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I wanna be like Kylo Ren.


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I wouldn't take the complaints of folk on the forums to indicate a majority ;)

I liked Kylo Ren as well, even with his limited screen time I felt he portrayed the fall to darkside influence far better than the Anakin story arc over three films.

I hope the struggle with the light side is done though, that conflict was for act 1 of the trilogy, now that he has burnt his bridges and been burnt in return (at least he has an excuse to wear the mask now) there should only be the dark side for him.


I'm not sure the choice to attack the terminals is necessarily the light side. The dark side is just as much about passion and letting your feelings flow unfettered, lashing out at inanimate objects is a valid outlet. Besides if he'd killed the officer straight away you wouldn't have had the reveal about the girl. If at any point the light side was evident it was when he released the officer from the force grip.


Kylo Ren is a tragic figure. He is a person of some ability, enough to find his early years easy without the need to develop a work ethic and humility, living in the shadow of parents of far greater ability. Throw into that mix the guiding hand of an unknown (I'm going to say Snoke is Palpatine, or possibly Gollum) Sith and you get a far better version of what Anakin's story should have been.


I'd also argue that his lightside showed when he didn't confront Finn right away after that initial attack. And that last paragraph of yours I feel is spot on! I do think they will somehow redeem Kylo at some point though. It almost seems unavoidable.

Edited by Holocron
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Explain just using the movie -

Why is there a new republic, but there still needs to be a resistance?

Why Han would dump a valuable cargo ship when he gets the falcon back?

Why doesn't kylo use his awesome force skills to freeze and kill those 2 jokers? less effort by far - the whole 'shot by a bowcaster' didn't stop any other abilities.

How does a 'new order' fund and operate a planet superweapon with less resources than the empire?

Why is there only 1 single weapon available that can stop a lightsaber?

Explain how a stormtrooper has never had to kill someone before? They send a janitor out with an elite unit who hasn't fought before? Also explain why everyone is totally cool with him switching sides with zero suspicion


I don't want to take a laptop and screenplay to watch a movie.

Badly paced, poor story, poor characters and a big disappointment.


1+4: Clearly because the New Republic doesn't want another war. It doesn't span the entirety of the galaxy -- the Republic never has -- we don't even know if it spans the entire territory of the Galactic Empire, and frankly that's unlikely. The First Order seems to have crystallized out of the Imperial Remnant, since just because the Empire got thrown down a pipe doesn't mean every planet / every government controlling that planet will side with the rebles / the New Republic; there were plenty of Imperial loyalists who would refuse.


And while this Remnant obviously doesn't have all of the territories of the old Empire, nothing stops it from spreading further into the Unknown Regions if the Republic doesn't, and the Republic wouldn't necessarily if they were hoping to avoid further fighting and just live side by side with what was left of the Empire. Meanwhile Leia and Co would naturally go "**** that noise" and form the Resistance -- once the First Order shows itself to be a threat the New Republic would fund them secretly so no peace treaties would be broken and there would be no official war with the First Order/the Remnant.


Meanwhile the FO could be using resources from planets they've potentially found in the Unknown Regions and corrupt corperations (ie Czerka which probably doesn't exist any more but has, uh, spiritual heirs if you want to call it that) to start building weapons such as the Starkiller Base, which might, despite it's larger size, have actually taken less resources to built than the Death Star since it's built into a planet meaning one reason for it's large size would be the mass of the planet, while the Death Star was entirely artifical.


2: They were, like, literally being chased by super dangerous, large, man eating monsters and Han only managed to get three of them with a large crew who all died except for him and Chewie. That's right there in the movie. On screen. Doesn't even require critical thinking about anything, they run away from the bloody things right in the movie and one even jumps onto the Falcon while they're trying to high tail it out of that death trap.


3: Because, for about the hundredth time, he was -- quite obviously -- having a mental breakdown? I don't know how much experience you have with that? But from my personal experience, you don't act logically or use your skills in an effificent manner when that happens. You freak the heck out. Which is exactly what he did.


5: There were at least 2. Another lightsaber and the stun baton the awesome Trooper used. Though why you're questioning sabers being overpowered when that has literally always been the case in Star Wars is beyond me.


