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Why such Koth hatred?


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because you chose to let his people die. to him, you are a bad person. I'm not sure where the disconnect is for you and seemingly many of the other players.


I can say the same to you; I'm not sure where the disconnect is.


Koth stormed out and stole my ship. He betrayed me. And like you said:


people don't really care what he thinks


I don't care if he thinks he's some righteous hero.

Edited by Radzkie
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Yeah, people only hate him because he disagrees with them. It has nothing to do with him stealing the Gravestone.

Given this thread was created over five months before he stole the Gravestone and had almost three hundred posts back then... yeah, for a lot of people it apparently has got nothing to do with that.

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Given this thread was created over five months before he stole the Gravestone and had almost three hundred posts back then... yeah, for a lot of people it apparently has got nothing to do with that.


Yep. There's plenty of reasons people don't like him; which can be found in the hundreds of posts. Stealing the Gravestone is only one of the recent. And it's mainly the reason I hate him. I liked the guy at the start.

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When told his beloved Emperor ATE PLANETS, his response wasn't "That didn't happen, you liar." It was "So? They weren't Zakuulan." The guy is a fanatic worshiping a death cult. He believes it's Fate that the Outlander will liberate Zakuul from Arcann and that his undead god-emperor will somehow then resume rulership using your body as a puppet and all will be space unicorns and rainbowcasters. He's a nutjob.


Not quite. What he said was "he was always good to Zakuul". You're expecting him to value other civilizations over his own when you most likely didn't do it yourself. And before you get indignant, I'm basing this off the fact that your Koth probably stole your ship because you let his people die.

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I can say the same to you; I'm not sure where the disconnect is.


Koth stormed out and stole my ship. He betrayed me. And like you said:




I don't care if he thinks he's some righteous hero.


You could try to say the same to me. It wouldn't fit though because he likes me for saving his people. Lol. You betrayed him first and this is actually a choice that matters.

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  • 6 months later...

The reason why i don't like Koth is because of how he reacts to you as the Outlander.

He talks about how Lana have told him about you and all the great things you've done. I'm sorry but if you're playing a dark side character, especially from the Sith, then Lana should have told him how *********** evil your character is, yet he acts like the PC is this shining knight in armour here to save everyone and gets butthurt when (SURPRISE), my evil Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor acts out the way she always been, being a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Because when we got frozen at the beginning, we were still a Dark Lord and on the council (if you played as a SI), yet Koth expects us to act like this shining knight who helps every little fluffy animal we see.

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The reason why i don't like Koth is because of how he reacts to you as the Outlander.

He talks about how Lana have told him about you and all the great things you've done. I'm sorry but if you're playing a dark side character, especially from the Sith, then Lana should have told him how *********** evil your character is, yet he acts like the PC is this shining knight in armour here to save everyone

Lana's primarily interested in results. Your character being the galaxy's biggest ******* isn't really something she'd bother with talking about, given that, for whatever your reasons, you're still the person who keeps on saving the galaxy. Plus, Lana's plenty dark herself. Granted, that means what we really should've seen is more grief between Lana and Koth specifically, probably.

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Koth is the guy who is not inherently cool, but tries really hard to look the part.

He only watches football on Super Bowl and tries to fake knowing the rules of the game.

He is a hipster.

He is a try hard.

He knows nothing of growing up under hardship, but tries to pass his two weeks with a poor family in Ecuador as cred.

He sounds like he would've drinked Zima.


I love stabbing him every time I can.

And I love the closure from Lana's "Ever!" To Tora's "can I have his stuff?"

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I know this is a total necro thread, but I'll chime in:


1) His hatred of Senya is hypocritical. He's pissed because she hunted him. Well, she was just following orders. He himself admitted doing some pretty nasty things before he saw the light (no pun intended). To top it off, when I tell him to zip it on the subject he doesn't.


2) At one point he says, "take me, I can handle this group." He was dead, cold wrong.



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Plus, Lana's plenty dark herself. Granted, that means what we really should've seen is more grief between Lana and Koth specifically, probably.


