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Pre-made BS in Regs needs to be fixed


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If you queue with a group, thats half a premade. If your tired of getting stomped, then don't PvP anymore.


So your solution is to eliminate Pugs all together. Nice. I like it.


Like I said, it's not grouping up that ruins things, it's FOTM comps.

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If you queue with a group, thats half a premade. If your tired of getting stomped, then don't PvP anymore.


Don't think I said anything about getting rid of PUGs. I sugested for you to stop queueing. The devs don't care about PvP at all really. Premades are a part of MMOs and they always will be.

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Don't think I said anything about getting rid of PUGs. I sugested for you to stop queueing. The devs don't care about PvP at all really. Premades are a part of MMOs and they always will be.


I'm not going to stop since I win whenever these bads are not in a FOTM comp. I know their names and make note of them every time I see them. They only win in premades.


What you're suggesting is that people group up or stop queueing, which is just eliminating Pugs.


I'm all for it, or for premades having their own dead queue.

Edited by Ruhun
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I'm not going to stop since I win whenever these bads are not in a FOTM comp. I know their names and make note of them every time I see them. They only win in premades.


What you're suggesting is that people group up or stop queueing, which is just eliminating Pugs.


I'm all for it, or for premades having their own dead queue.


Your sir/madam are taking my point way out of context. If you hate premades stomping you, make your own premade or don't PvP.

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Your sir/madam are taking my point way out of context. If you hate premades stomping you, make your own premade or don't PvP.


I'll continue to solo queue because I don't want to add fuel to this obnoxious fire.


Group up or don't queue is not a solution at all.


It's not just me that is sick of this garbage, people will outright drop the match when they notice that it's a premade comp. So have fun with your dead games.

Edited by Ruhun
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I'll continue to solo queue because I don't want to add fuel to this obnoxious fire.


Group up or don't queue is not a solution at all.


It's not just me that is sick of this garbage, people will outright drop the match when they notice that it's a premade comp. So have fun with your dead games.


On my server, people love going up against Premades. We find it a challenge. If everyone PvPed the same, it wouldn't be fun anymore.


And I didn't say that group up or don't queue was a solution to PvP, I just said it was a solution to your problem.

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On my server, people love going up against Premades. We find it a challenge. If everyone PvPed the same, it wouldn't be fun anymore.


And I didn't say that group up or don't queue was a solution to PvP, I just said it was a solution to your problem.


It's a common problem in PvP though, not just mine.


I like a challenge and don't quit when I see the premades. What I find frustrating is fighting double premades that planned to be in a match together.


So the comp can be 3 healers, 2 tanks and 3 dps. There is just no winning that match with Pugs. I grind through and get my medals, get nice dps numbers and a loss.

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It's a common problem in PvP though, not just mine.


I like a challenge and don't quit when I see the premades. What I find frustrating is fighting double premades that planned to be in a match together.


So the comp can be 3 healers, 2 tanks and 3 dps. There is just no winning that match with Pugs. I grind through and get my medals, get nice dps numbers and a loss.


You can beat that easy. Make a premade.

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You can beat that easy. Make a premade.


I won't be part of the problem when I despise the problem as much as I do.

I will continue to grind through and smile when my team of Pugs sees a premade and leaves en masse, because they are even more frustrated than I am.

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No one in this thread are talking about premades that only poses a challenge. We are talking about getting stomped, getting 3-capped, losing 600-0 etc. Try-hard premades that finds it enjoyable to bring a nuke to rock-paper-scissor engagement. Anyone who claims to "enjoy" getting the living fecal matter beat out of themselves are fooling no one... Edited by Lundorff
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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, I pug WZs all the time and I don't have issues with premades, I've beat them with pugs many times. I do have issues with terrible players on my team. Maybe thats what you're really experiencing, getting grouped with Baddies.

Stop playing the victim....L2Quit.

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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, I pug WZs all the time and I don't have issues with premades, I've beat them with pugs many times. I do have issues with terrible players on my team. Maybe thats what you're really experiencing, getting grouped with Baddies.

Stop playing the victim....L2Quit.


I've also beaten them when the follow conditions are met:


1. My entire team wasn't mouth breathers.

2. They were not running two premades to assure that they would have at least 2 tanks and 2/3 healers on their team.

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I'm not sure what you guys are talking about, I pug WZs all the time and I don't have issues with premades, I've beat them with pugs many times. I do have issues with terrible players on my team. Maybe thats what you're really experiencing, getting grouped with Baddies.

Stop playing the victim....L2Quit.

Yeah it's funny how people see this from different views... All of it boils down to crappy match-making.


It's not premades who are the villains, and it's not "baddies" either. it's a matter of people playing different classes and having different skill levels then randomly being thrown onto teams to fight eachother.


Good fights have nothing to do with premades being present or not, it's skill levels of the players and what class comps are on the teams.


I don't blame the lesser skilled, or the weaker classes it's the fault of the game and the system it uses to create teams against one another.


If you want to blame anything blame it on a lack of proper match-making.

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Match making is the real culprit here.


From what I can tell the game will prioritise Imp vs Rep before anything else so if you're on a server than already has a faction imbalance it pretty much guarantees you'll be matched up vs premades all night.