6: Who said it was an elite squad? While the map was important they were only up against a bunch of obviously defenseless villagers. Don't need an elite squad for that, so there's no reason not to put in some new Troopers for their trial by fire, especially since Phasma later says this was Finn's first infraction so there's a good reason to assume he was seen as promising -- no prior infractions, displays obvious skill in fighting during the battle at Takodana and when taking on Ren -- and would have been about to be promoted had he not decided to defect. And the Resistance -- or, at least, Leia, we don't actually know just what exactly random Resistance schmuck #153 thinks about Finn -- trusts him because he saved her best pilot, finished said pilot's mission and clearly has earned Han's trust.


The movie was fine, it just requires you to pay at least some attention and use your brain on occassion. Which is good, because having it tell you literally anything ever would make for nothing but a boring exposition dump.

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I'd also argue that his lightside showed when he didn't confront Finn right away after that initial attack. And that last paragraph of yours I feel is spot on! I do think they will somehow redeem Kylo at some point though. It almost seems unavoidable.


I'll admit I've only seen TFA once so far, I waiting for the DVD for many more rewatches to really catch the subtleties ;)


I'm not 100% sold on Finn being a force user, I think it more likely he is an agent the force acts through. The force certainly seems to have been gifted with more personality that its previous incarnation, although imbuing the force with a sense of its own identity and direction does make it rather easy to attribute every coincidence/ plot device to the 'living force'.

It is just as likely that the external action of the force quells Kylo Ren's impulse and makes him ask for Finn to be reconditioned rather than executed.

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I'd also argue that his lightside showed when he didn't confront Finn right away after that initial attack. And that last paragraph of yours I feel is spot on! I do think they will somehow redeem Kylo at some point though. It almost seems unavoidable.


I'm reasonably sure they will in some way or another since he's already shown as a conflicted figure and since he's clearly unhappy about the decision he made on the bridge and knows that Snoke is just using him. Sooner or later something will break through his Knight Templar dedication and make him turn on Snoke.


And idk what everyone's issue with having an emotional villain is. Oh woe, a villain who isn't a stoic bore and actually suffers from internal conflict, how terrible. We've already done a villain like Vader, it was fun, we don't need a carbon copy of him. (And personally I'd say Kylo just breaking some stuff while yelling loudly is a more sensible reaction than randomly killing potentially far more expensive to replace personel because he's having a fit, like Vader did <.<)

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I'm reasonably sure they will in some way or another since he's already shown as a conflicted figure and since he's clearly unhappy about the decision he made on the bridge and knows that Snoke is just using him. Sooner or later something will break through his Knight Templar dedication and make him turn on Snoke.


And idk what everyone's issue with having an emotional villain is. Oh woe, a villain who isn't a stoic bore and actually suffers from internal conflict, how terrible. We've already done a villain like Vader, it was fun, we don't need a carbon copy of him. (And personally I'd say Kylo just breaking some stuff while yelling loudly is a more sensible reaction than randomly killing potentially far more expensive to replace personel because he's having a fit, like Vader did <.<)

If Kylo does turn on Snoke I hope it's to set him up as an even bigger villain rather than set him on the path of redemption ;)

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Am I really in the minority? I actually really like Kylo Ren. I feel they have set him up to where he will blossom into a very complex character that will genuinely seem to struggle with light/darkside. He did a good job of representing the internal turmoil broiling under the surface, and let's face it, daddy abandonment issues always do that to people.


So yeah, I would love a Kylo Ren...esq look.


You are DEAD on Holocron! That's exactly the point and character of Kylo Ren!

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I got a genuine chuckle out of this, cheers.


I have this vague feeling that you're mocking me :'D


But seriously. I understand saying that the First Order want set up well enough, that is actually one of my main criticisms with the film, but... why did Han abandon a ship taken over by big people eating monsters? Why are sabers powerful? I thought the weirdest criticism would be Kylo having a fancy saber blade when this very game has fancy saber blades but I was so, so wrong.

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You want to be a badly acted, badly scripted, almost comedic character in a clumsy homage to a much better film?




