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How long have you played SWTOR?


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Yeah as the title says, how long have you been playing this game? And how many hours a day?


Me myself played a couple of months when on its relese. Then i was locked away 3 years and didnt have acces to internet.

Now i have start playing SWTOR again for 3-4 months and 6-10 hours a day. I find it very entertaining!


So your turn!

Edited by Mogadun
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Since 12/25/2011. The first two months, I played on my husband's account because 1) I didn't know if I'd like the game and 2) my computer at the time couldn't run the game. But I got my own account around February 2012.


So I HAVE been here since 12/2011, just my own account 2/2012.


I play, depending on if I'm working, busy with real life, or bored for a week, anywhere from 6 hours a day to about 18 hours a day (mostly weekends for the 18 hours).


I truly enjoy this game and I've done every single thing possible to do in this game. I kind of wish something like the Chevin event comes back, that was fun.


But yeah, swtor player hardcore here.

Edited by Eanelinea
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I have been playing since the beta, never took a break from the game (though of course there are times where I don't login for a few days, but I never stopped playing). My main character has just hit 300 days /played which evens out to more than 4 hours daily, though a lot of that has also been standing AFK on fleet. Edited by Jerba
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Been playing since early access, and a couple of the beta weekends if we want to include that too. I used to play every single night for probably 3-6 hours, and more on weekends. Starting probably midway through 3.x I've found myself playing less and less though. At this point I'm barely playing. Did the KotFE content in a couple days, did the 4.1 stuff in an hour, but other than that I mostly just log for a few minutes in the morning to craft and relist on the GTN. I used to log in for our raiding nights at least twice a week, sometimes a few other nights to help out other groups, but recently our raid group disbanded in SWTOR so I don't even do that anymore (we're in the process of moving that group to a different game).
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Pasted from another thread.

I've played SWTOR since November of 2014 even though I owned the disc since release...just never got around to playing it until much later.


In terms of how much I play, when I first started and was pushing through the main story-lines of each of the 8 classes, it was about 3-4 hours a night. Then there was a time I got heavily invested into the MMO aspects such as FPs, and PVP I spent about 2-3 hours a night. Now, my log time is rather inconsistent, I might have a night where I play for a couple hours and sometimes I can go days or even weeks without touching the game.

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December 2015, I'd had the game on my watchlist for a while and when my friends decided we should all start an MMO together I recommended it.


Sadly they all went off to some Japanese MMO called Tera and since I hated the look, feel and pretty much everything else of that game I decided to play SWTOR alone instead, despite knowing next to nothing about the star wars universe.


Good call if I do say so myself. About to finish my third class storyline (Sith sorcerer) while they've all quit their Asian MMO.

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Took me some time to figure out the actual date, but I've managed.


Started playing on 25th of November 2011, during the beta weekend. Been a proud subscriber since early access in December 2011. I remember having to set up a payment method to activate the initial 30 days included in the purchase.


That was on a different account though. This one doesn't have the security key, so I can actually log on without carrying the physical key with me. Once made to test F2P when it was going life, more so the invite option. These days, it's a second sub account just because I can.

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Half scared to admit this since people tend to 'look down' on the newer players but I first played SWTOR back in March 2013 for about a month.. then came back end of December 2015 and have been playing faithfully since then, and somewhat binging because for *me* it's all shiny and new and exciting. :p
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This one doesn't have the security key, so I can actually log on without carrying the physical key with me.


You do know there is a security key app for android and apple (not sure about windows)?

Edited by Tobero
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Early 2013 I believe. My brother was on the beta and I remember playing that a few times. I really liked what I saw, but I chose not to pick it up because I had so much time dedicated to WoW already. Figured it would be a pain to balance both during what little game-time I had after work and RL. Plus, during Swtor beta and launch, I had been playing WoW daily with a friend of mine (now my wife). So I'm kind of happy I waited to join up on Star Wars.


When the pre-launch event for Legion comes around I'll pick up my WoW subscription again, but this time I think I'll keep Swtor going as well and try to balance the two

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