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Guys, maybe my standards are low at this point, but I'm actually somewhat excited about all this.




New Odessen Warzone

•Coming with Chapter 12 in April. PTS testing planned to start in 2-3 weeks.

Cross faction alliance teams train for their ongoing fight against the Eternal Throne. You can play on the same team as opposite factions.

•Lana is the warzone’s overseer, providing directions and updates

•2-5 control points for team to fight over. King of the hill style. Start with 2 control pts, as match goes up, control pts spawn and despawn. Team with most members in the control point area wins the control.

•Collect power-ups to turn the fight to your advantage. These are new power –ups. Power ups that activate/deactivate control points, give you double pts for holding control points etc.


New Rishi Arena

•Coming to PTS with the new warzone in 2-3 weeks.

•Launch date TBD.



•Havn’t decided on when the new PvP season starts yet. :mad:


EDIT: My guess is that they want to put the new Rishi arena into the ranked rotation, so they want to put it through PTS and finalize it better before they start S7.

Edited by teclado
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W T F is this ********!? How can they still not even have a ballpark date for the new pvp season? It's been since OCTOBER. Theres a lot of other stuff they've done lately that has been below par and frustrating but this might be the last straw for many people in the PvP community. IMO it should've started over 2 months ago, but instead they need to focus on the important stuff like making sure my warrior/knight can use force choke without a saber equipped.... Why the hell is that important and who needs to use it? This is so frustrating to see when we all want this game to succeed so badly.
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Team with most members in the control point area wins the control.


Ugh. I'm probably in the minority here, but I can't stand this type of "control" point. Every other type of PvP I've played has done it this way (admittedly, I haven't played many others), and I hate it. Totally takes away any strategy of stealth cap, or "heroically rushing in to stop a cap", or distracto-cap, or "stay alive just long enough for your team to respawn". It just amplifies the "team that is out-dpsing the other team wins" rule, and (IMO) makes it just that much harder for the "weaker" team to pull off an upset.


One of the reasons I like SW PvP so much is that they did NOT do this.


Ah well. I'll probably try it on the PTS if I'm still around in 2 to 3 weeks. But I'm totally not excited about this now. :(

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X-faction! Finally! Well, we'll see how they handle it especially with their q'ing engine.


No word on a balance pass by the looks of Dulfy's notes. Maybe they're waiting for April for the big pvp news/updates. I'm looking forward to getting on test.

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This new wz better be good, with cross-faction &no group queueing it will be the only pvp I see myself playing from there on until the upcoming pvp mmos get here (other than arenas, maybe).


&kudos to bw for making a decent stream


Cross-faction will be available only for this wrz or for all?

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Ugh. I'm probably in the minority here, but I can't stand this type of "control" point. Every other type of PvP I've played has done it this way (admittedly, I haven't played many others), and I hate it. Totally takes away any strategy of stealth cap, or "heroically rushing in to stop a cap", or distracto-cap, or "stay alive just long enough for your team to respawn". It just amplifies the "team that is out-dpsing the other team wins" rule, and (IMO) makes it just that much harder for the "weaker" team to pull off an upset.



They'll probably(maybe) do it like gw2, &as long as a member of the opposite team is still in the point area (not stealthed I'd say, gw doesn't have this nonsense permastealth anyway) while you haven't gained control of it, you can't cap it.

Edited by Tyr_ahnee
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W T F is this ********!? How can they still not even have a ballpark date for the new pvp season? It's been since OCTOBER. Theres a lot of other stuff they've done lately that has been below par and frustrating but this might be the last straw for many people in the PvP community. IMO it should've started over 2 months ago, but instead they need to focus on the important stuff like making sure my warrior/knight can use force choke without a saber equipped.... Why the hell is that important and who needs to use it? This is so frustrating to see when we all want this game to succeed so badly.


Because they decided to close ranked PVP, now it's finally obvious to me. The game is turning into casual crap such as solo operations .. uh sorry, it's called Eternal championship. Also one cross faction warzone WILL NOT resolve the imbalance problem, and the rishi arena is basically reskin of the orbital station.

The only thing we will get on regular basis are cartel packs with doubled RNG to make people pay more. Sad but true.

Edited by DerSchneider
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Because they decided to close ranked PVP, now it's finally obvious to me. The game is turning into casual crap such as solo operations .. uh sorry, it's called Eternal championship. Also one cross faction warzone WILL NOT resolve the imbalance problem, and the rishi arena is basically reskin of the orbital station.

The only thing we will get on regular basis are cartel packs with doubled RNG to make people pay more. Sad but true.


Man, rather than spend resources on designing hm/nim versions of operations or rewards for ranked pvp which only a tiny fraction of the people that spend money on this game actually play & with arena class balancing being what it is, I'd like them to create content with wider appeal &that's exactly what the new wz &pve arena seem like to me.


&what's stopping you from playing ranked atm? Do you really need to see your characters name on the leaderboard of a game site &get some fluff rewards that everybody(well, quite a few) complains about afterwards to enjoy that game mode?


I can't comment on the CM thing, I never buy packs. To the people that are willing to part with cash for digital lockboxes &then *****&moan that they didn't get the item they wanted, I say => carry on, whatever makes you happy!

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Firstly, it's awesome to finally see some new PvP content incoming! It looks like I will soon be able to drop the Maintenance Mode derision. Not only are we getting a new Warzone, but a new Arena map as well. This is very encouraging.


Secondly, it's awesome that BW actually listened to the PvP community and implemented Cross-Faction queues. Let's just hope it actually works. lol


Should they actually pull it off, it would be nice to see BW extend cross-faction to the other WZs and into Ranked play. It would be a particularly huge positive for Ranked.


A lot of good stuff to look forward too. I'm feeling a bit stoked even if they haven't announced Season 7 yet.

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&what's stopping you from playing ranked atm? Do you really need to see your characters name on the leaderboard of a game site &get some fluff rewards that everybody(well, quite a few) complains about afterwards to enjoy that game mode?



Call me greedy or miserable, but I WANT rewards to show-off like furious sets (which I didn't get because of bad PC), nexu mount (which I didn't get because I have been graduating and didn't have time for game). And I want name on leaderboard too. Fun is fun, I love challenging games that are hard-to-win, but I don't have excitement to continue playing again and again.

I'm really thinking to go hardcore pve now.

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they need to make the top levels of worth it , they need to incentivize with rewards Otherwise what is that point in the attainment of skill ?. It will make sense as a marketing strat as well because if they start spending money on their hardcore players ; the players who add depth and are loyal for years ; in the long run it will encourage more people to invest the effort / time and subscribe.
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Oh at last a fresh air into this cave. New wz and arena and PTS, cross-faction...Something change in this game. Class balance and 8*8 objective based RWZ is a way to go. Arenas is all about FOTM since its started and never will be any kind of competetive PvP, better what was more successful. IMO. But tho arenas should be solo. Edited by helpmewin
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