For example, on MULTIPLE occasions we've had 2 guild premades running at the same time but rather than being matched against each other (which would be preferable) we get a 8 man premade vs Rep pugs. This is grossly unfair and frankly no fun for any of the 16 players involved.


The simple solution to this (assuming I'm correct, and I believe I am) is to match make based around premades rather than faction. We played Pub side for most of this evening and we faced premades or double premades in every single game - had we not been grouped up ourselves this would have meant a whole evening of getting stomped on by players who at the very least will understand the basics of the map and how to work together a little bit. How many players - especially new players - do you think will stick around after having this happen to them every single day?


Sure if it is premade vs premade then it'll probably come down to who has the better pugs but that's massively better than the 8 man premade vs pugs clown fiesta we have at the moment.


And naturally it wouldn't be a post from me if I didn't throw out the obligatory "cross server would fix a lot of these problems" and "bring back 8 man ranked".

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Match making is the real culprit here.


From what I can tell the game will prioritise Imp vs Rep before anything else so if you're on a server than already has a faction imbalance it pretty much guarantees you'll be matched up vs premades all night.


For example, on MULTIPLE occasions we've had 2 guild premades running at the same time but rather than being matched against each other (which would be preferable) we get a 8 man premade vs Rep pugs. This is grossly unfair and frankly no fun for any of the 16 players involved.


The simple solution to this (assuming I'm correct, and I believe I am) is to match make based around premades rather than faction. We played Pub side for most of this evening and we faced premades or double premades in every single game - had we not been grouped up ourselves this would have meant a whole evening of getting stomped on by players who at the very least will understand the basics of the map and how to work together a little bit. How many players - especially new players - do you think will stick around after having this happen to them every single day?


Sure if it is premade vs premade then it'll probably come down to who has the better pugs but that's massively better than the 8 man premade vs pugs clown fiesta we have at the moment.


And naturally it wouldn't be a post from me if I didn't throw out the obligatory "cross server would fix a lot of these problems" and "bring back 8 man ranked".


Yep, can confirm this, same evening, same server, solo'ing as Rep, facing numerous double premade Imp teams and a fair few single Imp premades. With nary a Rep premade in sight to balance it out for most of the evening.

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Match making is the real culprit here.


From what I can tell the game will prioritise Imp vs Rep before anything else so if you're on a server than already has a faction imbalance it pretty much guarantees you'll be matched up vs premades all night.


For example, on MULTIPLE occasions we've had 2 guild premades running at the same time but rather than being matched against each other (which would be preferable) we get a 8 man premade vs Rep pugs. This is grossly unfair and frankly no fun for any of the 16 players involved.


The simple solution to this (assuming I'm correct, and I believe I am) is to match make based around premades rather than faction. We played Pub side for most of this evening and we faced premades or double premades in every single game - had we not been grouped up ourselves this would have meant a whole evening of getting stomped on by players who at the very least will understand the basics of the map and how to work together a little bit. How many players - especially new players - do you think will stick around after having this happen to them every single day?


Sure if it is premade vs premade then it'll probably come down to who has the better pugs but that's massively better than the 8 man premade vs pugs clown fiesta we have at the moment.


And naturally it wouldn't be a post from me if I didn't throw out the obligatory "cross server would fix a lot of these problems" and "bring back 8 man ranked".


Yep. It's amazing that it took so long to really think it through and understand this. Now the key is for everyone to understand this, and to stop blaming preamdes or bads for the awful games.


Blame match-making on swtor for the awful games in PVP.


It's pretty frustrating for all involved because those of us that PVP a lot know when teams are fairly similar in skill the matches can be extremely fun and fulfilling.

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Match-making for sure, but it still needs to include try-hard premades on both sides or on neither side. A try-hard premade will 9/10 times smash their non-premade mirror classes. Match-making based on classes alone is not enough. But whom are we kidding... nothing will ever be done about this.
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Match-making for sure, but it still needs to include try-hard premades on both sides or on neither side. A try-hard premade will 9/10 times smash their non-premade mirror classes. Match-making based on classes alone is not enough. But whom are we kidding... nothing will ever be done about this.


Well if you spend 10 seconds to read my post that's exactly what I said. Match making doesn't have to be based around class only and currently the match making in this game prioritises Imp v Rep above all else.

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There's no reason for a group of 4 running in an 8 v 8 warzone. 4 v 4 Arenas are an entirely different kind of match up in a YOLO strategy so the old excuse of 'we're practicing' doesn't make sense. The impetus for many a concerned subscriber voicing their disdain for this 'Playground Bullies' running amok killing pve geared peeps in greens and blues is founded in reality. The atypical match for a solo pug is to go up against a pvp guild premade with a team of non-pvp geared mates. The question they ask themselves is how many times will it take before I leave the warzone.



FIX : Make 8 v 8 solo queue only, 4v4 Arenas for team ranked and solo ranked.


Why? Long long ago 8v8 ranked was removed. At that time they should've implemented 8v8 for solo queue giving new players a proving ground for getting their shoes dirty and learning how to pvp without the groups of big kids beating on them.