All Tne Best


lol, if you think the force awakens was poorly acted I don't know what to say.... imo its probably my favourite star wars movie along with empire.

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Am I really in the minority? I actually really like Kylo Ren. I feel they have set him up to where he will blossom into a very complex character that will genuinely seem to struggle with light/darkside. He did a good job of representing the internal turmoil broiling under the surface, and let's face it, daddy abandonment issues always do that to people.


So yeah, I would love a Kylo Ren...esq look.


Thats excactly what I think of him too :) and I would love a kylo look

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Forget the Kylo Ren is awesome garbage.

Forget the Kylo Ren is whiny/emo/poorly acted nonsense.


The only argument that matters is this: The Force Awakens occurs 3630 years +/- AFTER the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic.


For the same reasons that Episode I-III and Episode IV-VI content doesn't belong in SWTOR, Episode VII content doesn't belong in this game either.


You want to be Kylo Ren, I'm sure we'll get a Lego Star Wars adaptation of the movie at some point down the line. I suggest you go play that.


Stop trying to POLLUTE our game, set in the time of Revan, with stuff from the future that makes no sense here and now!


Pollute our game? There are 100s of identical Lana Benikos running around on fleet. People with Karagga helms that look like the tip of a ***** and Rancors running wild on a space station. Let's be real here.

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lol, if you think the force awakens was poorly acted I don't know what to say.... imo its probably my favourite star wars movie along with empire.


I didn't say TFA was badly acted.


I said Kylo Ren was badly acted.


Spot the difference?


All The Best

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You are DEAD on Holocron! That's exactly the point and character of Kylo Ren!


The opening scene actually was very impressive. It shows he is powerful enough to stop a blaster bolt and evil enough to order a massacre of an entire village. Then the rest of the movie ruin it by adding stuff that doesn't make sense.


You can't tell me he was being good by attacking the walls instead of the Imperial officer in anger when just 20 mins ago, he killed the old fellow in cold blood.

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It's a perception issue I guess. I actually liked the character - before he took his mask off. Then it all went downhill.


It's this *********** face, and the way he acts. It totally screws everything they tried to show in this character, turning it into teens temper tantrum instead (

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...or at least look like him.

A lot of people have seen The Force Awakens and one of the most talked about characters, is Kylo Ren. He seems to be a villain that appeals to a huge amount of fans.

It's only appropriate that we get a costume like Kylo Ren in this game.

Just disregard the canon issues and make it available for the community. ;)


Remember; a happy community = a prosperous game.

i actually have my character inspired as much as i can by him.... i am really suprised that they haven't released kylo Ren's Lightsaber in the cartel market , for a marketing thing or w/e ... and also that kylo ren's armor and weapon are actually VERY old items... supposivly so it would fit.. if disney was to right and make the old republic canon... why can't they have cross hilt sabers... but yea.. even his armor i would love.... man... but i see the hilt or a cross hilt being added before the kylo ren armor.... LETS SCREAM for it... and get it in... cause we know disney has to ok everything in the game now.... so lets hope they add this stuff or some of it FTW,,,, Plus 10 to poster

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Kylo Ren was a menacing character up to the point when he first removed the mask. At that point he became more and more like a spoiled brat.


He was in command and made several mistakes throughout the movie and what did he do afterwards? Rage like a little child with a light saber. How can I take him seriously after that?


In addition there was no reason for him to wear a mask. It made him just more ridiculous is a character. And it wasn't the fault of the actor. I thought he did well with what he had. In my opinion the character is just poorly written. He might improve in the next movie, but right now I think he's a terrible successor to Darth Vader as a bad guy.


New bad guys should appear more powerful and more menacing than the previous one. Darth Vader was dangerous and a skilled commander that didn't tolerate failure. Kylo Ren himself is already a failure as a commander and I haven't even looked at his Jedi/Sith abilities yet.


Think about yourself. If you had to follow his commands as a trooper/officer you'd likely have the choice between dying on the mission (due to bad planning/commanding) or dying by his hand because of failure.

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Kylo Ren was a menacing character up to the point when he first removed the mask. At that point he became more and more like a spoiled brat.


He was in command and made several mistakes throughout the movie and what did he do afterwards? Rage like a little child with a light saber. How can I take him seriously after that?


