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New Chapter: Visions in the dark - Post your thoughts


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on a technical point, how come the weapon I build at the end of the chapter is inferior in stats (by a long way) to the one I owned originally?


- And why does the blaster rifle sound so god-awful as well. ? squeaky Pew-Peww rather than bass "Thud-thud-thud."


Oh, and I hope I don't forget I've got it and sell it in the meantime.....


- And what do you do for an Encore when the biggest bad in the galaxy is finally defeated (again)?

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That might be a bridge too far, and I'm not sure if it's necessary.


If you really want it... then maybe something with the player's legacy characters all working together?


It depends on how much you want to hew to the mechanics and budgetary limitation of KotFE while redoing the story. So far, everything we've tossed around allows for more or less the same mechanics as KotFE (replace Star Fortresses with some kind of facility raid for an artifact or other minor macguffin - 2 each for each "enemy" faction of Revanites, Empire, and Republic). Odessen can still be the Alliance base; and instead of Zakuul as a quest hub (or alongside if you want to give the Revanites a home base), take advantage of level sync and move some of the chapter missions to existing worlds (either in new map zones or open up previously closed doors into existing buildings).


Once you're into companions, though; they're only doing a dozen or so story companions in Season 1. IF you want pre-KotFE class companions to have a meaningful role in the story, and accept the limitations that BW is working under, then something's gotta give. I'd work more existing companions into the story and less "new" ones, personally, but there's really only 4 "new" comps (excluding Marr and HK-55, and counting Lana and Theron as "new comps"). I also wouldn't have front-loaded the Agent's comps into the story, or given them 2 to everyone else's 1 or less. Coincidentally (or not) 4 "new" comps and 1 each story companion works out to 12 comps overall. I know this would not make you happy, Max, but we're working with the (evident) limitations of KotFE. I would rather see more faction-specific story missions and cutscenes (to give the appearance of faction stories) than 8x "class" stories where the comps are basically playing the same role, just with different VA.


I was going to write that I'd like to see more of the "original" comps come back as "Alliance alerts" rather than the random grab-bag of mostly-huttese-speaking non-human sapients we have now, with later upgrade to story status if justified in Season 2, but then I recalled that there's a certain amount of VA overlap in the companions, yes? That could complicate matters.


Anyway, having justified (or not, YMMV), the need for scattering the character's original crew, how to do it? Cheap answer, there's a war on (one which we need to come to a short, violent, and chaotic conclusion for other story reasons). I think we can tone down the structure of Ch.I a little, and tune it to be faction-specific. For Pub faction, Saresh was furious with the PC after Ziost. I've not yet played an Imp through Ziost, so I don't know how the Dark Council or the Moffs react to the PC's actions here, but I can imagine that they'd be rather upset with the PC "causing" Ziost to be destroyed, and "allowing" a Republic invasion. So, shortly after Ziost, Marr/Satele (dependent on faction) invite the PC to come with them to investigate a Macguffin in Wild Space. Story ensues; at the end of which the PC comes to know that a)the Revanites are still Out There and b)their respective factions decide this is the Last Time the PC will "work with the Enemy." Lana/Theron (factional) offer the PC a chance to escape before the trial (and again after). If they do, they have to "hide out" in the rim for a while, cut all ties to their previous life until "something changes." If they go through the trial, they're thrown in prison. (Cue about a year's worth of all-out attritional war between the two factions, culminating in simultaneous decapitation raids on the capital worlds and other major worlds that leaves both sides reeling and ready to negotiate; and sets a stage for coups on both sides, which will be useful later). If the PC went to prison, they're released Because Reasons, if not, the circumstances have changed enough that they can come out of exile. And, right into the beginning of the Plot To Destroy/Control Vitiate's Legacy Before Anyone Else Does, as masterminded by Marr, the Shans, and Lara, with the PC as figurehead. Run opening scroll, start Ch.II

Edited by IanArgent
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on a technical point, how come the weapon I build at the end of the chapter is inferior in stats (by a long way) to the one I owned originally?


- And why does the blaster rifle sound so god-awful as well. ? squeaky Pew-Peww rather than bass "Thud-thud-thud."


Oh, and I hope I don't forget I've got it and sell it in the meantime.....


