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Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I agree slicing needed to be toned down a bit, like others who posted here. However, now after the nerf I am making no money at all. I don't know if I am just unlucky on all my missions, but I don't even break even. I used slicing to fund my crafting toons who were always broke. Hopefully Bioware will take another look at slicing and not leave it as is.






"Yes slicing really was a problem. I'm soo glad they fixed it. I am now forced to have my companions work in the red light district on Nar Shaddaa just to afford star ship fuel. Thank you BioWare. Thanks"

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The epic whine of people who lost their credit printing press is priceless in this thread.


Please .. tell me again why you should be able to make MILLIONS of credits in less than a week of game release.




. :rolleyes:


Millions? Someone is listening to idiots and becoming an idiot himself.

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To simplify things:


Crafters = Making money because Slicers can buy their products.


Take Slicers out of the equation and Crafters don't make enough money. The economy stagnates until such a point that higher-level players amass enough money to spread to the lower-levels (through buying their crap).


The only problem is now newbies won't be able to afford their speeders until much later, and in doing such, will make levelling on large areas (Tatooine, Alderaan) much slower, meaning we won't have that many high-level players to boost the market. This probably isn't much a of a problem for early-access-time servers, but for those servers that were started on release day (Dec 20), and only have maybe five or six 40+ toons by now, it's an economy breaker.


EDIT: A quick note: I'm a 400 Slicer. I just got there maybe two days ago, and like I've said, I've played on a release day server (Rwookrrorro) putting in a lot of sleepless nights levelling with guildies. I've made enough to get me and ONE guildie our speeders and training. That's it. Within 7 days I made maybe 130k with ~3 days/72 hours of game time.


There was NO reason for this nerf whatsoever.

Edited by MajorSanchez
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The real problem is that they decided to spend time nerfing slicing instead of addressing the *many* bugs brought up, playability issues, the fact other crafting skills needed a BUFF, etc.


Go check out the pvp forums. All the pvp guys are on the verge of quitting too simply due to the way they built the skill casting mechanics.


But no.


Nerfing slicing is a much higher priority.

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If you think there isn't someone in this game that made MILLIONS slicing you seriously need to get your head out of the sand.


Someone says they have made millions and you believe him? it's you that needs to take your head out of the sand.

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If you think there isn't someone in this game that made MILLIONS slicing you seriously need to get your head out of the sand.


Again, you're too used to seeing the sub-50 players talking about how much money they got slicing.


Try being 50. Slicing was starting to scale *very* quickly with repair bill costs, respec costs, etc. Granted, I still maintain it needed a nerf - but this was stupid.

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If you think there isn't someone in this game that made MILLIONS slicing you seriously need to get your head out of the sand.


Yeah, they're called Credit Farmers. I got spammed by one the other day. You're talking about people who literally wake up and go to work doing this stuff until it is time to go to bed ala the bad guy in the South Park WoW episode. Not the average player. Not even the above average player.


No one says Slicing should not have been adjusted. What people are saying is IT HAPPENED TOO MUCH BECAUSE OF AN OVERREACTION!

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Someone says they have made millions and you believe him? it's you that needs to take your head out of the sand.


there are a few people in my guild who have made over a million credits on slicing, and the ones who started out with slicing originally and caught on early have made millionS. thats very believable.

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I went in the galactic trade and got 20 Epic Augments lv49 for 2000 each. The same price of the mission.


They give +28 to 1 stats.


Now im going to wait 1 or 2 months and sell them for 20-30k :cool:

Edited by Sterrius
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I liked when Slicing was very profitable. It meant that a gamer like me, who is not terribly interested in the "end game" as be-all-end-all, could make enough credits to buy the gear I want, and still have the cash to pay what I have to pay - I mean 40K for a mount licence! Without Slicing I'd still be sprinting everywhere! I like the levelling process, and in most games I struggle to make enough credits to buy the nice gear in the autions because I simply cant earn enough in the time I have available.


I have always found that crafting items and gathered items dont make enough credits either. Predominantly because I can't make the best stuff to sell. This is again related to time constraints. Besides, I don't buy a game subscription to craft! I buy the subscription to play through the game and have some fun with friends!


