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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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If you are bleeding credits with slicing, you are doing things ENTIRELY WRONG. Ignore the C5 and C6 lockboxes (they are not worth it).


If you stick with missions in the 25-32 level, you will make 25k credits an hour when sending out two companions.


How about you all get off the forums and instead use your time productively and logically and make credits.

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Yeah the slicing nerf was a bit much, I should atleast break even on missions. To people saying slicing money should come from nodes, and missions should be there to just level it up, that is crap. Because that would mean that blue, purple drops from other gathering professions should come from nodes and they should have a loss on green mats when sending companions on missions.


I wonder how this will effect the economy and mat sellers, I used my slicing to mats for UWT metals for CT and other stuff, not my wallet is getting closed. I can imagine quite a few other ppl will do same and probably even drop slicing so they can get their own mats.


I would be ok with nerfs if something was added to the lockboxes, augments since they really are not used to frequently. Slicing missions need to offer something more that is unique to slicing.

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Sorry but I had to laugh at this. People threatening to quit because they can no longer collect hand outs. Slicing was the easiest form of collecting money in a mmo I have ever seen. It required nothing but hitting a couple buttons and carrying on as usual.


As a matter of fact, I was able to watch a complete season of Bones online while slicing.



A million times this.


Are you guys really angry you are no longer able to literally get free credits by doing nothing? Seriously?


Slicing is and was a broken concept, I hope they nerfed it to the point of it no longer being viable at all, and then proceed to remove or rework the skill entirely.


You realise ALL other crewskills are huge credit sinks, right? How when you reach the end-game, the items you get, won't even be that unique or powerful? Yeah, and while you made 200k with your slicing before level 40, anyone who wanted to boost their rather useless crafting skill could end up spending 200k.


Is this topic really consistent of so many different players. Literally this many people think that doing nothing and getting a butt-load in return, comparing to other players also doing nothing and receiving nothing, is fair?


Hey, let's put it even more on the edge:


Slicer uses slicing -> Gets credits.

Archaeologist uses archaeology -> Loses credits and obtains 4 red crystals.

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If they're going to keep the numbers nerfed, they only have one option at the moment:


-Get rid of Lockbox missions completely, and replace them with a mission type that grants you either mats, schematics, or mission discoveries.


If they want to keep schematics and mission discoveries rare, then they at least need to provide an item of some kind every time you successfully complete a mission.

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After attempting to read this thread in its entirety, I had to give up and just input my .02 credits on the matter.


The bottom line is this: NO level 10 should be able to max any profession. You're level 10? Your skill is capped at X. Level 25? You're stuck at 200.


I've been working on a bounty hunter. The professions I chose at level 10 were Armormech, UWT, and Scavenging. When it came time to buy my first speeder training and speeder I had 52k credits in the bank. All the while I was leveling I had never bought any gear from overpriced vendors, relying on mission rewards and drops to gear myself and Mako. For the few pieces of orange gear I have, I used commendations to try to keep them up-to-date or would use a a drop or reward instead. Everything else got sold. With that said, I can't get on the "without pre-nerf slicing the game is doomed" bandwagon because I was doing fine with only UWT and Scavenging.


Funny thing happened then, I was looking at my ui and noticed that my UWT and Scavenging were up to date because I sent Mako out often on both, and made sure to send her out before I log out for the evening. So I must have been doing alright through dropped credits from NPCs and rewards from questing (missions) if I were losing credits on those missions but still able to afford the first mount without slicing. Armormech, on the other hand, was still sitting at 1/400 and I had a ton of low level crafting mats. <light bulb moment> I dropped Armormech and picked up slicing because it was Mako's buffed profession. I really had no clue about the massive income some folks were making, I just wanted a profession to match Mako. I then dumped all of my low level mats on the GTN at whatever default prices it had for me. Logged out.


Next morning I had approximately 27k credits in the mail. I didn't overprice anything, unless GTN default did that for me...


inb4 tl;dr


I reiterate, no level 10 should be able to max a profession. It's bad business.

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I agree that slicing needing balancing, but it got nerfed to the level of making it next to pointless. When the large majority of Rich lockbox missions come back as giving losses, there is an issue.


Congrats BW, you took an abusable mechanic and turned it into a broken mechanic. Now how long will it take you to realize it needs to be balanced again?


I'm betting 6 months.

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Ran 20 missions across my 2 companions today and have *almost* broken even.


I'm sure BW has excellent data to draw from so I have to assume that this is intended? I'd like a comment one way or another before dropping Slicing for something beneficial.


