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Everything posted by Tyr_ahnee

  1. I'm happy with it, it'll provide me with ample opportunities to say this.
  2. Just had a little talk with BW, the codes will arrive shortly.
  3. I used to have the same issue when playing on the laptop. It seemed to happen with a few older games when playing in fullscreen windowed mode. The quick&easy solution was switching to fullscreen (not windowed). Annoying though, I tab out a lot while waiting for gf/wz pops &while I'm out I can't easily tell if I got a pop by hovering over the application tab in the taskbar to see a mini-window of the game (as I'm able to do in windowed mode). Also the few seconds of blackscreen when getting back in the game can be quite frustrating.
  4. As far as I understand, only for this Odessen wz. Maybe if it's like reaaaaaaaally popular they'll decide to implement it with the others as well.
  5. Man, rather than spend resources on designing hm/nim versions of operations or rewards for ranked pvp which only a tiny fraction of the people that spend money on this game actually play & with arena class balancing being what it is, I'd like them to create content with wider appeal &that's exactly what the new wz &pve arena seem like to me. &what's stopping you from playing ranked atm? Do you really need to see your characters name on the leaderboard of a game site &get some fluff rewards that everybody(well, quite a few) complains about afterwards to enjoy that game mode? I can't comment on the CM thing, I never buy packs. To the people that are willing to part with cash for digital lockboxes &then *****&moan that they didn't get the item they wanted, I say => carry on, whatever makes you happy!
  6. They'll probably(maybe) do it like gw2, &as long as a member of the opposite team is still in the point area (not stealthed I'd say, gw doesn't have this nonsense permastealth anyway) while you haven't gained control of it, you can't cap it.
  7. This new wz better be good, with cross-faction &no group queueing it will be the only pvp I see myself playing from there on until the upcoming pvp mmos get here (other than arenas, maybe). &kudos to bw for making a decent stream
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