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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Empire ALWAYS wins Warzones?


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Grass is always greener on the other side.


On my server its about even on who wins. Except in Huttball when its Emprire vs Empire. Then the Empire always wins. :D


atleast on my server Frostclaw the population is quite unbalanced and Empire have alot more 50s


atleast you can klick "leave warfront" when you meet premade 50s

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The aspersions being cast in this thread should be embarrassing you all.


I've been in 5 warzones today. Won 3 lost 2. Some days I'll go through 20-30 WZs and lose 20-30 of them just because that's how the cookie crumbles. Certainly Empire have an advantage on Huttball, but that problem will sort itself out as time goes on and the factions become more balanced.


All of this "OMGEMPIREAREOP" and "OMGNERFSOURCERERSANDBOUNTYHUNTERS" rubbish coming out of some players is just so very detrimental to the game.

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This is where it starts.. "Empire ALWAYS wins"


Next you will want Empire Nerfed because your team cant learn new tactics and how to play. Not something I would air on the forums, I would simply consider talking to your guild about new tactics.


We only get Hutt ball because there's more Empire players Queueing for PVP. In turn we have to PVP with our self.


QFT A team wins because the players are better, level faster, gear up and use voice chat.

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On Helm of Graush, we're pretty even. It does completely depend on your team. The times I've lost is because the team didn't work together. And the time we did, it was because our team did work together. When you are randomly teamed up with people, it can be a toss up. (Any LoL player definitely knows this).
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I understand complaining about balance but if you think Class A is overpowered, well, you have the mirror version of the class on your server. It should not effect wins and loses.


In hutball, range is a huge advantage. In other WZ it is not.

Edited by richardya
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The op classes being Mercs/Sorc, hell i've had games were i was fighting 7 sorcs -.-


People need to get this through their heads:


1) Bounty Hunters and Sorcerers are DPS and healing classes. They are designed specifically to either (a) heal lots, or (b) damage lots. When you see a Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter top the damage in a warzone, you should go "oh... look... a pure dps class topped the damage in the warzone." When you see a Sorcerer or a Bounty Hunter top the healing in a warzone, you should go "oh... look... a pure healing class topped the healing in the warzone." You should not be all surprised when these things happen because those are the roles those classes have been designed to fill.


2) If you see a Bounty Hunter or a Sorcerer in a warzone, you are - if the mood takes you - entitled to attack and disable, or control, said Bounty Hunter or Sorcerer. For example, Snipers can invariably output enough single target DPS to drop me before I have enough time to really focus on them. Assassins can do the same thing. Healers can (if players well) out heal my damage (and invariably have some kind of purge which you should all start realising exists). Marauders can control me (which is what your class is supposed to do) and if played well can kill me. Juggernauts can tank my damage quite effectively until someone comes along to heal them for crazy healz. AT THE VERY LEAST (which is what you should be aiming for) you can remove me from a fight long enough to progress whatever objective it is you're trying to attain.


3) There are LOTS of Sorcerers because they look cool. There are LOTS of Bounty Hunters because they look cool. The quantity of a particular thing does not make that thing inherently better than other things. I'm not saying that Sorcerers don't need a balance pass... but EVERY class needs a balance pass. With the exception of Marauders I think that every class is filling its intended role in the way it should be filling that role, and the only changed and tweaks that are required going forward are largely superficial. Then there is of course the "let's change things up" approach to balance that Blizzard has; I pray that Bioware don't go down that route. I don't want to relearn my class role every expansion, tyvm.


All in all the whining about Bounty Hunters and Sorcerers is getting tiresome. Generally speaking (and I have many screenshots) I'll finish warzones at the top of the damage and kills, with a couple of Bounty Hunter and Sorcerers up there for company. As a rule however most players can't actually play the game properly and as such aren't really much of a problem; you should learn to deal with us better instead of just demanding a nerf.

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The imperials do win more often, from my experience.


For me, it's been this way ever since my time in CoH, WoW, star trek online (lol of a game, so much fail it's win), rift, and now TOR.


What was that quote of Darth Helmet... "evil will always triumph because good is dumb"


It rings true. Even in TOR where the two sides are carbon copies of each other.


It's not abilities or gear that make one side overpowered; both sides have access to the same class / ability / gear.


It's the player mentality. Most republic players are purely PvE players who queue up to see what's what in warzones. They're most likely lvl 10-15 and only press 1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-2 before dying in glorious stormtrooper fashion.


I've had a conversation with a republic player who says CC's aren't important in warzones, and he's honestly sticking to that.


On the imperial side, everyone's much more aggressive and use CC's liberally. What? flashbang that healer healing that trooper! Tie that guy up in a lightning whirlwind while your comrades beat him senseless!


