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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Slicing post-nerf, please look at the numbers BW


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I'm not sure exact numbers, but even double seems alittle low. I'd say 1/4th to half the credits per hour people were getting from slicing is a fair amount.


As long as they are actually hunting for the lockboxes themselves instead of having their companions doing it for them, that's fine.


In fact, I think a tweak of the post-patch slicing would be good. Because right now, as many have noted, it's not profitable to send your companions on missions for lockboxes. As it should be. Right now, the lockbox missions really only serve to power level your slicing at a relatively low cost. So it has its purpose. And if you want to make a profit off of slicing, you gather from nodes.


This will allow BioWare to moderate the slicing income as they see fit by changing the slicing node occurrence.

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An idea just in case a dev actually sees.


Instead of some random amount causing a chance of either a loss or a large amount of credits from a crit, why not set it to a set percentage?


Moderate = 1-2% of cost paid

Abundant = 3-4%

Bountiful = 5-6%

Rich = 7-8%


Included would be a change so that the crits provide the schematics (and augments, unless those are labeled as seperate missions) at random of something of equal or less level to the mission instead of more money.


If it still provides too much, or not enough, credits, then the length of the missions could be adjusted as needed.


Not a slicer myself (although I generaly get schematics by trading with them), but it should satisfy almost everyone if it can be balanced.

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This needs to be understood.


Crafters should have the choice of selling their wares for profit (even small) or keeping them for their benefit. Slicing does not provide such options. Our choice is vendor everything we get or sell missions for less credits than it costed us to acquire them.

Edited by Zidaen
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Scary stuff here. A seriously drastic nerf on something not far off from release. Catering to a small handful of low level crybabies... it is a bad road to travel down. Heck I'd go so far as to say that the economies on most servers are not even stable yet. Mine isn't and it is mostly a 5-15 min wait to get on most days.


I've enjoyed this game more than anything else this year save for Skyrim thus far. As of now though, I'm having second thoughts on paying a monthly fee for a game world I don't agree with. If the company is going to allow low level whiners control the eb and flow of the game then there is no telling what other drastic changes might come about. Might as well get a month of fun and then pause it. Wait and see what else they jump the gun on.


Good post.

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The fact you can't read is hilarious.


Slicers aren't whining it got nerfed. They're saying it got nerfed TOO MUCH.


We knew a nerf was coming, at least the smart ones did, oh, trust me, we knew it.


We did not, however, expect it to become a CREDIT LOSS.


There are definitely a lot of people in this thread who are whining that they can't use one alt with slicing to support 5+ other alts/their entire guild and want to go back to that, even if you yourself aren't one of these people.

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I want to leave my mark on this thread as well, since the slicing nerf pretty much ruined the game for me and my brother.


See, we always play mmorpgs together and in all these copy cat MMO's we run into the problem of never being able to afford the always present several levels of mounts, do crafting at the level that we want, buy skills and repair our equipment, but in SWTOR we finally thought some developer figured out people play games for fun, not to emulate the broken capitalistic trading market of real life.


My brother got artificing, treasure hunting and archeology, I got synthweaving, underground trading and slicing and with this combo we were, with not too much useless missioning or spending on the auction house able to play the game as we wanted and login to 20K on my account and 15K on his today "prepatch" as level 25's. (edit: yes I did earn 90% of all our money with slicing and shared it with him so he could craft/buy skills/get the level 25 mounts/give me arch stuff back)


After playing today, and getting to level 27, doing only the crafting needed to keep up with our level, my brother is almost broke, and I got 15K left even with "all the income" from slicing.


I guess this game has -maybe- a couple more days before we get bored with not being able to repair our gear, do any crafting and SICK of looking at those couple people riding their several 100K costing mounts because they had NO self control and had to go and make 6 alts to exploit as much as they could to cause the eventual nerf in the first place.

Edited by JCShooter
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No other profession makes a net income from missions. They are a net loss for everyone.


this is complete BS they are only a net loss if you use them for leveling your trade skill instead of gathering normally which just like we can find lock boxes you guys can find metal nodes and flowers

However if you actually sell the items it will almost always be a profit

I'm so sick of this argument

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I cannot understand why anyone is upset with the current change of Slicing... it now works great as a gathering skill, i.e. comparable to all the other gathering skills and it is still very cheap to level up with missions. I am also not certain you lose money by missions since I am still going pretty well plus. But you have to be a lot more selective with the missions and it is only the crit missions that boost the bank account a lot.


So all is pretty well!

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Send a companion on a mission, takes 40 minutes - cost 1750 credits.


Comes back with a credit case that gives 1600 credits.


that, would be a loss.


OK, but that's only one mission. If you do enough missions, you'll make a profit. You can further increase this profit with world nodes.


Again, it's only a loss if you're doing it wrong. If it makes you feel any better, Treasure Hunting is a loss when you do it wrong, too!

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this is complete BS they are only a net loss if you use them for leveling your trade skill instead of gathering normally which just like we can find lock boxes you guys can find metal nodes and flowers

However if you actually sell the items it will almost always be a profit

I'm so sick of this argument




Crafters should have the choice of selling their wares (for small profit) or keeping them for their benefit. Slicing does not provide such options. Our choice is vendor everything we get at a loss or sell missions for less credits than it costed us to acquire them.


Nobody has the cash yet to pay 8k cr + for epic missions and that's roughly what a 260+ mission costs since we need to run 10+ missions to get that rare drop. Until people can pay for the rare bonuses we get there will be no point in slicing.

Edited by Zidaen
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I had to lol at "No one does these missions to gather mats to put them on the market"

I really did...I don't know what server you are on,but on mine people are putting level 3 rares on GTN for 2000+ credits EACH,

and taking 3 gather/mission skills in order to do the exact thing that you claim NO ONE does.

