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Do you still do the daily areas?


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Before 4.0, I used to run Oricon, CZ-198, Black Hole, and Yavin, on 2 or 3 toons each week, getting the weekly on each one done at the same time.


The pay, for the time invested, was worth the trouble to me. Between the world credit drops, the value of the comms granted, the random gear, you could make 300-500k credits per hour, give or take depending on you and your class and how you spent the comms.


Pre-4.0, Yavin was "at level", and you got 4 basic comms for each mission plus some decent rewards for the weekly, including a few ultimate comms (4 I think). You also got a box of companion armor! After awhile, you ended up with WAY too much of it, but it was vendorable and accounted for a nice chunk of credits.


Yavin now pays 2 basic comms per mission, no ultimates for the weekly, and no longer drops armor. It takes too long for the new lower rewards. The Revan solo fight is also no longer worth doing, it got harder thanks to level sync, the HP boost is gone from pre-4.0 and it doesn't pay good comms anymore either.


Oricon is now level synced. Sure, it isn't "hard", but it is "annoying", and it also doesn't pay as well as it used to. The loss of credit drops from mobs hurts, the heroic went from "no problem" to "not hard, just annoying", etc.


I still do CZ-198 from time to time, it is fast, pays well enough for the time invested, and its appeal was not lost in the 4.0 transition since credit drops were not its strong suit.


I've done Black Hole maybe once or twice. Yea, it is still easy, but thanks to the nerf to credit drops and chests, it isn't profitable the way it used to be. That's fine, but it means I no longer do it.


One of the reasons for doing CZ-198, Orion, and Black Hole was the mats, they used to be worth something thanks to conquest crafting. Now that most of the mats from those areas has dropped to nearly worthless, they are no longer worth it.




Sure, we now have heroics, with instant teleporting, and the alliance boxes from them are worth good money (or can be, depending on what is in them), but they just aren't the same as the daily areas to me.




The other thing is this... I used to run the dailies/weeklies to get comms to upgrade my gear. For example, you got a nice set of 156 gear for doing the Oricon story, which got you started down that path. Then you ran the weekly and with the comms you could get started on 162 gear, then 168, then 180.


But now we have level sync. No amount of gear upgrades matter anymore for anything other than HM FP and HM ops. Running the dailies/weeklies to get comms to buy gear doesn't matter, because NEXT WEEK, they are the same challenge. New, better gear, doesn't change me once I go there. (yea, queue the "but crit isn't capped", yea whatever, that is a minor thing)


So what is my incentive to run them? Credits? They nerfed a lot of that. Mats? They nerfed that thanks to conquest crafting going away. Data crystals? Meh, gear doesn't matter unless you're doing HM FP/OPS, and you get gear for those from SM OPS.


A lot of the game has been rendered pointless, from my point of view.

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No. All my monetary needs come from selling DMCs that I win from OPs. I average aroudn 1 mil per DMC I sell and with nothing to buy my credit pool is nice and fine.


Another factor is that lack of good CM stuff from packs being introduced. Not only are there less items in the pack but a lot of them don't scream insta buy for me, unlike previous packs.

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Whenever I'm in need of some credits/comms, I'll run Ziost and/or CZ-198. They both pay well credit/comm wise for the time investment. Have to remember that level sync affects more than the mob difficulty, CZ-198's weekly gives around 27k now (compared to the 17kish it gave prior to 4.0) and the daily missions have also had their credit rewards increased. So CZ-198 got a boost credit wise if you're level 65, compared to where it was at pre-4.0. This goes for all level sync'd content. The credit nerfs were only in regards to mob drops.


Apart from those two, I don't typically run much else. But that's moreso because my free time isn't as plentiful as it was previously and with more alts, I'll just hop to another character and run Ziost/CZ-198 again instead of trying to run through some of the longer daily areas.

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Personally I run the "dailies" to complete the planetary/zone achievements or reputation farming, rather than for the credits. I find that once I have the achievements/reputation grind completed, I will go through the zones once (or twice if I am feeling nostalgic) with new characters and then move on.
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Personally I run the "dailies" to complete the planetary/zone achievements or reputation farming, rather than for the credits. I find that once I have the achievements/reputation grind completed, I will go through the zones once (or twice if I am feeling nostalgic) with new characters and then move on.

Actually, reputation was the one reward that almost got me to start running dailies. Then I realized how many alts I have who will do that content and decided to wait until they were through to see where my rep stands.

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Yes, in fact I love doing them now. They are so empty, you can just do them without having to compete or wait for respawns - unlike some of the heroic quests which are so heavily farmed now.

I don't find them annoying - true, they take longer than pre-4.0 but at least the mobs die quickly, unlike some of the Hoth heroics where you have to kill a few champion adds.

