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Producer Livestream Today!


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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


Community Topics

  • Chapter X Launch - We know this week has had its rough patches with the launch of Chapter X. We are working internally to improve these processes to avoid things like this from happening in the future. Thank all of you for your patience this week.
  • Anarchist Pack - We have definitely seen excitement around the new items in the pack, but the pack reviews have been mixed. Please keep the feedback coming as the MTX team is always looking at ways to adjust.

February Subscriber Gift

  • Be a subscriber who is opted in to receive emails by 2/14...
  • Receive a code for 1050 Cartel Coins
  • Receive a code you can give a friend which will give them access to Chapter I: The Hunt along with a feww level 60
  • If you want to opt in to receive emails, go to your account page on swtor.com and you opt in there

Chapter XI: Disavowed

  • Launches March 10th
  • Join forces with Major Aric Jorgan of Havoc Squad

Eternal Championship

  • Fight through 10 bosses
  • Weekly Missions for defeating bosses 5, 7, and 10
  • Rare Mount and Mini-pet drops
  • Blog coming later this month
  • View the archive of the live stream for some Eternal Championship footage

New Warzone

  • Coming in April with Chapter XII
  • Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team
  • Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone
  • 2-5 control points throughout the map
  • Collect power-ups that affect the control points
  • PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


  • Rishi Arena is coming as well
  • Will come to PTS along with the new Warzone
  • Launch date TBD

Quality of Life

  • These changes are coming with Chapter XII in April
  • You can now have all five Strongholds active at a time
  • 50% increase in decoration limits for Guild Flagships
  • Common decoration limit increased to 999
  • Guilds can now have 1,000 members!
  • There is now a Legacy Name column in your guild where you can designate that Legacy's main character
  • Mass selection for editing Guild Members
  • We are working on some other QoL improvements as well which we will hopefully announce in the next few weeks

Sub Rewards

  • Sub by March 1st to qualify for Early Access to Chapter XI and to receive the HK-55 inspired helmet

Thanks everyone!




Please tell me the next chapter won't have to fight too many mobs every few meters we take. Seriously, the mob fighting in the recent chapter made it long, boring and tedious.

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I know this question will come up a bit. From the homepage (http://www.swtor.com), login and then click on your username in the top right corner and go to account. From there go to the Basic Information tab and scroll down. You will see three check boxes, you only need to opt in to SWTOR emails.





How about fixing your servers and your launcher so we can actually play, WHAT WE *********** PAY FOR!


2years we have been ****ed over time and again! enough is enough! stop STEALING from us!

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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


Community Topics

  • Chapter X Launch - We know this week has had its rough patches with the launch of Chapter X. We are working internally to improve these processes to avoid things like this from happening in the future. Thank all of you for your patience this week.
  • Anarchist Pack - We have definitely seen excitement around the new items in the pack, but the pack reviews have been mixed. Please keep the feedback coming as the MTX team is always looking at ways to adjust.

February Subscriber Gift

  • Be a subscriber who is opted in to receive emails by 2/14...
  • Receive a code for 1050 Cartel Coins
  • Receive a code you can give a friend which will give them access to Chapter I: The Hunt along with a feww level 60
  • If you want to opt in to receive emails, go to your account page on swtor.com and you opt in there

Chapter XI: Disavowed

  • Launches March 10th
  • Join forces with Major Aric Jorgan of Havoc Squad

Eternal Championship

  • Fight through 10 bosses
  • Weekly Missions for defeating bosses 5, 7, and 10
  • Rare Mount and Mini-pet drops
  • Blog coming later this month
  • View the archive of the live stream for some Eternal Championship footage

New Warzone

  • Coming in April with Chapter XII
  • Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team
  • Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone
  • 2-5 control points throughout the map
  • Collect power-ups that affect the control points
  • PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


  • Rishi Arena is coming as well
  • Will come to PTS along with the new Warzone
  • Launch date TBD

Quality of Life

  • These changes are coming with Chapter XII in April
  • You can now have all five Strongholds active at a time
  • 50% increase in decoration limits for Guild Flagships
  • Common decoration limit increased to 999
  • Guilds can now have 1,000 members!
  • There is now a Legacy Name column in your guild where you can designate that Legacy's main character
  • Mass selection for editing Guild Members
  • We are working on some other QoL improvements as well which we will hopefully announce in the next few weeks

Sub Rewards

  • Sub by March 1st to qualify for Early Access to Chapter XI and to receive the HK-55 inspired helmet

Thanks everyone!