Why imperials win more often than not:

1. PvP mentality in the average imperial player vs. PvE mentality in a republic "i-wanna-be-the-bestest-goodliest-mary-sueiest-do-gooder-ever!" player

2. Republic zerg mentality. Seriously, how many Alderaans have you seen where nearly EVERY rep player zergs the left cannon, and STAYS there? How many republic players have you seen completely focus on that PT BH and his healing Op teammate and NOT cap a turret? Or CC someone about to interrupt a turret capper?

3. Levels. Sure, you get bolstered. Doesn't mean you suddenly get all the abilities of someone at least lvl 20. I've seen more lvl 10-13 commandos, smugg scrappers, jedi running around just spamming their default attack and 2-3 specials. Then they don't even focus fire on one individual, making it ridiculusly for my healing sorc to... eh... heal... I don't think lvl 10s even have anything to CC me with as I heal myself and my Imp friends.

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Which is why I always roll in premades with my republic guild...


Empire may have more players on your server thus higher chances that they are premade. If one is going to sit in a queue forever may as well make it worth the time and play with those you know who know what they are doing.

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It's probably because Empire communicate more. If it's not that then better organization.


Generally Republic lose on my server due to lack of communication. They'd rather bash their heads against the wall trying to kill the large amount of opponents over using strategy and hitting the imperials where they are weakest.


Granted this is just on my server, besides it's not all the time. Sometimes I can get people who talk to each other and keep themselves organized.

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Communication seems to be the key, even in pugs without a premade. I've been in republic wins with much lower levels than the empire, just because they were zerging and we were coming up with plans and strategies. Our level 20's guild premades won every game, just because we had the power of immediate communication over Vent. Some days, when I'm pvp'ing alone in random groups we win, sometimes we lose horribly. It usually has something to do with communication. If someone is explaining what to do and people understand, it'll go smoother. Every time we enter Huttball, I or one of my friends will explain how to pass the ball and what the objective is, and it works out pretty good, even if we lose, it's never too bad.
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i play republic. sometimes i solo but mostly in the evening when most of my guildmates are on we Q up with 2-4 players at a time. last night we went 15-3 which is about typical. Having at least 1 other person you can communicate with on vent is more than enough to turn the tide in a warzone. oddly enough 2 of the losses were in hutball to another republic team
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What gives? 20 games this morning and 18 in a row went to the Empire.


What gives? Why does the Republic loses almost every single game? Are they had bad, or is the Empire that good, or what? What causes us to lose over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and OVER?


Maybe it's you.

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Empire wins because of a combination of 2 factors.


Factor #1: The classes are not balanced. Merc/Commando do way too much damage and Sorcerer/Sages are pretty much OP in control/stuns. Their damage is a bit too much as well.


Factor #2: BH and Inquisitors(Specifically Mercs and Sorcs) are SIGNIFICANTLY more popular than their Republic counterparts(Commando and Sages). You will just simply run into way more of the OP classes on Empire than you ever will on Republic.


Really? Scoundrels and shadows pwn mercs all day long and twice on Sundays. If you know you are going to be facing *laughs* "mercs that do way too much damage" roll a scoundrel or shadow. Mercs have *NO* prayer against them in pvp.

Edited by xMrBill
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  • 2 months later...

K lets talk mechanics on this one.


Its an admitted know issue ( thats is being looked to fix) that resolve is broken and its broken in the Siths favor..


When resolving combat Sith players without a full resolve bar are not getting incap'd/stunned from Rep player abilities correctly, thats a fact. While Rep without a full resolve bar are indeed getting stunned/incap'd by Sith ablilites. ( Enjoy while it lasts)


And while we are on spells, many of the Sith abilites are very visual ie. lighting, so its very easy to 'see' where its going and focus fire that target, on the other side Sage rocks very hard to 'see' where they are going.

Same for heal on Rep side very visual and screams look I'm a healer kill me, and Sith side heals are much darker harder to 'see' cant as fast just pick the heals out of the crowd.


Discuss :)

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  • 8 months later...

i know this thread hasnt been active but just coming from a couple of losses in a row, i need to vent :)

there are so many variables in warzones that can affect the outcome, how many healers are on the other team? are they being focused? are people calling out incomings or simply waiting for the wave to hit and staying silent? does your team have a strategy or are they just charging in and hoping for the best? (<best way to get your butt handed to you) is your team playing to the objectives or are they just running around like chickens with heads cut off? win or lose has nothing to do with republic vs empire, its all about communication and i wish there was more of it in warzones personally. my 2 cents

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