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Everything posted by garnatxu

  1. As you say tank spec should fit more with your style. I main a tank sin with DPS gear and have a lot of survaivility and good DPS. I strongly recommend you to read the Dulffy guide as somebody told you before. Wear in mind that the tank spec not only adds taunts to a DPS spec, but also has more tools to combat suppport, ie an AOE slow, another 2 seconds hard stun, an amazing pull, a 45% shielding capacity, a 50% reflecting damage DCD, a 20% healing debuff for enemies and more stuff I can't remember now. Another important thing is that clever enemies won't tunnel you so you will have more freedom to move and you will stay in the middle of the fray for longer time. Remember that as a tank your main role is not letting the other specs do their roles: not letting the DPS do DPS, the healers heal and tanks tank (obvious), so don't let melee DPS reach their target, separate healers from the tanks that are guarding them, mezzing and knocking back ranged DPS so they cant find advantageous positions,etc etc etc. Have fun and enjoy your new tank way of life AcrA
  2. Well, although U are right saying that there's not much difference in average DPS, the benefits of Alacrity shouldn't be analyzed from a DPS point of view. DPS is only damage, and when I analyze my matches I try to go further than trying to know who made the most DPS: I look who has the highest ratio killing blows/kills, or the ratio dps/blowing kills, which tells me how is that guy being effective killing people and how fast. Or how much damage took a guy and the deaths it had, and more things... What I want to say is Alacrity/crit should be compared in which build u think it makes u win more games than the other. For example, the statement that says that in ACW and in NC alacrity fits better the tactical playstyle due that fights are longer makes sense to me, but it is inaccurate. I would say that if U want to fight against big groups (which last longer, like ACW and NC most of times) alacrity built suits better because it gives more situation adaptability. I would like to add that Alacrity is better for less skilled players as it reduces its reaction times (facerollers) and people that like to play tanking and healing because they have to manage with many players and different situations at the same time, and crit builds should fit better with people that play very cold (not my case!!!) and can "dance" while fighting... A.
  3. I'd say Alacrity should be used to adjust your perception of time to the game mechanics. Everybody has different "internal tempos" i.e. the amount of time to perceive something: (and enemy pops up a defensive cooldown:I see a bubble around him) + the time that need the brain to interpretate and understand that perception (that bubble=a deff CD) +the time that needs the brain to take a decision (I have to stun him) + the time that needs the order to travel from the brain to the finger) everybody has different tempos and may need more or less Alacrity to feel more comfortable to the game mechanics... This makes me think that facerollers should love alacrity, as it gives them more speed smashing buttons LOL -A-
  4. After almost 3 years playing SWTOR, I've seen a lot of discussion about this stat, but never saw this argument: Alacrity reduces the GCD time, this means U can adapt faster to any situation in pvp 'cuz you are going to react quicker than the rest, so this is an advantage to any class and spec, cuz you'll do almost everything on the propper time and faster than the others. I do not know how do U feel playing at PVP but sometimes I feel 1,5 sec GCD is an eternity and (depending on class) u can reduce it to 1,4-1,3 sec easily without losing much crit or power. I know people prefer to have a lot of crits and power, but most of times if u are faster u are better in PVP. I know some classes and specs may dont really think they need alacrity due that there are many skills aout of the GCD but I guess that if we could have a movement speed stat everybody would consider raising it as well... In conclusion, I'd say an increase of 3-10% in alacrity should be strongly considered when thinking how to choose your stats. I would like to hear what do U pvp community think about it, I do not want to go deep into tactical details in every class or spec, just pointing out a new way to think what alacrity is and listen your opinions -A-
  5. Just moved recently from TOFN and I am looking for a guild pvp oriented, playing for fun, with 2 or 3 groups at same time, teamworking, openminded and with pleasant and respectful people. With voicechat or not, and not afraid to play ranked. I am usually playing on 9-11 pm GMT and I consider myself an average skilled player after more than 2 years playing this game...
  6. I like playing APG wiyh my merc: I stay on top platform in middle node and kill people from above, or if there is only one melee enemy deffending a node I solo kill him very easily. ...
  7. 7. Add 1vs1 wz, objectives or arenas., and Ranked dueling. A lot of pop ups...
  8. sleep dart>snipe>debilitate? this a burst rotation? doesnt make any sense... zetsuma's guide: A
  9. As a sin you will get more focus than a jugg just cuz you are squishier i.e easier to kill. When u play as a jug u play straight, positioning in the mid of the battle and being exposed without taking much care of your back. With the sin you need to go further in positioning and awareness, remember u are a shneaky buzzstard so most of your attacks should be started by surprise (stealthed), to enemies placed on flanks, attacking from behind the target and with a near runaway point where to hide, kite or LOS. U also have to choose wiser your targets and wait for the best moment to attack, resetting the battles if needed. With time and practice u will improve, pvp needs a lot of playing to be good at it. Best luck and go for it. -A-
  10. I always expect the ops leader to get leadership during the starting countdown, and if not I try to team up people with me chating stgh like : "someone with me to get snow?" About raging and trollying, people forget that is just a game, but I confess that if I am guarding a node, call incs and nobody comes, if I get killed and lose the node i consequently get upset and rage quit WZ most of the times after a sarcastic "thks for the help" in chat... -A-