I hope the rishi WZ is on a pirate ship!! lol
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New Warzone

  • Coming in April with Chapter XII
  • Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team
  • Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone
  • 2-5 control points throughout the map
  • Collect power-ups that affect the control points
  • PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


  • Rishi Arena is coming as well
  • Will come to PTS along with the new Warzone
  • Launch date TBD



Will there be some sort of matchmaking with the cross faction warzone?


Can we expect other warzones to implement cross faction to help with queue times and team/faction balance?


Also, huttball is suppose to be "random" teams, so surely that would justify cross faction for that particular warzone?


Furthermore, when we can we expect some class balance?

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Quality of Life

  • These changes are coming with Chapter XII in April
  • You can now have all five Strongholds active at a time
  • 50% increase in decoration limits for Guild Flagships
  • Common decoration limit increased to 999
  • Guilds can now have 1,000 members!
  • There is now a Legacy Name column in your guild where you can designate that Legacy's main character
  • Mass selection for editing Guild Members
  • We are working on some other QoL improvements as well which we will hopefully announce in the next few weeks


I like these. Can we hope for increase companion decoration limit? As far as I know, we are still limited to 25 by stronghold, which is a bit ridiculous considering the whole "alliance" thing that gave us like 10 thousand companion to place around. Thanks.

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All great, Eric, but what about new real endgame content? MY guild is fading as people move to WoW or other games to Raid. They haven't come back for the new chapter. Is anyone at BW working on a new OP or the move of your senior OPs designer to another studio a sign that BW isn't going to bother with OPs anymore?
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Thanks for the livestream -


Some class QOL changes

Class QoL - when are you going to fix class issues. e.g. TK sages/Lightning Sorcs currently have a bad 6 set bonus because supercrit isn't working for Turbulence ability and others or restore there stuff like knockdown on FQ/LS - why didn't you put.


been posting some feedback on chapter X, but it's probably completely lost, do you have a seaprate topic we can write our thoughts on it so you can see?


I enjoyed, one of the things i loved most of it is that we are seeing new areas and more new assets rather than re-use of existing areas, and older assets, this really makes it a treat, and all the other action voice acting, script is top notch, but that has always been so.


Wondering why we are having a lot of Agent old companions in main roles? other compelling ones are around surely, and what about some more brand new main ones too - even though we don't want to overcrowd the main rosta - but, new ones non-old class companion ones like the male Voss from the Consular story or a Yoda Orteg - would really excite me and we think it would be awesome - especially since we don't have a damage tk, damage balance, or healing based consular sage companion - no sage based companion exists, and both these characters

would be excellent there.


Finally, you mentioned in the liivestream something about signing up on the website to get some cartel points, you said you'd give details in the topic, can you share?

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Yup. We cant log in. Our games are not starting after pressing the Play button in our launchers.


Ya same issue with me, been trying for past 3 hrs to no avail. SOUNDS LIKE THIS HAS BEEN AN ISSUE LATELY, glad i just downloaded game again to get this 1st week im back. Oh well back to WoW.

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Nice stream, thank you.

You perhaps show too much, but that's probably me.

I still think the 2 day early access is useless and silly


My question:

I had a question about the 5 strongholds limit. what does it mean for the conquest bonus? 120 % max, or still 100% but 5*20%?


ps: Oh, and name your quest categories properly, please.

I'm now soloing H2s whenever i want (back in the day i had to bring a friend for them, hence the 2), and now we'll be a group of 2 for a solo+? nah...

solo... solo

H2... group of 2 recommended.

clearer ^^

Edited by Vodolebon
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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


Community Topics

  • Anarchist Pack - We have definitely seen excitement around the new items in the pack, but the pack reviews have been mixed. Please keep the feedback coming as the MTX team is always looking at ways to adjust.