- And what do you do for an Encore when the biggest bad in the galaxy is finally defeated (again)?


I'm told that it's got mod slots... as ugly as the art and sound I've seen online are, you should eventually be able to put whatever the BiS mods are in that thing when you go to "meet your destiny".

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As a chapter it was good.


However it seems the choice you make at the start is pointless.


More annoying is that 12 chapters in and it is yet to feel like we are at war. It seems this is going to be the most drawn out war story ever know cause despite being at war we recruit, recruit and then have a day dream and build a weapon.


Which is going to get worse, as the next chapter is helping an old con man steal some treasure, seriously I'm all for stealing some treasure but hows about we actually fight in a war and star seeing some conflict and not more sneaking around Zakuul (the least guarded planet in the galaxy) and start fighting. And for the love of the force, if we are sneaking in lets have Nico flying us in, I hired the best smuggler in the galaxy and I've yet to see him fly me anywhere!


And finally though this is more of an issue with the whole Kofte, you move the world on 5 years, reset power bases which is all good if you considered telling a story about why the dark council member would be heading to Makeb to deal with Hutts. And then you put them in charge of an alliance, only no one in the alliance ever listens to you and turn them into the chosen one who is destined (if you believe that stuff) to rule the eternal empire. Which can't happen unless the game is going to be changed to a strategy game which is about moving your armies around.


They need to add in a planet that is like Balmorra, War torn with Rep/Imps fighting Zakuul troops with a space battle over head ( like in Battlefront Jakku map)

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Just as I was about to write SWTOR off after the boring filler of firebrand chapter, they introduce this.. Pretty much the best chapter since the beginning of KOTFE and one of the coolest PVE episodes since class stories. Now I guess I have to subscribe again... lol :o


It may be written for force-users, but thats fine for me cause my main is the Wrath and this chapter feels just perfect. Five stars. It also has "build-up to epic conclusion of KOTFE" written all over it. A journey of discovery full of the cryptic force mysticism of good old star wars.


I can see now the direction the writers intended to take this story from the beginning.. Not going to say more since the chapter is more enjoyable when its as cryptic as it is.


This visions chapter has me thinking of finally making dark choices for my pure light guardian, and taking a gray jedi approach for the galaxy and still refuse valkohrians power.

If it wasn't as obvious before..


The outlander is becoming the next Revan...


Edited by Karkais
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I'm told that it's got mod slots... as ugly as the art and sound I've seen online are, you should eventually be able to put whatever the BiS mods are in that thing when you go to "meet your destiny".


Orange moddable. And you're not going to need BiS in a story encounter - the 200/208 (I forget which off the top of my head) that are in it will be quite adequate. Stick it in a corner of your character's inventory and wait until you need it.

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Orange moddable. And you're not going to need BiS in a story encounter - the 200/208 (I forget which off the top of my head) that are in it will be quite adequate. Stick it in a corner of your character's inventory and wait until you need it.


Right -- I was just commenting that it wasn't locked into whatever stats it had when they got it.

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My only thought is that its even more painfully obvious that KOTFE is only for force users and Bioware has no idea what to do with non force users.


This is the argument I don't get. Recruiting Kaliyo wasn't about Force users, neither was recruiting Aric/Havoc Squad. The upcoming one with Vette and Gault won't be targeted at Force users either nor will the Mando chapter so where's the harm in having a chapter in between like this one where it's Force user orientated?


Yes the "bad guys" for KotFE overall are Force users. Valkorion, Arcann, Vaylin etc. but if you look at some of the Chapters for the IA class story for example, some of that had to do with Force users and controversy surrounding Force users as well.


KotFE as a whole may be generalized but there have been plenty Chapters that had little to do with Force users specifically.

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I actually think the lightsaber is pretty sweet - though I prefer my Orgus Din one. (Well, same model different names - drops from one of the heroics on Belsavis.) Still, I'll use it until I lay the smack down - then back to old blue.


I think the saber is pretty, and the blaster pistol model I saw looked pretty nice as well. Not sure about the cannon, and am neutral on the rifle and the sniper.

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I actually think the lightsaber is pretty sweet - though I prefer my Orgus Din one. (Well, same model different names - drops from one of the heroics on Belsavis.) Still, I'll use it until I lay the smack down - then back to old blue.


