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Ganking On Harbinger (PVE Server)/Rules For PvP On PVE Server


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Having a person to wait for that long in a safe zone is unreasonable. The strongholds facilitate getting to the safe zone, and returning back to where you were.


However, it takes 10 seconds to flag for PvP when entering a wrong area, it takes one click on a flagged player. But it takes moving and waiting for 5 minutes to unflag. That's a huge discrepancy in how easy it is to express consent to PvP and how much efforts it takes to withdraw this consent.


Or you enter the starfighter tutorial and exit. Also takes 10 seconds...

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As far as I know, the only thing that would be a reportable offense is if they camped your corpse for you to rez and then killed you again. Or if they follow you and kill you again. In those cases, though, all you would've had to do was rez at the nearest med center, then teleport to a safe zone (anything considered a sanctuary) to wait out the timer.


But as others have said: If you're flagged, you're fair game. It doesn't whether it's 1v1 or if a pack of opposing faction happens to run across you and kills you as long as they move along afterwards, or you take measures to remove yourself from the area (med center rez).

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It doesn't take one click on a player. You actually need to do something to the said player.

Also, you are given huge warning text you are entering hostile territory, and more than enough time to turn around.


Well, yes it does, as the click on a flagged player initiates an auto-attack.


I am aware that clicking GSF tutorial takes a few seconds, but it is not an official solution.


I have learned all this stuff by making my own mistakes in the game. Back when I was on my first characters and barely able to do a H4+ with my husband, someone flagged us by walking into AoE (it was so long ago it was possible) and killed my toon. I have learned to watch out for areas that are shared and listen in to the PvP flag.


Later on, I was waiting for Tat balloon on my low level toon, and a couple of flagged players on the end level hurled all kinds of insults at my toon. I did not care, but one of them had an interesting outfit, so I clicked on it to see what it was, and it flagged me. I just let them kill my toon and ressed to med centre. I've learned not to click on yellow-tagged players.


Then, during Ilum week, someone in my Ops group was flagged, and I was a healer, so I've learned how the flag spreads through the group via healing. The gankers of course picked a few members of the Ops team, but did not wipe the group as we cleared flags and called in some willing PvP guys to clear them out. That's when I was explained how to clear flag fast via GSF.


And, finally, I have unknowingly joined forces with a ganker, also during Ilum event, because he was a guildie. When I saw that he'd attack a single player while being in a group of 3, I've made my excuses.


I love wz PvP, and someone catching me out and killing my toon in the OW won't get me to weep in frustration and running to complain, but I don't like it that PvP unflagging in the OW is not straightforward.


I think it should be as easy and straightforward as flagging for it. As in done there and then by simply clicking the portrait.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Later on, I was waiting for Tat balloon on my low level toon, and a couple of flagged players on the end level hurled all kinds of insults at my toon. I did not care, but one of them had an interesting outfit, so I clicked on it to see what it was, and it flagged me. I just let them kill my toon and ressed to med centre.



To inspect the outfit, you would left-click to select, then right-click on the player's portrait (not the player) to bring up the context-menu to see the outfit.


Are you saying that LEFT-CLICKING on the flagged player activated YOUR PvP flag? Or RIGHT-CLICKING on the portrait did it?


I've been playing for 4 years now and have never seen anything like that, so pardon me if I find this extremely hard to believe.

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Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.


If you're flagged your dead lady. Being flagged is the system by which you give the game permission for other players to attack you. If you dont wanna get ganked make sure you dont have a flag. It is that simple.

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I was considering to go around flagged during the events to get some minimal dueling experience that I cannot get otherwise. But since the gankers normally try to skew the odds in their favor, I doubt I'd learn much by being stunlocked and killed. Plus, there is the idiotic companion part.


Do it enough and you do actually learn quite a bit - even from the 2v1 stealth ganks while you're fighting NPCs.


I spend most of my time flagged on my merc and mando when playing on PVE servers. This practically guarantees that most fights are going to start in the opponent's favour, but really sharpens up your response time, helps you get creative with escapes, and teaches you to capitalise on hesitation and other mistakes. All of which is highly transferable into warzones.


I'm not the best duelist by any stretch of the imagination, but at the very least learning how to be a non-trivial gankee is a useful skill to acquire. People start to leave you alone more when you're a pain in the *** to kill, especially if there is easier prey to be had elsewhere.