Uhhhh... excitement about the new items isnt the phrase your looking for.. I think only MeNaCe and the guy who got the rancor from the chance cube are the only two people playing the game excited...


Anger, dissapointment, and/or rage at getting a bunch of old junk -instead- of the new items would fit a lot better...


Chapter XI: Disavowed

  • Launches March 10th
  • Join forces with Major Aric Jorgan of Havoc Squad


Um... maybe Im forgetting my Trooper playthrough, but isnt Jorgan pretty anti-empire?


I can just see it now... "The Sith Lord And The Grumpy Cat, watch as the fur flies!"



New Warzone

  • Coming in April with Chapter XII
  • Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team
  • Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone
  • 2-5 control points throughout the map
  • Collect power-ups that affect the control points
  • PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


  • Rishi Arena is coming as well
  • Will come to PTS along with the new Warzone
  • Launch date TBD


This should make the pvpers happy, good for them! :)


Quality of Life

  • These changes are coming with Chapter XII in April
  • You can now have all five Strongholds active at a time
  • 50% increase in decoration limits for Guild Flagships
  • Common decoration limit increased to 999
  • There is now a Legacy Name column in your guild where you can designate that Legacy's main character
    Um, what about people with duplicate Legacy Names as others? O.o

Thanks everyone!




Commentary in green

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The new warzone if I wanted to do it I can't que up with my boyfriend?

That's not the way I understood what they were saying. I think Eric was just saying that you can't have an empire player group with a republic one, because we never have been able to do that. But you could have a group of 4 imps on the same team as a group of 4 pubs, or many other combinations.


I'm actually rather pleased with all of this. Good stuff!


The only things that I would really like would be:

-Start of pvp S7

-New operations

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New Warzone

  • Coming in April with Chapter XII
  • Cross Faction Alliance teams fight together with players from opposite Factions on the same team
  • Lana Beniko will be voicing this Warzone
  • 2-5 control points throughout the map
  • Collect power-ups that affect the control points
  • PTS is planned to start in 2-3 weeks (I will pass on info as I have it)


  • Rishi Arena is coming as well
  • Will come to PTS along with the new Warzone
  • Launch date TBD


The above is truly awesome! Great to hear! Bravo!


PvP may finally pull out of Maintenance Mode after all. I almost can't believe it.


And Cross-Faction queue implementation is fantastic! Thank you for listening to the PvP Community. Well done! I just hope it actually works. lol


Thanks again!

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I know this question will come up a bit. From the homepage (http://www.swtor.com), login and then click on your username in the top right corner and go to account. From there go to the Basic Information tab and scroll down. You will see three check boxes, you only need to opt in to SWTOR emails.




and do we get reward if we were already opt ed in? or should we opt out then opt back in?

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Uhhhh... excitement about the new items isnt the phrase your looking for.. I think only MeNaCe and the guy who got the rancor from the chance cube are the only two people playing the game excited...


Anger, dissapointment, and/or rage at getting a bunch of old junk -instead- of the new items would fit a lot better...


Pfft hyperbole. Are you actually playing the game? There are many, many happy players with the packs in game ... strangely enough most haven't collected everything before ( omg what?! really?! ).


But hey I guess if you're right then the pack purchases must have utterly stalled now ... strange though because the amount on the GTN keeps growing ... go figure. ;)


Funnily enough you're also the only player in this thread ( other than my response ) to even mention the packs - it's a REALLY BIG ISSUE AMIRITE!? ;)

Edited by MeNaCe-NZ
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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


February Subscriber Gift

  • Receive a code you can give a friend which will give them access to Chapter I: The Hunt along with a feww level 60


Should that be "a new level 60" or are they getting more than one?

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Hey folks,


Thank you to everyone who tuned in today! If you missed the stream, or just want to catch up, here is a recap of the things we talked about.


Community Topics

  • Anarchist Pack - We have definitely seen excitement around the new items in the pack, but the pack reviews have been mixed. Please keep the feedback coming as the MTX team is always looking at ways to adjust.



Mixed? Really? Im not sure if you've read the forums, but I would say for every 10 negative reviews there is maybe 1 positive one? Really hoping some changes come in for this pack and those moving forward. Please see my suggestions here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=870986


Such unprofessionalism...

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