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Can anyone suggest a game where the dev's are active


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In fixing the game? I just watched, my lightsabers vanish (again), and being stuck in a pose. I had to relog to get out of the pose. And frankly I'm tired of it. This and all the other bugs that seem to linger unaddressed. And i won't even get into the problems with PVP; or the fact that every trash mod has cc; and the boring chapters in KOTFE.


I mean, I feel like the dev's aren't even trying to make the players happy. They just do their own **** and throw it out there. And us, little addicts keep buying the coins. I've had it. I need something else to feed my addiction and take my money. It's not just the $15 a month that pisses me off. That's chump change. It's the hundreds I've spent over the years on CC. I feel like I'm being conned right now, that the dev's are just throwing crap out there to keep me buying.


So can anyone suggest a game where the dev's are actually active. Is WOW the only one?

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In fixing the game? I just watched, my lightsabers vanish (again), and being stuck in a pose. I had to relog to get out of the pose. And frankly I'm tired of it. This and all the other bugs that seem to linger unaddressed. And i won't even get into the problems with PVP; or the fact that every trash mod has cc; and the boring chapters in KOTFE.


I mean, I feel like the dev's aren't even trying to make the players happy. They just do their own **** and throw it out there. And us, little addicts keep buying the coins. I've had it. I need something else to feed my addiction and take my money. It's not just the $15 a month that pisses me off. That's chump change. It's the hundreds I've spent over the years on CC. I feel like I'm being conned right now, that the dev's are just throwing crap out there to keep me buying.


So can anyone suggest a game where the dev's are actually active. Is WOW the only one?


I have no clue. I only play this game.


But I will tell you this. Not that it matters at all for you right now. But I played SWG from start to finish and there customer service was awesome. And not only that but the developers were all over that game. I know a lot happened in SWG that made people mad, but it wasn't the lack of developer attention or lack of customer service. If I turned in a ticket it was usually answered within hours at the very worse ever it was 2 days on a weekend during a major update.


So I am sure there is something out there. I just have that to compare it to and SWG is long gone.

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In fixing the game? I just watched, my lightsabers vanish (again), and being stuck in a pose. I had to relog to get out of the pose. And frankly I'm tired of it. This and all the other bugs that seem to linger unaddressed. And i won't even get into the problems with PVP; or the fact that every trash mod has cc; and the boring chapters in KOTFE.


I mean, I feel like the dev's aren't even trying to make the players happy. They just do their own **** and throw it out there. And us, little addicts keep buying the coins. I've had it. I need something else to feed my addiction and take my money. It's not just the $15 a month that pisses me off. That's chump change. It's the hundreds I've spent over the years on CC. I feel like I'm being conned right now, that the dev's are just throwing crap out there to keep me buying.


So can anyone suggest a game where the dev's are actually active. Is WOW the only one?


Entitled much? Instead of whining, just quit. No one is forcing you to play this video game, or any other for that matter. Would you keep watching a TV show you don't like? Not that I particularly care what your answer to that is, but if you do, then you got deeper problems than being angry over a video game.

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Entitled much? Instead of whining, just quit. No one is forcing you to play this video game, or any other for that matter. Would you keep watching a TV show you don't like? Not that I particularly care what your answer to that is, but if you do, then you got deeper problems than being angry over a video game.


Guess wanting a bug free game is now being entitled, I guess having standards is bad now.


It's one thing to agree/disagree with people on the forums about opinions, however its completely another thing to want them to leave simply because their own opinion is different from yours. He still obviously wants to play the game and is trying to enjoy it, but due to the massive influx of bugs that go on for so long unfixed, he's fed up with it. Yes... he could of presented his case better and went more in depth about why KOTFE is boring, as the topic of PVP has been beaten to death, but it's still no reason to tell him to quit.


Instead of telling him to quit... why not prove him wrong and explain what's so good about this game... about KOTFE... about PVP... trying to encourage him to stay rather than quit.

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Since I left SWTOR, I have been back playing RIFT. The dev's like to keep in contact with their player base there. They take a very active role in the forums and via Twitch on a weekly basis. So far, when I have needed to open a ticket, they are often answered within a few hours and answered via /tell messages if I am online.


I have been back at that game for 2 months now, and have only experienced 1 minor bug. Lots of content to explore and complete and the leveling process is very smooth. Level scaling is only done when you need it via the Mentor system. I can have a max level 65 friend run me through dungeons for 4 hours and go from 10 to 65 in that time frame. Or you can chose to complete quests and explore everything the game has to offer, including some very interesting story based missions and ride the leveling curve :) The dungeons (flashpoints), do not auto level scale anyone. When I got to 55, I was able to mentor myself down to level 50 and enter a level 50 dungeon with my friend that was 65. I was getting the full XP that a level 50 would get in there solo so it was very quick. They also have a "sidekick" system that will mentor a low level up to their friends level so that high level content can be completed together.


