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Why do so many people like Theran Shan?


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I fail to see why people like this NPC.


To me he comes across as a cocky a***hole that thinks he knows everything and is far above you.


His clothing doesn't help with that stupid belt with nothing on it and a jacket that looks far too small

Edited by Koreleus
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Dude you're risking the wrath of a thousand fan girls. They will assault you with pink text lol.


Theron is okay, seems pretty low key and if he gets girls to play...need I say more? Hahaha.

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I wonder the same thing. True he's interesting as a new addition to the growing list of companions, but I personally find Koth more so. If I'm tarred and feathered for saying that then so be it. :D Edited by h_weber
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People like him cause he is hot and he has mommy issues lol also he is a relative of Revan. But I prefer Lana, she is my favorite.


I like them both. I miss Lana's SoR model though, I thought it looked better.

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It's almost like... liking/disliking characters isn't an objective matter!


Anyway, I love Theron. Nice voice, handsome, he's got funny deadpan humor that I like, and he has an interesting backstory that has roots that go pretty far back into the Old Republic lore. Don't know how people think he's smug -- he actually comes off as pretty deferring and humble to me (and even a little bumbling, he seems to get himself into a lot of messes). I also love his dynamic with Lana, and how the two work together (in a completely platonic and non-romantic sense). Also don't be jealous of his jacket.


Anyway, he's a well-rounded character. Oh, and him being a SGR helps quite a great deal.

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He's smart, funny. He can be somewhat socially awkward or whatever you'd call it which is adorable. He'll boast at times or pat himself on the back but he's by no means arrogant about it and he cares about the PC. His background story is rather interesting. His model really isn't bad to look at compared to some of the 'older' companions and for some of my characters he's a very welcome alternative to their class designated LI. Also I appreciate his 'too small' jacket because have you seen that butt? Not bad for a buncha pixels. :p


And in general I just enjoy Lana, Theron (and Jakarro and Deefour) throughout SoR and in KotFE because it's kinda like having new group of friends. Not just a quest giver that you go back to 1 time and then you're done but you go through quite a lot with them at your side and I dunno, I like it and I was happy to get those people back slowly upon awaking from my carbonite slumber.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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I fail to see why people like this NPC.


To me he comes across as a cocky a***hole that thinks he knows everything and is far above you.


His clothing doesn't help with that stupid belt with nothing on it and a jacket that looks far too small


I do not like Theron and agree with all of what you've said. His character is just way too forced for my taste, because I can see what they wanted him to be: good looking, smarty pants, I-have issues spy. Sometimes, he comes out as a revolting teen. He is a spy with Jedi training but I see no rich personality that would make him interesting.


I read the book about him before he was introduced into the game. In the book his character is better. What destroyed him was the way he was introduced to us. He comes as a really unstable and spoiled person with low self esteem problems. I felt like he was made to be a romance character only and seems like I am not into that type of guys. I have a feeling his and Lana's characters will evolve towards better in the future, because so far it seems like they are only here for those who want to romance them. They do have some bright moments and I can see those shinning trough them. Those could be used to make their characters better.


And yes...that jacket...:D. The moment I realized we will be stuck with him and Lana I let out loud Vader's "No!".

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He comes from BioWARE/Obsidian assembly line of Male Rogues That Crack Jokes and Try to Be Bad Boys with a Heart of Gold. It is located in the same warehouse that produces Female Perky Cutsey Tomboys Rogues that All Male Gamers Love Even if They Don't Admit It.


But in the absence of like really interesting male characters that actually notice that you have created a female avatar with breasts and everything, Theron Shan wins the race against the pitiful opposition.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I fail to see why people like this NPC.


To me he comes across as a cocky a***hole that thinks he knows everything and is far above you.


His clothing doesn't help with that stupid belt with nothing on it and a jacket that looks far too small


People like different types. Theron is nice but then again I'm not into romancing NPC but I can see why a lady would like him compared to some of the others we have to chose from. If I was into romancing NPC I could see myself romancing Theron.


Just like some people hate Kailyo and some like her (I would rather kick her out of airlock) . Each person has a different taste in people they like.

Edited by casirabit
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It's almost like... liking/disliking characters isn't an objective matter!


