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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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That was tasteful and decorous. Or not.


I think he was trying to make a funny crack about my earlier comments. I made a jerk off comment weeks ago somewhere (or in this thread who knows by now?) and last night told him not to forget to switch arms while he's busy sounding the alarm about the state of the game (which was an entirely innocent comment).


And uh, watch out MCB that carpal tunnel stuff is serious business.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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Agreed. Unless the feeling lasts after you log out off the forums, it's not "hate". I reserve my hate for those who truly interfere with my enjoyment of life. I've yet to encounter a videogame forum poster who wields such influence. Drivers who don't use turn signals? Totally worth hating. Eggplant ... the vilest of all vegetables? I hate eggplant ... and I'm not that fond of those who don't hate eggplant. The authors of anything on a gaming forum? Not so much. Also, I'm pretty sure that before I'd allow my emotions towards a specific poster to reach the point of "hate", I'd just put that poster on /ignore.


Drivers who poke along in the passing lane at or below the speed limit and stubbornly refuse to get over even though 50 cars are behind them. So much hate.

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Drivers who poke along in the passing lane at or below the speed limit and stubbornly refuse to get over even though 50 cars are behind them. So much hate.


How about the arse holes in a crowd that yell at you to move faster when EVERYBODY is in your way?

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Drivers who poke along in the passing lane at or below the speed limit and stubbornly refuse to get over even though 50 cars are behind them. So much hate.
If they are going the speed limit what is the problem? If you are wanting pass someone that is at the maximum lawful speed then you are the problem not them.
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The game has been out for a good while now, it's bound to happen. I think the token thing for ranked pvp was pretty dumb..It's like giving out medals to the kids who placed 17th in a race. Otherwise, the game hasn't really changed that much. I've been here since launch and I still enjoy everything about it, for the most part. Since launch, I have taken breaks for a few months at a time..maybe others should have done the same. :p I hope people do come back, it's not hard to play more than one game!
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If they are going the speed limit what is the problem? If you are wanting pass someone that is at the maximum lawful speed then you are the problem not them.


That's not how the law is written at least in Texas. It’s in the transportation code that specifically says you need to drive your vehicle in the right lane or as close as you can to the right lane and the left lane is only for passing.” Every state has some law on the books restricting the use of left lane. In 29 states the law says people driving slower than the “normal speed of traffic” must move to the right lane. They do on occasion pull people over and issue a warning or a citation from time to time if the traffic is not heavy. And that's a Class C misdemeanor - similar to a speeding ticket with a maximum penalty of $500. So if your just hanging out in the left hand lane motoring along for a mile or so you might want to merge back into the middle or right hand lane.:cool:

Edited by Bakgrind
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I think they will announcement new xpansion as soon as possible, mb september-october. Coz they keep losing subs, but tho actually xpansion don't help a lot. They need SW saga film hype again. Edited by helpmewin
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If they are going the speed limit what is the problem? If you are wanting pass someone that is at the maximum lawful speed then you are the problem not them.


It's actually called impeding the flow of traffic and is considered unlawful on most state freeways. Slow drivers in the fast lane comprise the bulk of traffic congestion and I love it when large trucks pull right up to their bumper and force them to move.

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It's actually called impeding the flow of traffic and is considered unlawful on most state freeways. Slow drivers in the fast lane comprise the bulk of traffic congestion and I love it when large trucks pull right up to their bumper and force them to move.


Weird point, advocating the use of something dangerously illegal. Which would you consider worse - driving slower than some people, or driving so close to the car in front you won't have time to react if they have to break suddenly, and would probably end up killing them? There's a reason "tailgating" is illegal, too.


BTW, the person you quoted mentioned that the person is already driving at the maximum lawful speed limit - I doubt that would be considered "impeding" and "unlawful" - the unlawful part would be the person breaking that speed limit to try to pass them.

Edited by CrazyCT
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Weird point, advocating the use of something dangerously illegal. Which would you consider worse - driving slower than some people, or driving so close to the car in front you won't have time to react if they have to break suddenly, and would probably end up killing them? There's a reason "tailgating" is illegal, too.


