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Changes Coming to Packs with 4.1


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It does have a bearing. The problem is likely that you would rather argue with me from from a specific angle and my argument doesn't fit that angle because it is not actually the point I am making.


I happily would argue your point if you actually made one and supported it with logic, any evidence you have ... pretty much anything at all. Currently your logic is this new pack change is bad and will sell poorly but the reasons you've tried to give have more or less supported why it actually will do well.


You tried to give some scatter brained example around 2 differing armor sets and somehow thought that was supporting your view which I completely shot down and now you act like I never did so at all. Why? Because your argument is crap and you make very little sense.



That is a personal problem. I'd say take it on it's terms without trying to generalize it into the point you'd rather deal with, such as you earlier refuting me saying no wants old stuff when I never said that or tried made that point, but internet arguments aren't actually important. Either way, It'll all be demonstrated when the pack comes out.


Generalize? I break down everything you've endeavored to post ( well the bits that I could make sense of ) concisely ... where are these supposed generalizations? Stop making things up.



If it turns out like the Force Alliance pack then no it won't make more money.


Why would it turn out like that pack? It's got nothing in common with that pack change.



If they release the new pack in this proposed form, they will most likely have to spin on their heels and undo it somehow in the same manner. They may even have do it more quickly than they did with the alliance packs


Again just words with no justification.

If they release this pack in this proposed form you will most likely have sell your house and go live under a bridge.


See it's easy to make stupid statements with nothing to support them.

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This is disgusting. Seems this game is going down faster than i thought.

Shame on you Eric, and on your team. you should be all fired.

You are all expendabel.

And you could be re placed easily.

Good Advice: Think twice before you make a rage wave in the player base.

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I happily would argue your point if you actually made one and supported it with logic, any evidence you have

...(the rest of the post)


You know what? Now I'm arguing with you about arguing with you, and the whole point was to not waste time in pointless forum arguments. Well played sir. However, unlike some people, I don't argue on the internet for entertainment since this is wasted time I'm not going to get back. Like I said before, it will be proven either way when the packs are released. All the words in the world actually aren't going to change people's actions, and in most cases thoughts on the matter, so we have to wait and see.


However, have fun being Poster 7 in that third row of panels. :)

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However, unlike some people, I don't argue on the internet for entertainment since this is wasted time I'm not going to get back.


You don't do the thing you've been doing? Right ...


Like I said before, it will be proven either way when the packs are released. All the words in the world actually aren't going to change people's actions, and in most cases thoughts on the matter, so we have to wait and see.


You'll never know either way, nor will I - I'll just have access to packs I actually want to buy.



However, have fun being Poster 7 in that third row of panels. :)


Takes two to tango as they say. ;)

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I can list so much wrong with the CM, but these changes dont help anything at all...


It hurts players that actually spend money on new packs for new items. Putting old in new packs defeats the purpose of the word "new". How about just bring back the bronze silver gold packs as separate packs from the regularly released ones. Its not like you guys are missing out on any money.


But, I understand you guys don't truly care, you just take advantage of us because of our love for Star Wars.

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You'll never know either way, nor will I - I'll just have access to packs I actually want to buy.


Oh you will. If you see them turn on a dime, you'll know it didn't work. If they leave it alone it did work. Compare the Companion Nerf/Buff and the Contraband Slot Machine. If we are honest, the slot machine kerfuffle didn't actually affect anything, otherwise there would have been a change. The company gambled well on that one; people mostly got over it. However the companion thing resulted in enough lost income or lost future income to merit a complete turn around, within a week or two if I recall.


Takes two to tango as they say. ;)

I know, that's why I'm opting out of that dance. ;)

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so the grand chance cube may contain a full armour set, however, seeing as 'ANY' cartel item that has been available could be inside, statistically this will be a large kick in the stones, slap in the face, pile on the carpet to anyone who decides to buy a pack.


i have not seen a single post in this thread saying this news is good news, so i'm very dubious as to who you surveyed, and what you offered for its completion, because if this is the result, something isn't properly on the up and up.


was this 1 of those beauty product style surveys? you know, the 1 where the small print that says.. 68% of 132 people surveyed gave a response you wanted to hear??

