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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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So any thoughts on the idea of adding a fourth tank or healer spec to the ACs, or allowing AC switching? There's some irony in some of the strongest opposition to AC switching seems to have, in the past, come from some dedicated Ops players. (Is that too many "somes"?)


For AC switching, the two that strike me as the most odd might be Sage/Shadow and Sorcerer/Assassin.


I've thought that the two DPS/DPS/DPS ACs ought to have one of their DPS specs changed out for a non-DPS spec. Game-balance-logic says, this would be Heal for Sentinel and Tank for Sniper; but my head explodes when trying to justify this in lore; and for the Gunslinger/Sniper, a ranged tank has some mechanical issues. OTOH, I would have put the heal spec in Gunslinger/Sniper to begin with, which would leave Scoundrel/Agent free to be a distracting/debuffing/CC tank, but I'm not in BW's Game Design dept. Probably thought it would overlap too much with the other healers.


The conventional logic against switching ACs is "needs a new set of weapon/off-hand," but practically speaking, switching DPS/tank requires an entire second set of gear anyway because of different stat needs, and DPS and heal have slightly different stat needs as well. It's not that hard to come by a second set of common-crystal-equivalent gear at endgame; if nothing else you can farm 190/200 gear off trash mobs if you absolutely can't bear to sully your hands with the crafting/GTN game and for some reason don't want to use common crystals.

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Well I got news for you buddy boy. The storm is coming. And what I have been thru on 3 server mergers and a 4th transfer from a dead server is coming here. The only problem your gonna have is that there is nowhere to go this time buddy boy. The end of the rope has arrived.

I agree, the storm is certainly coming...but the end of the rope isn't here yet. All it takes is a few smart decisions by Bioware and they can salvage the incredible f-up they've created.


Circumstantial evidence, at best. Two years ago, my guild leader and I did something I almost never do, and hit the queue for some HM FPs.

Bob, I have no "evidence", I am telling people my experiences and my observations. Unlike you, I've been queuing for WZ's, FPs and Ops since the game launched.

Edited by TUXs
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I agree, the storm is certainly coming...but the end of the rope isn't here yet. All it takes is a few smart decisions by Bioware and they can salvage the incredible f-up they've created.



Bob, I have no "evidence", I am telling people my experiences and my observations. Unlike you, I've been queuing for WZ's, FPs and Ops since the game launched.



And that's where part of the disconnect is, really.


For those of us who are on servers that still hit "Standard" every day (whatever that means now, and even with the changes in server capacity and the oddness of KotFE), and whose content of choice doesn't involve waiting on queues, the experiences and observations are just plain different.


What a few posters in this thread have been doing is saying "My observations matter, yours don't. If my experience is that the game is dead, and your experience is that it's not dead, then your experience doesn't count for crap."

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And that's where part of the disconnect is, really.


For those of us who are on servers that still hit "Standard" every day (whatever that means now, and even with the changes in server capacity and the oddness of KotFE), and whose content of choice doesn't involve waiting on queues, the experiences and observations are just plain different.


What a few posters in this thread have been doing is saying "My observations matter, yours don't. If my experience is that the game is dead, and your experience is that it's not dead, then your experience doesn't count for crap."


I told you before and I will tell you again that's your opinion.


At some point in the thread you have to agree to disagree. I have the opinion that the game has died already. I explained in incredible detail why exactly I believe that. I truly 100% believe that is true. You however disagree. That's entirely fine with me. You have a right to believe whatever you jolly well please son. But at some point you either need to make a thread expressing why you believe this game is not dead and then defend you position or just agree to disagree in someone else's thread.

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I told you before and I will tell you again that's your opinion.


At some point in the thread you have to agree to disagree. I have the opinion that the game has died already. I explained in incredible detail why exactly I believe that. I truly 100% believe that is true. You however disagree. That's entirely fine with me. You have a right to believe whatever you jolly well please son. But at some point you either need to make a thread expressing why you believe this game is not dead and then defend you position or just agree to disagree in someone else's thread.



First, you'd have to be very old to call me "son." :rolleyes: Second, this isn't "your" thread -- it stopped being "your" thread the moment you hit the button on the first post.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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I have the opinion that the game has died already.


So....... what you are saying is that the game has died already (something by the way you have been claiming for more then two years now), and that you linger around and continue to pay to play a "dead game", create and prosecute extremely opinionated and negative threads, belittle, berate, or dismiss anyone that disagrees with you, and generally have nothing positive to say or express about the game. [Did I miss anything?]


