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If you think Sage/Sorc healers are unkillable sit down kids... and read this


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*Puts on some fancy teaching hat*


The way to kill a Sage/Sorc healer is old and ancient and a guarded secret by the bioware devs. It's called "play better"


Most people who PvP run through a standard rotation.... its stupid. Most good PvP players will tell you they don't have a rotation and they use their abilities situationally. That's the right answer for every class.


So when fighting a sage and sorc healer you have 1 job, interupt innervate. The channeled tendril heal thing. Doing that prevents a whole host of other things, building stacks and other sorc nonsense that you won't know even if I got into because if you find this guide helpful you've probably never played sorc anyways. To other players interupting big heals is obvious which is why we don't cry on the pvp forums that sorc healers are unbalanced.


So, now, that we know what to interupt, we need to know whow many interupts we have.


Mara 3- Interupt, choke, and intimidating roar

juggernaut - choke, injtimidating roar, interupt, push, and backhand if you are immortal

sins, -electrocute, lowslash, interupt, overload and i feel like there is one more but still



I"m not an expert on every class because I play warrior mostly, but there you go. You'll see that every class has at least 3 interupts.... Interupt, hard stun, soft stun, and sometimes a push back.



USE THEM and those sage/sorc healers will melt like butter! Especially if you have 2 dps on them... If it weren't possible ranked wouldn't be possible right?

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Using your stuns to interrupt Innervate is some really poor advice. It'll only whitebar the sorc quicker than normal and make them able to basically freecast during it.

Instead, stun right before your burst.


sorry did i forget to say to do damage while they are stunned? I thought it was implied that your burst them down... but you know gotta be specific here

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Using your stuns to interrupt Innervate is some really poor advice. It'll only whitebar the sorc quicker than normal and make them able to basically freecast during it.

Instead, stun right before your burst.


Poor advice. I main a sorc healer, feel free to stun and burst all you want, if you are not interrupting the correct skills at the correct time, Im going to heal to full, whirlwind you and then dance as you spin.


It should go without saying that you use your interrupt first, then your stuns in order of least resolve generating to most. Right before they whitebar, interrupt again. While white barred, slow them, and lay down as much burst as you can. Once the white bar clears, continue with your interrupt rotation.


I consider myslef an above average Sorc healer, been maining it since launch. Most DPS are crap and have an FPS mentality that all they should have to do is faceroll the keyboard and win. Most of the time, it's a tank that locks me down, since they have a different mentality.


Also, if you are a burst class, and you are playing against a less skilled Sorc Healer, you can force the god bubble with well timed heavy burst. Interrupt Innervate > Lay down burst. If you can drop them to around 30% in two globals after interrupting Innervate, most Sorcs will bubble, not knowing that you are now spent. Give time for your burst window to come back, and makes them not able to use the bubble again. Do not burst right after bubble, stun them untill the bubble DR shielding is gone, and interrupt innervate again, then lay the burst.

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A single sorc is not the issue.

4v4s they can be brought down if the team isn't playing with their dick in their hand.


The problem is that everyone is playing sorc healer. They dominate 8v8s.

You can interrupt and damage the healer all you want, but his two other sorc buddies are also healing him, and the entire team.


What you get 9 times out of 10 are fancy numbers and a loss.

Edited by Ruhun
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A single sorc is not the issue.

4v4s they can be brought down if the team isn't playing with their dick in their hand.


The problem is that everyone is playing sorc healer. They dominate 8v8s.

You can interrupt and damage the healer all you want, but his two other sorc buddies are also healing him, and the entire team.


What you get 9 times out of 10 are fancy numbers and a loss.


Lock out any healer if there's already two per team

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Poor advice. I main a sorc healer, feel free to stun and burst all you want, if you are not interrupting the correct skills at the correct time, Im going to heal to full, whirlwind you and then dance as you spin.