Nice application of internal logic to an external situation bud. :p


it seems people can explain til they are blue in the face that credits were/are the "Mats" that slicers are supposed to gain from missions,in turn to spend on the mats they didn't get from...ah you know what,I'm not bothered anymore this thread is a classic case of "he says she says" and is soon to be troll vs troll anyway.


Same. In fact most server are exactly like that.

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Scary stuff here. A seriously drastic nerf on something not far off from release. Catering to a small handful of low level crybabies... it is a bad road to travel down. Heck I'd go so far as to say that the economies on most servers are not even stable yet. Mine isn't and it is mostly a 5-15 min wait to get on most days.


I've enjoyed this game more than anything else this year save for Skyrim thus far. As of now though, I'm having second thoughts on paying a monthly fee for a game world I don't agree with. If the company is going to allow low level whiners control the eb and flow of the game then there is no telling what other drastic changes might come about. Might as well get a month of fun and then pause it. Wait and see what else they jump the gun on.



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I have been slicing non-stop since servers came up today. As of almost 6 hours of slicing on 3 companions for 6 hours. My profit is 2402, with 2 schematics. Kinda sucks now, but my view means nothing to a company like this. Already a reason to quit this game. Come on, you nerfed it in beta. Now its making players leave. Real good move.
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this is complete BS they are only a net loss if you use them for leveling your trade skill instead of gathering normally which just like we can find lock boxes you guys can find metal nodes and flowers

However if you actually sell the items it will almost always be a profit

I'm so sick of this argument


The money you get for selling mats on other mission skills comes from other players.


The money you get for slicing mission skills is just printed and given to you.

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Dont forget that there are the slicing things out in the field that have no up front cost. Those are pure profit.


Are just the Moderate yield losing or at the Abundant and Rich and so on also losing?


Even before the patch, level 340 nodes only gave white boxes with 500-2000 credits. That was pathetic, i have not tested after the patch but i doubt it will be better.


Slicing is dead, no point in doing it anymore.



-- We are heading straight for a NGE at this rate, good job BIOWARE! --

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OK, but that's only one mission. If you do enough missions, you'll make a profit. You can further increase this profit with world nodes.


Again, it's only a loss if you're doing it wrong. If it makes you feel any better, Treasure Hunting is a loss when you do it wrong, too!


You can't compare slicing to any other skill, because its not LIKE any other skill.


With treasure hunting, you get materials to craft items, to then sell for a profit.

With slicing, you got credit cases which made you money.


Slicing was for people who DIDN'T WANT TO CRAFT.


YES, it was OP for credits, and only fools or greedy people would say otherwise but now its entirely useless.

Also, if slicing WAS so overpowered, instead of whining about it and getting it nerfed.




see how well that works?

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I don't what to tell you kid. Yes I run dual EVGA GTX 580s superclocked. The batman editions to be specific. I have 4x AA turned on via client_settings.ini. Yes for the most part I get 60fps with vsync enabled but there are areas where this drops to 30fps, like in IF or my spaceship, or other areas that really don't look superhot but nonetheless drop your FPS.


I'm not doing anything wrong. I can afford GTX 580s because I own a professional IT services business providing outsourced managed IT services to other companies. And yes I know what I'm doing. This game doesn't run nearly as well as it should considering how it looks and considering the horsepower I throw at it. BF3 on Ultra blows this game away in visuals and runs faster.


No need to throw names, just because you got called out for lying about things you don't have. MANY MANY MANY people are running on far smaller setups than dual 580's and running just fine. My wife is using a C2D with 4gb and a GTX260 with most things maxed and still not breaching her vsync limit.


And honestly, I believe you're an IT guy just like Mike Tyson is a 5 star chef...

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I have been slicing non-stop since servers came up today. As of almost 6 hours of slicing on 3 companions for 6 hours. My profit is 2402, with 2 schematics. Kinda sucks now, but my view means nothing to a company like this. Already a reason to quit this game. Come on, you nerfed it in beta. Now its making players leave. Real good move.

I'm not going to QQ because they nerfed a crew skill. Where do you base your statistics off of and how weak-willed are SWTOR players supposed to be?

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i'm dropping slicing. and if BioLucas decides to revert this "nerf" when they see too many people doing the same. i'm going to cancel my subscription.


you can't use live servers as your testing grounds. people invest too much time to have their stuff messed up en masse from poor reactionary balancing decisions.

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QQers, read this:


If you do the 25-32 missions (and ignore the completely useless augment missions at this level), there is literally no way you lose money.


The most profitable missions are in the 25-32 level. If you don't believe me, thats fine, keep doing what you are doing and im sure Bioware will react (not really, but maybe that made you feel better).


Slicing does not need a nerf. I can quite easily make 20-25,000 credits an hour by sending two companions out on constant ~10 minute missions (and by supplementing those credits with slicing world nodes).


Just because you can no longer fund your own personal army in a matter of minutes does not mean slicing is "broken." it just means that slicing is no longer an OP crew skill.

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The money you get for selling mats on other mission skills comes from other players.


The money you get for slicing mission skills is just printed and given to you.


then what was the point in the first place? why even give us the option to make money this way if it was a real issue?

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There are definitely a lot of people in this thread who are whining that they can't use one alt with slicing to support 5+ other alts/their entire guild and want to go back to that, even if you yourself aren't one of these people.



This is exactly the type of uninformed, knee-jerk, vocal minority response that we're upset about.


Slicing did not, in any way, allow you to make that much money. I had enough extra money to help a friend pay for his speeder license. Not much more than that.


Yes, we realize it needed a nerf. But they went too far with the nerf. That is the issue here.

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