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My Hypercrate Loot and Grand Chance Cube Review.


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As someone who didn't play for three years, the cubes weren't as bad for me as it did give me a lot of things I missed before. However, out of the two hypercrates I bought and the multitude of chance cubes, 99% of them were bronze items with a few silvers-- not one gold came from them, which is ridiculous considering the amount of cubes there were. 75% of those were emote, or titles, with the rest being a mix of crystals, a handful of bronze armor sets, and a few rest animation items.


I did get the new Monocycle, Unibeast and Swamp Rancor mounts (two actually), but didn't see one lightsaber. Several vibroblades though.

Edited by KLGChaos
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Now for my Post 4.1 Opinion regarding "Grand Chance Cubes."


Simply put? They are garbage, not even okay. Just garbage. If they were a separate item to be sold by itself or even if you were promised at least 1 new item per pack they would be okay. But as they are now. They are garbage.


Bioware, we buy packs to get the new items within them. I know you want to make money. But I strongly recommend you not only cancel this change on any upcoming packs but you might want to consider a hot fix that adjusts the drop rate of these cubes because this pack is Garbage now and I shall not be using my free coins to buy anymore of them.


Nice to see others test the waters, I'll avoid using my free CC on touching these packs.


One question though, are those cubes bound, or can they be sold after a timer?

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Lockboxes are for mugs.


That is all.




All of the threads on this are funny. "I bought a gorillion grab bags and didn't get the shiny pixels I wanted." Mmmhmm.... People keep buying enough of them that BW feels comfortable farting around with drop rates and gimmicks. Why should BW change how they're doing it?


It's also pathetically funny that in a friggin' SW MMO the #1 subject after a patch are silly grab bags. How lame is the playable part of the game then?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I had a very similar experience with my hypercrate. I have purchased a hypercrate that has been issued & I am happy to financially support a game that I enjoy. However I felt that the changes announced a week or so ago was just a thin attempt to get us to spend more money (on old items) & lessen how many "new" items get put up on the market.


However when I saw what was being released in the pack on Dulfy... I could not help myself & broke down & spent the $65-ish Canadian Dollars on cartel coins to buy the hypercrate. My results were a little worse than the OPs (I only received 2 gold armor packs) & the 30 chance cubes I pulled had nothing but bronze items.


So... thats it... no more. Ill not be buying cartel coins for cartel packs or any thing else again. A guild mate of mine (who also spends alot of cash on the Cartel Market) is also done with it.


Its bad enough that Im spending money on a monthly sub just to re-do old content... now they want me to spend even more money on cartel packs for old items... I'm done.

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1. Run off group PVPers

2. Run off group PVEers

3. Run off EZ money cash shop lovers



Right?! What are they thinking? How bad is this game truly doing that they can't even support the damn cash shop...I've always said that the smartest people in any game, are always the ones who work on the cash shop...if that's true for Bioware, God help us...

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Nice to see others test the waters, I'll avoid using my free CC on touching these packs.


One question though, are those cubes bound, or can they be sold after a timer?


I had no problem testing the waters as their were items in this pack I wanted and I had enough free CC from my Ref Link to test it out since you can't really know if a terrible idea will be terrible without a test. I am sad by the results but shall not be buying anymore packs until changes occur, tho I doubt they will.


As for the cubes, I think they are.

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The new chance cubes strike me as the same sort of thinking that led to level sync and trying to "reuse" the old content from launch until pre-4.0.


The game is catering to the new player rather than the old timer. If you just showed up, if you've just started playing since 4.0, then the chance cubes are probably wonderful.


For those of us who already collected everything, meh, who cares... but the new people are probably loving it...


I'm pretty sure new players would just buy the old packs IF they were available.

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I'm pretty sure new players would just buy the old packs IF they were available.


Exactly. They'd buy the pack that actually contained whatever they wanted. The chance cubes are the worst thing to ever be introduced to this game. If CM sales plummet, we'll all feel the impact.

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i tested a bit, to be honest... i do not think that the cubes in general are a bad idea.


the DROP RATE is the problem. like i said somewhere else.. when i buy a new pack , i mainly do it because of the new items...if they would cut down the drops for cubes by lets say 75% , so that you end up with maybe 10-15 , personally i would be fine with it. so you get a chance for older items and things i actually never cared about , like toys or pets..


having less items of the new pack is what sucks...