Edited by cambul
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Well, someone has their panties in a bunch today.


One cannot contribute to a conversation, if all one can do is rant about the fact that their IS a conversation.


But I digress. The vast majority of us can only guess and speculate about the 'metrics' as so many have put it, about what happens behind the scenes and in the game. We can only go by what we can observe and act upon that. No point of getting upset over people having opinions or judging on what we see, because that is one of the key elements of being human: we judge.


However, if you withhold information from people, you have to expect reactions that can be unfavorable ESPECIALLY when they know you are withholding it. I would love to see the real numbers on sales, times, items, amounts, etc to understand what is working and what is not. I would love to know the reasons behind ending the Cartel Certs and rep items. Why Bronze items are ending. Why no more BSG crates. A simple video or post about the decision-making process and how they got to it could go a LONG way toward silencing critics and informing the public.


Or...remain silent and accept the ranting, quiting, disinterest and distrust that develops. It's up to the company to decide what to do. Some companies a lot smaller than Bioware has done this and had good success (Mechwarrior Online has regular updates and discussions about their 'metrics', which has lead to a rather strong community).

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Oh you will. If you see them turn on a dime, you'll know it didn't work. If they leave it alone it did work. Compare the Companion Nerf/Buff and the Contraband Slot Machine. If we are honest, the slot machine kerfuffle didn't actually affect anything, otherwise there would have been a change. The company gambled well on that one; people mostly got over it. However the companion thing resulted in enough lost income or lost future income to merit a complete turn around, within a week or two if I recall.


What is turn on a dime? Stop offering a pack that can give any item in game and go back to offering a crappy "new" bronze item? Yeah that's not going to happen, it clearly wasn't working thus changes were required.

Whilst not the best change possible it's far superior to what we have right this very second.


They may indeed change it up again but they aren't going to "turn on a dime" unless it's to go back to how packs were pre 4.0 which most people who were buying them at the time were happy with.


I know, that's why I'm opting out of that dance. ;)


Oh, like last time?


I don't argue on the internet for entertainment since this is wasted time I'm not going to get back.


Seeing as you view it that way and I actually don't it must be rather insulting of yourself to continue as such. :)

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so the grand chance cube may contain a full armour set, however, seeing as 'ANY' cartel item that has been available could be inside, statistically this will be a large kick in the stones, slap in the face, pile on the carpet to anyone who decides to buy a pack.


i have not seen a single post in this thread saying this news is good news, so i'm very dubious as to who you surveyed, and what you offered for its completion, because if this is the result, something isn't properly on the up and up.


was this 1 of those beauty product style surveys? you know, the 1 where the small print that says.. 68% of 132 people surveyed gave a response you wanted to hear??


Not a single one? I've seen a few ( myself included ) and being that this thread is only 34 pages long and mostly made up of just a few posters going back in forward in arguement/debate then I would wager the majority of players are either happy with it or don't give a ****.

Only forum regulars will generally ever bother posting in support of something or something positive, no forum regualrs only really bother showing up to complain.


It's when you start reaching the 100 page mark made up posts from many individuals that Austin knows it's got a problem.

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Well since the CM is a source of $$$$ for EAware I doubt there gonna do anything to really tick off people here. They probably watch the market like a hawk to make sure it stay profitable and keep ppl sucked in. If these changes reduce $$$ you bet chur' *** there will be a quick adjustments or a roll back. Edited by DenariusJay
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Seeing as you view it that way and I actually don't it must be rather insulting of yourself to continue as such. :)


Nah, but you know you'll miss me when my sub runs out in a couple of days and I can't reply at all. :D Don't worry, you'll get over the withdrawal eventually.

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Dear Bioware,


I have an idea you're just absolutely going to love!

Since we're now into the bussiness of getting random items that give us random items out of our random item packs for which we pay real money.

How about making it fun both ways! We make a new payment system so that everytime one of us buys your Cartel Coins, PayPal (or whichever other system) rolls the Dice on weither you will get full payment or not!

