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WZ Queue is Bugged


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Mind to share an update tait? Its tuesday aka patchday and i dont see any fix. Whats going on behind the scenes? Why dont you roll back pre 4.3 until theres a fix? Talk to us. Because we need to be talked to. Because theres nothing else we can do right now. Literally.


I'm with you. Any update? How can this not be fixed yet? Makes no sense.


We get the biggest PvP update in years, BW breaks the queue, and there's no fix in sight? Come on guys.

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In their defense I have to say, even though I don't know for a fact by any means, that they may be sorely understaffed. It well may be EA's fault entirely that these things take so long to get fixed and not the devs themselves. These bugs have jacked up ranked PvP for season 7, to be sure.


Edited for typo.


Agreed they are not lazy but they are understaffed and if EA did not layoff people off a long time ago this would be fix. So you cannot expect a hotfix

Edited by commanderwar
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They need to admit it is broken, pull the new content till they've located the issue, release to PTS with the other WZs to make sure it works then, re release it back to the live servers! Edited by TLCuddy
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Its a slap in the face theres no hotfix, and im even more sad about the fact theres no patch today. But what saddens me the most is the fact this thread doesnt have 100 pages full of complaint. People seem to shrug and move on to other games. This game is dead, i finally realized.

There would have been 100 of page of people complaining but the devs quickly acknowledged it ,then people are not angry, because they have been told there is a fix and do not feel that they are being ignore. but if not acknowledge like some threads then there would be 100 of pages complaining I seen it.

Edited by commanderwar
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In their defense I have to say, even though I don't know for a fact by any means, that they may be sorely understaffed. It well may be EA's fault entirely that these things take so long to get fixed and not the devs themselves. These bugs have jacked up ranked PvP for season 7, to be sure.


Edited for typo.

Understaffed or not, they have a responsibility to fix this.

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Agreed they are not lazy but they are understaffed


Thats no excuse. Its okay to make mistakes, and no one can blame them for broken code, especially because they have to work with such a ****** engine. BUT. If theres such a major issue then just *********** roll it back to when it worked. We can wait another month for the new warzone we did for years, actually. But not beeing able to properly que at all is major issue.


Same goes for ranked. its BEYOND ridiculous to start new ranked season the day the new arena is released and without any class adjustments. Season didnt start for half a year and then they need to start it on patchday? no. no. no. One cant blame understuffed for that, its just serious and stupid missmanagement.


If youre understuffed just delay it. People will complain but they are still able to play.







But id bet we wont get another answer in this thread because they dont love us anymore....pvp and bioware is a one way relationship, bioware would be happy to just get rid of pvp completely i bet.

Edited by Qwurdilu
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I am playing this game mostly for the WZs and tend to group up with guildies, so to see the group queues borked for this length of time with no assurance it will be fixed is really grinding my gears. Me and my mates have sat waiting for well over an hour every time over the last few days which is rendering the game almost unplayable for me.


I'm wasting my money subscribing to this game if bugs like this are not going to be corrected properly.

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I guess I'm naive, maybe very naive (LOL), and really thought they'd have gotten on this by now. Apparently I was quite wrong. Tait, I'm on your side, man. You have to know, though, the impression this gives your player base. Whoever is responsible, ultimately, for the huge delay in getting these multitude of bugs fixed, well, it reflects very poorly on them.


You have a loyal fan/player base, but this is really pushing the boundaries on patience for most of them.

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DEVS, Pops are taking 30min to an hour while in a group cue. while solo queing (non-ranked) have no issues. Your forcing ALOT of people to give up trying to play PVP which is opposite of what we PVP'rs want and PAY YOU FOR.


An update on where you guys are at would be appreciated.

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One cant blame understuffed for that, its just serious and stupid missmanagement.


If youre understuffed just delay it. People will complain but they are still able to play.







But id bet we wont get another answer in this thread because they dont love us anymore....pvp and bioware is a one way relationship, bioware would be happy to just get rid of pvp completely i bet.


"UnderSTUFFED" is quite amusing.

Seriously though, this should have been fixed on Tuesday, 4/12/16, or a rollback to pre 4.3

Another slap in the face from BW.

BW/EA = Bugs Will Eradicate All (content)

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DEVS, Pops are taking 30min to an hour while in a group cue.


And I guess that you are on a server with standard population. I'am playing on a light one, friday : 75 minutes for the first pop (didn't wait for the second). Saturday afternoon, no pop after 65 minutes (stop waiting and quit). Sunday evening : was doing some pve while waiting for a pop...not a single pop in 135 minutes (once again, quit the game).

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And I guess that you are on a server with standard population. I'am playing on a light one, friday : 75 minutes for the first pop (didn't wait for the second). Saturday afternoon, no pop after 65 minutes (stop waiting and quit). Sunday evening : was doing some pve while waiting for a pop...not a single pop in 135 minutes (once again, quit the game).