I may give it another day to see if you can average a modest profit from missions but I'm not seeing the value at the moment; aside from it returning a net loss, it now compares very unfavorably to other options.


I reiterate, no level 10 should be able to max a profession. It's bad business.


I think the above was the real issue. Slicing seemed fine at max level, it's just stupid at lower levels.

Edited by Vulgram
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You're exaggerating.


There will still be people who buy mats often. Ever played World of Warcraft? There are tons of people who like to power level their crafting professions by buying stacks of mats. Even low level ones.


Yes, there will be less. At least at first. But at least credits will have meaning again. At least they will have use and challenge attached to it.


See, heres the thing. either way, you guys(the anti-slicers) aren't just hurting the slicers, but you're hurting yourselves as well. -everyone- had access to slicing, so theres no reason to complain in the first place but also..Look at it this way.


I'm a level 50 with maxed slicing. I make an alt, give him three crafting professions. I need alot of money to fund that, how do i get that money? slicing.


that money i get from slicing, is now put to buying things from YOU, the crafters, and the farmers.


Now, that entire stream of money. Is gone. Because of you.

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I'm sure BW has excellent data to draw from so I have to assume that this is intended? I'd like a comment one way or another before dropping Slicing for something beneficial.


No, BW did what all MMO's do now. They put in a mechanic that is abused and then they bring the nerf bat, only they bring it 100x harder than it needs to be. Or they just nerf it into the ground without even bothering to look for a better solution to the problem.


So you get the yo-yo effect where it gets nerfed into the ground, a few months later it gets buffed, but over buffed, then nerfed, etc. After a year they settle on a happy medium.


So yeah, take a new skill. You don't want slicing anytime soon.

Edited by Ebyl
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If you are bleeding credits with slicing, you are doing things ENTIRELY WRONG. Ignore the C5 and C6 lockboxes (they are not worth it).


If you stick with missions in the 25-32 level, you will make 25k credits an hour when sending out two companions.


How about you all get off the forums and instead use your time productively and logically and make credits.


We can still make a profit with c3 and c4 mission but now this brings the question.


What are the c5 and c6 missions for? To only lose money and tricky new people to lose money? Because as it is now its the only function they have.


Slicing was already broken before nerf because the c6 missions never gived enough money, not its more broken as c5 can´t give money too.

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Yeah the slicing nerf was a bit much, I should atleast break even on missions. To people saying slicing money should come from nodes, and missions should be there to just level it up, that is crap. Because that would mean that blue, purple drops from other gathering professions should come from nodes and they should have a loss on green mats when sending companions on missions.


That's not a very good reason.


The reason why it should be acquired from nodes is because if you profit from lockbox missions, then this could easily spiral out of control.


With other gathering professions, you pay credits to send your guys on missions to get goods. You can't sell those mats to a vendor and then do it all over again. Sure, you can sell them on the GTN, but the improves the economy because now there's more goods floating around and we all made it off good.


With slicing, credits are still the payment for missions. And you get credits for it.


You pay credits, for more credits. And then you use those same credits to get even more credits. This could spiral out of control in a HUGE way and it would have caused massive problems.


Other gathering skills do not suffer this issue. You cannot put in, say, one Cell fiber into bio analysis and then get two back.

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Here's what we do.


Let's zero in on a profession, doesn't matter which.


Let's slam the hell out of it for no reason and say it's OP or reliant too much on raiding or something. Spam the crap out of it in various threads, make new threads. If you can't find a reason, just make one up. Not like valid opinions actually matter.


Get new skill nerfed.


Repeat on another crew skill until every craft is useless like it was in WoW and everything is raid dependent.

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See, heres the thing. either way, you guys(the anti-slicers) aren't just hurting the slicers, but you're hurting yourselves as well. -everyone- had access to slicing, so theres no reason to complain in the first place but also..Look at it this way.


I'm a level 50 with maxed slicing. I make an alt, give him three crafting professions. I need alot of money to fund that, how do i get that money? slicing.


that money i get from slicing, is now put to buying things from YOU, the crafters, and the farmers.


Now, that entire stream of money. Is gone. Because of you.



Wait what?

First of all your alt would at max have one crafting skill, as he, you know, can only have one.


Secondly, how on earth do you propose non-slicers go about "funding" their alt?


Oh, and by the way, even looking past all this whining and meaningless posting in this thread. You guys, the slicers, still have free credits everywhere in the world. You know the easiest money, right? Running around and taking the slicer nodes? Yeah, those are the same as they were before.

