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Crafting Changes in 4.1


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I'm pretty sure all that vacant vault space will induce me to fill it with more stacks of mats.:(

What will induce you to fill it is your decision to do so. You make a frowny face as if it's beyond your control but, if it really did make you sad, you could simply not do it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have one of each crafter, all but one profession shares mats with another.


If your even a remotely dedicated crafter, you have mats all over the place.


I have maxlevel crafters for all except armormech. I stand by what I said, and my main point is still that mats are mostly pointless since crafting is also pointless for the most part.

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I have maxlevel crafters for all except armormech. I stand by what I said, and my main point is still that mats are mostly pointless since crafting is also pointless for the most part.


Maybe for you but for our guild we rather have someone craft something instead of getting it from the CM, so I guess it would depend on who you play with. I have every crafter and I actually enjoy crafting.

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Maybe for you but for our guild we rather have someone craft something instead of getting it from the CM, so I guess it would depend on who you play with. I have every crafter and I actually enjoy crafting.


Same. I have 24 characters, and plan to make more, i like being completely self sufficient, as well as be able to kit out friends i get to play.

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Maybe for you but for our guild we rather have someone craft something instead of getting it from the CM, so I guess it would depend on who you play with. I have every crafter and I actually enjoy crafting.


I enjoy crafting aswell or atleast I did before the CM turned my beloved profession into little more than an augment profession. Which even that took a hit recently as now I can't even make main stat.


Synthweaving needs love. Yes they have broadened our scope by allowing us adaptive armors but there are very few that people want.

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Oh my stars 1,000x yes!


This change is well overdue and will greatly help for my storage.


Quick question has anybody got a list of "current" usable material? I feel as if there are items in my storage that got removed from the game as I have never seen them used so while I am consilidating my materials when 4.1 hits I may as well clear out any unusable material.




Whilst not a list of what's in the game it does show you what was removed. To convert now you generally need raise a ticket and wait over a month. :(

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I have maxlevel crafters for all except armormech. I stand by what I said, and my main point is still that mats are mostly pointless since crafting is also pointless for the most part.


If crafting were pointless there wouldn't be so much enthusiasm for these changes and I wouldn't see 1000's of crafted goods for sale on the GTN each day. More likely you are either doing it wrong or just being a negative nancy.

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Hello didn't want to start a new thread, can someone tell me if Biochem is worth taking now, with this update. I just started playing again so starting fresh sith warrior, or should i just go with artifice.


Biochem will make you credits sure and you can use most of your results. Artifice arguably will make you more credits though.

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Same. I have 24 characters, and plan to make more, i like being completely self sufficient, as well as be able to kit out friends i get to play.


Yea, I was like that before Kotfe. Then I realized I can get all the gear my leveling characters ever need for common data crystals and there was no point in crafting anymore.

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Hey folks,


One of the issues we have seen brought up quite a bit in this thread is storage space. Although we aren't adding new bays at this time, one change to help with storage is that any item which previously stacked to 99, will now stack to 9,999. This change is coming in Game Update 4.1






Yes!!! Been waiting for this for a long time.


Thank You

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Hey folks,


One of the issues we have seen brought up quite a bit in this thread is storage space. Although we aren't adding new bays at this time, one change to help with storage is that any item which previously stacked to 99, will now stack to 9,999. This change is coming in Game Update 4.1






Thanks to the team ! :)


However, the problem of only so small cargo bay space considering new items is still not solved.

I still refuse to play KOTFE because my main characters' inventory space / cargo bay space is nearly full, filled with bound non-legacy gear which I can't get anymore because the vendors and drop possibilities are removed.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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And....we could still use a common credit bank in our legacy. Would love to see something like the guild bank offered for your legacy characters. A common credit pool all legacy members could draw/deposit. Perhaps even have levels and caps with purchase unlocks....


I would love to have a legacy money bank so I can better keep track of my funds instead of alt hopping and robbing them of credits...

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So rather than fixing one of the many problems that people have been complaining about for months lets fix the one problem that nobodies been complaining about. :rolleyes:


Storage space pressure is absolutely a problem people have been complaining about. The most common solution was to give more bays.


This change absolutely does help with storage pressure, albeit only for stackable items. Regardless, it does address an issue alot of folks were having.

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Thanks to the team ! :)


However, the problem of only so small cargo bay space considering new items is still not solved.

I still refuse to play KOTFE because my main characters' inventory space / cargo bay space is nearly full, filled with bound non-legacy gear which I can't get anymore because the vendors and drop possibilities are removed.


This why I wish they would add all armor and weapons to the collections system . That way, when they get a wild hair up their *** to remove vendors/missions we still have an avenue for those armors/weapons. Plus it would have the added benefit of a reduced database, as we would not need to store those armors anymore.

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Soooo... is this an attempt to force people to bring alts through the expansion even though the content is very alt-unfriendly? Or is it to prevent f2p from accessing the top tier of crafting? Or are we going to be given access to these areas on all level appropriate characters regardless of their story progress? I am hoping it's the last since that would allow access to the Odessen crystal vendors to everyone too.


It's not a matter of level, it's a matter of story progression. Many of us have numerous lvl 65s that we don't plan on bringing through the expansion.


+1, couldn't say it better myself!

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+1, couldn't say it better myself!


You can still access the materials through companion missions. Hyperbole... :p


Persobally I cant stand open world gathering, dealing with other farmers, reslawns, if your on a pvp server avoiding gank squads.


Im perfectly content sitting in my SH sending comps out to get me what I need, freeing me up to do anything else I mightvwant to do instead of running around random planets picking flowers.

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I don't understand why people are so excited about stack increase. Its a change for the better sure, but its not like it makes much of a difference. I habitually simply destroyed any mats in excess of 99 before now and my cargotabs are still jam-packed full of various items. I also have very, very little use of those mats ANYWAY since BW decided to turn 98% of all crafting downright useless.


I doubt any of the changes in topic post improve the situation one bit since the problem is the effect of non-crafting changes to crafting, such as companion gear, CM and crystal gear. Bioware lost the plot long ago and continuously undermine the effect of their 'improvements' with other 'improvements'.




You mean that gear that requires ops drops to craft? Simply ingenious.


I agree with most of this. I do think that increasing the stacks is better than nothing and any improvement however small is still an improvement. This does not change the fact as you said that crafting is for the most part pointless. unless you get those high end mats. Making these mat only from Op's WZ's or whatever is not going to make us who don't do them start doing them No all its done is made as said in the post above pointless.


Do I still craft? yes but very little and 90% or more is just war supplies and stuff to make war supplies. But BW has made even this more difficult and slow because of some mats for Dark project mk-1 needs exotic isotobe's to make which again not easy to get. yes you can buy with glowing crystals but 25 for 1, and you need 8 per dark project. so that would be 200 glowing crystal's to make just 1 dark protect mk-1.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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