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Slicing is Bugged. I now make negative money on missions


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So I've run a few missions just to check how bad the change to slicing was and the first couple have actually cost me money instead of making it.


This is unacceptable. You know a more reasonable approach to this issue would have been just limited the number of rich missions available or limiting slicing to one character per server?


Did they consider any other option?


I doubt it.


So I'll be leveling an alt and waving goodby to the GTN. No need to support the underworld traders or weapon makers anymore. I used to spend a good 30k per day upgrading my gear. No longer.

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Not really... at least with the other trade skills you can sell what you get from it.


Other trade skills: Spend 1.5k and 30 minutes, get useful materials for crafting/selling

Slicing: Spend 1.5k and 30 minutes, get 1k and (rarely) a looted schematic or mission


That sounds pretty balanced to me...

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So I've run a few missions just to check how bad the change to slicing was and the first couple have actually cost me money instead of making it.


This is unacceptable. You know a more reasonable approach to this issue would have been just limited the number of rich missions available or limiting slicing to one character per server?


Did they consider any other option?


I doubt it.


So I'll be leveling an alt and waving goodby to the GTN. No need to support the underworld traders or weapon makers anymore. I used to spend a good 30k per day upgrading my gear. No longer.


Screenshots and mission examples please. Anecdotal evidence will not help you make a case for change.

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so now it's exactly on par with all the other trade skills?




That's how I read it when the patch note said it was "brought in line with other skills."


I am a slicer. Currently testing to see the rate of profit/loss. I wrote down my current credits and I'm just going to run missions from a Cantina while I work for the next several hours, then see what happens after I open all the boxes. It should give a nice average for the return.

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You may lose money on missions, but you can get missions for other things. Also, you can go gather as well. That is always a positive thing.


I have no idea how much they nerfed it, and if I am keeping it, but before I felt like I HAD to keep it. I believe that this HAVE to have it is what they wanted to get rid of. Eventually it would have caused inflation where someone without it would be screwed. (I am talking 6 months to a year long term).

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They needed to turn off the money button aspect of it. It was kind of like playing a slot machine in a casino except with very reliably good odds over the long term. So they changed the odds.


It had to be done because any time there is something in an mmo which allows you to print money reliably by pressing one button, it's going to lead to problems in the economy (and I have slicing, too).

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Well I haven't run any missions post patch, but the other day Slicing gave me Augments and schematics when I ran non lockbox missions. I am pretty sure that you can sell the augments. They go quite well with crafted items of exceptional quality that have an augment slot.


Maybe you shouldn't have been just running slicing missions to make money cause it was overpowered. The way it was they should have just removed monetary rewards from the game and just forced everyone to level up an alt to have a companion to just send on slicing missions to generate money.


The money making from Slicing was/is unbalanced. I say this as someone who was using slicing to finance my other characters trade skills. Money for free is just bad for the economy. About the only good thing about it was since everyone could make a character to do slicing with it would diminish the market for currency sellers.

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Yep, basically they've ruined it. If they're going to keep Slicing like this, they also need to nerf repair costs, skill training costs, speeder costs etc.



Why? Are credits really that hard to get with out having slicing? Not really, at lvl 38 have enough to get my next lvl of training for my speeder and a speeder, and this is with out having slicing.

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