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Downtime Funtime


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Dear Eric,


Thank you for your efforts today and that of the maintenance team. Sadly, I was unable to compete whatsoever with better internet speeds and faster computers than mine for the codes. I was the first runner up with two questions but alas not fast enough! I have spent the last few hours here on the forums and most of the day waiting on the game. I must now depart for college classes. I would appreciate a consultation prize to greet me when I return! Thank you!

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Were likely going to get some lame apology pet, most likely not as cool as that taun taun would be. Meanwhile there are people here with fast enough internet/computer to have gathered thousands of cc coins by now who may not even be subscribers because these are public forums.


Do you know what would be cool?

The free 2400 CC :D:D:D:D:D:rak_03:

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So well all this nice codes ..... but only for american users because as european player vou've got no chance to get on your miserable website when the codes are posted. THANKS!!!

And also AGAIN your giving a complete **** on the german an european in generall as no post sinse 4 HOURS in german Dev. Forum oder on German Twitter Account!!!



I know someone from Finland who got a CC code while I couldn't, so... yeah, not so much. The page load issues are a problem but they're a problem for us American players too.

Edited by DakhathKilrathi
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Anyone in here remember Star Wars: Galaxies launch day in 2003?


That's the only day I ever took off work for a game launch, and hardly anyone, if anyone, got in on the first day. Anytime these update glitches happen, I just look back to SWG launch or further back to Ultima Online and playing on dial-up (some of you may not even known what Dial-up is, lol). Ever game has an issue, and the devs are working hard to get the servers back up. Give'em a bit of a break, cause I'd much rather have a stable game at login than something unstable. Poop happens, it happens somewhere every single day.


I worked it. It was painful on both sides - for us and for the players. It's also probably why I'm a wee bit more patient with game devs than so many seem to be: I've been there.

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