This is the part that i don't get. If he and Lana were a "thing" then why didn't he leave in a huff when he found out just how much Lana is willing to sacrifice just to "get things done?" She's pretty dark herself. She's the one who suggests that you leave the sun generator to blow up, yet Koth totally ignores this and chooses to focus on you. What did he ever see in Lana and how on earth did they ever manage to get along? Lana even implies at one point that she was helping Senya track him down ("this was before I knew Koth of course," she says) yet there's never a moment when Koth finds out and accuses her of betraying him.


I don't dislike Koth, but the history he has with Lana makes little sense for a man with such high ideals.

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You betrayed him first and this is actually a choice that matters.


Not listening to his demands when I did not even know him is not betrayal.


ps spoiler alert


I killed Koth. Thanks devs <3


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I played a full Light Jedi Consular... and even though she had some disagreements with Koth, he always stood up for her. I noticed that in some walkthroughs he actually tries to fool the main character or cause even more trouble, but not on mine. He had some impact during the first chapters in KOTFE and just stopped being around at the end and during KOTET. I romanced Lana and always made her the main focus.
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I didn't like Koth because he reminded me of Alistair from Dragon Age, who I also disliked. They are both characters who are so naive and stubborn that they threaten the overall mission and constantly fail to see the bigger picture.


And to top it off, if you make decisions they don't agree with they will leave your Alliance or quest, putting their own selfishness above the greater goal. They are detriments.

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It's not so much what he does, it's just the way he does it. He's condescending, confrontational, and self-righteous. Like the time when you try to hit on him after he interrupts you with Lana, he clutches his pearls and scolds you. -_- So uncool.
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It's not so much what he does, it's just the way he does it. He's condescending, confrontational, and self-righteous. Like the time when you try to hit on him after he interrupts you with Lana, he clutches his pearls and scolds you. -_- So uncool.
Wait, what?
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I'm trying to understand why everyone has such a problem with Koth. I understand from a character immersion/RP perspective especially if you're very DS orientated in your play but this seems to be a general thing across light and dark sides for both Republic and Imperial characters.


Okay yes, he comes across as naive and foolish for praising Valkorion the way he does however, that's the world he grew up in. He was born and raised on Zakuul with Valkorion as their Emperor who, for the people of Zakuul, brought a lot of good and prosperity to their lives. He's a man of honor and duty, having served in the military and only deserting once Arcann took over and he was ordered to do things that went against his personal values and principles. Koth wasn't raised in the part of the galaxy that was constantly engaged in wars, where there was a constant good vs. evil thing going on. This man comes from an entirely different background and history than us 'Outlanders'.


Now imagine you're a LS Jedi Knight and all your life you've believed in the order, in Satele Shan. You respect her, you appreciate her and in your eyes she's a great leader. Then a complete stranger from an entirely different section of the galaxy wanders in and goes "Satele's a sadist, a mad woman and a murderer!".. do you just turn around and go "Oh hey person I barely know, yeah you're so totally right. I mean she's always been wonderful to me and my people but just because you claim she's horrible I'm gonna throw away everything I've ever known and believed in and agree that she's a terror who needs to be stopped permanently". Silly, right? Yet that's basically what most of us seem to expect from Koth right now.


He throws a hissy fit because you won't attempt to save the innocent people working in the Spire when Vaylin's rigged it to blow or whatever. Granted it's Vaylin's fault and technically you don't owe them a damn. They're strangers to you so whatever but to Koth they're his fellow citizens, possibly people he's grown up with.. no matter what you do in the situation, if you choose to let it blow.. yeah, it's understandable that he's upset about it.



Killing innocent people when you take the DS choice with Kaliyo in C10.. that's a choice and entirely your own responsibility. You deliberately make the choice to let hundreds of innocent people die, effectively taking their lives for what? Revenge, getting even, for all the years you've lost. Newsflash, the people of Zakuul may be naive twits living the good life but they're not responsible for what happened to you. Just because they don't know the truth, don't know any better doesn't mean their lives are yours to throw away and end so Koth, again being a native Zakuulan himself, has every right to be upset about it. Once more you're talking about a man who deserted the army he once believed in because he couldn't bring himself to murder innocent civilians from YOUR world. People he didn't have to care about at all but did.