Their F2P system is amazing as well. Not like SWTOR limiting system. You have full access to the game and a nice cash shop with items to buy that are not required to enjoy the game. The graphics when set on high, are smooth, updated and fluid. They have really worked on the game engine since it launched 5 years ago. It puts WoW to shame. I still come by these forums hoping to see some improvement in SWTOR, but so far, nothing that will bring me back. Some things, like the HK-55 weapons and helmet, have pushed me farther away. Just sayin.


They have a wardrobe system that is account wide and is used to store the appearance of items you collect during your travels to change the look of your characters. Items that can not be equipped will even appear in there as long as they are in your bag one time upon looting. Their subscription system is called "patron" and is available for a variety of time levels and costs about the same as most other MMO's. Crafting works very well in the game too. I took 3 years off from RIFT after it launched and I am very happy I went back. I just hope that SWTOR fixes their issues, their queue system and gets more content added. :-( The queue system in RIFT works. it works because its multi server wide and multi faction enabled. PVP is a blast and very rewarding. Every class can perform the tank/healer/dps roles. Specs are switchable on the fly at any time depending on what your group needs are which is amazing when stuff happens during the run. An example of this is the Mage class. Mages and every other class like the rogue, cleric and warrior have a selection of different talent trees they can use, depending on what role they want to play. 3 talent trees are used at any one time. The Arbiter mage can tank, the Harbinger mage can melee dps using magic weapons, and heal using dps and debuffs. It is quite interesting. Characters can transfer to other shards (servers) in the click of a button via their portrait in the UI. Chat is cross server enabled as well and segmented into level ranges and trade channels.


Worth taking a look at if anything. Just hope something positive happens to SWTOR in the future. Been with this game since launch, suffered the multiple server merges when my servers became ghost towns and now with what is going on with the bugs and lack of any real content. I waited for almost a month for my Agent to be able to complete chapter 10, companions that could not be summoned took ages to fix and the group queue system that just doesn't work because they have not figured out how to make it server wide. And it was nice to be able to run the low level flashpoints without being auto scaled down. There should at least be a toggle for that kind of thing. No longer able to run my low level friends though higher content without being scaled down. It was also nice to be able to run the old flashpoints on my max level just for fun without any effort, but those days are gone. There are many more issues, and people have experienced different ones, but for now, RIFT and STO have my attention. best of luck with your choice :)

Edited by nissanmaxima
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Guess wanting a bug free game is now being entitled, I guess having standards is bad now.


It's one thing to agree/disagree with people on the forums about opinions, however its completely another thing to want them to leave simply because their own opinion is different from yours. He still obviously wants to play the game and is trying to enjoy it, but due to the massive influx of bugs that go on for so long unfixed, he's fed up with it. Yes... he could of presented his case better and went more in depth about why KOTFE is boring, as the topic of PVP has been beaten to death, but it's still no reason to tell him to quit.


Instead of telling him to quit... why not prove him wrong and explain what's so good about this game... about KOTFE... about PVP... trying to encourage him to stay rather than quit.


Except that this is a video game, and if he's not enjoying it, then he shouldn't be here. Anything I say isn't going to change his mind. Bottom line, its a VIDEO GAME. I really don't understand why people get so worked up over this or any other video game. If its entertaining you, play it, if its not, do something else.. maybe something that could be considered productive, or idk, count blades of grass... w/e. The point is, why waste your time doing things you don't enjoy, especially when there's absolutely no real life benefit to it?


Am I enjoying SWTOR? yep. When that changes, I'll just simply stop playing. You wont see me whining about it. A video game's value is something that only you can decide. Anyone else's opinion on it is largely meaningless, unless of course, you're unable to think for yourself.

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Worth taking a look at if anything. Just hope something positive happens to SWTOR in the future. Been with this game since launch, suffered the multiple server merges when my servers became ghost towns and now with what is going on with the bugs and lack of any real content. I waited for almost a month for my Agent to be able to complete chapter 10, companions that could not be summoned took ages to fix and the group queue system that just doesn't work because they have not figured out how to make it server wide. And it was nice to be able to run the low level flashpoints without being auto scaled down. There should at least be a toggle for that kind of thing. No longer able to run my low level friends though higher content without being scaled down. It was also nice to be able to run the old flashpoints on my max level just for fun without any effort, but those days are gone. There are many more issues, and people have experienced different ones, but for now, RIFT and STO have my attention. best of luck with your choice :)




What is STO?


