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To all the Boys and girls of Swtor,


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I suspect far fewer women will correct pronoun mistakes when seeing people declare in general chat that women don't play computer games stops occurring nearly daily. Guy in real life jokes aren't funny. Really. They aren't.


Oh, and in 17 years of playing MMOs, the only players I've seen using the "girl card" to get stuff or special treatment were guys. :rolleyes:

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I suspect far fewer women will correct pronoun mistakes when seeing people declare in general chat that women don't play computer games stops occurring nearly daily. Guy in real life jokes aren't funny. Really. They aren't.

They are an appropriate response to anyone claiming to be a woman IRL. There is no reason whatsoever to make such a claim, whether directly or by "pronoun correction because it is, as I posted earlier, entirely irrelevant what a player's RL gender is. We're all just letters in a chat box to each other.


Oh, and in 17 years of playing MMOs, the only players I've seen using the "girl card" to get stuff or special treatment were guys. :rolleyes:

Guys playing females try too hard to be "girly," making them easy to spot.


And if you happen to call a male gamer a female, he will react in the same way

Not me, because ... I don't care (but I only have 1 female character).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I must admit if I see someone getting bent out of shape over being called "he" or "she" and then correcting the speaker... I take it as a warning sign to stay clear of that person... unnecessary drama ahead and all that. Male or female, it doesn't matter.

Words to live by!!! ^^

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They are an appropriate response to anyone claiming to be a woman IRL. There is no reason whatsoever to make such a claim, whether directly or by "pronoun correction because it is, as I posted earlier, entirely irrelevant what a player's RL gender is. We're all just letters in a chat box to each other.


Since we are all just letters in a box, there is no reason to challenge some who says they are a girl. Therefor, it's not an appropriate response, it is just rude.

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Since we are all just letters in a box, there is no reason to challenge some who says they are a girl.

Other than to point out there is no reason for them to say they are a "girl" in the first place. If you are one of those people, why do you care if strangers on the internet, people you never voice chat with, let alone video chat with, let alone actually meet in person, think you are a man or a woman IRL? That's the key. Why do you care?


Therefor, it's not an appropriate response, it is just rude.

I'm sure I am on plenty of ignore lists because of this issue, and I have plenty of vehement "girls" on my ignore list because of this issue.

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This all sounds very much like a lot of young people getting themselves in a state over nothing. Seriously - look at the ridiculous amount of drivel (*) posted in General Chat and often here on the forum - there's a lot of kids acting up. It's their first time at some freedom without parental monitoring so naturally some take the opportunity to act like idiots with impunity. What ever happened to 'ignore the trolls"? If you are getting worked up about such trivialities then, with respect you are wasting your time, happiness and life. Relax, stop finding reasons to be offended as being offended really isn't very productive at all - learn to move on. You'll be happier. <End of old fart / hippy ramble >




* Couple of days ago TRE chat went from severe hardcore racism to homophobia to sexism in an hour. Ludicrous. Over to you Roy -

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Other than to point out there is no reason for them to say they are a "girl" in the first place. If you are one of those people, why do you care if strangers on the internet, people you never voice chat with, let alone video chat with, let alone actually meet in person, think you are a man or a woman IRL? That's the key. Why do you care?



I'm sure I am on plenty of ignore lists because of this issue, and I have plenty of vehement "girls" on my ignore list because of this issue.


I don't care and I don't point it out. I am just amused that you say you don't care, but you seem to care enough that you want to make an issue of it. In fact, you come across as caring more than pretty much anyone else in this thread. :p

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If a guy is referred to as female and he casually corrects it, it is perfectly acceptable because there is nothing wrong with not wanting to be referred to as a girl when you are in fact a guy.


If a girl is referred to as male and corrects it, she is probably wanting attention/being dramatic/trying to get free stuff/etc. Or maybe "she" is lying, because everyone knows there are no real girls on the internet, let alone that love Star Wars!


Of course, that second part isn't really true, but it is still a common perception. That is why it bugs me when people blithely assume everyone they meet in the game is male by default and refer to them as such.


I always refer to players I encounter by the gender of their character. If they want to correct me, fine, no big deal. :)

Edited by Gwena
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As a wise younger whiny brother once said

"I don't hate you because you're a mage (Boy/Girl). I hate you because you won't shut up about it"

Wise, indeed.


I follow a simple rule: I use gender descriptors appropriate for the character ... until asked to do otherwise. Asked. Not chided, scolded, berated, or any other attempt to suggest that I committed some faux pas by assuming that the male Trooper in front of me was played by a guy or the female Sniper was played by a girl.


