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Why such Koth hatred?


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Actually, now that I think about it, Scorpio was able to easily screw up Oddessen computers. What if she helped Koth aboard to try and distract the crew? And in the end hopfully leave the Gravestone in the hands of someone she would of deemed as incompotent.


Scorpio could likely screw up Odessan computers and security, so I could see her being his accomplice in that sense. But I don't think she could do anything aboard the Gravestone, because she was locked out, unless he let her back in? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have minded making Theron look stupid and incompetent, because they hated each other


Either way, he and that psychobot are toast if I ever get the chance.

Edited by Lunafox
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Koth is rapidly turning into the new Quinn, lol.


Doesn't Quinn apologize and dedicate himself to making up for his betrayal though. When you romance him, the message after KOTFE begins involves him thinking nothing is good enough for what he did than a lifetime and standing by your side. Even people who hate him get to Force Choke him and his loyalty there on out, brought to your way of thinking- Koth at the moment for some stole their ship and they couldn't stop him while he claims his (justifiable to his point of view) moral high ground on the Gravestone.


I don't know- maybe there will be something in the first chapter that fixes everything for some as far as punishing Koth goes.

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Doesn't Quinn apologize and dedicate himself to making up for his betrayal though. When you romance him, the message after KOTFE begins involves him thinking nothing is good enough for what he did than a lifetime and standing by your side. Even people who hate him get to Force Choke him and his loyalty there on out, brought to your way of thinking- Koth at the moment for some stole their ship and they couldn't stop him while he claims his (justifiable to his point of view) moral high ground on the Gravestone.


I don't know- maybe there will be something in the first chapter that fixes everything for some as far as punishing Koth goes.


I'm talking about the amount of gleeful hatred and death promises people are making when they see Koth again. Quinn (and Skadge) gets the same amount. My friend, who hates Quinn with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, called it having a "Murderection." :D

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Scorpio could likely screw up Odessan computers and security, so I could see her being his accomplice in that sense. But I don't think she could do anything aboard the Gravestone, because she was locked out, unless he let her back in? I'm pretty sure she wouldn't have minded making Theron look stupid and incompetent, because they hated each other


Either way, he and that psychobot are toast if I ever get the chance.


Scorpio wasn't locked out of the Gravestone until Koth and T7 kicked her out, which was after he wa salready aboard.

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Just because the ending of chapter 16 has all the villains alive doesn't mean you havn't been given any chance to succeed across the story.



Actually, that's exactly what it means. The alliance is no better off than when it started. In fact in many ways it's worse. There's not a single concrete advance from the alliance point of view. We change rulers 3 times this season going from bad to worse to worser :p



And for what it's worth my LS Jedi who started 16 without Koth never threatened him. There's wasn't an iota bit of difference in conversation after that.


There's wasn't a single resolution to a single subplot or any questioned answered whatsoever. None. This is bad story writing even by gaming standards. Season 2 had better be an exceptional installment or they're bound to lose customers.


My personal opinion is that BW has no clue just how this thing is going to end... much like Northern Exposure and Lost; they're making it up as they go along and it shows.

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I have one light-side paragon, and one dark-side inquisitor, in KotFE. They would imprison Koth in the deepest hole in Odessen. Anyone else meets Koth, Sith or Jedi, light or dark, he dies. Light-side Sith that forgvae Quinn, BHs that grudgingly accepted Skadge, he's done.


The only quantum realities where Koth lives is the one he gets to suffer in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. and the one where he gets to suffer solitary confinement for the rest of his life with torture-droids.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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I've only played through chapter 16 once so far and my light side sith was never mean to Koth. So no stolen ship. I think I'm going to be angry when I eventually do it on my dark side sniper. Because there is no way she would accept Koth back after he ran away. She'd put a blaster bolt to his head. And if she wasn't there she'd order Theron to do it. So forcing Koth on my sniper is going to suck.



Ever seen the original The Prisoner TV series? They had no idea how it was going to end when Patrick McGoohan first mentioned the idea.

Edited by RameiArashi
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I've only played through chapter 16 once so far and my light side sith was never mean to Koth. So no stolen ship. I think I'm going to be angry when I eventually do it on my dark side sniper. Because there is no way she would accept Koth back after he ran away. She'd put a blaster bolt to his head. And if she wasn't there she'd order Theron to do it. So forcing Koth on my sniper is going to suck.


She doesn't accept Koth back, she's just not in a position to do anything about it.

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Actually, that's exactly what it means. The alliance is no better off than when it started. In fact in many ways it's worse. There's not a single concrete advance from the alliance point of view. We change rulers 3 times this season going from bad to worse to worser :p

Crippling Arcann, gaining a ****ton of ne recruits from both the Empire and Republic, taking yet another ruler from the Zakulian people, and putting Vaylin on the throne; who as the previews state is already completly ignoring the outlander and wasting resources to find Senya and Arcann. The villains don't have to be dead for there to be sucess.

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For me, he just came across as boring at first. But then,

he had to come back in chapter 16 to steal my damn ship! I realize that might have been down to my choices. Maybe someone else would have skipped town and then showed up later to steal the Gravestone, like Kaliyo, if I had chosen to not let her blow up half a city. But dammit, that was MY ship!



Only really good thing Koth brought was his entertaining crew. I love that blue-haired maniac girl.


Also, for some reason, he reminds me too much of Sazh from Final Fantasy XIII. Maybe it's the coat.

