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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.0.1 pvp xp nerf. thoughts?


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This nerf is a harbinger for bad things for this game, as it shows a complete disconnect from reality on the part of the developers.


On my server, and I'm sure on many others, the Empire wins probably 80% of the matches. The only thing that has kept me and many other Republic players coming back for more has been the fact that the rewards for winning were not much higher than the rewards for losing.


Not only is the incentive to participate gone, but the decision to nerf XP, rather than just valor/cash, now means that the winning side levels up much faster than the losing side. Given the fact that the game does NOT separate participants into level tiers, this gives the faster advancing side a huge advantage in the skills and talent tree advantages they can bring into a match.


You don't make a change like this unless the sides are already properly balanced and even then it doesn't make too much sense. Given the large imbalances that already exist, this change will just make things much worse.


When game developers make what appear to be extremely self destructive changes to the game this early on, you might as well just surrender to fate and move on to another game, because things only ever get worse.

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This was a stupid "fix" to the much larger problem of PvP system. This won't fix the awful matchmaking. It just punishes people even more who are low level or queue solo as they will lose more often against the higher level premade teams. For people just getting into PvP it gives them very little incentive to keep playing and try to get better. The issue with PvP was that winning and losing gave roughly the same reward. Why didn't they just increase the rewards for winning a match instead of nerfing the rewards for losing.


Also how did this effect commendations? If they didn't change the way commendations work in being tied to medals than this still won't stop people from just going after medals instead of the pvp objectives.


Bioware needs to completely overhaul the bracketing and matchmaking system for PvP and trying to change it by this patch is just putting a bandaid on a gaping hole.


It wasn't a bandaid on a gaping hole, they amputated a leg to cure a minor flesh wound.

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I don't see how bypassing the story line or using PvP for easy experience is a bad thing. People pay to play the game and they should be able to play it however they want. If PvP is their thing, and that's what they are paying to do, why should they be "penalized" by having to play through the story line? How does a player missing out on the story line effect the quality of anyone else's game play? It doesn't. It just makes the world a lot less crowded for people who actually enjoy the PvE aspects.


Just my 2c worth.

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Well...guess I'm not doing PvP solo's anymore. I mean whats the point?


I see none. I don't see the fun in getting destroyed by level 50 premades, and getting penalized for it.


Guess I'll just PvE and do open world PvP. Oh wait, open world PvP is even more pointless than the WZ's.


Concept ...that way ------------------------------------------------------->



Mind? Blown.


Re-sub factor? Zero.

Edited by Trevock
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Well...guess I'm not doing PvP solo's anymore. I mean whats the point?


I see none. I don't see the fun in getting destroyed by level 50 premades, and getting penalized for it.


Guess I'll just PvE and do open world PvP. Oh wait, open world PvP is even more pointless than the WZ's.


Concept ...that way ------------------------------------------------------->



Mind? Blown.


Re-sub factor? Zero.


I agree completely and my mind is equally blown. The game desperately needed some incentive for playing the underdog faction, not a further penalty. Especially not a penalty to XP rates, which just further widens the gap.


I'm not exaggerating when I say Empire wins about 80% of matches on my server. Sometimes I can go a two hour session and still not have a win! The XP and specifically the fact that the gap between winner and loser rewards was so narrow, was what kept me flinging myself into the grinder. Now, no more.


This effects the dominant side as well, as there will be fewer players in the losing faction willing to queue up for such punishment.


I almost re-rolled as Empire during Early Access. Now, it's just too late. I can't see writing off all the time spent so far to start all over. Canceled and done.

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Heh....this conversation sounds remarkably like those that occurred in the Warhammer Online forums a couple of years ago (and up until today). I hope for this game's sake that PvE is the super-awesome b/c they are making the same PvP errors that WAR made.


This is not a shock, though, since they absorbed the team that made WAR and have now been infected by their idiocy....

Edited by Scinald
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Aaaand with that BW delivers a nut kick the REP side of pvp.... well done BW anything else you can do to kick the losing side while it's down? Maybe shower IMPs with even more easy wins I mean sure you put in complete server imbalances AND you gave NO tiers so people have to play from 10-49 at a disadvantage now your giving the winning side a boost so they can get to 50 faster wow.... just wow clearly whoever thought this was a good idea should be made to play on Rep side from 10-50 so he can enjoy the fruits of his brilliant idea. Good grief if you can't do anything to make the pvp balance then don't start killing it why would I bother with pvp now if I make more XP doing junk quests then playing some garbage 15 min huttball loss.
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PVP shouldnt allow you to completely bypass the entire story-driven-point of the game.


and LOL and your "expect to lose subs" quip, Loving it


LOL at your "shouldn't allow you to completely bypass the entire story-driven-point of the game" quip.


