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Error 310


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I tried cmd prompt and restarts and it isn't working -- and based on previous experiences, deleting main assets usually exacerbates the problem (re-download everything, at 3kbs on top of that). I've been waiting for 12 hours, no joke, because I have a vested interest in quickly recouping credits after a 20m shopping spree last weekend (care nothing for new xpac), and I really do think the best fix is to just call it off and wait till tomorrow, when the issue will usually 'resolve itself.'
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I'm getting the error 310 too. :( To be safe, I made sure not to download the patch until maintenance was over and the servers were up, but that apparently didn't save me from this problem. I tried exiting and restarting the launcher a few times, but I still get the error. I hope this issue is resolved soon.


Between this and my rapidly dissipating enthusiasm for the new pack release, this has been a very disappointing SWTOR day for me.

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It's taken me 3 hours to go from 2.0 gb to 1.99gb remaining.

*insert string of expletives* not everyone has time to continually restart the launcher hoping that -this time- it might work. And I don't restart, pause/play until it's sitting on 0.00kb/sec and saying error 310.. there was a tiny period of 20mins where I got hopeful with a steady 100kb/sec but it didn't last obviously :(

Edited by Asmodesu
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Luckily, i didnt need to go through the bit raider steps because i have already had to deal with that

Best advice i got on these forums was to buy a hardcopy of the game from amazon and reinstall (i was lucky that i got a new pc and was able to just start from scratch)


This command promt help just worked wonders- didnt speed up tons but it was continuous (though i had to pause/play maybe 2 or 3 times)


thanks for fix and to all those who have the bit raider client either follow the instrucions or if you have minimal pc skills- just get the original cd of swtor


The ping worked wonders, in a few tries speed of download went from 40kb/s max to over 1000kb/s

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Hey folks,


I am seeing two issues raised in this thread, here are the issues and their solution:

  • Error 310 - If you are getting error 310, please completely restart your launcher. If this doesn't resolve, wait a bit and try again. This issue will resolve itself in time.
  • Slow download - If you are experiencing a slow download, please just let it finish, even if it is going slow.

These issues are a side effect of our external network issues from this morning.




So What are we supposed to do If restarting the launcher does nothing, Restarting PC does nothing, Any attempt to let it download, eg play/pausing, restarting client, waiting 15min results in a download speed of 0.01 KB/s (that's what the speed is listed as). Am I just supposed to spend the next 3 days trying to download this patch or can we expect a solution soon? Because I think we're all getting sick of these patching issues that have plagued us since launch.


Another issue is this. What is the Bioware Team going to do as a measure of good faith for all of the subscribers affected by this? personally I'd like to see at least something get done.


PS. The giveaways during the Downtime Funtime resulted in many people being simply unable to load swtor.com at all let alone redeem any grants.


Thanks for reading, A long time sub


EDIT: I've been downloading for almost 4 hours now

Edited by GRIM_REAPER_Xdc
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Oh wow, really? These are not solutions.


I don't even know what to say any more. This is bush league. "external network issues" just happen to strike on the day of a large patch...uh huh, whatever you say.


Aaand we've stopped reading. Quite the cynical mentality you have there.


Reality Check: This is real life. Bad stuff happens at the worst possible times more often than not.

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Resolve itself in time? Day two and I am less than 10% complete. Every time at gets partially done downloading Assets 229 (only 99.95MB remaining) it slows to 0.0 KB/s and then 310s out.


How many times am I expected to restart the launcher?


THE 11TH? Thanks for the early access. NOT


Well. Just now, when I have to get up for work in 8 hours, it shot up to 8MB/s and fully installed. Thanks again for a few hours of early access tomorrow after work. smh

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I had the problem on the last 70 MB of Assets 225 for an hour. With endless play/pausing at a calm pace (not frantic button clicking pace I wanted to try) it eventually got through.


It then moved on to assets 229, which I've seen other people had issues with, but I somehow lucked out and it tracked right through that.


Then it went to downloading Game Client 193 and the network 310 errors started again. I am again in download purgatory on the relatively small (40 MB or so?) assets 193.

Edited by Aieranda
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Aaand we've stopped reading. Quite the cynical mentality you have there.


Reality Check: This is real life. Bad stuff happens at the worst possible times more often than not.


