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Do you like to fly GSF solo, or in group?




I solo, because I like surprises.


But, if the opposition is strong, I will group.


Or, I will switch to the opposing faction if live fire matches occur often.

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Do you like to fly GSF solo, or in group?




I solo, because I like surprises.


But, if the opposition is strong, I will group.


Or, I will switch to the opposing faction if live fire matches occur often.


Solo, because it can be enjoyable to work with what you get. That's often interesting in itself.


Group, because tactics can go deeper when you have even one more player that you understand better. With a full group it's even more powerful.


Why switch when there are wargames? This generally means queue on the other side is dead.

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On my main toons, I always group. On my alt toons, the ones not so widely known to be me, I solo. I enjoy both equally.


The reason I group is for a couple of reasons: One-skipped in queue. All my ships are mastered or super mastered, I have 1000s of flights on each toon. Two-this is an MMO made to be played with people. Even when solo queuing, it is still a group thing. There are very few people I know personally that can pull a team to victory alone.

The reasons I solo: One-improving myself, when I group, others are better pilots than I am. I rely on them to do the killing while I guard a node. When I'm solo, I rely only on myself to manage what I can or can't do in a game. I won't say I lose more than I win, because that's not true. I do win less though.


Either way, I am a solid pilot.

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I used to solo a lot, and advanced one character to a big hangar of mastered ships.....


But now I'm leveling another character, and since starting again, I'm usually grouped. (tho' not always fully) - the Queue isn't as big as the old days, so any team-mate(s) that I can message between matches is nice. It also means I can do stuff between matches that this character hasn't done.


AND when the queue dies down, it also means I can queue for Regular PvP - as my first GSF character isn't geared up for PvP.


The GSF crowd is pretty friendly on Progenitor, and my char has a rather long & obscure name, so I guess a lot of people recognize me when I join GSF channel.


I'd love to be in a proper pre-made with voice chat set up, but 8 people talking while my family are trying to get some sleep isn't likely to happen any time soon. - My guild mates know me IRL and know to keep chatter low-key most of the time. - but none of them are GSF pilots.:(

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Yes. Like regular pvp, groups are priority. I have sat waiting for matches while groups got continuous pops. If I am in a hurry to get some in (say Monday and I need to finish my weekly) I may group right away.


And, as a solo pilot, it is likely you may catch a tail end of a horrible loss, or a nice win. I have had both happen, LOL.

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I prefer queueing with a wingman. If the enemy team isn't a match for us, I can always go easy on them. If the enemy team is organized I like to know I have at least one person on my team who knows what to do. In DOM it's helpful to know a satellite will stay green as long as my wingman defends it, or a surprise attack on a barely defended satellite will have succes. In DM it's good to keep an eye on each other.
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Grouping is best. The big draws:


> You are more powerful

> You gain way more benefit from peeling and position. This makes these actions way more fun.

> You can communicate tactics. This makes dogfights much more realistic and interesting.

> You can change strategy if you need to, without dinking around with a keyboard and a bunch of people who can't read good.

> You get queues faster

> You make friends

> You make enemies

> Salty cross faction tears

> Rarespawn forum QQ is like looting an epic


I thought playing with a group was way more fun immediately, and the only downside I ever felt is that I couldn't really play bad ships in real games (letting my team down feels real bad)- that's a minor downside, especially given the number of games you CAN play bad ships for a variety of reasons.


But at this point? I don't even feel the need to solo queue like, at all. The social interaction is super amazing in this community.

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If Traesha is on, I like queueing where it's just me and her, her bomber and my clarion go really good together as a team, especially in domination. Another reason why is if the queue gets unbalanced from other pub vets or the usual lack of imp vets, we can swap imp side too.


Honestly I don't like flying with more than one or two people otherwise. I'm not a fan of "premades" unless things get really competetive. I do have to fly in a group to get pops usually though.


~ Eudoxia

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