Why? What jollys are you getting by continuing in this? [sincere question, please answer sincerely and without resorting to feeding me dictionary definitions or personal attacks].


Don't worry, this thread will make 100 pages, with or without you, and you can claim internet world domination. :p

Edited by Andryah
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So....... what you are saying is that the game has died already (something by the way you have been claiming for more then two years now), and that you linger around and continue to pay to play a "dead game", create and prosecute extremely opinionated and negative threads, belittle, berate, or dismiss anyone that disagrees with you, and generally have nothing positive to say or express about the game. [Did I miss anything?]


Why? What jollys are you getting by continuing in this? [sincere question, please answer sincerely and without resorting to feeding me dictionary definitions or personal attacks].


Don't worry, this thread will make 100 pages, with or without you, and you can claim internet world domination. :p


By any chance kiddo did you happen to notice the GAP of time it was from my posts that the game was dying off to the ones now? Ill help you out. I have been silent for about 3 years. Why? Because when I posted those the game went from 15 minute que times to get into a server to ghost town servers and a massive series of server mergers at a rapid succession.


Once I realized that there was an option to the game dying off quickly by being able to move to a "goto server" I stopped posting. I do not apologize for what I said or look back and say I was wrong. I was right then, and I am right now in my own humble opinion.


Now after many years of silence I have decided to repost but now it is a different subject matter. The matter now is the fact that we have reached the end of the rope now. That's what this post is all about or at least what it was supposed to be all about.


You attempt at trying to assassinate my character is a failure. The reason why it is a failure is that what you or anyone else think about my opinion doesn't matter one way or another. If I believe in what I am saying to be true, then I will defend my position unless someone or something proves my otherwise. So far that has not happened. As a matter of fact no even a little.


I give you a D for effort. Weak argument against me which even if I was the biggest lying scoundrel scumb bag you ever met, but what I am saying is in fact correct, what difference would it make. The game is in serious trouble whether you like me or not. Doesn't change one thing.

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The game never really had an impressive or consistent display of new content, and from what I've seen any frustrations or boredom caused by that have been amplified by


1.) their lack of focus on the content they do actually make

-GSF, SH, etc. uses their apparently limited resources and only serve to appease niche groups while

frustrating PVE/PVP players who don't care about those features in the slightest.

-4 years into the game's life they decide to focus on story? what? and it's an identical story across factions/chars

that has made leveling via story from 55-65 tedious and extremely repetitive (because revan is the same way)


2.) their terrible communication that when its actually happening has more often than not given false or idiotic information

-this patch is the pvp patch, oh wait nvm we're removing ranked 8v8

-better than cross server

-heal to full and make them pay

-there won't be another gap this long between ops, ever...and atm we're what 15 months with no ops?

-the player/class representatives who were so frustrated with it they (as far as I remember) all refused to do it any more


3.) The constant bugs, glitches, and problems that on more than one occasion they were told about by players using the public test server (and then ignored)

-Far too many to even list. Revans fight with that expansion, this whole thing about cartel coins being late or not

going out at all, I mean hell I remember one time they managed to bork the jumping animation.

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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In most places, the game is currently in better shape than it has ever been. I still think the lack of cross-server queues is holding the game back, but overall I'm pretty satisfied with the content we've been getting.


If you think the game is dead because you have done all of the content and there's nothing new left to do until the next patch, you should know that's not a problem with the game. That's a problem with the MMO genre. There's nothing that can be done about it. The developers add content, you finish it, and you can replay the content or stop playing until the next time content is added. BioWare isn't a company of magicians.


In regard to the specific complaint in this topic, yeah, Harbinger is dead. The wrong way to deal with this is to transfer to the flavour of the month. "I heard everyone is going to Bastion for PVP, so I'm going to Bastion too." <--- No! Bad! Wrong! *hits you with newspaper* Find a server with reasonably times pops and people you like. Stay there. I moved from Jung Ma to Ebon Hawk recently. While I miss the PVP server rules, it's a very nice place. I can get pops for PVP and PVE and there are always lots of people playing. If you move to a flavour of the month server, you're going to be disappointed when everyone leaves to go to the next FOTM.