As for whether I'll attack other people - depends entirely on my mood. Red is dead, or not if I'm feeling lazy or charitable. I never ask permission though, that would be silly.


The wife actually attacked someone accidentally a short while ago with her fresh instant 60 sorc and got herself killed. I naturally went and found the unlucky sod and killed him for some easy brownie points - but we all agreed it was her own silly fault. :p

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To inspect the outfit, you would left-click to select, then right-click on the player's portrait (not the player) to bring up the context-menu to see the outfit.


Are you saying that LEFT-CLICKING on the flagged player activated YOUR PvP flag? Or RIGHT-CLICKING on the portrait did it?


I've been playing for 4 years now and have never seen anything like that, so pardon me if I find this extremely hard to believe.


Sheesh, I can't remember now. It was a long time ago. I must have clicked the toon to select it, and it set off the auto-attack on the "1" keybind. I was certainly not crazy enough thinking that a level 30 toon was going to tackle two 55s.


Do it enough and you do actually learn quite a bit - even from the 2v1 stealth ganks while you're fighting NPCs.


Maybe if I ever get a companion to level 50 influence. before it was you wanted your comp in full PvP gear,now you have to grind the gifts. I've done Ilum before, and that was pretty cool. Well, with a nice operative :)

Edited by DomiSotto
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Unless you are not paying attention, yes it is.


Flagged players of opposite faction are differentiated by name and health bar color. So do not right click on them unless you want to fight.

Disable autoselect target, so there is no way to select and attack them automatically by AoE

Pay attention when interacting with same faction groups, if they have PvP flag, and you do not want one, do not heal them.


I follow all these things, and I have yet to be "tricked" into getting a flag.

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For me, when it comes to pvp, i have learnt that while player *say* that they do pvp for the challenge, they tend to go out of their way to make sure they have no chance at all in losing, which makes me have no respect for those players and i have yet to meet any pvp'er that actually wants a challenge.
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I have been wondering if there are any rules regarding ganking players on a pve server, in my case the harbinger server even though i had no wish to engage in pvp.


I feel your pain.


I, too, play on Harbie, and when I encountered a couple of yellow-colored Imperials at the far end of Nar Shadaa's Shadow Town with my vanguard, I thought nothing of it...until they started healing the Imperial mobs I was fighting that were preventing me from entering an instance. They were doing their very best to be richardheads and get me to involuntarily flag. Fortunately, I have my AOEs isolated from my single-target attacks, and while it took me about nine times as long to finally bring the mobs down, I managed to do it, even with their healing trolls and the necessity of not using AOEs.


If worse had come to worse, I would have eaten the repair bill and let the mobs kill me, then scuttle back to their spawn point, whereupon I would have rezzed and continued on my way. I am more than willing to do that to deny basement-boxered chimpanzees like that a PVP kill. I've had opposite-faction players hop on same-faction toons to cuss me out when I've done that before (admittedly, only a couple of times). It gives me a warm fuzzy glow to hear the monkeys gibber and screech in /whisper.


Little children (even those who are that way only in mentality) are a constant factor in online games. They're like cockroaches - you just aren't ever going to be wholly rid of them. Best thing you can do is pay attention to your flag status at all times, and if it ever comes up, Stronghold out or use the GF tip given earlier in this thread. The rules aren't on your side in this instance, so it's up to you to make them work for you.

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or maybe they have stealth?


its a video game.


if i play CoD and start shooting everyone, that doesnt make me a war hero or a mass murderer. If i play monopoly and bancrupt my sister, that doesnt make me a heartless real estate tycoon. these are games and they have objectives in them.


"ganking" is a misnomer. its just a word used by people to whine about losing.

you either

1) plan on a pvp server and acknowledge the fact you are flagged for pvp and therefore give consent to tbe attacked or

2) play on a pve server and choose when and where to flag yourself.


just because some people like to kill other players, that doesnt make them especially evil. they are simply playing a game. if you dont like the game's objectives, there are many tools and alternatives for you to avoid it.


Just a small caveat for your CoD and Monopoly examples-- pretty much everyone starts off on a level playing field in those games, which is why I personally have nothing against PvP when there's some risk involved. But when you're killing someone 50 levels lower and camping theit corpse because they don't have a chance to fight back, while it may be technically playing the game, it definitely reeks of someone getting enjoyment from someone else's pain.