I try to keep social interaction simple in MMOs. I don't care what your gender is. I don't care why a guy plays a female character, or vice versa. I don't care how old you are. I dang sure don't care about your politics. I don't care whether you had a good or bad day. I don't care if your pet is sick or your grandmother died or you just won the Lottery. I don't care if you're about to retire or just finished final exams. I don't care if you like me (though, most people do). I'm not looking for friends. I'm looking for playmates. And the reciprocal nature of this social contract means that you won't have to listen to me whine and moan and brag and drone on about my life either.


I don't care who the person at the other keyboard is. I can get along with anyone. I won't hate them regardless of their situation. But, as a wise brother once suggested, I will hate them if they don't shut up about it.

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Why not just stop assuming what a sex a person is. I normally think a person sex is what they are playing, until I know better. Assumping everyone is male or female is wrong. I would rather figure that person is what they are playing, until I know differently.


Yes I know some men play female and some female play male but why should we assume one way or the other. Why not accept it at face value and not expect a person to prove who they are especially if you are only talking to them one time in an operation or flashpoint.

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And in public, in public too! Microsoft is my witness, I apparently got engaged in hot gay sex on Snow once. My first boy-on-boy in ACW! Well, fine, you don't want a vanguard tank guarding, I'll go support mid.


Couldn't help myself....


ACW ? - Were you - by chance - under a big cannon, pounding away.....?


Hope he called "incoming!"


Edited by Storm-Cutter
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They are an appropriate response to anyone claiming to be a woman IRL. There is no reason whatsoever to make such a claim, whether directly or by "pronoun correction because it is, as I posted earlier, entirely irrelevant what a player's RL gender is. We're all just letters in a chat box to each other.


This is not so much directly specifically at Bran but his is a clear statement of the perspective.


I keep seeing people say, "it doesn't mater to me what you are." While that shouldn't be an issue, it kinda is when it turns into not listening when someone is trying to tell you they care. That's part of the problem. The corrections weren't made because you care they were made because the other person cared. It may be irrelevant to you but it's not only about you. You share the game just as the other player does, so a middle ground approach would be better.

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i was on one of my female toons when this guy toon started hitting on me. i had some bourbon that night so i was feeling a little frisky. we stated erp'ing and things were getting really weird. so i let the guy off the hook.


the second i typed it and hit send i hear my wife from the other room scream, "what an effi...what a jerk....honey, come here...you wont believe what this guy just did to me on tython!" im still a bit weirded out by the whole thing.


(no this didnt happen, but the though made me laugh. you should laugh, too, but because it was funny. im also tired...so that didnt hurt either)

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i was on one of my female toons when this guy toon started hitting on me. i had some bourbon that night so i was feeling a little frisky. we stated erp'ing and things were getting really weird. so i let the guy off the hook.


the second i typed it and hit send i hear my wife from the other room scream, "what an effi...what a jerk....honey, come here...you wont believe what this guy just did to me on tython!" im still a bit weirded out by the whole thing.


(no this didnt happen, but the though made me laugh. you should laugh, too, but because it was funny. im also tired...so that didnt hurt either)


My friend had a similar experience, except it was just another person who just happened to be in the same room aside from a wife.

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but no seriously. its been really cool seing i wasent the only one tired of this and its cool to get you who disagree with me's opnions on it,


and yes i know how anoying it must be to be called another gender than you are that was not at all what i said about it to begin with my real issue with this wich started the whole thread is that THE FEMALES IVE MET <-- *********** read that 4 times before moving on) where 20% of the conversations went like this (Morning, oh hi dude, Haha heey, im a girl.) wich i think is completly fine as the one lady said if its ure freinds or guildes or something by all means throw it out there. but other 80 % of female gamers ive met has been more like (Okay guys il flank them you go straight okay. IM A GIRL BTW DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO. Wait what? im just saying go forward, YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME MY BOYFREIND IS. okay but ure a healer please can you like heal us?. OH IM SORRY GUYS I WAS JUST LOOKING AT MY TV DID I SAY I WAS A GIRL BTW?, YES YOU SAID U WERE A *********** GRIL NOW HEAL YOU ****. omg youre like so rude to me right now im out. (name left ops) <-- real life event no jokes, and thats what i cant stand. the whole when you have to put so much preasure on it that it just kinda makes me cringy its fine to say what gender you are no doubt about it but just do it in a chill way so we can be like. right who wants to que?. and the world is a better place.



And to the guys commeting about the squirel section im sorry i dont know any squriels who play video games but il bring it by the forums if i find one.


again been awesome reading you guyses opnions and have a nice day

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