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This is a problem with the tactical trinity and story-mode adventuring. For story mode, DPS is simply the most efficient way to get through almost all the levelling content (and has been as long as I've been playing, over 2 years). And because you can't change Advanced Class; your choices after that choice are constrained to DPS and not-DPS (if you're not one of the two ACs that are DPS or DPS). So not only are the majority of ACs DPS, but the game pushes you to be DPS.


I recall reading about this quite a bit, but it hasn't been my experience. Way back in the day, when an assassin was closer to DPM (Damage Per Minute) than DPS, I swapped mine to a tank. I ran a DPS comp in solo content, and didn't have any issues. My Shadow tank solo'd Oricon when it was relevant with Nadia, a DPS comp too. I use this pattern today, with my healer specs running tanks, as a general rule, and I don't have this issue everyone was indicating I should have leveling. In fact, w/out 12x or double xp, I took a healer sage from 20 to 50 in less than a week, running with a tank comp. The only time I make an exception to this is soloing the H2 Star Fortresses.


So I don't get this "forced to play DPS" thing. Although I have, as I said, seen the claim made here in the past. However, understanding that some do seem to have this issue, or perceive it as an issue, means that the number of DPS players across the game is going to outnumber the tanks and healers. A xserver queue won't cure this. A megaserver won't cure this, and might, in fact exacerbate the problem.

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So I don't get this "forced to play DPS" thing. Although I have, as I said, seen the claim made here in the past. However, understanding that some do seem to have this issue, or perceive it as an issue, means that the number of DPS players across the game is going to outnumber the tanks and healers. A xserver queue won't cure this. A megaserver won't cure this, and might, in fact exacerbate the problem.


You're not "forced to DPS" unless you're a skreb sniper or double glow stick user, but DPS is significantly easier to use throughout leveling due to the fact the TTK is much lower allowing you to get through the game faster and more efficiently. The only time I found leveling a healer was useful was when I was going after the champion mobs and world bosses... but man... those took forever to kill.

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I recall reading about this quite a bit, but it hasn't been my experience. Way back in the day, when an assassin was closer to DPM (Damage Per Minute) than DPS, I swapped mine to a tank. I ran a DPS comp in solo content, and didn't have any issues. My Shadow tank solo'd Oricon when it was relevant with Nadia, a DPS comp too. I use this pattern today, with my healer specs running tanks, as a general rule, and I don't have this issue everyone was indicating I should have leveling. In fact, w/out 12x or double xp, I took a healer sage from 20 to 50 in less than a week, running with a tank comp. The only time I make an exception to this is soloing the H2 Star Fortresses.


So I don't get this "forced to play DPS" thing. Although I have, as I said, seen the claim made here in the past. However, understanding that some do seem to have this issue, or perceive it as an issue, means that the number of DPS players across the game is going to outnumber the tanks and healers. A xserver queue won't cure this. A megaserver won't cure this, and might, in fact exacerbate the problem.

I agree Bob. All my favorite and highest-level characters are healers. I've had no trouble leveling them while specced for heals (even back in the day). My Sage and his hetero-life-mate Qyzen have been a force since Day 1 in this game. It seems even easier to level Healers now.


I can't speak to tanks ... never really played one. I mean never. Not in any MMO. Oh, sure, I tried the LOTRO Guardian for maybe 15 levels. He became a bank alt about six years ago (and is still level 15).

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So any thoughts on the idea of adding a fourth tank or healer spec to the ACs, or allowing AC switching? There's some irony in some of the strongest opposition to AC switching seems to have, in the past, come from some dedicated Ops players. (Is that too many "somes"?)


For AC switching, the two that strike me as the most odd might be Sage/Shadow and Sorcerer/Assassin.


Lets take a look at that for a second. Atm, a DPS class has 2 different AC's per, guardians/jugs can go dps or tank, sorcs/sage is dps or heals. There really is NO class (well besides I think gunfighter/sniper) that is pure dps.


NOW....I do agree that going dps while leveling is the most proficient, and fun way of leveling, but when you hit 50/65 you have a choice to either go tank/heals or dps on 99% of the classes as it is laid out now. The issue with the GF system, is that people are not choosing to swap their easy pew pew dps at later stages, for a tank or heal class. If they did, they would notice an instant pop on GF.


The ONLY solution right now in the GF is tacticals, if everyone wants to go dps. Generally, they pop pretty regularly.


The whole argument about the trinity is a waste of time, it will not change. The argument for being able to change your advance class, is a straw man argument, since whether you change your AC or not, you will still be offered the 2dps and 1 alternate class. The only difference between the two is with assassin, you can choose tank, or sage/sorcerer you can choose healer.


