to choose between expansions like SoR and KotFE vs. RotHC, it's SoR and KotFE all the way. SoR and KotFE at least have an interesting story and memorable characters. Makeb's story was just as shoehorned as the other expansions, but it was also boring and most of the new characters were uninteresting or, at worst, annoying the heck out of me (I'm looking at you, Lemda). At least in SoR and KotFE, I'm doing something meaningful, not running to every corner of a rather big map because those three consoles I need to press are as far away from each other as they can, only because Darth Marr wants some new toys to a war I don't actually even see.
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Class stories aren't coming back, that much have been made clear with these decisions. However, if I have to choose between expansions like SoR and KotFE vs. RotHC, it's SoR and KotFE all the way. SoR and KotFE at least have an interesting story and memorable characters. Makeb's story was just as shoehorned as the other expansions, but it was also boring and most of the new characters were uninteresting or, at worst, annoying the heck out of me (I'm looking at you, Lemda). At least in SoR and KotFE, I'm doing something meaningful, not running to every corner of a rather big map because those three consoles I need to press are as far away from each other as they can, only because Darth Marr wants some new toys to a war I don't actually even see.


Lol I'm with you there. I did Makeb once for each faction and it was fun, after that it became a drag and I've started skipping it. If you're gonna talk about feeling detached from your class and character then RotHC has been the worst for that. At least from my perspective. On every single toon I've felt like nothing more than a glorified mercenary at best. KotFE is by no means perfect, it has a lot of generalized material too but it feels more 'suitable' than RotHC ever did.

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