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I've only ever done them the one time I ran through the planets they were related to if at all. From the outset I decided to make my fortune from crafting and later from playing the GTN as I had no interest what so ever in repeating solo content if I could help it ... I don't mind repeating flashpoints and operations though for some reason but even those I do sparingly now due to burn out.


Guess it's because there is just so many other games out there to play that I just don't have time to repeat stuff for something I really don't need.

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Maybe back in 2013 or 2014 to help guild members clear them faster and gear up when I had nothing else to do. Now? No. Reason behind this is because you can run ops and win DMC or you can in a couple hours with a dedicated group run the heroics on all the planets and do all the bonuses which add up to millions of credits and comms and help out your alliance via the supplies they give. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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I did Section X about a week ago for the first time for nearly three months and I couldn't believe how horrible the payoff was. Yeah I was rusty and had forgotten a lot of stuff and I probably chose the wrong character to do it but I think it took me around 90 minutes to make 100k. Not doing that again.
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I do CZ-198 once per week for all of my toons because its fast and easy


I occasionally do Oricon if I have time left and nothing to do for the week.


Don't do Section X or Black Hole, takes too long, rewards not worth it, imho


Of course, that changes when those daily areas are a part of Conquest. Then I do them.

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Not as much as I used to but that's only because I prefer the Heroics now.


Prior to 4.0 the daily areas with a weekly were one of the best ways to gain some credits and commendations if you were a solo player not keen on crafting. Heroics were less attractive as they had quite a time sink and little reward.


One thing I have noticed is that the Heroics seem to favour Imperials, they just seem to have a better ratio of phased Heroics so less waiting, especially Sith characters with two nice quick Heroics on Korriban.

I always enjoyed the dailies more on Imperial characters as well, they seemed to have a better run through for Ilum, Black Hole, Section X and Makeb.


Now I tend to hop across my Imperial Sith characters and run through a set list of Heroics, credit earnings seem to be higher than the same sort of time spent running the Weeklies before 4.0.


One small bonus is that Section X is now soloable for the weekly. They've taken down the group requirement for The Aurora Cannon (although it's still listed as a H4), all the forcefields are down and the big boss at the end can be tanked by your companion while you destroy the objective.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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I've almost never done dailies unless 1) I needed an achievement, 2) I needed reputation, 3) I needed Conquest Points, or 4) I needed a quick XP boost.


When I'm in the mood to do a daily-style activity, I do heroics instead.

They money's decent, I get Alliance lock boxes, and the insta-travel makes them hassle free.

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No. I don't do the daily areas anymore. I just run star fortresses as they pay out what I used to get from a certain heroic. The heroic had originally replaced doing dailies for me though. The issue for me now is also pay versus time.


I used make about fifty thousand credits in 10 mins off the heroic. Run the heroic several times to afford things off the GTN, and then I was free to bum around and do whatever after that. Now I can't do that.


On the one hand, I run missions and play "the game" a bit more than I did before the expansion. On the other hand, the lag makes me want to do everything as fast as possible and as little as possible since it drives me crazy. I kinda just want to make my money so I can get in one spot and just play on the GTN. That's the only thing not adversely affected by the lag.


Now, don't get me wrong, I like the star fortresses just fine and the decos are a good carrot on a stick to get me to run them, but I wish they paid better for the time it takes me to run it on my sage especially given my lag. I can live with the dailies not holding the place they once did but I need my money output, especially since I'm left to play the GTN when I can't play the game for lag.

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H2s became dailies pretty much - well I should say weeklies.... But I've got scores of boxes unopened in case I want to take another character through KotFE story. - Still not motivated enough yet....


I used to do a lot in the old days, to make money and comms..... But nowadays, I pretty much stick to Yavin for the mats gathering while waiting for PvP /GSF pops. - And so long as I collect a couple of stacks, I can take it or leave it whether I get 1 or more daily done, then cash in the weekly when I have the 8.


-But dailies for Comms is pretty much redundant, since you're level synched, and companions can put out so much DPS even at low affection.


- I guess that PvP and GSF have dailies. I'm happy if I compete one, other or both, but everything can always wait for another day if IRL gets in the way.


- they could've made the dailies dynamic, changing a little every time to keep the interest going - but nobody had that vision. - What a shame.:confused:


The 'Run stuff repeatedly while we make new content' model was old and tired when Swtor was new.

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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I hardly do dailies any longer. Black Hole is still of interest, but Section X has lost most of its appeal. Illum has had most if not all of its dailies removed, Makeb had quite a few removed, so CZ and Oricon remains. CZ is fine, Oricon is annoying so I skip it.


Might start doing the Ziost dailies for rep.