Yeah it's not a bad lightsaber, in fact I think I needed the lightsaber change anyway since I was still using Kalligs lightsaber on my sorc it made sense that it was time to build a new one, also due to the chapter I changed the lightsaber crystal from red to purple.

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This is the argument I don't get. Recruiting Kaliyo wasn't about Force users, neither was recruiting Aric/Havoc Squad. The upcoming one with Vette and Gault won't be targeted at Force users either nor will the Mando chapter so where's the harm in having a chapter in between like this one where it's Force user orientated?


Yes the "bad guys" for KotFE overall are Force users. Valkorion, Arcann, Vaylin etc. but if you look at some of the Chapters for the IA class story for example, some of that had to do with Force users and controversy surrounding Force users as well.


KotFE as a whole may be generalized but there have been plenty Chapters that had little to do with Force users specifically.

Recruiting can be done by any schmuck... where it becomes obviously flawed is when we have Troopers force leaping around a map and then foraging a new Assault Canon...

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This is the argument I don't get. Recruiting Kaliyo wasn't about Force users, neither was recruiting Aric/Havoc Squad. The upcoming one with Vette and Gault won't be targeted at Force users either nor will the Mando chapter so where's the harm in having a chapter in between like this one where it's Force user orientated?



I think the problem is that the other chapters had at least some relevance to all classes (getting info to use again the Eternal Empire, after it all it was the info from both Kaliyo's chapter and Havoc's that led to the current assault that we ummm... didn't get to take part in or see the result of) whereas this one left non-force-users kind of out in the cold.


Sure, they've all been railroady as anything and having to do Jorgan's bidding no matter what was annoying, but at least you could see the usefulness overall. This was just jarring and irrelevant to a lot of non-force-users (judging by comments here and my own experience)

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I think the problem is that the other chapters had at least some relevance to all classes (getting info to use again the Eternal Empire, after it all it was the info from both Kaliyo's chapter and Havoc's that led to the current assault that we ummm... didn't get to take part in or see the result of) whereas this one left non-force-users kind of out in the cold.


Sure, they've all been railroady as anything and having to do Jorgan's bidding no matter what was annoying, but at least you could see the usefulness overall. This was just jarring and irrelevant to a lot of non-force-users (judging by comments here and my own experience)


Exactly. - It would be more sensible to have the force-users go off with Marr and Satele and get all loved up with them, But the non- force users go on the mission with Havoc and Kalio. -shooting bad guys and blowing stuff up. Though that's probably 100% more story they'd have to write, it would help with the choices (of class) mattering......IMHO.

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Recruiting can be done by any schmuck... where it becomes obviously flawed is when we have Troopers force leaping around a map and then foraging a new Assault Canon...


Force leaping? My wife's smuggler was using her rocket boost.

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Recruiting can be done by any schmuck... where it becomes obviously flawed is when we have Troopers force leaping around a map and then foraging a new Assault Canon...


Yes, it can be odd for an IA/Trooper/Smuggler/BH, won't deny that however, it's one chapter. Not all of them have been nor will be Force focused.


I mean on that same note one could have said last month "Well why would my Sith Inq give a shyte about Aric Jorgan and Havoc Squad? She's a classy and powerful sorceress, trudging through the swamps with some Republic losers makes no sense".. except, it made SOME sense because recruiting more forces helps the Alliance. This Chapter, though Force focused, helps your PC become 'stronger', same end goal just a different approach.


There may be some heavier Force related overtones over all however, chapter by chapter feels rather balanced. We've had an IA'ish themed one infiltrating the Spire, placing bombs and stealing schematics.. we had a Trooper one with HS and Aric, now we've had a Force focused one to empower ourselves rather than our Alliance and next we'll have a Smugglers' type orientated one followed by a BH/Mando orientated one.

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I think the problem is that the other chapters had at least some relevance to all classes (getting info to use again the Eternal Empire, after it all it was the info from both Kaliyo's chapter and Havoc's that led to the current assault that we ummm... didn't get to take part in or see the result of) whereas this one left non-force-users kind of out in the cold.


Sure, they've all been railroady as anything and having to do Jorgan's bidding no matter what was annoying, but at least you could see the usefulness overall. This was just jarring and irrelevant to a lot of non-force-users (judging by comments here and my own experience)


Yeah I'm seeing it from a different perspective and I'm not looking to diminish anyone elses opinion btw or claim others are 'wrong', you see it as you see it.