The issue would still remain regardless, since the issue is most people seem to just want to stick with the DPS class.

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You attempt at trying to assassinate my character is a failure. The reason why it is a failure is that what you or anyone else think about my opinion doesn't matter one way or another. If I believe in what I am saying to be true, then I will defend my position unless someone or something proves my otherwise. So far that has not happened. As a matter of fact no even a little.


1) Nobody is assassinating your character, you are doing fine on your own.


2) You did not answer my question. No surprise. Your agenda is to persuade everyone else to go along with your idea that the game is "dead". Won't work. Most people can clearly see the game is not dead, not dying, and will be alive next year and the year after that. PvP may be dead before then.... but that is a narrow and myopic viewpoint to take about a primarily PvE MMO.


3) Nobody can possibly persuade you that you are wrong in your opinions because you hide behind a fortress of confirmation bias of "Game is Dead". The only reason some of us even post counter points to you is so that newer players that come to the forum later on will see that your "game is dead" claim =/= valid, and why.


4) Active player population ebbs and flows in all MMOs, this one included. It flows when a new expac is announced and released, and it ebbs after 3-6 months as players of MMOs generally treat them like console games these days, to be beaten and discarded until an expac.. rinse and repeat. Every time it ebbs... the chicken little schtick gets played out by folks like yourself.


Now... if you want to stake out the position that PvP is "dead in this game" you would have some ground to stand on perhaps. But many rational PvPers would even disagree you on this .... though most would agree (myself included) that PvP does not get the love it deserves in this MMO. Change your thread title to PvP is dead, then we can actually have a rational discussion.

Edited by Andryah
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1) Nobody is assassinating your character, you are doing fine on your own.




4) Active player population ebbs and flows in all MMOs, this one included. It flows when a new expac is announced and released, and it ebbs after 3-6 months as players of MMOs generally treat them like console games these days, to be beaten and discarded until an expac.. rinse and repeat. Every time it ebbs... the chicken little schtick gets played out by folks like yourself.




going to completely just ignore the rest of your dribble and say number 4 is spot WRONG. sorry but it is so wrong its sorta amusing to me.


in any other mmo that released a real expansion your thoughts might apply well but for swtor and kotfe you are just simply wrong. this is not an expansion with high and low tide of players simply because that point has already passed and wont return. trust me you are wrong. we are now in the trickle mode of content to prolong the life of the game to the best of BW austins ability to milk as much money from swtor in recurring subs and most assuredly the cartel market.


yes when kotfe ch 1 to 8 (9 was honestly not a chapter as a intermission of useless cut scenes prior to chapter 10. it just happened that BW was you guessed it savvy enough to ride the force awakens coat tails and bite at the huge influx of SW fans both current swtor players and new. perfect marketing for a turd. and it sold for a month. just like you said but where you off is believing there is a rebound incoming and its just not happening. people have seen through the very VERY thin monthly story and trust me most of the current guild i participate in have all let their subs run out and dont plan on returning anytime soon. some might for sure but only when all the chapter content is in game and they can spend 2 hours just finishing it up. oh just to cover you reply, i have many characters ranging from 5 to 25 on a handful of servers and guess what they are all in the same shap population wise. One server shines a little brighter with higher populations but even that server over the last two weeks is starting to show the same symptoms of all the others.


so yes the game is slowly winding down. i know its tough to swallow because we all love sw and loved the idea of what swtor was but it is not what it was nor sadly with the current team and direction, will it ever be again.

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in any other mmo that released a real expansion your thoughts might apply well but for swtor and kotfe you are just simply wrong. this is not an expansion with high and low tide of players simply because that point has already passed and wont return. trust me you are wrong. we are now in the trickle mode of content to prolong the life of the game to the best of BW austins ability to milk as much money from swtor in recurring subs and most assuredly the cartel market.


IF... you were to check population trends on torstatus this time last year, you would see the exact same effect post 3.0. In fact the server loads are almost exactly where they were a year ago... with the exception of the PvP servers which have been abandoned as players moved to one of the PvE servers using the 90cc transfers. We are simply back in the same ebb cycle as last year and the year before that.


Now I know that Bioware wanted the chapter per month approach to puff up activity and avoid the annual ebb.... but that is really flawed thinking on their part as people rush through the chapters and them come back and spend the next 28 days complaining about no new content. On that part, I think we can agree that they blew it big time. But I do give them credit for trying new things... but they still don't understand the impatient and nomadic player base that consumes MMOs these days.