I'm a network engineer. I have many years of experience troubleshooting problems that says when you prepare and maintain properly, "perfect storms" like what's being claimed here are extremely rare. I've also been around MMOs for long enough to know that "external factors" don't just tend to happen on patch days. It's failure to plan properly and failure to respond properly when s--- hit the fan. Plain and simple. Believe what you want though :rolleyes:

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The 'fix' is when a critical mass of players have both downloaded the xpac and are online to provide upload speeds to others through Bitraider torrenting. The 'issue' is just one of bandwidth (temporary scale-ups are expensive) so it's just balls banging on skrotums*, skrotums* banging on balls. Just wait in line.


* Correct spelling filtered.

Edited by yippiekiyeay
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Oh wow, really? These are not solutions.


I don't even know what to say any more. This is bush league. "external network issues" just happen to strike on the day of a large patch...uh huh, whatever you say. The patch hasn't been "up" for more than a few hours and it's already an utter disaster. The fact that "quality" is no longer in anyone's vocabulary there is blatantly obvious.


Buggy missions? "Yeah, maybe we'll get to that...eventually...if we feel like it"

More and more armor clipping bugs that pop up? "Yeah we don't care about that. We don't care that you paid real money for this armor either"

People openly using exploits in pvp? "Yeah it's not a priority"

Crew skill schematics missing at login? "Yeah it's not a priority"

Game completely unplayable because you can't even deploy a patch correctly? "Yeah just wait for it to finish"


I'm sorry, but only one word comes to mind. Pathetic. If my users came to me and said "we can't log into our computers" and I just told them "oh yeah, try to log in again and if it doesn't work, just wait until it does work", I would be terminated on the spot. And yet, that's what we get as an answer. Not "we're working on it and here's a quick summary of what's going on". Not "we're looking at putting the patch files up on a mirror as a workaround". It's communication 101 guys.


I don't believe this is the best anyone can do. Not for one moment. So long as everyone there is content with the mediocrity that they're shoveling out, such will be the fate of this game. More and more players will be lost and it's easy to see where the blame will fall.



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I was getting this error with about 187MB of main assets 225 left. I went in and deleted my patching folder 'assets_swtor_main_223to224' to completely restart the patch and it seems to be working....for now.


I tried this - it began redownloading normally, then quit at the exact same point it had before - Main Assets 225, 2.82 GB remaining. So for me, not a fix.


Not going to mess with this anymore tonight.

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Informative Statement: The "ping -t launchpad.swtor.com" isn't a fix. It just enables the monitoring of the connection.


Observation: I am, however, seeing a lot more "Request Timed Out" than I usually do. My ISP is a WISP, very bad, and run by morons (ask why for a fun read). I usually get a Request Timed Out roughly every thirty seconds to anywhere (this has been happening the last three of five years we had them, so it's become the norm). When pinging Launchpad, however, I am getting enough to cause 14% packet loss withing 5min. Blegh.


To everyone complaining about missing out on the two days of early access: IT'S JUST TWO DAYS! Hmm... let's think for once, shall we? Two days, out of an entire month, for a mission that isn't more than an hour long at the very very most. Even with the maximum number of characters, you could still pull it off and have time left over. You aren't entitled to compensation. If you were, then I should get the most for sitting here with a 101.7 fever, a really painful headache, a sore throat, mouth ulcer, and have to go outside in 20 degree windy weather to walk a dog, and then sit and be unable to play the one game I pay to play. But you don't hear me whining about it!

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this is BEYOND stupid.... over 4 hours stuck at over 2.5 Gig remaining to be downloaded.... i've tried everything and it's all done zilch.... YOU are the people who broke your own game and you expect US to just "wait for it finish"? so we should wait for the game to fix itself and do your job for you? You get paid to develop games... you get paid to FIX errors with said game not wait for them to fix themselves. Edited by Youkaiyume
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this is BEYOND stupid.... over 4 hours stuck at over 2.5 Gig remaining to be downloaded.... i've tried everything and it's all done zilch.... YOU are the people who broke your own game and you expect US to just "wait for it finish"? so we should wait for the game to fix itself and do your job for you? You get paid to develop games... you get paid to FIX errors with said game not wait for them to fix themselves.


And you'll see that it won't be fixed tomorrow. Shame.

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