If I'm alone? Sure. I'm not going to kill a sorc healer if they're half decent on my own. But in any normal scenario, where there are two DPS hitting you, it is not a good idea to stun a sorc just to interrupt an induction. You do it the way you like and call it "poor advise", I couldn't care less, it's your loss.


It should go without saying that you use your interrupt first, then your stuns in order of least resolve generating to most. Right before they whitebar, interrupt again. While white barred, slow them, and lay down as much burst as you can. Once the white bar clears, continue with your interrupt rotation.


Yeah... You see, this is why most people fail to kill sorc. Lay down as much burst as you can while they're whitebarred, stick with that lads.


sorry did i forget to say to do damage while they are stunned? I thought it was implied that your burst them down... but you know gotta be specific here


If you only say that you should stun them to interrupt them, then that obviously does not imply you should go for your maximum burst potential during the stun.

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*Puts on some fancy teaching hat*


The way to kill a Sage/Sorc healer is old and ancient and a guarded secret by the bioware devs. It's called "play better"


Most people who PvP run through a standard rotation.... its stupid. Most good PvP players will tell you they don't have a rotation and they use their abilities situationally. That's the right answer for every class.


So when fighting a sage and sorc healer you have 1 job, interupt innervate. The channeled tendril heal thing. Doing that prevents a whole host of other things, building stacks and other sorc nonsense that you won't know even if I got into because if you find this guide helpful you've probably never played sorc anyways. To other players interupting big heals is obvious which is why we don't cry on the pvp forums that sorc healers are unbalanced.


So, now, that we know what to interupt, we need to know whow many interupts we have.


Mara 3- Interupt, choke, and intimidating roar

juggernaut - choke, injtimidating roar, interupt, push, and backhand if you are immortal

sins, -electrocute, lowslash, interupt, overload and i feel like there is one more but still



I"m not an expert on every class because I play warrior mostly, but there you go. You'll see that every class has at least 3 interupts.... Interupt, hard stun, soft stun, and sometimes a push back.



USE THEM and those sage/sorc healers will melt like butter! Especially if you have 2 dps on them... If it weren't possible ranked wouldn't be possible right?


So basically, it's super easy to kill healer sorctards, but people are all bad and have been much too stupid to know how to do it.

Fortunately, you now came down from your divine throne of knowledge to share your superior tactics with us that goes: Play much, much better than the sorc will ever need to play, interrupt twice per GCD and pretend that the sorc doen't have any stuns or mezzes that will keep you from interrupting him at the right time. Ignore force barrier and teleport, then they will disappear.


Now that everyone knows how easy it is, heal-sorcs will probably need a buff in order not to become extinct.

Edited by Cretinus
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So basically, it's super easy to kill healer sorctards, but people are all bad and have been much too sutpid to know how to do it.

Fortunately, you now came down from your divine throne of knowledge to share your superior tactics with us that goes: Play much, much better than the sorc will ever need to play and interrupt twice per GCD!


Now that everyone knows how easy it is, heal-sorcs will probably need a buff in order not to become extinct.


I am playing conc op (one of the weaker specs outside of solo) and sometimes manage to solokill sorcs.

As long as they're not guarded or healed by another healer it's supereasy to kill them if you know where their phasewalk lies and have someone else bashing on him.

Problem is the tremendous amount of spank juggtards that tend to guard their 4 sorchealers. That's a huge matchmaking issue and desperatly NEEDS to be adressed.

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Basically I'm reading that learning to time your burst with stuns helps kill healers. Attacking at random times with random rotations nets poor results. Ok, well that's how it starts. Killing a healer is about consistent control and getting them to work through their CDs faster than they are available off cooldown again.


A single DPS will probably never kill me, ever. At least, I haven't found one yet that could - IF - all I have to do is worry about healing myself. In a war zone, attacking the healer means he's not healing or not as much healing other targets and you can get kills by making him spread his heals over multiple targets where the DPS is exceeding the HPS.


