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Changes Coming to Packs with 4.1


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If the intent is there to cater to the new players and also allow them access to the older sets, why not also allow them access to the older reputation / vendors at the same time? They already have the packs, so pull them off embargo in cycles. Once per month, have a different shipment available, and stick all of the packs from those shipments on the Cartel Market (not in the mixed Hypercrate format), as well as also putting the more desirable items (armour sets / mounts / crystals / emotes etc etc) up for DIRECT SALE, at a relatively sensible price (not 2000 / 1440CC - that's gouging IMO). This would make the B/S/G packs pretty much a moot point if they went in this direction.


Honestly, I could have sworn that this was going to be the way things would work before they came up with the alliance pack set up for 4.0. I don't fully see what's prompting these current unpopular changes now though.


I'll concede that they could be working on a new draft as we speak, but it shouldn't be a grand to do to say we'll head back to a previous design or we'll add on the chance cube as a potential fifth drop. Honestly, it's ok to say they made a mistake and head back to an older design. People miscalculate sometimes.


I believe it was you speaking of baiting me but now you want to accuse me of doing

Prove ... lol. :)


If there was a lmgtfy for the GTN I'd put the link out for you. But since there is not, you could head to Dulfy, look up the pack contents, and check you server's gtn listing, and compare with other packs on your own if you actually intended to see it. However, the lovely part is that I don't have to prove anything to you because you can't affect the decision making. I know the company has the metrics already. :)

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Honestly, I could have sworn that this was going to be the way things would work before they came up with the alliance pack set up for 4.0. I don't fully see what's prompting these current unpopular changes now though.


I'll concede that they could be working on a new draft as we speak, but it shouldn't be a grand to do to say we'll head back to a previous design or we'll add on the chance cube as a potential fifth drop. Honestly, it's ok to say they made a mistake and head back to an older design. People miscalculate sometimes.


They could even just revert the changes, scrap the B/S/G packs altogether, and sell the Grand Chance Cube all on it's toddle for 20-50CC per shot, BioWare would probably sell more than they realise.


Random player - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets nothing of noteworthy importance*

*doesn't lament the loss of 40CC*


Random player 2 - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets a set old rare Gold Armour*

*buys more CC to try their luck*


It would possibly be a way to increase CM revenue without creating distaste of the CM in the players eyes. Having that, alongside new packs based on the pre 4.0 system (minus lots and lots of useless XP Boosts) would have been a nice way of moving on and realising that most of the tinkering didn't need to happen.

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They could even just revert the changes, scrap the B/S/G packs altogether, and sell the Grand Chance Cube all on it's toddle for 20-50CC per shot, BioWare would probably sell more than they realise.


Random player - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets nothing of noteworthy importance*

*doesn't lament the loss of 40CC*


Random player 2 - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets a set old rare Gold Armour*

*buys more CC to try their luck*


It would possibly be a way to increase CM revenue without creating distaste of the CM in the players eyes. Having that, alongside new packs based on the pre 4.0 system (minus lots and lots of useless XP Boosts) would have been a nice way of moving on and realising that most of the tinkering didn't need to happen.


The problem is, they don't want to give out good stuff for cheap CC. It benefits them more to price good stuff high, because then if you won't spend additional beyond your sub, you need to stay subbed longer, or you just add more coins directly. That benefits Bioware more than anything else.


They would have to make the drop rates for good stuff absolutely horrid for that mode to work.


And thinking further, that's probably why the B/S/G packs got embargoed. With folks splurging on those, it drives GTN prices down and makes them much more manageable. If folks start turning to the GTN to acquire their desired CM items, they're less likely to buy the packs from the CM. Eventually, you'd reach a point where no one would buy packs, their revenue from that would dry up, until prices started creeping back up, and then the cycle would start again.


Their ideal is that they want you subbed and regularly purchasing Cartel Coins, I think that's the balance they're trying to find.

