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Is it possible to solo Heroic +4 at Section X ?


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Like I said above, I no longer fight him- the reward for completing the bonus task is around 7-8K; and you can rush into range of the EMP grenade, toss it, and get a "free" teleport back to start by jumping into the water.


I fight him because it's not an impossible fight and I can't see the characters purposefully dying in that spot.


I've never once used a "just die here for free teleport" mechanic.

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I fight him because it's not an impossible fight and I can't see the characters purposefully dying in that spot.


I've never once used a "just die here for free teleport" mechanic.


I personally can't do enough DPS to burn him down on a couple of characters, or interrupt all his heals. I can and have beaten him on other characters who are more DPS-focused. Timely use of interrupts and leaps on my knight to interrupt him, and my trooper can just burn through his healing with raw DPS; but my SI and Consular I just can't be bothered with, I have better things to do with my time, especially since the only reason I'm doing that mission is the reputation grind.


(Actually, I dislike the flow of the Imp-side missions overall in that zone, the pub-side has a much smoother flow with less back-and-forth and quicker zone exiting)

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My Shadow can pretty much get the final boss to a stalemate. I'm in no danger of losing, but he can easily outheal my damage and I just can't interrupt enough of the heals to make any progress.


I hate running past him, throwing the grenade, and suiciding. It feels cheap to me. But I have never, not once, gotten a positive response to a LFG for that mission.



(Actually, I dislike the flow of the Imp-side missions overall in that zone, the pub-side has a much smoother flow with less back-and-forth and quicker zone exiting)


Huh. Honestly, the only thing I like better about Pubside Section X is that the mission locations form a rough circular progression instead of having to double back. Otherwise, I much prefer Impside. Imps only have one over-long mission in an underground bunker. Pubs have two, each of which is longer than the Impsdide one.

Edited by MasterSpatula
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Other than having to double back inside tunnel after defeating the Jedi master and the big combat droid, the Imp side of Section X can be done in single path -- starting with the biosamples and big beast, then on to get the codes and the "defeat pubs" etc missions, then into the tunnel, then back out, up to the encampment, then free the aliens, then do AC.
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Other than having to double back inside tunnel after defeating the Jedi master and the big combat droid, the Imp side of Section X can be done in single path -- starting with the biosamples and big beast, then on to get the codes and the "defeat pubs" etc missions, then into the tunnel, then back out, up to the encampment, then free the aliens, then do AC.


Wait, do you not need the [AREA] mission to get the Weekly?

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Wait, do you not need the [AREA] mission to get the Weekly?


I always forget that until I have to do it, but now that QT is on a short timer, it's pretty quick to just QT back to the IMP base from inside AC, then drive over the AREA area.


Or do AC first, then free the aliens from the cages moving towards the far end of that region, and then make a quickish drive to the AREA area.


I'd rather do Section X then some of the drives on Tatooine, or the first area that Imps get to on Voss, with the switchback road coming out of that first outpost and the long drive to each mission.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Also, perhaps a minor point, but I've never had any of the pub side bonus missions bug out on me. I've never been able to complete the bonus mission chain for the giant combat robot, it always ends when I finish phase 2, drops off my log and doesn't reward.


I probably ought to try and do the "boss" fight on my SI, I'm sure it'll make me a better player. I just can't bring myself to spend the time right now. And in fact, since it's been weeks since I last ran those missions at all despite wanting the rep so I can collect the artifice schematic, I may be a little burnt out on it.

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  • 6 years later...

I'm trying it on an 80 gunslinger with 324 ilvl and 50 comp


The only way I can get past the trash pulls is with Unity and Heroic moment up. Otherwise they swamp the comp and overrun me.


This might be soloable - but it's a total slogfest having to wait on all cooldowns for each pull.

Edited by CWTOR
spelling error
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I'm trying it on an 80 gunslinger with 324 ilvl and 50 comp


The only way I can get past the trash pulls is with Unity and Heroic moment up. Otherwise they swamp the comp and overrun me.


This might be soloable - but it's a total slogfest having to wait on all cooldowns for each pull.


It was always like that. It's better to use a stealther to skip the mobs.

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afaik you can run through - put your companion on passiv that he follows and start running, use speedbuffs, aktivate your companion from time to time that he heals you, than again on passiv, if you reach the end 95% of the mobs should reset and return to their position, so there is only the last group to fight. Done this a few times - its not easy, but it worked.


PS nowadays without aoe stuns and some defs, it would definitly be harder to get throug. But if you skill for that heroic the right things it should be doable



PPS testet it with a mara, take the 2 jumps ability, Shae Vizla on heal - Force camo at the first and last group + heroic moment as heal, acticated her twice - predation helped too - get through without falling under 50%, all mobs resettet as I reached the transport device at the end of the quest

Edited by Xhuuyaa
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I'm trying it on an 80 gunslinger with 324 ilvl and 50 comp


The only way I can get past the trash pulls is with Unity and Heroic moment up. Otherwise they swamp the comp and overrun me.


This might be soloable - but it's a total slogfest having to wait on all cooldowns for each pull.


It's definitely harder without self-healing and crownd control abilities. Some combat styles will have an easier time than others. I've finished it with gunslinger and 326 gear, so maybe you just need a little better gear. For the large pulls, you can use Heroic Moment and Unity, but smaller pulls you can survive with defensive cooldowns. It's usually best to focus fire the healers (silver enemies), then AoE the standard mobs, and finally take care of the gold ones last. Just AoEing everything isn't effective here because the silver mobs heal too much. Have your companion use their CC on one of the golds (manually do this, autocast may target the wrong mob). You have an 8 sec CC you can use on the other gold. If you can, run outside the gold mobs AoE lightning attack. That passive damage taken can really add up.


Also, unless you are going for the bonus objective (not really worth the time), you can just run through as far as you can until you die. Then revive there and basically skip all those groups you passed before. You might have a few groups left, but it greatly speeds up finishing the heroic.

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Also, unless you are going for the bonus objective (not really worth the time), you can just run through as far as you can until you die. Then revive there and basically skip all those groups you passed before. You might have a few groups left, but it greatly speeds up finishing the heroic.


This is how you can do many heroics as a non- stealther to get past really tedious mob grinding in front of the objectives.


Take all the speed and survival you can, set comp to heal and just run through then die in a safe spot. Maybe use heroic moment and that legacy comp+you damage reduction ability.


Res on the spot and finish the mission.

Edited by Gyronamics
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It was always like that. It's better to use a stealther to skip the mobs.

This, though I'm not sure if you can still stealth past the boss at the end (you used to be able to stick to the right wall at the last group of trash, then stay right to get to the objective you need to click without aggroing the boss). Before 7.0 I used to solo this in my Inq but it took forever. Not tried it since 7.0 though.

Edited by Sarova
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Yeah, you guys are right - corpse run to end and rez or use a stealther


I'd prefer, that they just tune it a little - remove some of the healer NPC's, make the packs a little smaller. But given the developer resources this game has - meh, i'll work around the "should be"

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