Do not expect to solo a good healer. That is betting on odds that are not in your favor. Instead, mark the healer and direct mutiple allies to attack them.

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I played Sage before it was even "cool".


One thing I find is that most DPS are truly bad. Except in team ranked, I haven't found a single DPS who would interrupt my Healing Trance / Innervate. They always go for Deliverence.


It has gotten to the point of baiting interrupts so I can heal with HT.


Good players can kill me. It usually takes a class with good control, good burst, and moving me away from my teammates/objective/node.


My major weakness is my need to play objectively, so if you separate me from my team and I'm the only one guarding the node, like as not, I won't teleport away, kite you too far away, or clip my bubble to interrupt your cap.


Likewise, I will probably spend a lot of time healing my teammates and a lot less time healing myself. If I let my team die, you can dogpile me. If I don't, I am not healing myself too much.


The joys of playing on an RP server is that oftentimes you have very few people with a tactical/strategic outlook on PVP. Games are decided not by the amount of sorcs/skanks, but on the balance of tactically-challenged individuals.

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*Puts on some fancy teaching hat*


The way to kill a Sage/Sorc healer is old and ancient and a guarded secret by the bioware devs. It's called "play better"


Most people who PvP run through a standard rotation.... its stupid. Most good PvP players will tell you they don't have a rotation and they use their abilities situationally. That's the right answer for every class.


So when fighting a sage and sorc healer you have 1 job, interupt innervate. The channeled tendril heal thing. Doing that prevents a whole host of other things, building stacks and other sorc nonsense that you won't know even if I got into because if you find this guide helpful you've probably never played sorc anyways. To other players interupting big heals is obvious which is why we don't cry on the pvp forums that sorc healers are unbalanced.


So, now, that we know what to interupt, we need to know whow many interupts we have.


Mara 3- Interupt, choke, and intimidating roar

juggernaut - choke, injtimidating roar, interupt, push, and backhand if you are immortal

sins, -electrocute, lowslash, interupt, overload and i feel like there is one more but still



I"m not an expert on every class because I play warrior mostly, but there you go. You'll see that every class has at least 3 interupts.... Interupt, hard stun, soft stun, and sometimes a push back.



USE THEM and those sage/sorc healers will melt like butter! Especially if you have 2 dps on them... If it weren't possible ranked wouldn't be possible right?


Firstly not sure why you think you are the wise shaman and everyone else is a padawan kid, but anyway. The only correct thing here is interrupt innervate/healing trance, but that pretty much there is in this post.


Here are a few hints from a sage/sorc main:

* Healing trance/innervate does not do "a whole lot of other nonsense", it merely heals and builds stacks that can be used for force regen or for instant salvation/revification (aoe heal) (which in turn can give you an instant benevolence/dark heal if needed). You make it sound ubercomplex.

* Interrupting innervate after my 2nd tick makes not much of a difference, thank you for wasting your interrupt.

* There are only two things that you can interrupt, healing trance is one the other is deliverance. Both are worth interrupting.

* Using your stun as an interrupt is situational, as you leave yourself without a counter to force speed. Use your stun when sorc is under 30% to make the kill if needed. But also you should be aware that there are sages that play with 30% damage reduction while stunned.

* You are deluding yourself if you are hoping to solo kill a (sorc) healer, he was never good in the first place if he dies.


So final 2 cents. With two dps on healer interrupt healing trance/innervate asap and interrupt deliverance/dark infusion (and of course salvation if attempted to be hard casted). Interrupting healing trance prevents an instant salvation which means that you are shutting down the sage from healing his team. It also prevents together with the interrupt on deliverance to prevent an instant dark heal (which by the way even if casted no need to interrupt this, it is the weakest heal). With healing trance and deliverance interrupted, the only heal available is roaming mend which is pretty strong; however, if not available, and chances are that bubble will also be on lockout period, the only heal left that a sage can do is benevolence/dark heal (and rejuvenate/resurgence but anyway) which is a 1.5s cast and the weakest of all. You want to chain stun him during mental alacrity / polarity shift phases.