BTW, the person you quoted mentioned that the person is already driving at the maximum lawful speed limit - I doubt that would be considered "impeding" and "unlawful" - the unlawful part would be the person breaking that speed limit to try to pass them.


The law is plain and the law is simple. The left lane is for passing only. If you are not passing another vehicle and you are in the left lane you are breaking the law and can be charged with a citation and a ticket. What other drivers are doing have nothing at all to do with this law. It is a law in just about every state. To talk about tail gating or speeding has nothing to do with the other. The left lane LAW is a LAW and anyone who supports driving in the left lane and not passing is supporting criminal activity plain and simple.

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The law is plain and the law is simple. The left lane is for passing only. If you are not passing another vehicle and you are in the left lane you are breaking the law and can be charged with a citation and a ticket. What other drivers are doing have nothing at all to do with this law. It is a law in just about every state. To talk about tail gating or speeding has nothing to do with the other. The left lane LAW is a LAW and anyone who supports driving in the left lane and not passing is supporting criminal activity plain and simple.


While it is true that driving in the passing lane without passing would be illegal, the only people who could pass you would be breaking the law, so logically, no-one should be trying to pass you. Driving too close to the car in front and breaking the speed limit are also illegal, but with far more danger to yourself and other drivers. And maybe it's just my moral compass telling me that sometimes some things are more illegal than others, and recklessly endangering other peoples lives by driving dangerously is more illegal than just driving along.

Edited by CrazyCT
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While it is true that driving in the passing lane without passing would be illegal, the only people who could pass you would be breaking the law, so logically, no-one should be trying to pass you. Driving too close to the car in front and breaking the speed limit are also illegal, but with far more danger to yourself and other drivers. And maybe it's just my moral compass telling me that sometimes some things are more illegal than others, and recklessly endangering other peoples lives by driving dangerously is more illegal than just driving along.


No, that's your self righteousness doing that. Left lane is for passing only. End of story. I swear you will argue just to argue.

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No, that's your self righteousness doing that. Left lane is for passing only. End of story. I swear you will argue just to argue.


As the pot said to the kettle - "What the f... did you just call me?"


I didn't say it wasn't illegal, I said it was more dangerous to break the speed limit and tailgate. If I was the Highway Patrol and those two cars passed me - one driving at the speed limit, albeit in the wrong lane, and one breaking the speed limit and then tailgating the driver in front, and I could only pull one of those people over, I'd pick the one who was recklessly endangering lives.


But, before you pretend you have the high ground here, go back and read the actual arguments. I was only pointing out that someone was actually advocating breaking the law and endangering lives, as a way to inform someone else that they are breaking the law. Breaking 2 laws because you are annoyed at someone breaking 1 law. Smells kinda like iron.

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As the pot said to the kettle - "What the f... did you just call me?"


I didn't say it wasn't illegal, I said it was more dangerous to break the speed limit and tailgate. If I was the Highway Patrol and those two cars passed me - one driving at the speed limit, albeit in the wrong lane, and one breaking the speed limit and then tailgating the driver in front, and I could only pull one of those people over, I'd pick the one who was recklessly endangering lives.


But, before you pretend you have the high ground here, go back and read the actual arguments. I was only pointing out that someone was actually advocating breaking the law and endangering lives, as a way to inform someone else that they are breaking the law. Breaking 2 laws because you are annoyed at someone breaking 1 law. Smells kinda like iron.


Well actually in that scenario both drivers are being reckless and breaking the law and I have personally witnessed both drivers getting pulled over . First Trooper pulls one car over and radios ahead for another unit to pull the other car over. It's all about discipline and obeying the law which firstly is slower traffic keep right and then left hand lane for passing only. It's interesting to note that most European drivers obey this type of traffic law better than those of us that live in the states simply because they are more disciplined and respectful of the letter of the law because in some countries you simply do not pay a flat rate for you ticket , but rather the fine will be a percentage of your wealth ( Germany, France, Austria and the Nordic countries also issue punishments based on a person's wealth) . And you learn real quick after that first ticket to be more mindful of your driving.

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The law is plain and the law is simple. The left lane is for passing only. If you are not passing another vehicle and you are in the left lane you are breaking the law and can be charged with a citation and a ticket. What other drivers are doing have nothing at all to do with this law. It is a law in just about every state. To talk about tail gating or speeding has nothing to do with the other. The left lane LAW is a LAW and anyone who supports driving in the left lane and not passing is supporting criminal activity plain and simple.