But hey.. if you really feel the game is winding down.. then you should probably quit now and cut your losses. ;)


Why are you here playing and posting in this alleged dead and winding down game?



so yes the game is slowly winding down. i know its tough to swallow because we all love sw and loved the idea of what swtor was but it is not what it was nor sadly with the current team and direction, will it ever be again.


LMAO... yeah right. I get that you feel this way and that you feel the studio has abandoned you and your love for SWTOR... but LMAO.

Edited by Andryah
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so yes the game is slowly winding down. i know its tough to swallow because we all love sw and loved the idea of what swtor was but it is not what it was nor sadly with the current team and direction, will it ever be again.


Sadly I agree. I really hate to see this happening. TBH I really don't have another game to play. I tried GW2 didn't like it, I tried H1Z1 I really like it, but I'm not gonna build up a base and invest a lot of time to a game in beta with server wipes. I tried a few other but could not get into them.


I really like this game, but I also recognize the fact that we are at the end of the rope. I just wish they would have planned on a mega server already. By the time they roll out a mega server this game will be to the point I know I wont be playing. I will not wait 10 minutes or more for a que pop. And without mega servers even being talked about I know where I stand. I am expecting Harbringers que times to get like PoT5s where before I left there soon. I been at this game to long to not know Harbringer has already began its dissention into dead zone.


If they plan on merging all remaining servers into a mega server within 3 to 4 months I will shut up and you wont hear from me again until I see danger ahead again. But right now I see very serious danger ahead and without mention of a mega server I see no reason to change my direction.


There is a storm coming. And whether people believe me or not, servers going from robust to desolate happen very quickly. Ask anyone that came from other dead servers. All those servers had que times to log into them at one point. And the change from robust to ghost town is a slippery slope that goes from bad to worse very rapidly.

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I agree with Brother John post.


Andryah 3.0 was a poor expansion also if you recall, people were unhappy back then too. so many bugs and problems it took them best part of the year to repair.


The european server I'm on is at it's lightest I've ever seen in 4 years.

My guild this time last year had 30+ active players, these days we're lucky to get 4 on at the same time.

I speak to the players on skype that don't log in and all pretty much got bored and annoyed at the 4.0 expansion or lack of expansion.


Now people can argue the sky is falling or everything is fine but the complete lack of community feedback by bioware is not helping anyone. They have to know people are unhappy. Not saying its the majority or minority but it is fair to say theres a great amount of SWTOR fans that don't like where the current direction the game is going in.


Everyone that comes of the forums kicking off are doing so because they care. Noone logs into a forum to have a moan if they dont give a **** about the game. It would be nice to see bioware to show that they care as much because honestly it doesn't come across like they do right now.

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IF... you were to check population trends on torstatus this time last year, you would see the exact same effect post 3.0. In fact the server loads are almost exactly where they were a year ago... with the exception of the PvP servers which have been abandoned as players moved to one of the PvE servers using the 90cc transfers.


But hey.. if you really feel the game is winding down.. then you should probably quit now and cut your losses. ;)


Why are you here playing and posting in this alleged dead and winding down game?





LMAO... yeah right. I get that you feel thisway and that you feel the studio has abandoned you and your love for SWTOR... but LMAO.


If all the players from all the PVP servers all transferred using the 90CC transfers (which I agree with you, at least the ones that actually still play this game) and the server status in the same as last years EXCEPT THE PVP SERVERS then how in the world could you say that the game is not in a serious decline? If it was not in decline all the "goto" server would have exploded with all the new players on them. You would see a huge spike in activity in the PVE servers everyone went to.


The fact of the matter is this. I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. Lasdt year at this time we had 4 instances of Republic fleet (aaprox 500 players) most nights and other planet instances all had thriving players on them. Now one year later Republic fleet has usually 1 instance of fleet (approx. 150 players) If it does goto 2 instances now it is with 5-10 people on instance 2. I have a note book that I sketch in next to my desk that I have been using for years. I looked back at last years planet instances on Harbringer. They are down approx. 70% of what they were at this time last year.