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I wonder what the status of Koth's Valkorian hero worshipping will be like if/when he sees Val's force ghost do something more like what WE have seen him do that is totally out of place with the idealized image he has created for him.


we didnt get so much as a blip out of him if I remember right when we were freeing the gravestone to get to Odessen when Val took over our bodies (if we made the LS choice and didn't accept his power).. and said afterward that all those dead people were Val's doing (Will be going through FE again pretty soon on a few full LS DvL chars to verify that)

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Crippling Arcann, gaining a ****ton of ne recruits from both the Empire and Republic, taking yet another ruler from the Zakulian people, and putting Vaylin on the throne; who as the previews state is already completly ignoring the outlander and wasting resources to find Senya and Arcann. The villains don't have to be dead for there to be sucess.


I understand your point and perspective Codedrago. All I'm going to say is that the same thing happened at Chapter 9. Lots of resources coming in, lots of personnel as well and we didn't use any of it or even get a chance to use it in the story. Poor writing.


oh and previews of coming attractions are quite misleading. Thexan for example, Suicide Squad, Batman vs Superman.

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oh and previews of coming attractions are quite misleading. Thexan for example, Suicide Squad, Batman vs Superman.


Weren't the Suicide Sqaud and BvS trailers criticised after the movies release for revealing too much about the plot? And when did the previews mislead us about Thexan?

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Koth rubbed me wrong starting with his talk about Destiny this and that. Like what many have already said he lives in this perfect world where everything is all rainbows and unicorns and, while he gets involved in good causes, never seems to want to accept the consequences. Wonder if he thought about the consequences of stealing a super weapon from a Sith Inquisitor who now only has 1 decision to make with him. Where to mount his head in the Stronghold :mad:
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people hate Koth because he disagrees with them. People seem to be under the impression that companions should just take their word on things even when they just met said companion.


"oh hey guy i just met! what's that? you say the emperor i grew up under is a big old meany even though by the standards of MY society he was a good person? Well sure! Why wouldn't I take your experiences over mine!?"

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people hate Koth because he disagrees with them. People seem to be under the impression that companions should just take their word on things even when they just met said companion.


"oh hey guy i just met! what's that? you say the emperor i grew up under is a big old meany even though by the standards of MY society he was a good person? Well sure! Why wouldn't I take your experiences over mine!?"


Bzzzz! Wrong. Try again. Koth is a worthless piece of **** traitor. Koth worked in the guy's empire. I worked directly for and/or against the guy for years and he now resides in my head. Id say I have a better understanding of the undead God-thing than Koth "I betray everyone who trusts me" Vortenna.


Vette often disagrees with my DS toons, but I still like her. Nico's a drunk mute. I still like him. HK-51 wants me to murder everyone, but my LS toons still love him. T7 thinks my Sith are evil bastards, but they like having him around. He's funny and useful. Depending on choices made, all of the companions can dislike or love the outlander. Lana Banana always gets pissy when I don't follow her horrible, horrible plans to the letter, but I've still romanced her on like 15 toons. Even Theron has grown on me and Tora laughs in my face as I lay dying but I love her the most of the new npcs. And they all know the emperor is bad news. No delusions there.


I'd rather get Quinn back on my warrior than deal with Koth again. He can keep the damn gravestone. Let him and SCORPIO duke it out. Maybe hen I can get back to being a bounty hunter.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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people hate Koth because he disagrees with them. People seem to be under the impression that companions should just take their word on things even when they just met said companion.


"oh hey guy i just met! what's that? you say the emperor i grew up under is a big old meany even though by the standards of MY society he was a good person? Well sure! Why wouldn't I take your experiences over mine!?"


That's not so much what I dislike about him- I dislike how Koth seems to expect my Outlanders to be madly in love with the Emperor or something. Or love having the guy in his/her head. If my Outlanders try to explain anything, I get "Koth Greatly Disapproves" and he just brushes off what my Outlander has said for why s/he doesn't like the Big Boss Guy and insists that my Outlander will change his/her mind.


He can love the Emperor all he wants, but expecting my Outlander to share that love after being frozen for the crime of slaying the Emperor he loves. Why would the Outlander love the Emperor if the Outlander tried to kill the Emperor (regardless of what actually happened, but Outlander Kills Emperor is sort of the story for why Outlander is Super Scary to the people of Zakuul)?

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people hate Koth because he disagrees with them. People seem to be under the impression that companions should just take their word on things even when they just met said companion.


"oh hey guy i just met! what's that? you say the emperor i grew up under is a big old meany even though by the standards of MY society he was a good person? Well sure! Why wouldn't I take your experiences over mine!?"


Not at all, my companions can disagree as they like, but koth ...

the moment he opened his mouth i was like "dude, i have to show you the airlock, from the outside!"

i can't stand him. In 5 years my Jedi has not earned any dark points, but it is about to change the moment i can get rid of him. Gonna kick him out the Airlock and then use the Omnicannon on him.

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The first decision that will get him to leave or get killed in KOTET, I'm going for it..


Except - and this is why I really want to hear that someone at Bioware is acknowledging the miserable ending of KOTFE before I stick around for KOTET - it is my suspicion that you'll be robbed of that kill, that he'll make some noble sacrifice before you get the chance, and you'll be stuck listening to insufferable NPC speeches about the jerk.


Watch, just watch. It's going to happen, I can practically see the dialogue wheel over my character's neutral face with two praises and only one negative response offered, the latter of which everyone "greatly disapproves" when chosen since you refuse to recognize his noble end in the name of the cause. How can you hold a grudge when he died a hero?!


Come on, tell me you can't see exactly that?

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