Anyway, I love Theron. Nice voice, handsome, he's got funny deadpan humor that I like, and he has an interesting backstory that has roots that go pretty far back into the Old Republic lore. Don't know how people think he's smug -- he actually comes off as pretty deferring and humble to me (and even a little bumbling, he seems to get himself into a lot of messes). I also love his dynamic with Lana, and how the two work together (in a completely platonic and non-romantic sense). Also don't be jealous of his jacket.


Anyway, he's a well-rounded character. Oh, and him being a SGR helps quite a great deal.


This sums it up for me pretty well. Except the jacket. Hate the jacket.


There are plenty of characters that have me scratching my head over how anyone could like them . Kaliyo? Lemda Avista? Vaylin?

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He's smart, funny. He can be somewhat socially awkward or whatever you'd call it which is adorable. He'll boast at times or pat himself on the back but he's by no means arrogant about it and he cares about the PC. His background story is rather interesting. His model really isn't bad to look at compared to some of the 'older' companions and for some of my characters he's a very welcome alternative to their class designated LI. Also I appreciate his 'too small' jacket because have you seen that butt? Not bad for a buncha pixels. :p


And in general I just enjoy Lana, Theron (and Jakarro and Deefour) throughout SoR and in KotFE because it's kinda like having new group of friends. Not just a quest giver that you go back to 1 time and then you're done but you go through quite a lot with them at your side and I dunno, I like it and I was happy to get those people back slowly upon awaking from my carbonite slumber.

Pretty much this. I really want to eventually reroll my SW and have her romance him, because his romance with Imperials is very fun to go through.

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Her is my bit about this ;P

Theron and Cytharat are my favorite npc's in the game. I was drawn to Theron because he cared so much about you, it's actually sweet. In rise of the emperor, for example, before you face the controlled woman, I forgot her name,Theron summoned a shield around you to keep you safe and risked himself. During missions, eapecially on the republic side, he showed a great deal of care for you, Telling you to be carefull out there and watch yourself and checks on you many times to make sure everything is alright. 1 word, simply: adorable. He looks handsome I must say and his voice, it's attractive. Although on the jacket part I must agree lol xD but yea that pretty much sums up why people, especially girls, are attracted to him. Some people just like someone who cares about them and is sweet ^.^

As for Cytharat, I really don't know what about him caused me to like him too, idk he was just different and somehow special. Hard to explain really xD Sad you never get to see him again :( or maybe ? *Wishful thinking on the last part*

Edited by JessicaWolf
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He's smart, funny. He can be somewhat socially awkward or whatever you'd call it which is adorable. He'll boast at times or pat himself on the back but he's by no means arrogant about it and he cares about the PC. His background story is rather interesting. His model really isn't bad to look at compared to some of the 'older' companions and for some of my characters he's a very welcome alternative to their class designated LI. Also I appreciate his 'too small' jacket because have you seen that butt? Not bad for a buncha pixels. :p


And in general I just enjoy Lana, Theron (and Jakarro and Deefour) throughout SoR and in KotFE because it's kinda like having new group of friends. Not just a quest giver that you go back to 1 time and then you're done but you go through quite a lot with them at your side and I dunno, I like it and I was happy to get those people back slowly upon awaking from my carbonite slumber.

The butt part made me laugh a bit. I actually call him "sweet cheeks" on my toons I have romanced him with. Never romanced him on an imperial, I imagine it might be a bit awkward at times. Not sure I have the patience to level another one through everything including SOR and I loved all my Imperial original LI too much to switch. Well except for my SW who somehow screwed up the romance with Lana, but that is another story.

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Never romanced him on an imperial, I imagine it might be a bit awkward at times.


I'm romancing him on my dark rattataki inquisitor. I almost feel bad for the guy, she's.. terrifying. :D

Edited by grania
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I love Theron Shan for his voice and his personality. He has an interesting back story...and he's clever, determined and I like that he's a bit of a lone wolf, socially awkward and not really a party animal. I like his model...so yeah, he's the whole package, love him to bits! <3 <3 <3
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Who is this "Theran" Shan you speak of?


I know a "Theron" Shan, but I can only presume that Theran is some sort of new Sir Copperfield.


I'm waiting for a cutscene where Theron Shan meets Tharan Cedrax. :p

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