NVM. found it. Star Trek. I might try it. Also thinking about going back to WOW. Though it's been a few years.


Bad thing, I really like SWTOR. I love the lore. The classes (PVE - Not PVP). Generally, I love this game. But I'm over being treated like a bastard step-child.


PS: i just took a look at Eve. Wow. Haven't played that game in eons. Think what I'm gonna do is stop my SWTOR sub - maybe come back in August to finish the story (maybe) and hit up Eve.


Anyway to all you nameless players (I'll log tonight to talk to me guildies and friends) - thank you. Some of you here are *****s, but for the most part, you are good players who care about the game. Thank you.

Edited by cagthehack
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I recommand Guild Wars 2 (you must buy a copy of the game but no Sub at all) , the dev there often have a get together with the player on their forum and ask them question and have long pages of answer and questions about the stuff they are doing .


Star Trek is also very good , just...AVOID FED SIde!!! Their genchat is Pollutated with Politics Idiots who wont shut up and take it elsewhere . Klingon and romulan is quiet and fun .

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That's not entitlement you silly nerd. You might not agree with OP's expectations, but they're reasonable.


Oh it absolutely is entitlement. Here's the original post, translated for your convenience:


"I'm not getting exactly what I want so I'm going to go to the owners forums and piss and moan and I'll show them by asking people to tell me what else I should do with my time. You will rue the day you upset me, BioWare. RUE IT, I SAY!"

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Oh it absolutely is entitlement. Here's the original post, translated for your convenience:


"I'm not getting exactly what I want so I'm going to go to the owners forums and piss and moan and I'll show them by asking people to tell me what else I should do with my time. You will rue the day you upset me, BioWare. RUE IT, I SAY!"


He pays money for this game so it is reasonable to expect a game where bugs get fixed in a proper timeframe. Same goes for customer service and so on.


The only problem with his post is that it is in the wrong forum section.

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Guess wanting a bug free game is now being entitled, I guess having standards is bad now.


It's one thing to agree/disagree with people on the forums about opinions, however its completely another thing to want them to leave simply because their own opinion is different from yours. He still obviously wants to play the game and is trying to enjoy it, but due to the massive influx of bugs that go on for so long unfixed, he's fed up with it. Yes... he could of presented his case better and went more in depth about why KOTFE is boring, as the topic of PVP has been beaten to death, but it's still no reason to tell him to quit.


Instead of telling him to quit... why not prove him wrong and explain what's so good about this game... about KOTFE... about PVP... trying to encourage him to stay rather than quit.


Don't worry those white hat sycophants are far fewer in number then they were six months ago.

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Oh it absolutely is entitlement. Here's the original post, translated for your convenience:


"I'm not getting exactly what I want so I'm going to go to the owners forums and piss and moan and I'll show them by asking people to tell me what else I should do with my time. You will rue the day you upset me, BioWare. RUE IT, I SAY!"




Even if it was it wouldn't matter. Entitlement isn't a meaningful word when used in such a brain dead, internet-hipster-trash tier manner. Rather than impress everyone with a gotcha moment it just makers the wielder sound dumb.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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In fixing the game? I just watched, my lightsabers vanish (again), and being stuck in a pose. I had to relog to get out of the pose. And frankly I'm tired of it


So you have an issue that very few if anyone has and it's automatically Biowares fault.

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Star Trek is also very good.


Yes, any game where staff uses an anonymous Admin account to send racist and bigoted remarks to players and then refuse to be man enough to take the complaint is a wonderful game to play....

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Since I left SWTOR, I have been back playing RIFT. The dev's like to keep in contact with their player base there. They take a very active role in the forums and via Twitch on a weekly basis. So far, when I have needed to open a ticket, they are often answered within a few hours and answered via /tell messages if I am online.

Wow...I wish they did that here. An involved company is a successful one.


This is where a smaller company is better. To EA, SWTOR doesn't make a tiny bit of difference...but to Blizzard, W0W is their entire company. SWTOR is a small fish in the EA pond.

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Funny how this Thread got moved to Off-Topic while i was reading it.. xD


Why is that odd?


It began with a tantrum over an in game bug (one that is obviously not common, pervasive, or game breaking) and quickly devolved into a game/dev bashing pile-on and an advertising thread for other MMOs. We get click-bait threads in the forum all the time.. but usually they wait until after the community support staff have left for the weekend. This one was .... a bit premature.


He is certainly entitled to his opinion, and to express it. But this thread is basically click-bait for the game haters to pile-on. Why they play a game they hate so much... no idea.... but that is their choice, and they seem to need threads like this to make them feel more powerful or something.

Edited by Andryah
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