True story: Where I live, if you don't merge to the left lane, or slow way down for emergency and maintenance vehicles you will be ticketed, and in the case of law enforcement, possibly arrested. The law is plain and simple, so if you're driving 90 in the passing lane, and the max speed limit is 70, don't cry about "but I was in the passing lane" when you get a ticket. Of course, you could always turn on that winning personality you use here, and wind up in jail.


The truth is, if you're not driving above or below the posted max speed limit, you won't be pulled over at all for driving in the left lane. If you're driving below the posted max, or above it, you likely will. The problem is, you have to actually be a danger to yourself or others before you'll be stopped. So driving 40 in the passing lane will get you stopped, but driving the posted speed limit won't, because, quite frankly, nobody should be trying to pass you if you're going the speed limit. They, on the other hand, may be in for a big surprise.

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I live in Texas, and most highways have signs that state "Left Lane For Passing Only." This is as much of a law as the speed limit. Actually, in reality, it's more of a law since most entities won't ticket you for driving less than 10 miles over the posted speed limit.


Regardless, it's a common courtesy thing. If it is safe and reasonable to get over to allow someone to pass you, then you should. Forming a roadblock because you feel like a one man enforcer of a specific law is moronic. Do you even know if your speedometer is calibrated? There's a far greater chance that congesting the road with a pack of cars will result in a wreck than a speeder.


Also, keep in mind my scenario listed someone who is driving at or below the speed limit. It also is important to note that following the "normal flow of traffic" is also a qualifier for those who stubbornly refuse to get over. If everyone is driving 65 in a 55, then the normal flow is 65. Obviously, this rule is limited by an objective rule of reasonableness. Common sense should guide most people.


Finally, in my state, there are exceptions (usually by standing) accepted as valid...where one can speed and "be in the right." Are you absolutely certain that person behind you isn't a State Legislator on the way to a vote? What about the tenth car behind you that you can't see? Maybe an ambulance is impeded by your running roadblock and can't get through easily because you have created a mile-long mess. The potential scenarios go on. Even better, Texas law determines that driving in way that is "not unreasonable under the circumstances" allows you certain leeway. Many a ticket has been dismissed for this very reason.


In short, get over. You're most likely not in the "right"...both literally and figuratively.


Am I a lawyer? Why yes...yes I am. :)

Edited by UberSamoyed
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I live in Texas, and most highways have signs that state "Left Lane For Passing Only." This is as much of a law as the speed limit. Actually, in reality, it's more of a law since most entities won't ticket you for driving less than 10 miles over the posted speed limit.


Regardless, it's a common courtesy thing. If it is safe and reasonable to get over to allow someone to pass you, then you should. Forming a roadblock because you feel like a one man enforcer of a specific law is moronic. Do you even know if your speedometer is calibrated? There's a far greater chance that congesting the road with a pack of cars will result in a wreck than a speeder.


Also, keep in mind my scenario listed someone who is driving at or below the speed limit. It also is important to note that following the "normal flow of traffic" is also a qualifier for those who stubbornly refuse to get over. If everyone is driving 65 in a 55, then the normal flow is 65. Obviously, this rule is limited by an objective rule of reasonableness. Common sense should guide most people.


Finally, in my state, there are exceptions (usually by standing) accepted as valid...where one can speed and "be in the right." Are you absolutely certain that person behind you isn't a State Legislator on the way to a vote? What about the tenth car behind you that you can't see? Maybe an ambulance is impeded by your running roadblock and can't get through easily because you have created a mile-long mess. The potential scenarios go on. Even better, Texas law determines that driving in way that is "not unreasonable under the circumstances" allows you certain leeway. Many a ticket has been dismissed for this very reason.


In short, get over. You're most likely not in the "right"...both literally and figuratively.


Am I a lawyer? Why yes...yes I am. :)


That's some good advice there......if you are running short of clients and need some work. A lawyer saying it's ok to break the law? Just as well you are hiding behind the internet.