For those who think there's no challenge in Slicing because it was too easy to make credits, go and do a craft of some other description. For those of us who aren't especially good at managing money, Slicing was an awesome way to allow us to get the cool gear we want in-game without having to kill ourselves in some boring craft, or get ourselves killed (repeatedly) in Heroics we really dont enjoy.


Please cater for non-elite gamers. The thing that made me leave WoW was the elitist attitude of most of the ppl who I had to pug dungeons with, and the struggle to make money to buy the gear that I wanted. Without the gear, your character's role potential is severely limited to the point where you may as well not bother because you are letting the rest of the group down.


Finally, if the Slicing nerf is bad enough, you will create a market for "Credit Sellers" (like WoW's Gold Sellers). My first thought when I realised how profittable Slicing could be, was that it was a master stroke from BW to prevent the "Gold Seller Element" from having any chance of entering the SWTOR scene. This to me is very valuable, as I did have my WoW account hacked and all of my hard earned gold and gathered resources stolen. Blizzard told me it was gold sellers who had perpertrated this event. As such I support anything that keeps them away from the games that I play.




Edited by RubberKal
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I have to say that this knee-jerk massive change with no testing or logic seemingly applied based upon a vocal minority complaining on Twitter is crazy. It now has me afraid for what else I'll find massively changed the next time I log on.


This is a horrible way to run a game. I just dropped my 3 month sub to monthly since I don't know if I'll want to keep playing that long when they have now set the precedent that they will drop massive changes that destroy entire aspects of a game without testing or logic based upon a comparatively few complaints. (Can't be more than 1/10th of 1 percent at most that complained versus the total # of players.)


It is incredibly stupid to allow such a small but vocal group of people to dictate massive and negative changes such as this. This change helped NOBODY but instead HURT thousands of players. Sony Online Entertainment did this with the Combat Upgrade and New Game Experience with Star Wars Galaxies and we can all see what that got them. Learn from their mistakes, don't repeat them or you will suffer the same fate.


But I digress...


Someone answer simply how is this even remotely logical? I pay someone 2025 to bring me 1400, 1486, or 1653, or 1531 back? (Based on 4 runs with Mako.) I actually LOST money even trying it on a PURPLE mission. ***? Why in the hell would anyone other than the US Government continue to pay someone more money than they get back in benefit? The mission aspect of slicing is now utterly pointless/useless.


The only counter-argument I see to this is that you should just harvest nodes then. Then wth is the point of even having the lockbox missions? You just as well remove them entirely. The schematics certainly aren't worth the losses incurred trying to obtain one since they drop so rarely. The time/effort and risk/cost (because there are also total failures in addition to all of the negative returns) vs reward is not there to be even remotely worthwhile.

Edited by KalenDarkmoon
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To simplify things:


Crafters = Making money because Slicers can buy their products.


Take Slicers out of the equation and Crafters don't make enough money. The economy stagnates until such a point that higher-level players amass enough money to spread to the lower-levels (through buying their crap).


The only problem is now newbies won't be able to afford their speeders until much later, and in doing such, will make levelling on large areas (Tatooine, Alderaan) much slower, meaning we won't have that many high-level players to boost the market. This probably isn't much a of a problem for early-access-time servers, but for those servers that were started on release day (Dec 20), and only have maybe five or six 40+ toons by now, it's an economy breaker.


ermmm im a crafter (Artifice, archaeology and Treasure hunting) i break even with the lockbox rewards from treasure hunting and actually save money on future equipment because at this point despite being level 35 now im getting blue and green level 37-45 gear thereby reducing my need to go on the GTN and buy from anyone. the only time i will need to buy something from a slicer will be for augments which is what the skill was originally intended for as it is the only way to get them. just as treasure hunting is intended for gemstones and equipment and companion gifts which increase affection which increases long-term outcomes of crew missions

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...only problem is now newbies won't be able to afford their speeders until much later, and in doing such, will make levelling on large areas (Tatooine, Alderaan) much slower, meaning we won't have that many high-level players to boost the market.