Edited by MusicRider
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If you kill sorc heals 1v1, it a bad sorc. End of a story. Max you cand do jt team matches tho is make him heal himself mostly. But sorc are the mkst mobile class now and he can fly like a bird all over the battlefield, trolling your stuoid attemps to show him whos da dps here. Most punishing for him are still sins, as usual, but not really lethal.

I would even say the same about other healing classes. May be its more debatable, but as an oper I usully die when there are two or more on me. 1 agro I allways ignore not even tryin to move away.

Healing in this game is too huge in general. They shouskd make healer class less crazy overhealing, and add the ability to add some buffs to your mates, but nit yourself. Matches with healers on both side are boring and annoin.

And it looks awfully idiotic ofcourse when you unload allkind of rokets, or smash saber hits to hes face, and that joke is just stand screaming but not dying anytime soon xD Yeah... oldschool "pointandclick" games are so dumb from dat perspective :)

Edited by Rouakh
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sorry did i forget to say to do damage while they are stunned? I thought it was implied that your burst them down... but you know gotta be specific here


You should know by now that the PvP side of the forum is filled with people who lack simple comprehension skills. It's as though they see a post, make up in their tiny brains what they think you said, then respond to what they came up with instead of what you actually wrote.


Furthermore, if you do not hold their hand and walk them through your sentences word by word, they will never be able to understand what you are saying. Lmfao, I always come here when I need a good belly laugh since the intelligence is extremely low.


Only the PvPers...

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*Puts on some fancy teaching hat*


The way to kill a Sage/Sorc healer is old and ancient and a guarded secret by the bioware devs. It's called "play better"


Most people who PvP run through a standard rotation.... its stupid. Most good PvP players will tell you they don't have a rotation and they use their abilities situationally. That's the right answer for every class.


So when fighting a sage and sorc healer you have 1 job, interupt innervate. The channeled tendril heal thing. Doing that prevents a whole host of other things, building stacks and other sorc nonsense that you won't know even if I got into because if you find this guide helpful you've probably never played sorc anyways. To other players interupting big heals is obvious which is why we don't cry on the pvp forums that sorc healers are unbalanced.


So, now, that we know what to interupt, we need to know whow many interupts we have.


Mara 3- Interupt, choke, and intimidating roar

juggernaut - choke, injtimidating roar, interupt, push, and backhand if you are immortal

sins, -electrocute, lowslash, interupt, overload and i feel like there is one more but still



I"m not an expert on every class because I play warrior mostly, but there you go. You'll see that every class has at least 3 interupts.... Interupt, hard stun, soft stun, and sometimes a push back.



USE THEM and those sage/sorc healers will melt like butter! Especially if you have 2 dps on them... If it weren't possible ranked wouldn't be possible right?


WOW! thank you so much for this. /sarcasm of course. there is nothing in your entire post that didn't get figured out in 1.0. the whole thing reads like you think everybody in the game just forgot how to kill sorcs, and you think what? we're all supposed to be grateful you came along to reteach us? and of course, you completely ignore the elephant in the room: sorcs are significantly harder to kill since 4.0. much harder than mercs or ops. is it a coincidence or a conspiracy that all of a sudden so many complaints about it suddenly show up? of course not, and telling us all that we just need to l2p is asinine and deserves all the ridicule we can give it.

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You should know by now that the PvP side of the forum is filled with people who lack simple comprehension skills. It's as though they see a post, make up in their tiny brains what they think you said, then respond to what they came up with instead of what you actually wrote.


Furthermore, if you do not hold their hand and walk them through your sentences word by word, they will never be able to understand what you are saying. Lmfao, I always come here when I need a good belly laugh since the intelligence is extremely low.


Only the PvPers...