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The truth is, if you're not driving above or below the posted max speed limit, you won't be pulled over at all for driving in the left lane. If you're driving below the posted max, or above it, you likely will. The problem is, you have to actually be a danger to yourself or others before you'll be stopped. So driving 40 in the passing lane will get you stopped, but driving the posted speed limit won't, because, quite frankly, nobody should be trying to pass you if you're going the speed limit. They, on the other hand, may be in for a big surprise.


Nope, in KY, you will be pulled over if you drive in the passing lane just for driving instead of passing someone.

In TN, no such law as that but you MUST get over for ALL emergency vehicles. That means, if they're behind you get over. If they've pulled someone over, you MUST get into the lane away from them.


That's some good advice there......if you are running short of clients and need some work. A lawyer saying it's ok to break the law? Just as well you are hiding behind the internet.


Actually he's correct.

In TX they do allow you to go with the flow. Heck in Houston if you drive the speed limit at certain times you will BE run over! lol

Edited by CaptRogue
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A lawyer saying it's ok to break the law?

When I read UberSamoyed's post the part that stands out is:

In short, get over.

Which seems like good advice to me.


If someone comes up behind you, driving faster than you are, moving over seems the logical thing to do.

Edited by Khevar
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Wth is Killjoy these days anyways? And how can you come close to hating him? :p


Hopefully having fun in the game. If he's dropped out again I'll miss him. He makes me think.


Busy with work, life, and writing/research for a couple of personal projects.


Still doing a little SWTOR most nights, but I don't have a lot of time or mental energy to waste on certain people saying things about the game that are plainly untrue, or that they cannot prove are true -- and then said certain people launching personal attacks against anyone who asks for proof, and claiming to have offered proof that no one can find in any of their posts anywhere on the forums.



E: PS, 10:20pm server time on a Saturday night, TEH Hoth has 3 PvE and 1 PvP instances, all appear to be full or close to full.

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I'm not sure what BioWare can do to encourage some surge in enthused players. This whole themepark design just doesn't seem like it has that kind of pull anymore.


I'm patiently waiting for Disney to announce that EA is making some horrible MOBA or derivative team shooter for the next online-focused Star Wars game.

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That's some good advice there......if you are running short of clients and need some work. A lawyer saying it's ok to break the law? Just as well you are hiding behind the internet.


What a silly response. Doesn't one reserve the "hiding behind the internet" remark when you're engaged in an idiotic exchange of threats? Under what context do you believe I should have listed my credentials? You know...the Bar actually has rules for that kind of thing.


As for my post, I explained the various laws and statutes in place in layperson speak. I believe my advice...if I gave any...was to act reasonable and not impede the flow of traffic. Use common sense. I even gave some scenarios to support the general assumptions in place. If you took that as "breaking the law," well...good luck with your future endeavors.

Edited by UberSamoyed
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So I leveled to 65 doing all class, planet and exploration quests up to Corellia. Then I PvP'd for my 208 set. Then I went back and did all the bonus series chains and all heroics for every planet up to Corellia. After that I did all the space missions up to the expansion missions. I'm currently working on all tactical FP's up to Corellia and space mission dailies to get Grade 7 ship parts. Once I get all of those done I can move on to the planet chain for Ilum and any other missions I find there, to lead up to the Ilum FPs. Once those are done I can move on to Makeb, which I've never done before, nor any content after it.


After that, gotta do expansion FP's, operations, reputation grinds, more space missions, some crafting here and there, more PvP, GSF, etc etc...


So much to do!

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What a silly response. Doesn't one reserve the "hiding behind the internet" remark when you're engaged in an idiotic exchange of threats? Under what context do you believe I should have listed my credentials? You know...the Bar actually has rules for that kind of thing.


As for my post, I explained the various laws and statutes in place in layperson speak. I believe my advice...if I gave any...was to act reasonable and not impede the flow of traffic. Use common sense. I even gave some scenarios to support the general assumptions in place. If you took that as "breaking the law," well...good luck with your future endeavors.


Your "advice" was that it was ok to break the legal speed limit, as long as everyone else was doing it. I'll try that excuse if I'm ever up in court and hope the judge views the law as flexible as you seem to. "But everyone else was doing it" wouldn't get me out of punishments at school, never mind in a Court of Justice.

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