I think we should be able to ride/mount our companions. That'll be great and sometimes sexy!

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To simplify things:


Crafters = Making money because Slicers can buy their products.


Take Slicers out of the equation and Crafters don't make enough money. The economy stagnates until such a point that higher-level players amass enough money to spread to the lower-levels (through buying their crap).

I'm not buying the trickle-down theory of SWTOR economics. Sounds to me like a rationalization that filthy rich people use in an effort to stay filthy rich. IMO, the nerf will actually help the SWTOR economy because prices will go back down to reasonable levels. Constantly pumping cash into the economy doesn't help anybody; it just leads to inflation. Edited by Obi_Ron
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I love how people say the slicing nerf will ruin the economy but answer me this.


Name one other MMO with a profession that had no sink and was pure profit. There is not one. Any other gathering prof requires you to actually get the material from the game world unlike slicing which generated money from essentially nothing. THIS artifcially inflates the economy and anyone who did not have slicing would fall behind.


The nerf was needed and justified. I know people that had made millions before 50 and that is wrong.

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Here's my message informing Bioware/EA why I quit:


"Slicing was nerfed and I'm cancelling. Return slicing to what it was and I'll resubscribe.


EA failed to realize that having credits to buy crafted items was fun for me. Now that slicing is "nerfed" I don't have credits to buy items from other players and the game is not fun anymore.


Now, it's hard "work" to mindlessly "farm" mobs to gain credits for spending. I paid for the game to play, not to work."



The game doesn't revolve around hardcore nose to the grindstone masochists. It revolves around casual players.


And to preempt those who love mindless grinding because, you know, they feel like they earned something by doing mind numbing repetitive tasks, I didn't rage quit. This is how you address an issue, by taking money away from Bioware/EA. They know exactly where I stand now. If they want my money, they know what they have to do: Make the game fun--"unNerf" slicing.

Edited by Volki
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Millions? Someone is listening to idiots and becoming an idiot himself.


I've posted before, and have been supporting a nerf (just not of this magnitude) I've made roughly 3 million credits from slicing. This game isn't difficult. That said, I've played economics in every MMO I've played. I have tens of billions of isk, hundreds of thousands in WoW and so far a few million here. I'm sure there are people with close to 10 million credits, as I started on the second last day of pre release, and picked up slicing around lvl 20.

Edited by Kordoyn
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I'm not buying the trickle-down theory of SWTOR economics. Sounds to me like an rationalization that filthy rich people use in an effort to stay filthy rich. IMO, the nerf will actually help the SWTOR economy because prices will go back down to reasonable levels. Constantly pumping cash into the economy doesn't help anybody; it just leads to inflation.


Killing slicing which they have effectively done or leaving it alone doesn't kill the economy either way. That machine will keep on running in one form or another. Inflation itself hurts mostly people with savings which we don't really have. If people pump a bunch of money into the economy... everyone charges more for crafted/earned items bringing slicing right back in line with everything else. Course we would need to eliminate price fixing by NPCs in the game for it to really work properly. Ultimately they should have left the prices alone and slowed the progression way down. Doubling the time it takes for a mission would have been a good start.




what would George Lucas do....


OT but he would hire someone to write and/or direct the better Star Wars movies then nerf the subsequent releases, add in annoying characters for marketing and follow up with constant re-releases "fixing" things that don't need to be fixed. All the while he laughs his way to the bank.


Lets hope Bioware doesn't follow the same path. More Clone Wars and less I, II and III.


PS Don't get me started on Roddenberry.

Edited by Straegen
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Crafters = Making money because Slicers can buy their products.


Take Slicers out of the equation and Crafters don't make enough money. The economy stagnates until such a point that higher-level players amass enough money to spread to the lower-levels (through buying their crap).



This is so true, what if WoW, EQ, Eve, CoH/CoV took out all there automatic free money machines...


wait, they didnt have those, and there economies worked just fine? are you sure? no that can't be, it's far more reasonable to see this as a sign of the end times...

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