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The problem is, they don't want to give out good stuff for cheap CC. It benefits them more to price good stuff high, because then if you won't spend additional beyond your sub, you need to stay subbed longer, or you just add more coins directly. That benefits Bioware more than anything else.


They would have to make the drop rates for good stuff absolutely horrid for that mode to work.


And thinking further, that's probably why the B/S/G packs got embargoed. With folks splurging on those, it drives GTN prices down and makes them much more manageable. If folks start turning to the GTN to acquire their desired CM items, they're less likely to buy the packs from the CM. Eventually, you'd reach a point where no one would buy packs, their revenue from that would dry up, until prices started creeping back up, and then the cycle would start again.


Their ideal is that they want you subbed and regularly purchasing Cartel Coins, I think that's the balance they're trying to find.


I agree that this is the balance they are trying to strike, but they are failing at it. Thus, you get a revision to how the cartel market works every month or two... Ever since the changes in 4.0, I went from spending $100 or more every time a new pack came out to spending $0. I have not bought a single pack. The changes were so harshly not in our favor and MORE of a gamble than they were previously (and they were already probably too big a gamble for most people).


I know I'm just one person, but I also know that I'm not alone in my decision to not spend money on packs any longer, when I used to be what some consider a "CM Whale".


Used to be some value in a pack, even when you didn't get what you want: a cartel certificate, plentiful jawa scrap, reputation that you could buy items with directly from vendors on fleet, etc. Plus, it had a selection of armors, mounts, pets, emotes AND stronghold decorations as a possible return when you opened them. Cutting packs down from 5 or 6 items to 2 or 3 made it pretty much not worth the gamble of real life money anymore. The sooner they figure that out, the sooner they will find their "balance" again where people are spending money on the CM. Until then, expect monthly changes as their income from this part of the game continues to dry up.

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I agree that this is the balance they are trying to strike, but they are failing at it. Thus, you get a revision to how the cartel market works every month or two... Ever since the changes in 4.0, I went from spending $100 or more every time a new pack came out to spending $0. I have not bought a single pack. The changes were so harshly not in our favor and MORE of a gamble than they were previously (and they were already probably too big a gamble for most people).


I know I'm just one person, but I also know that I'm not alone in my decision to not spend money on packs any longer, when I used to be what some consider a "CM Whale".


I stopped anything related to buying extra CC back in Feb last year. That's due to BioWare being obstinate on the subject of the Contraband Slot Machine, and burying their heads in the sand over the subject of the nuke from orbit. That was entirely their choice though, they can still rectify that error on their end, however until they do rectify that error then they can forget any additional income outside of a subscriber monthly grant.


I'm not adverse to voting with my wallet, in fact I'm more than happy to keep it closed to developers who refuse to listen to their customers and community.

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If there was a lmgtfy for the GTN I'd put the link out for you. But since there is not, you could head to Dulfy, look up the pack contents, and check you server's gtn listing, and compare with other packs on your own if you actually intended to see it. However, the lovely part is that I don't have to prove anything to you because you can't affect the decision making. I know the company has the metrics already. :)


What am I looking at exactly? The flood of strategy alliance packs and hypercrates on the GTN? The incredibly under priced contents of said packs? Or maybe you mean the BSG packs that are embargoed now for about 2 weeks?


How does "looking at the GTN" support anything you've said in this thread? I'm looking at the GTN and it's saying the obvious.


So to Bioware having the metrics you are correct, they do. Thus they are making these changes to the current pack. This means the metric fly in the face of what you think should be occurring it would seem if we trust they are making decisions based on metrics as you imply.

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They could even just revert the changes, scrap the B/S/G packs altogether, and sell the Grand Chance Cube all on it's toddle for 20-50CC per shot, BioWare would probably sell more than they realise.