For me, the previous Chapters involved recruiting people to strengthen my Alliance and gain intel on the Eternal Empire. This Chapter revolved around empowering myself which is equally beneficial overall.

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Yes, it can be odd for an IA/Trooper/Smuggler/BH, won't deny that however, it's one chapter. Not all of them have been nor will be Force focused.


I mean on that same note one could have said last month "Well why would my Sith Inq give a shyte about Aric Jorgan and Havoc Squad? She's a classy and powerful sorceress, trudging through the swamps with some Republic losers makes no sense".. except, it made SOME sense because recruiting more forces helps the Alliance. This Chapter, though Force focused, helps your PC become 'stronger', same end goal just a different approach.


There may be some heavier Force related overtones over all however, chapter by chapter feels rather balanced. We've had an IA'ish themed one infiltrating the Spire, placing bombs and stealing schematics.. we had a Trooper one with HS and Aric, now we've had a Force focused one to empower ourselves rather than our Alliance and next we'll have a Smugglers' type orientated one followed by a BH/Mando orientated one.

I'm just pointing out where it gets weird...that's all. It wasn't an issue last month for most apparently :)

And I keep saying, it was a good story finally...just felt very out of place if you weren't a Jedi.

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I'm just pointing out where it gets weird...that's all. It wasn't an issue last month for most apparently :)

And I keep saying, it was a good story finally...just felt very out of place if you weren't a Jedi.


That's totally fine :p I'm not dismissing your PoV by any means!


My Trooper had fun with it, leaping around the place and getting a glimpse at 'how the other side lives' for a bit. Different but not the worst experience in the world.

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That's totally fine :p I'm not dismissing your PoV by any means!


My Trooper had fun with it, leaping around the place and getting a glimpse at 'how the other side lives' for a bit. Different but not the worst experience in the world.

Well yeah, that's the part that sucks...I don't get to do it any longer :p

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There may be some heavier Force related overtones over all however, chapter by chapter feels rather balanced. We've had an IA'ish themed one infiltrating the Spire, placing bombs and stealing schematics.. we had a Trooper one with HS and Aric, now we've had a Force focused one to empower ourselves rather than our Alliance and next we'll have a Smugglers' type orientated one followed by a BH/Mando orientated one.


I suppose if you consider it that way the force classes are actually the ones getting less out of it, since thus far they've had this one milage-may-vary chapter for all of them :)


I also take your point about this chapter being about making the Outlander stronger, rather than the Alliance. It didn't work so well for me as I just didn't find there was enough explanation of how this was making me stronger other than hand-wavey space-magic, which was I actually thought was more the failing of the chapter for non-force-users than being force-focused. I'd have been fine if it hadn't been so much "well because Valkorian *hand-wave*... something something force.... DESSSSSTINYYYYY!!!! Have a magic gun bai!". Bioware - great character writing but very much fill-in-the-blanks on plot :rolleyes:


It's especially pointless if you're playing a neutral character, which is because I don't think Bioware realises this exists, given their previous games :)

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I am convince Emp V has become some avatar of the force, and the force is seeking to find a ruler of the galaxy.


My other thoughts is, damm cliff hanger! No matter who you send in its a hanger.


I hope nmy sorc gets another chance to try to kill the Jedi Grand Master.


Still working through some of my thoughts, but like where the story is going the force being much more alive then pervoius thought is interesting, and wonder what will happen with the ideas we chose to focus the weapon on, so far went through with my sage and sorc, sage chose sacrifice and my sorc went with transcendence. Even though that seems matter get the feeling it will play a part when the weapon gets used.


Ideas and conviction being part of the force and its grey area is nice

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I really loved it when I could say that I am and will always be a Sith. It made me happy that I could be like "Fu** your lightside ****, I'm still Darth Nox! And now fu** off, I can kick Arcans *** with the dark side!!"

I was afraid that my decitions will be

"Yes, i love the light side too niow"

"Of course I will use the light side too"


"Yes, it is my destiny to use the light side too"

... Well, i guess it will happen anyway. But hey, I have hope now that my class will maby not only be a spaceholder XD

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