I'll agree he could stand to keep his Valkorion praising rambles to himself rather than throw it in your face all the time but overall.. I don't think he's a bad guy and he's not dis likable. His biggest 'flaw' is that he doesn't realize that not everyone can be saved, that sometimes tough choices have to be made and sometimes those choices will be at the expense of people who don't deserve it but again... WE already know this, we've lived it 'growing up' in OUR part of the galaxy. Koth hasn't. He may learn over time as some things you just need to experience it to finally 'see the light'.


That's just my 2 cents.. or ramble. But I'd like to know, what reason do people have for disliking him so badly? Is there something I'm not seeing or considering?



He is Arogant Foolish always wants to be the hero self centered naïve questions my orders takes my damn ship **** blocks me then has the nerve the gall to question what I'm doing? I'm the godamn alliance commander! I shouldn't have the need nor inclination to explain my actions to you. He has no regard for authority Zakuul may have been his home but the galaxy was burning. Nothing and I mean nothing satisfied me more then when I sprayed his guts all over the gravestone bridge ignorant fool ugh.


heh sorry I just have an intense hatred for this character.

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He is Arogant Foolish always wants to be the hero self centered naïve questions my orders takes my damn ship **** blocks me then has the nerve the gall to question what I'm doing? I'm the godamn alliance commander! I shouldn't have the need nor inclination to explain my actions to you. He has no regard for authority Zakuul may have been his home but the galaxy was burning. Nothing and I mean nothing satisfied me more then when I sprayed his guts all over the gravestone bridge ignorant fool ugh.

You murdered hundreds, if not thousands, if innocent people, complain that he thought it would be bad to leave a superweapon in your hands even though you shouldn't have to bother to justify your actions, and yet Koth is the arrogant one? Because keep in mind, he doesn't "steal your ship" unless you murder innocent bystanders in cold blood.

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You murdered hundreds, if not thousands, if innocent people, complain that he thought it would be bad to leave a superweapon in your hands even though you shouldn't have to bother to justify your actions, and yet Koth is the arrogant one? Because keep in mind, he doesn't "steal your ship" unless you murder innocent bystanders in cold blood.


Yeah you have to both allow the spire to blow AND allow Kaliyo to kill people. With the agent, you get the option to tell Kaliyo that you don't care but she forces you to make a choice.

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You murdered hundreds, if not thousands, if innocent people, complain that he thought it would be bad to leave a superweapon in your hands even though you shouldn't have to bother to justify your actions, and yet Koth is the arrogant one? Because keep in mind, he doesn't "steal your ship" unless you murder innocent bystanders in cold blood.


I am the alliance Commander and a sith what did he expect? that doesn't excuse his stupidity to any extent.

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Yeah you have to both allow the spire to blow AND allow Kaliyo to kill people. With the agent, you get the option to tell Kaliyo that you don't care but she forces you to make a choice.


Back in the day if you didn't follow the orders of your CO you would be shot. Forget that he questions my orders his descisions were downright stupid a quantum bomb?! cmon! He hinders more then he helps at least kaliyo was getting the job done.

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Hmmm.... I guess I hate Koth because he is arrogant, selfish, whines and complains constantly, as a "my way or highway attitude", and will never consider what anyone else thinks cause obviously he is always right.


In fairness, redeeming qualities about Koth would be.... he did pull us out of carbonite, he cares about Lana, he serves as an early warning system to who is going to betray you.


I don't think he realizes that he IS flying around in MY ship.

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You murdered hundreds, if not thousands, if innocent people, complain that he thought it would be bad to leave a superweapon in your hands even though you shouldn't have to bother to justify your actions, and yet Koth is the arrogant one? Because keep in mind, he doesn't "steal your ship" unless you murder innocent bystanders in cold blood.


He scolds you for not saving the lives of the people who not only imprisoned you, but not saving lives while on the run from your captures as well :p


I've always saved them of course, but knowing he gets upset with the spyre, when it was Vaylin and not you...not cool.


But there's other times all the characters get on to you which isn't cool. Like when the choice of deciding what order to release the escape pods, with the last having the least likely chance to make it.


"I'm mad at you!" "Wasn't my fault!" "I don't care! You killed them!" :p

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