Random player - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets nothing of noteworthy importance*

*doesn't lament the loss of 40CC*


Random player 2 - "Oh I have a spare 40CC to spend"

*clicks buy*

*gets a set old rare Gold Armour*

*buys more CC to try their luck*


It would possibly be a way to increase CM revenue without creating distaste of the CM in the players eyes. Having that, alongside new packs based on the pre 4.0 system (minus lots and lots of useless XP Boosts) would have been a nice way of moving on and realising that most of the tinkering didn't need to happen.


Except if such a system devalues the economy too much then you don't get as much of the people who buy packs to convert to credits ... the changes they make seem to target these players far more than it targets people who just want new items after all.

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I agree that this is the balance they are trying to strike, but they are failing at it. Thus, you get a revision to how the cartel market works every month or two... Ever since the changes in 4.0, I went from spending $100 or more every time a new pack came out to spending $0. I have not bought a single pack. The changes were so harshly not in our favor and MORE of a gamble than they were previously (and they were already probably too big a gamble for most people).


I know I'm just one person, but I also know that I'm not alone in my decision to not spend money on packs any longer, when I used to be what some consider a "CM Whale".


Used to be some value in a pack, even when you didn't get what you want: a cartel certificate, plentiful jawa scrap, reputation that you could buy items with directly from vendors on fleet, etc. Plus, it had a selection of armors, mounts, pets, emotes AND stronghold decorations as a possible return when you opened them. Cutting packs down from 5 or 6 items to 2 or 3 made it pretty much not worth the gamble of real life money anymore. The sooner they figure that out, the sooner they will find their "balance" again where people are spending money on the CM. Until then, expect monthly changes as their income from this part of the game continues to dry up.


I'm in the same boat of having not bought any of these alliance packs however more so because I tend to like to resell almost everything for profit. I knew with only 1 pack on the market at a time that the value of more or less everything in the pack was incredibly devalued and I wouldn't make much of a return at all ... easier to buy none of these packs and focus on buy/sell older items solely through the GTN until the BSG packs show up ( I like those, especially grand pack - awesome value for money ).


At least with this change the relative value of items over the course of a hypercrate should increase meaning I don't feel like I'm actually losing out on my investment because any junk bronze items I do get are likely to be in short supply on the GTN and thus sell for significantly more.


In saying that why can't we have this change AND reputation/certs back AND multiple packs to choose from at one time.

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I'm in the same boat of having not bought any of these alliance packs however more so because I tend to like to resell almost everything for profit. I knew with only 1 pack on the market at a time that the value of more or less everything in the pack was incredibly devalued and I wouldn't make much of a return at all ... easier to buy none of these packs and focus on buy/sell older items solely through the GTN until the BSG packs show up ( I like those, especially grand pack - awesome value for money ).


At least with this change the relative value of items over the course of a hypercrate should increase meaning I don't feel like I'm actually losing out on my investment because any junk bronze items I do get are likely to be in short supply on the GTN and thus sell for significantly more.


In saying that why can't we have this change AND reputation/certs back AND multiple packs to choose from at one time.


I think they should sell a cube for 200 CC that randomly gives you any other Cartel pack.

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Hmm... not bad ideas. Selling the cubes standalone for a lower price and possibly letting it drop an old pack actually wouldn't be bad at all. You could get far more items from another pack. At least then you stand to benefit as a player without simply paying more and more with little chance at getting a good bargain. However, it again comes down to the details that is the drop rates.


But, I'm pretty sure one thing is certain, They won't get higher player spending until they give players more digital goods in return. There's little getting around that.

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So does that mean I have a chance to get the Preceptor’s Armor Set, I really like that set, and want it for a Jedi Consular.


Yes though a slim chance without the amount of items you are rolling against. However it does mean you will get better items than right now overall from say a hypercrate and there will be more of those sets/pieces on the GTN in the coming weeks/months after this pack is released. So that means cheaper prices to buy the set and better money made selling the items you don't want.

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Yes though a slim chance without the amount of items you are rolling against. However it does mean you will get better items than right now overall from say a hypercrate and there will be more of those sets/pieces on the GTN in the coming weeks/months after this pack is released. So that means cheaper prices to buy the set and better money made selling the items you don't want.


which means over all depending on how the drop percentages work out, more happy people.