What an incredibly stupid post. I clearly said that you're supposed to unleash your burst during the stun. Doing damage during the stun goes without saying. It would appear that you are the one lacking comprehension skills. Or maybe reading is hard?


I think you'd better not speak about others and their low intelligence levels, when you're not displaying any intelligence yourself. Most people making that sort of comments are usually not too bright, anyway.

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On my Merc / Mando, I can generally kill any class within one full rotation.


But if you are in a pug and you face a team with three healers (2 of which are sorcs / sages) and a tank or two ... you might as well give it up. There is no winning that round.


There team requires no coordination to play while your team pretty much has to focus all of their energy on killing a single healer while that healer is getting a guard and two other healers throwing their loving around. In a pug group there just isn't enough coordination in the world to salvage a win out of that.


And to make it worse, the team made up like that is generally facing a pug that at best might have but a single healer who gets focused killed before he can even throw a single heal out.


I am a firm believer in the holy trinity (healer, tank, DPS) but multiple heals are just two strong. Especially if teamed with a semi intelligent tank with guard. Throw out some taunts and it turns crazy stupid. No team should have more than two healers.


And it is because of this that I am not a supporter of ranked 8 v 8. What you will end up with are teams made up of 3 healers, two tanks, and a couple of snipers / dps mercs to round it off and get in the crit kills. The only way to counter a team like that is ... another team like that. Then it turns into some ugly Mexican standoff that will be won by some stealther who is standing on the highest ground when the acid starts to fall.

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I guess the bit that people seem to forget is that healers seem to be doing 1.5x or more the healing that a dps does damage in a match. That kinda skews things towards the healers... A lot. Yes, they use AoE's, and yes you only need to get 70k ahead on a single target, but that can be very difficult, especially when the target has DcD's of their own.


Throw in the instants, they still get passable healing while being harassed, if they aren't stunned. And don't worry, even when stunned, the bubble of invincibility gives them 10 seconds plus an extra load of bubble health at the end, and finishes a bunch of survivability cool downs. Phase walk when used well gives you a handy out, moving you away from combat too. There are a lot more ways for them to ruin your day, but if you don't know them, that is your look out


Healing to full at that point? With all your abilities up... Probably 9 seconds if you are sloppy, and back into combat.


All of this makes it rough taking a sorc healer out. Even in 4v4, think of two teams of decent players, if you have 4 with a sorc healer, and 4 without a healer, which side would you rather be on?


Fixes? I can't think of anything that wouldn't be brutal to the class, but it does feel like it needs something brutal to straighten it out. Perhaps it is time to start separating ability effects in PvP and PvE.


I'd suggest that bubble could no longer be used while stunned. Though I think a lot of people would say it was the end of the world.

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Healers in this game are designed to handle any 1v1 situation by autohealing, kiting, cloaking, running away or ccing the enemy. Their main role is to support other classes by healing them and acting as a tactical point of reference for the entire team.


So the main objective when engaging a healer into 1v1 is to not let him/her do his/her main role, and not to kill him/her.


Out of personal skills and situational awareness, the most of times the healer is finally killed is because is being focused or tunnelled enough time to make him run out of cd and escape points.



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Out of personal skills and situational awareness, the most of times the healer is finally killed is because is being focused or tunnelled enough time to make him run out of cd and escape points.




Precisely, you've got to get a healer to cycle through all of their escapes and DCDs before they become available again. A healer that you can kill in spite of these things you could probably have ignored and out-damaged in the first place.

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Precisely, you've got to get a healer to cycle through all of their escapes and DCDs before they become available again. A healer that you can kill in spite of these things you could probably have ignored and out-damaged in the first place.


Not really, because despite all the **** Merc healers get I've seen them effectively heal their team.


Granted the team wasn't immortal as it would have been with Sorc heals, but it was able to keep someone alive despite that person being tunneled by 2 burst heavy dps.

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