In addition there was no reason for him to wear a mask. It made him just more ridiculous is a character. And it wasn't the fault of the actor. I thought he did well with what he had. In my opinion the character is just poorly written. He might improve in the next movie, but right now I think he's a terrible successor to Darth Vader as a bad guy.


New bad guys should appear more powerful and more menacing than the previous one. Darth Vader was dangerous and a skilled commander that didn't tolerate failure. Kylo Ren himself is already a failure as a commander and I haven't even looked at his Jedi/Sith abilities yet.


Think about yourself. If you had to follow his commands as a trooper/officer you'd likely have the choice between dying on the mission (due to bad planning/commanding) or dying by his hand because of failure.


That's a bit contradictory. Is he menacing or ridiculous?


On a side note: Revan didn't need to wear a mask, either. But it made him more intimidating to do so.

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Am I really in the minority? I actually really like Kylo Ren. I feel they have set him up to where he will blossom into a very complex character that will genuinely seem to struggle with light/darkside. He did a good job of representing the internal turmoil broiling under the surface, and let's face it, daddy abandonment issues always do that to people.


So yeah, I would love a Kylo Ren...esq look.

I agree with you Holo. Love Kylo...I think he was a great followup character to Vader. Beats any villain from 1-3.

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I agree with you Holo. Love Kylo...I think he was a great followup character to Vader. Beats any villain from 1-3.

I really like the idea of having a villain go through a development cycle as well, not just start off as all powerful and yet still allow the pesky heroes to get the better of them (people seem to criticise Kylo for all the mistake a young, impetuous character makes, but over look the same mistakes Vader makes).


However, I still feel Ray Park's Darth Maul and the woefully underutilised Christopher Lee as Count Dooku could give Kylo Ren a run for his money at this point. What Star Wars is really missing in the main films is a female villain along the lines of Asajj Ventress.


Really hoping that Rey decides to make her own sabre similar to Darth Mauls, her opening fight sequences would suggest she fights well with a staff anyway.

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Really hoping that Rey decides to make her own sabre similar to Darth Mauls, her opening fight sequences would suggest she fights well with a staff anyway.


Yeah, for all they've emphasized her staff, and the overall lack of use in the movie, I get the distinct impression that they're foreshadowing her getting a saberstaff during her training.

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I really like the idea of having a villain go through a development cycle as well, not just start off as all powerful and yet still allow the pesky heroes to get the better of them (people seem to criticise Kylo for all the mistake a young, impetuous character makes, but over look the same mistakes Vader makes).


However, I still feel Ray Park's Darth Maul and the woefully underutilised Christopher Lee as Count Dooku could give Kylo Ren a run for his money at this point. What Star Wars is really missing in the main films is a female villain along the lines of Asajj Ventress.


Really hoping that Rey decides to make her own sabre similar to Darth Mauls, her opening fight sequences would suggest she fights well with a staff anyway.

Daaamn...good reply! I agree on Rey...very cool idea!!!


Maul would have never been much, he was too stupid...great character, but he had the brains of a Gungan. Christopher Lee made Dooku seem great...with a voice like his, how can anything he play not seem powerful? But his character was never developed much...just kinda thrown in to be another bad guy to kill. 1-3 were very disappointing with how quickly bad guys rose and fell.

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...or at least look like him.

A lot of people have seen The Force Awakens and one of the most talked about characters, is Kylo Ren. He seems to be a villain that appeals to a huge amount of fans.

It's only appropriate that we get a costume like Kylo Ren in this game.

Just disregard the canon issues and make it available for the community. ;)


Remember; a happy community = a prosperous game.


I wasnt planning to log on to the site but I just can't not answer this.


So you wanna act and look like a wanna be sith with no training whatsoever?


That is easy to do. First thing create an inquisitor. Any en class would do, however sorc would fit the part better.

Second do not use force attacks. Just swing your lightsaber. You can throw a force attack here and there but not to often. as you cannot show you have mastery over force or that you even know how to use it.


Also in every single conversation just act like a little B.tch.


And that's it. you got kylo ren.

Edited by Hyoga_
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