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Everything posted by Reveyah

  1. I want them to come back, but not holding my breath for anything amazing, so far all the companions that do come back have a small part to play then that's it. The focus will probably stay on Theron, Lana, and the soon to be Arcann romance.
  2. Ok cool Thanks for the Reply i'll stick with Focus:)
  3. Sry if it's been asked, but do I have to Skank Tank TO be Competitive in PvP, because I really like playing Focus but don't want to be unwanted.
  4. Hey thanks for the help everyone gona go Shadow:)
  5. Well narrowed it down to the sentinel and shadow, hard to choose between the two thanks for the help, between the two what would be better for pvp or be more useful.
  6. Hello I have friends who will be playing a sage healer, gunslinger, and vanguard Tank, so i'm trying to choose between the sentinel, guardian or shadow. Would anyone one recommend one over the other for dps, and in pvp.
  7. Sadly if they do come back I don't expect much,seems like every companion that comes back, gets 1 small part then get sent to the back burner, and back to Theron and Lana.
  8. Ty for the replies and help much appreciated.
  9. So is Theran and Lana the main focal point for companions now. I know old companions are slowly returning but it seems that after there return story there just there and don't really do much else. I'm asking because I'm going to make a Knight to play on the side and I'm choosing between Theran and Kira.
  10. Hello I decided t o lvl a Inquisitor,l but I'm having trouble choosing between the 2. I mainly want to pve, but will be doing pvp. They both look really fun to play and I don't have time to focus on both so i have to pick 1, any help is appreciated.
  11. Sry if its been asked before, but was curious what will happen now. Will we go back to Republic vs Empire, and will we be able to choose which side to support, or is it 1 story for both factions now.
  12. So will they never fix this I don't want to start over, but I down like not being able to complete something:rak_02:
  13. Do I miss out anything if i can't complete the bonus missions on Taris, its bugged for me? Do i miss out on achievements or anything?
  14. Cool good to know Ty Aryalandi and MadDutchman:)
  15. I'm at the point where i choose my advanced class, I know Sages don't use the lightsaber in the game, but lore wise do they still train with it, or do they just focus on Force powers. Guess I can role play my character is really good with a lightsaber just doesn't use it.
  16. Someone is selling it for 32m just seamed like an extreme amount.
  17. I'm newer to the game haven't really played that much, could someone tell me how much i can sell the Shadow Hand's Command Throne for.
  18. Sry for the late reply, but Thanks everyone for all the replies and help.
  19. Just decided to start playing again never really got very high, and still deciding between knight and warrior, but i'm also having a hard time choosing a crew skill. Sorry i'm sure it's been asked before but couldn't find a good answer can Biochem make a good income.
  20. Thanks for the help Psandak:)
  21. Could someone let me know what crew skills while leveling , would be best to take, i was thinking archaeology, Bioanalysis, and Slicing. Can slicing make me a good amount of credits, this is my first character so I was looking fore something to make some creds.
  22. Do you get much story with Nadia Grell, and is her romance as creepy as people seem to be saying.
  23. Hello didn't want to start a new thread, can someone tell me if Biochem is worth taking now, with this update. I just started playing again so starting fresh sith warrior, or should i just go with artifice.
  24. So does that mean I have a chance to get the Preceptor’s Armor Set, I really like that set, and want it for a Jedi Consular.
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