The devs regularly stated throughout development of the game that the rewards and ability to level through PvP would be equal to that of PvE. Not everyone cares about story, and I guarantee you BW doesn't care why you pay the sub for their game....as long as they get your money.


I think that XP was fine the way it was before, although I doubt this change is going to be a sub ending one for anyone. However, BW should be careful about the changes it makes in the step effect that eventually might. If you don't like the possibility of out-leveling content due to XP in PvP, then wait to PvP until 50. Let those of us who enjoy it continue to do so.

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This and the space missions are putting me ahead of things far too quickly. I've skipped about half of Nar Shadda, some of Tatooine and about 1/3 of Alderaan. Feels weird skipping that much of the story.



Let me translate what people like this poster are saying:


"Oh no, QQ, if I chose to not do my quests and get XP in other ways then I get XP in other ways!!! Noooooo!!! I'm such a mean person forcing myself to do PVP instead of questing!! Someone should stop me from hurting myself!!!!"


If you want to level in PVP you shouldn't be penalized because some emo morons can't stand to choose between PVE and PVP. Either PVP or PVE don't *********** make my game suck because you can't make up your Riddlin-addeled minds.


And yes, this will be a sub ending change for people. TOR PVP was lame enough already, world PVP is non-existent or completely one sided depending on the server and things like Hutt-ball are a freaking joke. Between that and the spawn timer exploits, the class imbalances, the fact we can't respec between ACs and the HORRIFIC customer service this game is quickly becoming the new DCOU.


I think I might just call my bank and dispute the charge for the game. Honestly, I want my money back and since they charged me the 5$ fee for pre-order TWICE, I can legally just take the whole cost of the game back.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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Iam quitting the game probably, I did play a lot pvp and did love to lvl up with it a bit avoiding boring quests like kill here 10x and there 25x or deliver somtheing else..


The game has already its problems, but taking away xp from pvp !!!


Why not from this space mission, in pvp you invest time and pvp is a big part for many players.....

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Going from 10k-12k exp to 3k-4k less for LOSING is not a big deal. Stop acting like it is. You are still getting xp for losing the freakin match!!


There are a few issues that should be addressed:


A) Brackets

B) Dealing with AFK'ers farming XP and ruining warzones (Auto-booted somehow?)

C) Quitting warzone early (locked out of queues for 30 minutes or something to discourage people from quitting when it looks like they will lose)


There are some practical solutions but this minor decrease in xp is not going to be the cause for a mass exodus in the game - there would be other issues people are unhappy about. Winners should be rewarded for winning, losers deserve nothing but should be thankful they can still progress from losing.

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Iam quitting the game probably, I did play a lot pvp and did love to lvl up with it a bit avoiding boring quests like kill here 10x and there 25x or deliver somtheing else..


The game has already its problems, but taking away xp from pvp !!!


Why not from this space mission, in pvp you invest time and pvp is a big part for many players.....


i completely agree i did the quests for Nar shadda (all of them) and i just got to 22 then the planet finshes so i look and see the next planet is 24-28 (im like ***) so i do a ton a pvp/space missions i get to 23 since all i get is huttball and my lvl 22 jugg has not much to attack with. and know i finally got 26 and found out ALderran the next planet is 28-32 so now they nerf the only way to get xp other than pure space missions im getting tired of this.

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This nerf is a harbinger for bad things for this game, as it shows a complete disconnect from reality on the part of the developers.


On my server, and I'm sure on many others, the Empire wins probably 80% of the matches. The only thing that has kept me and many other Republic players coming back for more has been the fact that the rewards for winning were not much higher than the rewards for losing.


Not only is the incentive to participate gone, but the decision to nerf XP, rather than just valor/cash, now means that the winning side levels up much faster than the losing side. Given the fact that the game does NOT separate participants into level tiers, this gives the faster advancing side a huge advantage in the skills and talent tree advantages they can bring into a match.