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Well if you spend 10 seconds to read my post that's exactly what I said. Match making doesn't have to be based around class only and currently the match making in this game prioritises Imp v Rep above all else.


It wasn't your post I was replying to ;)

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The main thing about pre-mades is that they allow pre-selection. People can form groups of well geared FOTM classes. There is also peer pressure to perform for the good of the group, instead of playing selfishly.

In a node centric game, communication is key, and of course they have this advantage too.

I don't mind this, as it promotes team work. What is lacking is matchmaking from a large pool so that teams of similar composition and ability can be preferably matched. The algorithms for this aren't difficult, but apparently having a large pool to select from, is.

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Why? Long long ago 8v8 ranked was removed. At that time they should've implemented 8v8 for solo queue giving new players a proving ground for getting their shoes dirty and learning how to pvp without the groups of big kids beating on them.


New players already have a proving ground, its the low and mid brackets. If a person waits until 65 to PvP, whether it's against a premade or not, they're going to get stomped mercilessly.


But, for me, this all comes back around to players being extremely hypocritical. They never complain when there is a premade on their side and win but always complain when there is one on the other side and lose.

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Just need to vent real quick. I'm at my wit's end with this premade garbage.

Just had the misfortune of having to do 2 rounds of Voidstar against a certain flock of birds from the pub side and now I'm sitting here with a headache. They of course stacked healers and tanks; their guys had immortality bubbles on them constantly and when we could get hits in, their health bars rocketed from 30% to 100% in seconds flat...I finished the match with 860k total damage and only 2 kills. We didn't complete one objective. They completed every one of theirs with ease.

How can anyone claim that this isn't a form of game exploitation? Queue for a WZ with a premade and you're more or less guaranteed a free win. A premade will stomp pugs every single time. I'm fed up. This **** needs to be changed or I'm out. I'm at the point where I can't even take it on the shoulder anymore because this has become such a regular occurrence. Yeah, yeah, "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em", but as Ruhun said earlier, I'm not willing to contribute to ruining other people's ability to enjoy PVP and I'm not going to participate in activity that makes PVP less fun and therefore less active. It's not about winning or losing...it's about being able to experience the content the way it was intended to be experienced.

All that needs to happen is to add all WZs to ranked and then disable group queuing for unranked. Boom, problem solved. I have a few months left of sub time. That should be enough time for Bioware to get this sorted out. If not, oh well, just another sub gone. One isn't much, I know, but I certainly won't be the first nor the last because of this problem. I really hope it doesn't come to that, I really do.

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Premades are fine, if they are actually fun to fight. I will not mention names but when I see a certain guild, that runs 2 sorc heals and say 4 AP PT's or 4 Immortal juggs with another 2 tank immortal juggs, or another 2 tank PT's. Its quite obvious they're just farming regs, half of them just want to make regs people mad, by tunneling people who speak up and call them out because they either wont queue ranked or win traded to first tier in S6.


Seriously, if you run a regs premade, make it honorable and fun to fight. Not just a bunch of all 1 class with pocket heals. Its beyond fun for those who just want to do dailies or have something to do when the other queues aren't popping.


Either we need more premades which can only be matched against each other. Or we need a factor that premades can only queue ranked, regs queue is say, solo or grouped with 1 or 2 others.


There is no way we can avoid these groups of people who run regs premades, but it says it all when people feel like they need to make a cheesey premade for regs. I ask, are they too bad/scared to queue ranked. Sometimes I ask why they never solo queue. Because half the server hates them and tunnel the hell out of them.


Of all things that frustrates me is the actually people who do it, most experiences I have had with these regs premades, is that I feel like I'm fighting a bunch of 12 year olds that run from 1v1's and insult you on gen chat in groups because they tunneled you and you died a lot. Where is the skill in this? and they call you crap.


I maybe having a rant, but over a few servers ive seen this now, usually only one or two guilds that do it, but when its late night regs, you're always paired against them and what can you do to fix it? not queue.


If I ever run in a premade, I always have a reason, whether it be they're just friends, or we're trying to fight another. Just purely making a premade to farm regs is beyond fair for everybody else Pvping who isn't in a premade.


Sometimes I wonder with the queue system, if they could script it to group players into the basic roles, 2 heals, 2 tanks, 4 dps. Or similar, so maybe even no premades still have a chance. I know this isn't hard to do, but lets be honest, what BW care about us complaining, all I read in their eyes is $$$


Regards from Begeren Colony.

Edited by ebbehhm
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Of all things that frustrates me is the actually people who do it, most experiences I have had with these regs premades, is that I feel like I'm fighting a bunch of 12 year olds that run from 1v1's and insult you on gen chat in groups because they tunneled you and you died a lot. Where is the skill in this? and they call you crap.

Dude I feel this one and I think I know exactly what guild you're referencing. I've personally called them out for their 'methods' and got hit with a flurry of crap like


Then they say **** like "GO BACK TO CALL OF DUTY LOL" when they're the ones who are circle jerking over numbers. It's the most MLG tryhard crap I've ever seen in my life and it makes me seriously embarrassed to tell anyone I play MMOs.

Edited by skarvika
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