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If you have a basic grasp of maths, the results of this change in the packs were very predictable, cubes replace bronze drops and with bronze drops being the most common, you go from having an high chance of getting a bronze item from the current pack to having an high chance of getting a bronze item from a previous pack.


I actually looks like the drop rate for silver and gold items from the current pack and from the cubes, is higher than usual.

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Had a big heap of monthly cartel coins laying about and decided to buy a hypercrate since I never seem to spend 'm on anything but collections unlocks anyway:


Interesting/cool/gold quality stuff:


1x Koensayr Revolution (monocycle mount)

1x Swamp Rancor

1x Personal warbot companion

3x Offhand vibrosword (sadly no mainhand)

1x Resistance Fighter Upper & Supplemantary armor box

1x Underworld Anarchist Upper Body Armor box

2x Darth Skotia's lower body armor box

1x Darth Skotia's Supplementary armor box

1x Soa regen toy

1x Commemerative Statue of Kaliyo Djannis

1x Advanced Black-Red Striated Hawkeye Crystal


Other armor boxes:


1x Squadron Ace's Upper Body Armor

1x Exiled Knight's Supplementary Body Armor

1x Outlander Explorer's Armor Set

1x Noble Attendant's Armor Set

1x Tactical Infantry Armor Set

1x Mercenary Slicer's Lower Body Armor

1x Darth Skotia's Supplementary Body Armor

1x Drifter Armor Set

1x Martial Pilgrim's Armor Set

1x Imperial Huttball Home Uniform

1x Mercenary Slicer's Lower Body Armor


Other weapons:


1x Insurrectionist's Blaster

1x PW-8 Plasma Sniper Rifle

2x Insurrectionist's Rifle

1x Antique Socorro Saberstaff Besh


Other Crystals:


1x Advanced Pink Magenta War Hero's Crystal

1x Advanced Orange-Yellow War Hero's Crystal

1x Advanced Desert Green Hawkeye Crystal

1x Green Hawkeye Empeth Crystal



1x Dark Blue and Light Brown Dye Module

1x Medium Brown and White Dye Module




1x Majestic Varactyl

1x Vending Machine

1x R1-H5 Astromech Droid

1x Cyberlamp Mewvorr

1x Cyberlamp Mewvorr

1x Emote: Heel Click


Stronghold decos:


1x Holo Sign: Lounging Dancer

3x Rakghoul Research Table

1x Sith Temple Long Table

1x Ambient Machine: Birds

1x Rishi Tribal Banner

2x Zakuulan Information Terminal

2x Power Conduit (Green)

1x Temple Clock


Companion gifts:


8x Rank 5 blue

10x Rank 5 purple

1x Rank 6 delicacy

3x Rank 6 maintainance


Companion customizations:


1x Scorpio 2

1x Vette 10

1x Akaavi Spar 9

1x C2-N2 Butler outfit


Jawa scrap:


135x Green

60x Blue

9x purple


No unstable lightsaber :(

Edited by Defecter
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Wow nice drops from those cubes, much better than the usual bronze junk.


This, so much this. Do you ever get tired of explaining things to those with no grasp of the in-game economy, rarity, business, etc? I feel we really need some puppets or something to bring it down to their level.


Also you must know by now they customer base they aim at is newer players? Casuals? etc. - people who havent been around years and collected every item and done everything.


4.0 demonstrated that as do these packs. They are great for players who missed out on everything before plus they'll drop the GTN pricing to make everything more affordable for everyone.


Bingo! The guys saying they have "everything" crack me up. If you do, you've bought so many packs that BW can count on you being hooked as is, or you know how to GTN so should know these cubes are better than the previous alliance packs system.

Edited by NermalDetonator
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Most of my hypercrate items appeared to be these grand chance cubes and even worse about a third of the packs were two chance cubes and no other item from the latest pack. The chance cubes seem to mainly contain for me titles, colour dyes and random pets. I don't mind a random gamble and accept that i may not get what i'm after but these latest packs have completely put my off. Even with the old packs, if I didn't get what I was specifically after, I usually ended up with things I was happy with. I didn't get that feeling this time so I won't be buying anymore whilst they continue with this new system.
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Seems like they should have released the chance cube as an item to buy from the market. The problem is what would they replace the cube with in the packs? Comp gifts or other junk people would complain about most likely.