You don't make a change like this unless the sides are already properly balanced and even then it doesn't make too much sense. Given the large imbalances that already exist, this change will just make things much worse.


When game developers make what appear to be extremely self destructive changes to the game this early on, you might as well just surrender to fate and move on to another game, because things only ever get worse.


I logged in to make this very post, but since you said it so nicely I'll just +1 it.


This is just going to encourage LOTS of quitting mid-WZ for the losing side(which on my server is almost always Republic). There's no longer incentive to sticking it out for the XP.

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this nerf is a harbinger for bad things for this game, as it shows a complete disconnect from reality on the part of the developers.


On my server, and i'm sure on many others, the empire wins probably 80% of the matches. The only thing that has kept me and many other republic players coming back for more has been the fact that the rewards for winning were not much higher than the rewards for losing.


Not only is the incentive to participate gone, but the decision to nerf xp, rather than just valor/cash, now means that the winning side levels up much faster than the losing side. Given the fact that the game does not separate participants into level tiers, this gives the faster advancing side a huge advantage in the skills and talent tree advantages they can bring into a match.


You don't make a change like this unless the sides are already properly balanced and even then it doesn't make too much sense. Given the large imbalances that already exist, this change will just make things much worse.


When game developers make what appear to be extremely self destructive changes to the game this early on, you might as well just surrender to fate and move on to another game, because things only ever get worse.


this +1

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Going from 10k-12k exp to 3k-4k less for LOSING is not a big deal. Stop acting like it is. You are still getting xp for losing the freakin match!!



Total BS. It was stated early on that pvp would be a viable way of leveling in this game. 4k xp is ridiculous compared to the amount of xp you get per quest at each level. How can it be a good idea to punish lowbies for engaging in wzs? Even if lowbies try to premade, there is no way they are going to win against the max level and nicely geared opposition.


Well, this punishes any pvper who didn't rush to 50 during early access. Apparently, BW doesn't want lowbies to queue.

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So much crying. Quests take longer already than losing a PvP game and quests give like 5-10k while losing in PvP still gets 9k. Crying for the sake of crying is getting really old. 9k xp for a 5-15min PvP game isn't too shabby. There are some other issues that need to be dealt with, this is like I said, crying for the sake of crying.
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They empire players on my server don't realize this is a nerf to there que times in a way. What I mean by this is on my server the empire wins most the time, but because people were still able to get a very good amount of reward from doing a lot in the warzone it was still worth it to play even if you lost. This made it for me at least viable to do pvp when I couldn't group with friends for a premade.


Now I will only group up with premades which will mean I will be queing overall much less, and I know many other people are going to do the same. This will make even less ques pop for the empire, or they will just have to play even more hutt ball.

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At the title topic: I feel it was unnecessary. Warzones had a reward nerf close to the end of beta, which seemed fairly sufficient. Most of the changes this patch were potentially justified but over the top - hopefully BioWare realizes this quickly and changes their future balancing strategies.
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So much crying. Quests take longer already than losing a PvP game and quests give like 5-10k while losing in PvP still gets 9k. Crying for the sake of crying is getting really old. 9k xp for a 5-15min PvP game isn't too shabby. There are some other issues that need to be dealt with, this is like I said, crying for the sake of crying.


The quests themselves give 5-10k, but the stuff you have to kill to finish the quest probably gives you another 5-10k (or more if you have rested). So this change clearly puts PvE ahead of PvP unless you win.


Add on top of this that you need to provide people with encouragement to get crushed by top performing teams or they will just stop trying...which means less queue pops. This same problem happened in Warhammer:AOR and it will happen here again. Eventually you will see whole teams refuse to leave the spawn (or find a safe spot) just to wait out the warzone or get it over as fast as possible.

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I am intending to continue leveling my alt 10-50 via pure PvP, I've not done any class quests since I collected my ship at 13.


Will I still do that despite the nerf to rewards? Yes. The reason I'm doing it to begin with is because I enjoy PvP. Win prob 50/50 (republic) due to teamwork, whilst I DO think this is a bad thing with the XP nerfs... at the end, it's just slower to hit 50 than before which isn't all bad in itself.


My main issue with leveling through PvP is not speed tbh, it's gear.. you can buy some at 20, 40 and 50, but other than that, you get nothing but the odd actually useable item in the hundreds of lockboxes you buy.

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