  11. You are right, I have played all the strategies you say for the 2 years I have been playing this game and I can tell U they work. In fact, the best strategy is trying to be always 1 step further than the enemy, so U have the initiative and the enemy is always reacting to your acts, what means is arriving late to the hot nodes or strategical points. The main problem is that these strategies need more teamworking (peeling, calling incs, managing tempos of attack-retrieve-counteratttack,...) and a lot of agressivity, so they need almost the full team to be skilled and experienced enough to have succes, and this is something U may not easily find in PVP... Beware that 75% pvpers (3 out of 4) just wanna DPS and be top chart, beause they think simple: kill'em all. And mid turrets of NC and ACW and center of AH give them a lot of possibilities. I also would like to know which is the average age of the pvp in this game. Many times the way people play reminds me when I was a kid and was playing football/soccer at the school: 20 kids of each team all crowded together pursuing the ball all the time, just trying to kick it and kick it and kick it again... A lot of fun, but pathetic... Like facerollers or keyboard smashers in this game try to kill the healer. LOL -A-
  12. I use the wheel mouse to target, down to select nearest enemy, up to select next enemy. So i can cycle to enemies very fast with the wheel mouse Then i use ALT+wheel mouse to select nearest and next friends. I use secondary mouse buttons to acquire focus targets's target and acquire target of target. I dont use select center screen target. This works for me as a healer , tank or DPS, i can target almost everything pretty fast and simple. Further info: I strategically assign my keybinds on keyboard zones, movement keybinds in one zone, ranged attaks in another, dots in another, melee attacks in another, taunts in another. If there's a main rotation i use 2-3-4-5 buttons to that, in order, so I know which should be the correct order, but in pvp things are not as expected... My interrupt and CC buttons are always the same no matter the class and spec I play I use tab and \ as a focus modifier and self modifier buttons My taunts are also in secondary mouse buttons (9 buttons mouse). I also keybind the autorun into ALT+S, the CC breker to ALT+d, the root breaker to ALT+w, the 30m teletransporter to ALT+a. assigning WS to move and AD to strafe. Dont use AD to turn, is not needed (BEST ADVICE EVER GIVEN TO ME!!!) Some people changes the AWSD to SEDF I tried to assign the strafe buttons to the mouse buttons; if u press the 2 main mouse buttons at the same time (left and right click) its like running, so its worth trying to manage the movement only with the mouse, and leave the left hand free to press any button, but its been many years with the AWSD system and my brain cant learn this...
  13. Be smarter than opposite team, looking for their and our weaknesses and finding strats and tactics to win. Many times this means trying to DPS or ninja-capp as a healer, or to kill the ball carrier as a tank. U can guess the results are a total disaster The few times the team reacts fast and well, starts to coordinate and finally wins are priceless to me
  14. Healers in this game are designed to handle any 1v1 situation by autohealing, kiting, cloaking, running away or ccing the enemy. Their main role is to support other classes by healing them and acting as a tactical point of reference for the entire team. So the main objective when engaging a healer into 1v1 is to not let him/her do his/her main role, and not to kill him/her. Out of personal skills and situational awareness, the most of times the healer is finally killed is because is being focused or tunnelled enough time to make him run out of cd and escape points. -A-
  15. Hey, I do agree with Laoi as I see you have good GPU and a SSD, but to be sure you can do this: when you are playing, do it in window mode, minimize your task manager in the task bar so it will show in real time %CPU usage, % memory usage, and % disc writing/reading, and you will get an idea of what is happening, because many times is a question of balance, and every pc/laptop is different. So, if u see %any of that variables >75% or peaking to 75-100% try to focus on that variable first. Beware that many times lowering one raises the others so dont do big changes, apply them 1 by 1 in order to notice the effects and pros&cons of each change. For example, %CPU usage is the toppest, so try giving the 2 swtor.exe games high process priority or even real time priority (i dont do it) or much better, lowering secondary process that you may not need playing. If u see a real improving (smoother playing, bigger FPS rates) go on: as u have 4 cores, assign 2 processors to each swtor.exe, or 3:1 , or 2:1 leaving one free for the rest of tasks. Even AMD supports overclocking, i dont recommend it, think like if it was a car and the CPU is the engine, before polishing cylinders or upgrading the turbo, take the seats out, the compressor for the air conditioning system... The same with your computer, improve ram management first, take out useless processes, defrag the game,,, Hope that it helped you out, ACRA,
  16. impressive!! good researching!! Just wondering how the changes could affect the temperature and the toughness of the pc. Have U had any overheating on CPU/ GPU after the changes or any other issue? get to the "details tab". There, after right-clicking on the process, U should be able to change priority and affinity. -Acra-
  17. garnatxu

    A PvP a Day...

    I know I'm a regular player, there is many people much better than me, im not competitive, i dont mind losing if i enjoy the wz, but i'll remember a today's wz the rest of my life: I was having a bad day playing at wz's with my sin at midbies, losing most of them., with what I call the "weekend team style": more lag, capping and leaving, no chat com at all, no team support, whiners,... So an arena popped up, first round won pretty fast, and suddenly the ops leader starts whining: "***? the healer healing a lvl 31 (me) instead of the high lvls? suck my *** and this kind of stuff". After a silence, the healer answers: when U get better DPS than him then I'll heal U. Another silence (everybody checking the board thinking "OMG that can't be possible!!" It was). So second round starts and won, won the match (the enemy team was very very bad). Nothing else on chat. I got high and they got down, all is relative, i wasn't better than them, they were worse than me!!! That healer made my day, it worth all the crap wz that I played before, and here is where i want to get to, when u think that u are not having fun, and the wz window pops up, give it the chance to surprise U. Acra
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