The bigger issue is why did they go this route to begin with, are they running out of ideas for new stuff for the packs, short on dev resources to create new stuff?

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Seems like they should have released the chance cube as an item to buy from the market. The problem is what would they replace the cube with in the packs? Comp gifts or other junk people would complain about most likely.


Or bronze stuff that would have no GTN value after a few weeks, leading people to stop buying packs.

The bigger issue is why did they go this route to begin with, are they running out of ideas for new stuff for the packs, short on dev resources to create new stuff?


They lost CM staff. We were going to get packs slower, and with less new items. This was a good workaround.

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Or bronze stuff that would have no GTN value after a few weeks, leading people to stop buying packs.


They lost CM staff. We were going to get packs slower, and with less new items. This was a good workaround.

Bronze items never stopped people from buying the old packs. A lotta junk, no doubt, but a new piece of junk beats an old junk title any day.


How do you know they lost CM staff? Link please? And how is giving us less, for the same price, a good workaround??

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Simply put? They are garbage, not even okay. Just garbage. If they were a separate item to be sold by itself or even if you were promised at least 1 new item per pack they would be okay. But as they are now. They are garbage.


While I am not a pack buyer of any sort, I agree with your assessment.


We all pretty much told them this was a mistake when they pre-announced it. Of course they never listen to feedback until way after the fact.. so they stayed on their planned course.


This was a boldly arrogant move by Bioware and it is going to backfire on them big time.

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Until changes happen, I'm not buying anymore packs.
I'm right there with you.

This change made the packs complete garbage and I'm not going to buy any more of them until they make changes.

It's too easy to make credits in this game and I'd rather buy what I want on the GTN than waste my real money on trash like this.

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Bronze items never stopped people from buying the old packs. A lotta junk, no doubt, but a new piece of junk beats an old junk title any day.


There is not one single title that sells for less than what outlander observer/guerilla crates are going for. So the cube crap still beats the bronze you wold have gotten at its worst.

How do you know they lost CM staff? Link please?


I recall that coming out around the time of the announced pack changes, but cant for the life of me find it. Maybe it was edited, maybe I'm senile.


And how is giving us less, for the same price, a good workaround??


You get more actually, since the armor you get from the cubes is a whole set, as opposed to an upper, lower or supp box. The old bronze's were soon worthless on the GTN. Having them come from a larger pool makes them worth more, longer.


Consider the OP's cube results. I see a reusable Jawagram in there worth a few million, A yippe type emote, some other good stuff in addition to the revan holostatue. That **** is worth WAYYY more than whatever he would have gotten otherwise, and should let him buy the rancor/lightsaber/whatever he wants from the pack easier than the bronze's he would have gotten instead, unless the drop rates of gold have been reduced and Musco was just lying when he said they were increased.

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There is not one single title that sells for less than what outlander observer/guerilla crates are going for. So the cube crap still beats the bronze you wold have gotten at its worst.


I recall that coming out around the time of the announced pack changes, but cant for the life of me find it. Maybe it was edited, maybe I'm senile.


You get more actually, since the armor you get from the cubes is a whole set, as opposed to an upper, lower or supp box. The old bronze's were soon worthless on the GTN. Having them come from a larger pool makes them worth more, longer.


Consider the OP's cube results. I see a reusable Jawagram in there worth a few million, A yippe type emote, some other good stuff in addition to the revan holostatue. That **** is worth WAYYY more than whatever he would have gotten otherwise, and should let him buy the rancor/lightsaber/whatever he wants from the pack easier than the bronze's he would have gotten instead, unless the drop rates of gold have been reduced and Musco was just lying when he said they were increased.


You are missing the entire point. When new packs come out, I want the new stuff from the pack, that's why I buy those packs to get the new stuff. When I buy a Hyper crate of a new pack, I expect to have gotten the majority of items to be new items. Not 41 Cubes vs. 19 new items. I don't care that I got some old items that would sell. That's not why I bought these packs.


I bought these packs to try and get the new items I wanted. You need to try and understand this point and why myself and others like me think this change was and is still Garbage.

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