Yeah, even on Harbinger it's taking 20 to 30 minutes for group queue pops. It's obscene.

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I dunno, I rarely post on the forums but I felt like I needed to add another voice. The broken queues is a huge problem and needs to be fixed asap (preferably yesterday)


I know the fix might not be easy. From what I've seen, the design of the new system involves 2 separate queues. When one fills up it pops. When it comes to groups, it seems that they can't be queued into the new queue (the alliance queue) and are thus shuffled into the old queue (the traditional queue) This wouldn't be a problem if both queues had the same priority but how it seems to work is the alliance queue has fewer requirements for it to pop (just needs 16 bodies vs needing 16 people from the correct factions) and thus ultimately has a higher priority. When it pops, those 16 people are removed from both queues and the group is left waiting in the traditional queue. With the alliance queue always popping and removing people, it makes the traditional queue slow. It's a flawed design or at least a hastily thought out one.


There are a couple simple solutions that could be implemented relatively quickly which would appease the masses for the time being.

1) Remove the alliance queue and the new wz's until a better design can be found.

2) Remove the traditional queue and just have the 'alliance' queue.

- The queue could involve all maps and just have pvp mixed factions for now

- The queue could involve only the new map like it did the first couple of days it was released


I hope you implement some fix soon. The longer this issue lingers, the angrier people will get (which will undo all the good feelings? people had from the release of the new map).

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No update since the 8th about that issue ... 5 days of nothing and not playing cause pvp is the only thing I do and wanna do.


My Mouse cursor is above that Unsub button.


4 years and a half i've been pvping every single day. and since that same among of time i've been paying you guys money. but since too long now issues over issues makes me feel like there's nothing else to do than let it go. I don't want to ! i'm just affraid that loosing my evening to be in queue and not playing, loosing my mind with my mate on vocal isn't the way we're supposed to have our sw:tor experiences.


Every month, ppl are happy because of the new chapter, subscriber has it 2 days in advances, but it's all the time very buggy and not playable that we have to wait for the " none subscriber " to get it fix. same last week with new warzone 100% of the time, supposed to be fixed thuesday, nop still 90% of the time the same one and queue up to 30/60 mins for, maybe, 1 warzone.


The tournament on zakel, supposed to be out since MONTHS now, " next chapter " then you say " and again " next chapter " happened to be every month the same story, " next chapter you'll get it "


I'm just loosing it and I can't be more sad that i am writting that down.


hate how you devs talk to us the way you do that, it's your job keep us up even if the issue isn't fixed yet, just let us know somehow that you're doing something about that right now and not just " we're aware of the issue " we don't care that you are aware . We want you to do something about it. That's what i wanna know.

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I dunno, I rarely post on the forums but I felt like I needed to add another voice. The broken queues is a huge problem and needs to be fixed asap (preferably yesterday)


I know the fix might not be easy. From what I've seen, the design of the new system involves 2 separate queues. When one fills up it pops. When it comes to groups, it seems that they can't be queued into the new queue (the alliance queue) and are thus shuffled into the old queue (the traditional queue) This wouldn't be a problem if both queues had the same priority but how it seems to work is the alliance queue has fewer requirements for it to pop (just needs 16 bodies vs needing 16 people from the correct factions) and thus ultimately has a higher priority. When it pops, those 16 people are removed from both queues and the group is left waiting in the traditional queue. With the alliance queue always popping and removing people, it makes the traditional queue slow. It's a flawed design or at least a hastily thought out one.


There are a couple simple solutions that could be implemented relatively quickly which would appease the masses for the time being.

1) Remove the alliance queue and the new wz's until a better design can be found.

2) Remove the traditional queue and just have the 'alliance' queue.

- The queue could involve all maps and just have pvp mixed factions for now

- The queue could involve only the new map like it did the first couple of days it was released


I hope you implement some fix soon. The longer this issue lingers, the angrier people will get (which will undo all the good feelings? people had from the release of the new map).


Of course I don't actually know what's going on, Yoshi, but I'm starting to think it's an almost arrogant dismissal of the PvP community. Personally, I would have much preferred they not even release this bugged out thing and just have left things as they were.


Edited to say that all of this is only compounded by their total silence on the matter. Well, after Tait's one reply. I mean, anything to give us an idea at all on what's going on and an ETA. Nothing, though.

Edited by Volthammer
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I dunno, I rarely post on the forums but I felt like I needed to add another voice. The broken queues is a huge problem and needs to be fixed asap (preferably yesterday)


Thank you for speaking up.


BW please fix the queues...sooner rather than later would be good. This is bordering on ridiculous.

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Confirmed. On Red Eclipse the group queue is bugged too. It doesnt include the new maps, only the old ones. Sometimes the queue is long...that was not the case before the last patch which bugged a lot of important stuff, non of which is fixed. Edited by ExarSun
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