I do heroics now....plenty across all of my characters to fill the entire week.


Still, I wish the daily areas did not have level sync enabled. Considering they DO NOT give alliance rewards, I think they would be a good place to disable level sync to give them more appeal.


Naturally level sync could remain in place for Illum and Makeb.


So, in short, I think Black Hole, Section X, CZ and Oricon should NOT have level sync enabled....perhaps you could leave Oricon out of that list.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Only PvP dailies.

I only did the other dailies until max faction, after that, nah.

Once i get my alliance to level 20, i'll stop doing the H2s as well. (i've only taken 2 characters through FE, no plans to do FE with any other characters, way too linear no difference in choises, the outcome is still the same)


Since the alliance boxes are legacy bound, they are useless once I hit 20 on influence.

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Illum has had most if not all of its dailies removed, Makeb had quite a few removed,

I'm not sure why this change made me a little sad :w_frown:

Given the sheer number of credit raising opportunities in the game why they flt the need to remove Ilums dailies and rejig Makeb is beyond me.

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The devs did all but take out a billboard saying "H2 weeklies will replace the daily zones for farming credits." H2s are smaller packets of time - you can knock out a couple in half an hour, go dosomething else, etc. The daily zones were always more of a time sink.


Right now I'm grinding Section X for rep. I've done CZ enough that I have max rep there. The "storyline" zones (Oricon, Rishi, Yavin, and Ziost) I'll see if I get enough rep "naturally," though I'm considering going back to Yavin to get the rep for the walker (I ground it a lot for cash and armor sets pre 4.0, so I have a relatively high rep there). Ilum and BH, since they don't have rep, don't interest me.


The game moved on

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Before 4.0, I used to run Oricon, CZ-198, Black Hole, and Yavin, on 2 or 3 toons each week, getting the weekly on each one done at the same time.


The pay, for the time invested, was worth the trouble to me. Between the world credit drops, the value of the comms granted, the random gear, you could make 300-500k credits per hour, give or take depending on you and your class and how you spent the comms.


Pre-4.0, Yavin was "at level", and you got 4 basic comms for each mission plus some decent rewards for the weekly, including a few ultimate comms (4 I think). You also got a box of companion armor! After awhile, you ended up with WAY too much of it, but it was vendorable and accounted for a nice chunk of credits.


Yavin now pays 2 basic comms per mission, no ultimates for the weekly, and no longer drops armor. It takes too long for the new lower rewards. The Revan solo fight is also no longer worth doing, it got harder thanks to level sync, the HP boost is gone from pre-4.0 and it doesn't pay good comms anymore either.


Oricon is now level synced. Sure, it isn't "hard", but it is "annoying", and it also doesn't pay as well as it used to. The loss of credit drops from mobs hurts, the heroic went from "no problem" to "not hard, just annoying", etc.


I still do CZ-198 from time to time, it is fast, pays well enough for the time invested, and its appeal was not lost in the 4.0 transition since credit drops were not its strong suit.


I've done Black Hole maybe once or twice. Yea, it is still easy, but thanks to the nerf to credit drops and chests, it isn't profitable the way it used to be. That's fine, but it means I no longer do it.


One of the reasons for doing CZ-198, Orion, and Black Hole was the mats, they used to be worth something thanks to conquest crafting. Now that most of the mats from those areas has dropped to nearly worthless, they are no longer worth it.




Sure, we now have heroics, with instant teleporting, and the alliance boxes from them are worth good money (or can be, depending on what is in them), but they just aren't the same as the daily areas to me.




The other thing is this... I used to run the dailies/weeklies to get comms to upgrade my gear. For example, you got a nice set of 156 gear for doing the Oricon story, which got you started down that path. Then you ran the weekly and with the comms you could get started on 162 gear, then 168, then 180.


But now we have level sync. No amount of gear upgrades matter anymore for anything other than HM FP and HM ops. Running the dailies/weeklies to get comms to buy gear doesn't matter, because NEXT WEEK, they are the same challenge. New, better gear, doesn't change me once I go there. (yea, queue the "but crit isn't capped", yea whatever, that is a minor thing)


So what is my incentive to run them? Credits? They nerfed a lot of that. Mats? They nerfed that thanks to conquest crafting going away. Data crystals? Meh, gear doesn't matter unless you're doing HM FP/OPS, and you get gear for those from SM OPS.


A lot of the game has been rendered pointless, from my point of view.

I use to do all of those also but like you once 4.0 came out and they took the ultimate comms away it became pointless to do them so I just do one weekly now and that is Ziost and you only get 4 total ultimate comms but I found that Ziost weekly is the only one that gives those out now.....


But yeah all the other weekly's are pointless to do unless you are desperate for cash...

Edited by Legolose
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