I for one am not gonna miss the bronze sets as MOST where ugly anyway, how many cyborg outfits did we need for example?

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which means over all depending on how the drop percentages work out, more happy people.


I for one am not gonna miss the bronze sets as MOST where ugly anyway, how many cyborg outfits did we need for example?


Just the gold rarity ones, those are nice and sell nicely too. :)

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I must be stupid.....I'm a new player..been playing about 3 weeks. I just made level 40 Sith Inquisitor Assassin. I have my companion Ashara, but I cannot figure out how to get the Ashara appearance change options from the cartel market. I keep seeing a red themed option in the Collections. And it keeps referring to being a Bronze item avaiilable in the Builders Stronghold and Gatekeeper Strong hold packages. But I still can't find a price or a button to click to buy it! I am a subscriber too... but that does not appear to help me figure out what is going on.


I also heard I can buy some appearance options for Ashara at some vendors....is that an easier way? For example,, last night I cam across a red themed Sith outfit for her...but again...I couldn't figure out how to buy it. It was called Sith Ashara or something like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :rak_02:


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I must be stupid.....I'm a new player..been playing about 3 weeks. I just made level 40 Sith Inquisitor Assassin. I have my companion Ashara, but I cannot figure out how to get the Ashara appearance change options from the cartel market. I keep seeing a red themed option in the Collections. And it keeps referring to being a Bronze item avaiilable in the Builders Stronghold and Gatekeeper Strong hold packages. But I still can't find a price or a button to click to buy it! I am a subscriber too... but that does not appear to help me figure out what is going on.


I also heard I can buy some appearance options for Ashara at some vendors....is that an easier way? For example,, last night I cam across a red themed Sith outfit for her...but again...I couldn't figure out how to buy it. It was called Sith Ashara or something like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :rak_02:



You cannot buy things from collections, they are for items you've already collected i.e. got from a pack, or the gtn or possibly direct sale on the CM - you also need to use them to unlock them. From there you can use collections to pay a CC amount and it will unlock it for you to use on any toons as many times as you like ) or as many copies basically ) for no price after it's unlocked. Of course you can't sell these copies.


You won't find those items in any current packs on the CM as they are embargoed meaning long since been removed ... they sometimes come back but since 4.0 i don't know if they will ( one would hope Austin wakes up and realises the old model of bringing back packs semi regularly worked best ).

Best bet is to search the GTN for the item you want and buy it from there with credits ... I recall one of the ashara customisation I sell I've got listed for under 100K right now for example ( not sure which one it is ... didn't care or pay attention heh ).

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Here's an idea I just had, unsure of how well it'd do with the current pack price but I think it'd definitely make them seem more valuable to the players.


Instead of having the grand chance cube as a possible item in the places that you'd normally get an armor or mount, why not put them in their own spot in the packs that's shared with Cartel Market Certificates. This gets certificates back into the packs at a more consistent rate and when you don't get a certificate, you get a chance at another armor/mount/weapon/etc.


I think Cartel Market Certificates need to be reintroduced somehow regardless of what happens with these cubes. The fact that they're borderline unobtainable at the moment is a big mistake on Bioware's part, in my opinion, as a large number of items require certificates in order to be purchased, especially things from rep vendors in the Bazaar and all of the decoration merchants that sell exclusively for certificates. There should be a way to get them.

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My 2 cents. This change will reduce the chances I buy any new packs simply put. At this time, the only packs I am interested in buying are the grand decoration packs only. I have more than enough armors unlocked to supply alts and there are numerous options in the game.
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Dev Speak-> English


"Hahaha have fun with your gambling addiction, whales."


If that's true, they're doing it wrong. The changes they made in the packs so far pretty much cured me from my desire to buy cartel packs. Admittedly it's good for my bank account but I suspect that wouldn't be what BW is after.

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