And the best part is; You're guaranteed to get *something*!


What?.. I thought you liked random?

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Dear Bioware,


I have an idea you're just absolutely going to love!

Since we're now into the bussiness of getting random items that give us random items out of our random item packs for which we pay real money.

How about making it fun both ways! We make a new payment system so that everytime one of us buys your Cartel Coins, PayPal (or whichever other system) rolls the Dice on weither you will get full payment or not!

And the best part is; You're guaranteed to get *something*!


What?.. I thought you liked random?


To elaborate on this, you should pay a fixed amount of money (say 10$) to get a random amount of Cartel Coins (worth 1-8$ because TOR users seem to love being ripped off). You can choose between three different packs, Small, Medium and Large. All have the same content, but different names sound more awesome. The medium pack costs twice as much as the small one and the large one cost four times as much. The Medium packs have a chance to give you a random cube (Small, Medium, Large) that gives you another random item, the Large packs give you the chance for up to two random cubes. All packs only give bronze and silber items, only the random cubes have a chance to drop a random Gold level item.


Feel free to give ma call, Bioware.

Edited by Sigvaldson
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I don't get what the debate is over. You don't have to actually see these packs work to know they are a bad idea.


The old packs worked because they gave you a relatively small list of items that you had a chance to get. With that small list, you felt like you had a real possibility at getting something you liked.


Not only that, but that short list of items was a list of NEW items, bar a couple of repeats like color crystals (which can be forgiven).


However, any pack that forgoes the small list of new items in favor of a large list of old items is already a bad idea. Your chances of getting something that you want are so slim that people will think twice about buying the packs.


And this is for two simple reason:

-They aren't getting the new items they are excited for.

-They keep getting old items that they have no more interest in.


This isn't a "wait and see" matter. It's basic probability. They are adding a pool of old items into the vastly smaller pool of new items.


If I want an old item, I'd look around for old packs or look for the item directly on the GTN. Because the value of those items goes up the longer they stay out of the cartel market. It encourages player trading and circulation of credits.


Bring back the old pack and embargo system. And merely bring out these Gold/Silver grand packs as temporary CM events.

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Maybe just quit screwing around, and revert all the changes back to the way they used to be? It seems to me, you're just swinging a bat in the dark, trying to find your target.


They have their target. It's new players. For people who have been playing for a couple of years the idea of getting bunch of old junk they already have is understandably not exciting. But for new players ? They'll love it, or won't mind it. And for BW it's perfect. They do very little and they sell old stuff as new.

4.0 seems to be almost exclusively aimed for new players. They found themselves with a bunch of stuff to do. Bunch of operations that are "current", several rep grinds, events that have increased their occurrance, etc.

Veterans are welcome to stick around of course. But that's about it.

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I'm slightly surprised you're responding still. I'd have given up ages ago.


Blame boredom and the slowness of the Strongholds board. I'd actually much rather be on those threads developing idea for future stronghold content, but those threads don't really update frequently. However, I do watch these kinds of threads because they concern me.


There is the frequent changing up of things in addition to how many senior positions are open at Bioware combined with frequent controversy on the player front. I am concerned that something at the company itself is very out of whack. I don't mean bad decision making but rather it looks like there is a power vacuum, power struggle, or some kind of struggle or shortfall going on in the background, and it's spilling out enough to where it affects how we can play the game.


Though not every recent issue is one that affects me personally, I do take note of how it affects other players. Hopefully, this is just a transition phase and it will even out eventually, but at the moment it doesn't look that way.

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Awww... What? A pointless conversation isn't entertaining for you? Pity, that's how I felt about arguing. :rolleyes:


Why present an argument then? If you didn't like what someone posted just don't reply to counter it ... the minute you do you've entered an argument willingly. Unless you think you get to post what you want and people shouldn't counter it as they see fit? ;)

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Maybe just quit screwing around, and revert all the changes back to the way they used to be? It seems to me, you're just swinging a bat in the dark, trying to find your target.


If this fails I feel that would be the only choice left ... it's like someone just can't admit they are wrong and put it back to how it was pre 4.0

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