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If you are bleeding credits with slicing, you are doing things ENTIRELY WRONG. Ignore the C5 and C6 lockboxes (they are not worth it).


If you stick with missions in the 25-32 level, you will make 25k credits an hour when sending out two companions.


How about you all get off the forums and instead use your time productively and logically and make credits.


WAT? 25k for 10 missions?


edit- just tried one of them: rich yield, cost 870, return 1036....Hmm 166 profit for 12 minutes:o

Edited by Hajizan
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No need to throw names, just because you got called out for lying about things you don't have. MANY MANY MANY people are running on far smaller setups than dual 580's and running just fine. My wife is using a C2D with 4gb and a GTX260 with most things maxed and still not breaching her vsync limit.


And honestly, I believe you're an IT guy just like Mike Tyson is a 5 star chef...


Lulz. Throw names by calling you a kid? You are a kid. You don't have to believe me, here's proof.




My 4 and 6 year olds each have their own gaming systems as well running my old GTX 460s in each. I'm sorry you have such crappy hardware. Good luck with your life.

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Pretty sure we're discussing Star Wars: The Old Republic.



What's your point? When making a blanket statement like, "you shouldn't be able to have a maxed profession at level 10", that is a statement about the entire GENRE. I can name at least 4 other AAA MMOs where people who primarily do crafting have level 1 characters with maxed craft skills.


Hell, I can guarantee you that that will be the case in TOR in the near future as well.

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Bioware I guess you are trying to recoup all of the money that was made by the slicers prenerf, but i just started and I am broke, I cant afford to keep losing money. I am about to either start selling spice or run up in one of these credit unions with my blasters blazing!! 210,000 for speeder training lvl 2 is nuts!!! And all the losers saying good it got nerfed. Get a life! Who do you think is buying all your crafted items on the auction house. Now you will be stuck with that crap!
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That's not a very good reason.


The reason why it should be acquired from nodes is because if you profit from lockbox missions, then this could easily spiral out of control.


With other gathering professions, you pay credits to send your guys on missions to get goods. You can't sell those mats to a vendor and then do it all over again. Sure, you can sell them on the GTN, but the improves the economy because now there's more goods floating around and we all made it off good.


With slicing, credits are still the payment for missions. And you get credits for it.


You pay credits, for more credits. And then you use those same credits to get even more credits. This could spiral out of control in a HUGE way and it would have caused massive problems.


Other gathering skills do not suffer this issue. You cannot put in, say, one Cell fiber into bio analysis and then get two back.


You just compared crafting to gathering. You lose.

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I had saved up 75 lockboxes just cause i wanted to see how much money i could get in one wave, too bad i didn't use them before nerf, i got 135k from 75 lockboxes. A profite of less than 2k/box, oh wait now, the mission already costs 1-2k to send them on, so now the profite is 0-1k from the "Money Making - Profession" Good Game Well Playd Bioware


And ofcourse, it takes 40 minutes for me to get that 100 credits from the moneymaking profession =D But i think you did a bad nerf Bioware, might need to nerf it to only get 20 creds, cause you never know what you might be able to buy with 150 credits/hour

Edited by ReservJesuz
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See, heres the thing. either way, you guys(the anti-slicers) aren't just hurting the slicers, but you're hurting yourselves as well. -everyone- had access to slicing, so theres no reason to complain in the first place but also..Look at it this way.


I'm a level 50 with maxed slicing. I make an alt, give him three crafting professions. I need alot of money to fund that, how do i get that money? slicing.


that money i get from slicing, is now put to buying things from YOU, the crafters, and the farmers.


Now, that entire stream of money. Is gone. Because of you.


On the other hand, now I won't need a billion credits to buy stuff because the slicers are driving all the prices up with their money printing.

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Account pending. To be fair its not even about slicing. Its the fact that this nerf is extremely heavy-handed. The game was in beta and a week out the gate they completely destroy a crewskill which I personally spent HOURS leveling. What comes next? They do a mass delete of all high level PvP gear because its so much easier to get and in most cases better than raid gear?


I hand the ball to Bioware hoping they will not fumble. The game is fun but this is too early in the games career for such an insane nerf.


Its time spend and time wasted. Now I will be considering if its money wasted.




Easy fix: Next time, beta test more.


I completely agree. The nerf to slicing is pretty bad by itself, but what bothers me the most is how Bioware so non-chalantly rolled out a massive change within a week of release. It seems like MMO amateur hour to me. Really makes me question if I'll be going on past the free month...

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