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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Sorry, MadCuzBad, finished my latest book, so was reading over your previous comments for a laugh. Had to check out some after you claimed this "ain't [your] first rodeo." Even my wife (who tries to have as little to do with the game and forums as possible) almost pissed herself reading them. My favourite part was these few messages from January 2012 -








And then, 23 minutes later, in a thread created by you called "I JUST RE-SUBBED BUT..........."




Thanks, really cheered me up.


^^ Definitely a thread winner. :)

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Yeah, cause from the start it looked like it was designed to invite people to discuss the game logically, providing evidence for any facts, and solid basis for opinions.


Dammit, just realised I might need a mega-phone for you to be able to hear me way up there on that high-horse

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no offense. take your game dying complaints directly to bioware, bioware controls changes and content. we control the money. if bioware still doesn't listen and still stupidly ignores players that bring in the most money, look for other choices/alternatives and decide.
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Looks like this thread has turned into one attack after another on one person...by the usual suspects no less.


No shock here.


There is such a thing as someone bringing it on themselves... he pretty much started off with this "do you even PvP, bro?" attitude, and he's been spamming the "denial definition" post at anyone who doesn't agree with him. A person can only belittle and demean others and swing his epeen around for so long before turnabout becomes fair play.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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no offense. take your game dying complaints directly to bioware, bioware controls changes and content. we control the money. if bioware still doesn't listen and still stupidly ignores players that bring in the most money, look for other choices/alternatives and decide.


Bioware doesn't care...they're milking the clock now.

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Personally, I don't think we have the information needed to reach that conclusion. There could be multiple causes for the things that we're seeing from the outside.

I hope I'm proven wrong...but the lack of quality and content speaks volumes.

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if that is the case then lets pour new choices in our cups of time to find other games to play.


sounds deep but true.

If you'd like to, I support that idea. Despite the obvious decline in content, quality, commitment and population, I still like this game. Until I stop enjoying myself, I plan to stick around. :)

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Personally, I don't think we have the information needed to reach that conclusion. There could be multiple causes for the things that we're seeing from the outside.

no new group content, very short story content, silence from bioware are negative. 4.6 might keep pvpers in short run. no long term goals after 4.6. imo - it is enough.

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no new group content, very short story content, silence from bioware are negative. 4.6 might keep pvpers in short run. no long term goals after 4.6. imo - it is enough.


As they say... your mileage will vary.


Different people play MMOs for different reasons and have different expectations. No single players perspective, viewpoint, or "feeling" really matters beyond their own personal experience. Nor does a hand full of pile-on sympathizers to every negative outlook about the game.


Time will tell. Opinions are only opinions, even though often presented as if they were fact.


A lot of times, the average thread with a negative or pessimistic view of the game appear to go along these lines:



Edited by Andryah
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As they say... your mileage will vary.


Different people play MMOs for different reasons and have different expectations. No single players perspective, viewpoint, or "feeling" really matters beyond their own personal experience. Nor does a hand full of pile-on sympathizers to every negative outlook about the game.


Time will tell. Opinions are only opinions, even though often presented as if they were fact.


A lot of times, the average thread with a negative or pessimistic view of the game appear to go along these lines:




Opinions are opinions. That's like saying water is h20.


Fact is fact. And the fact is there are only 8 US server left, in which most of them are ghost towns. Your opinion of that means nothing. That's the hard cold fact.

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no offense. take your game dying complaints directly to bioware, bioware controls changes and content. we control the money. if bioware still doesn't listen and still stupidly ignores players that bring in the most money, look for other choices/alternatives and decide.


You do know these are the Bioware forums for this game right?

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Opinions are opinions. That's like saying water is h20.


Fact is fact. And the fact is there are only 8 US server left, in which most of them are ghost towns. Your opinion of that means nothing. That's the hard cold fact.


What factually is a ghost town? Can you even use the word 'most' when talking about facts? *shrug*.

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What factually is a ghost town? Can you even use the word 'most' when talking about facts? *shrug*.


That's not what's amusing to me, what's amusing to me is we have this thread, where PvP is dead, and he's quitting, again, apparently, and then his "mwahahahahaha run these searches on your server to see how important PvP is", with people riding his coattails in both threads screaming about how dead, and yet how alive it is at the same time. I guess they think we can only read one thread at a time?

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POT5 qualifies as a "ghost town". You should check it out.


But we are talking facts here apparently ... are you implying the server has been literally abandoned?


I just want to know what factually constitutes a ghost town ... he's the one who decided to bring "facts" into play here against other posters "opinions" yet it's rather clear to me at least the context he used said post has anything but facts within it.

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That's not what's amusing to me, what's amusing to me is we have this thread, where PvP is dead, and he's quitting, again, apparently, and then his "mwahahahahaha run these searches on your server to see how important PvP is", with people riding his coattails in both threads screaming about how dead, and yet how alive it is at the same time. I guess they think we can only read one thread at a time?


Oh, that IS what's happening.... thank the makers. I thought I was having a slow stroke over the last week :)

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That's not what's amusing to me, what's amusing to me is we have this thread, where PvP is dead, and he's quitting, again, apparently, and then his "mwahahahahaha run these searches on your server to see how important PvP is", with people riding his coattails in both threads screaming about how dead, and yet how alive it is at the same time. I guess they think we can only read one thread at a time?


Based on the PTS activity I observed ( again very anecdotal evidence ) ... these PVP updates aren't going to seem all that popular.


My notion of this is it was a project that's long since been in the works but needed to come to fruition since much of the development was already done.


Like the operations team expect staff cuts to the PVP team in the foreseeable future.

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