Now if you don't see the writing on the wall buddy, I don't think there is any hope for you. If you just look by your own admission that at minimum 3 PVP servers are dead now and according to your what you said they all merged into the PVE servers and the PVE servers are the same as last year then you have to admit the game has sunk in population. But worse than that your not even correct about your server estimation. Because I have in writing sitting next to me planet instance populations, fleet populations, and instance populations from last year at this time and they are all drastically down on Harbringer. You believe what you want but my data doesn't lie.


Your welcome to believe what you want. Its a free country, suit yourself. But what you believe and what is actually true may be two completely different stories. You can believe whatever you jolly well please, but the fact still remains the same. We are heading into a perfect storm, and the game has reached the end of its rope.

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I agree with Brother John post.


Andryah 3.0 was a poor expansion also if you recall, people were unhappy back then too. so many bugs and problems it took them best part of the year to repair.


The european server I'm on is at it's lightest I've ever seen in 4 years.

My guild this time last year had 30+ active players, these days we're lucky to get 4 on at the same time.

I speak to the players on skype that don't log in and all pretty much got bored and annoyed at the 4.0 expansion or lack of expansion.


Now people can argue the sky is falling or everything is fine but the complete lack of community feedback by bioware is not helping anyone. They have to know people are unhappy. Not saying its the majority or minority but it is fair to say theres a great amount of SWTOR fans that don't like where the current direction the game is going in.


Everyone that comes of the forums kicking off are doing so because they care. Noone logs into a forum to have a moan if they dont give a **** about the game. It would be nice to see bioware to show that they care as much because honestly it doesn't come across like they do right now.


Andyah would beg to differ. I am not sure why exactly but he disagrees. I guess your delusional according to him.

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IF... you were to check population trends on torstatus this time last year, you would see the exact same effect post 3.0. In fact the server loads are almost exactly where they were a year ago... with the exception of the PvP servers which have been abandoned as players moved to one of the PvE servers using the 90cc transfers. We are simply back in the same ebb cycle as last year and the year before that.


Now I know that Bioware wanted the chapter per month approach to puff up activity and avoid the annual ebb.... but that is really flawed thinking on their part as people rush through the chapters and them come back and spend the next 28 days complaining about no new content. On that part, I think we can agree that they blew it big time. But I do give them credit for trying new things... but they still don't understand the impatient and nomadic player base that consumes MMOs these days.


But hey.. if you really feel the game is winding down.. then you should probably quit now and cut your losses. ;)


Why are you here playing and posting in this alleged dead and winding down game?





LMAO... yeah right. I get that you feel this way and that you feel the studio has abandoned you and your love for SWTOR... but LMAO.


no. bioware abandoned the long time sub playerbase that liked challenging story, ops, even pvp content.

Edited by DarkJediMage
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I recall reading about this quite a bit, but it hasn't been my experience. Way back in the day, when an assassin was closer to DPM (Damage Per Minute) than DPS, I swapped mine to a tank. I ran a DPS comp in solo content, and didn't have any issues. My Shadow tank solo'd Oricon when it was relevant with Nadia, a DPS comp too. I use this pattern today, with my healer specs running tanks, as a general rule, and I don't have this issue everyone was indicating I should have leveling. In fact, w/out 12x or double xp, I took a healer sage from 20 to 50 in less than a week, running with a tank comp. The only time I make an exception to this is soloing the H2 Star Fortresses.


So I don't get this "forced to play DPS" thing. Although I have, as I said, seen the claim made here in the past. However, understanding that some do seem to have this issue, or perceive it as an issue, means that the number of DPS players across the game is going to outnumber the tanks and healers. A xserver queue won't cure this. A megaserver won't cure this, and might, in fact exacerbate the problem.


I've levelled 2 healers (one of whom I switch back to DPS because I didn't like the way the Trooper healing played), and I ran a Vig Guardian swapping between tank and DPS as the mood struck me. It's probably easier now than it used to be.


Which is why I said "efficiently." In levelling PvE, a tank or a healer is slower to complete missions that a DPS, and there just isn't that much call to be a tank or healer in levelling content. Also, DPS is seen (not without reason) as the "easiest" role in group content, so a lot of people level their first character as DPS because of that perception. It's not a "forced to" thing, it's an "encouraged to" thing. Also, of the 24 specs in 8 ACs and 4 classes, there are 3 primary tanks and 3 primary healers, the rest are primary DPS. 2 ACs have only DPS specs at all, no off-role capability (Sentinel and Gunslinger). Which is why I think being able to switch ACs (as well as spec) would open up options for more characters to be used in more roles.

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