Edited by KLGChaos
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Both times it was in the rakghoul tunnels, which as far as i can see is not a pvp area. And yes it was a flag i hadn't gotten around to turning off as i was busy helping some players. And i only whispered them to figure out why they did it, no please don't attack me nothing.


Next time wait until your flag goes away in a neutral zone. When you are flagged on pve server the game mechanics and rules are the same as if you were on a pvp server.

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and once again: the pain in the ***, of those pvp loosers who finaly wan't some kills for free, cause they can't get it done in the bg. regardless off anything else rational.

you know that you still can get flagged unintentionaly. to then grief/gank the people that are just doing theyre quests is completly ********!

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Unless you are not paying attention, yes it is.


Flagged players of opposite faction are differentiated by name and health bar color. So do not right click on them unless you want to fight.

Disable autoselect target, so there is no way to select and attack them automatically by AoE

Pay attention when interacting with same faction groups, if they have PvP flag, and you do not want one, do not heal them.


I follow all these things, and I have yet to be "tricked" into getting a flag.


Are we having a language-related misunderstanding? If so that's cool but you're saying you disagree with me, then type out an agreement with me, thus disagreeing with yourself in your own posts. :confused:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Are we having a language-related misunderstanding? If so that's cool but your saying you disagree with me, then type out an agreement with me, thus disagreeing with yourself in your own posts. :confused:


We probably are.


My point is, it is really difficult to get yourself unintentionally flagged as long as you are paying at least a bit of attention as to what is going on on the screen.


There certainly are ways to improve it to make it really foolproof, like dropping all effects not applied by yourself when the flag is triggered (to prevent prebuffing by HoTs, defense buffs, etc by unflagged people), and have unflagged players incapable of using abilities on you if you are flagged.


But other method of getting flagged (the popular "ganker running into AoE" thing) is easily "fixed" by player paying a bit of attention and disabling one option in setting, that is recommended to be disabled at most times anyway (as it can cause wipes in some Operations)

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You were flagged for PvP



The end.


The fact that this is even a discussion shows how lame online play has gotten. 100% guarantee OP was the kid that threw his Wii controller across the room or kicked everyone out of the room when he lost as Smash Brothers or whatever the 12 year olds play these days.



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The fact that this is even a discussion shows how lame online play has gotten. 100% guarantee OP was the kid that threw his Wii controller across the room or kicked everyone out of the room when he lost as Smash Brothers or whatever the 12 year olds play these days.




First off you know nothing about me, second off i did not play video games at 12 years old. Go away troll.

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It may have helped if you had, since an important part of online multiplayer games is getting desensitized. Fortunately though it's never too late to start.


In all honesty, the only people who get on my nerves are the ones who come looking to start trouble. Beyond that, i don't care.

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In all honesty, the only people who get on my nerves are the ones who come looking to start trouble. Beyond that, i don't care.

Sadly, the player who's looking to start trouble, absolutely exists in online gaming...be prepared for them...know how you'll handle it. Don't let them get on your nerves. Learn from every mistake you make that gives them the attention/drama/anger they feed off of.

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In all honesty, the only people who get on my nerves are the ones who come looking to start trouble. Beyond that, i don't care.


The people that get on my nerves are the ones that come into an online environment and act like they are owed something, and then run screaming to the GMs when the slightest thing doesn't go their way. Entire games have been ruined for people by this sort of behavior. It is the definition of childishness.


This game, like many others, has rigorous controls in place to protect new gamers from accidentally stumbling into pvp. Entire planets, entire servers, devoted to holding your hand so you can play with your virtual dolls safely. The direction of this game, and most online games these days, is to cater to the single, casual player, who wants all the perks of playing in a persistent online environment, but none of the drawbacks. OP companions. Tactical FPs. Universal Stat mods. Almost zero world PVP. A laughable death penalty.


And yet still you complain. You want a play style that others enjoy removed entirely from gaming for the sake of your preferences. And the sad thing is, you are going to get your wish, to boost sub numbers game developers are always willing to sacrifice challenge for the sake of the lowest common denominator.


You took the time to log onto your pub and message your tormentors, then file a complaint for harassment, instead of re-spawning, waiting a couple of minutes and getting on with life. Try looking at the other side of things some time instead of stamping your feet and throwing your juice.

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