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Anybody gonna try out Black Desert, blade and soul, or another MMO?


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Nothing against SWTOR, I have loved it a long time and I keep coming back to it, but I've been ready for something NEW for a long time, and I know I'm not getting another Star Wars MMO, so I've been keeping my eyes open. I've been hearing about black desert online and blade and soul coming out Q1 of 2016. Do you guys think any of these MMO's will be any good? Edited by SaerethDL
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Nothing against SWTOR, I have loved it a long time and I keep coming back to it, but I've been ready for something NEW for a long time, and I know I'm not getting another Star Wars MMO, so I've been keeping my eyes open. I've been hearing about black desert online and blade and soul coming out Q1 of 2016. Do you guys think any of these MMO's will be any good?


I heard Black Desert was pretty okay, but the Asian developer's view kind has me skeptical, but when is the exact launch date?


P.S. This video makes me think it will tank here

Edited by Holocron
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I heard Black Desert was pretty okay, but the Asian developer's view kind has me skeptical, but when is the exact launch date?


P.S. This video makes me think it will tank here


Black Desert had a successful NA Closed BETA 1 the last couple of weeks, and I've been hearing praises from people that enjoyed the heck out of it of their forums. I think CBT2 is going to be in mid january and launch likely in early feb. The game is buy 2 play, and you pay no subscription ever, you can get it for as little as 29.99, and the 49.99 comes with closed beta access and a bunch of cool items and perks.

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Only MMO that is remotely on my radar is EQNext, but even that I am not following the development for. I am actually prepared to be pretty disappointed by it; I'm a horrible cynic and I am thinking half the world is going to be cobbled together from community made stuff from Landmark. Edited by Alchemouflage
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I will try Black Desert. I read the pvp in Black Desert is good and female models are good proportions. As for BnS, I have a BnS account on the Japanese servers that I played many months ago. I have no interest in playing a North American version of Blade and Soul. What I don't like in BnS are the female models, except the Lyns. The female models in BnS are too exaggerated and I can't stomach how they look. I prefer the female models in Black Desert or Tera. Lastly, I hated the questing in BnS. It felt a lot like swtor questing, but I didn't care about the story so skipped it all. BnS doesn't have the magical feeling and familiarity I found in swtor. That is why I won't bother with BnS.


I only plan to play BD if the pvp is better than in swtor. However, I read that BD has very little if no PvE. I also been thinking of returning to Tera, but from reading the forums it seems the pvp died in that game. New content in Tera consist of releasing one or two dungeons with reusing old boss and mob models. Lastly, it appears Tera will no longer release any raids or operation size content, which makes the content in my eyes meaningless. I never considered 5 man dungeons to real content, especially in game where the story don't matter. At least in swtor, the dungeons or flash points have story to them and wicked voice over acting. In short, it's unlikely I will play BnS or return to Tera. I'm looking forward to Black Desert, fighting other players in Bikinis XD.

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Only MMO that is remotely on my radar is EQNext, but even that I am not following the development for. I am actually prepared to be pretty disappointed by it; I'm a horrible cynic and I am thinking half the world is going to be cobbled together from community made stuff from Landmark.


I can save you time and money, EQNext is a bust. It's joke of a game (if you can even call it that, cause even the developers aren't sure yet). It is basically Minecraft 2.0, and its fun to build stuff, but after you get your lego building empire finished there is just not much left to do. It could have a been a cool game if they really would have made EQ 3.0 and married to Minecraft player made things, but they decided to not make it a successor to EQ and are leaving it as a builders sandbox.



DISREGARD the upper paragraph (I derped) - I thought you were talking about Landmark, which was named EQNext Landmark, but they dropped the EQNext part and separated the two things out. EQNext might be okay, and there is a vetting process in place before player made structures will crossover from Landmark to Next. Also, there the possibility to actually make real world money from making things in Landmark, which neat I guess. Landmark is a bust over all though. I kind of get the impression they are using Landmark as a sort of alpha playground for things meant for EQNext.

Edited by Holocron
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Black Desert had a successful NA Closed BETA 1 the last couple of weeks, and I've been hearing praises from people that enjoyed the heck out of it of their forums. I think CBT2 is going to be in mid january and launch likely in early feb. The game is buy 2 play, and you pay no subscription ever, you can get it for as little as 29.99, and the 49.99 comes with closed beta access and a bunch of cool items and perks.


I hate this about games recently - pay an extra $20.00 to get beta access? What, I have to pay you to test the game for you now? It's right up there with shipping games that aren't ready, so there's a "day-one update" just to make it playable. Or the recent game pre-order for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, where the disc only had the Steam client on it, and you still had to download it. Grrrrr


Anyway, back to topic, I think I'm going to wait for Fable Legends. Liked the Fable games, will be nice to see it as an MMO

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Nope. I play SWTOR for the story, that's my main focus. B&S and BD's focus is pvp. So unless I want to pvp all day at end game I will not have anything to do. And I hate pvp. There is way too much obsession with pvp in online games, like we don't have fps games and mobas already... Edited by FumikoM
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Nope. I play SWTOR for the story, that's my main focus. B&S and BD's focus is pvp. So unless I want to pvp all day at end game I will not have anything to do. And I hate pvp. There is way too much obsession with pvp in online games, like we don't have fps games and mobas already...


One could equally suggest that we have enough single player RPGs for story players, without ruining MMOs to pander to them.


As for BDO, I do like the look of it. My only issue being that I am not sure I could really be arsed doing all the boring kill XX mob 30 times for quests while levelling, I have done that till I am blue in the face since UO. Now, if you can take part in PVP as a levelling process therefore avoiding all that crap, then I will most likely try it.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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One could equally suggest that we have enough single player RPGs for story players, without ruining MMOs to pander to them.


If we had a lot of single players RPG's, which we don't. Unless you think going back and playing old ones (again and again) is the only course left. The only new SW game is also another online game.

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One could equally suggest that we have enough single player RPGs for story players, without ruining MMOs to pander to them.


As for BDO, I do like the look of it. My only issue being that I am not sure I could really be arsed doing all the boring kill XX mob 30 times for quests while levelling. Now, if you can take part in PVP as a levelling process therefore avoiding all that crap, then I will most likely try it.


That's the one thing I don't get about PvP focused MMO's. Why make it an RPG with open world leveling at all. Why is it not just a base hub with the equipment vendors and whatever else PvPers need. Guild Wars 2 did it fantastically in that regard, with it's Auto max level and preparation area for PvP.

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That's the one thing I don't get about PvP focused MMO's. Why make it an RPG with open world leveling at all. Why is it not just a base hub with the equipment vendors and whatever else PvPers need. Guild Wars 2 did it fantastically in that regard, with it's Auto max level and preparation area for PvP.


Agreed, the RvR in GW2 was great fun for a time, in the end the simplistic zerg play style ruined it.

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That's the one thing I don't get about PvP focused MMO's. Why make it an RPG with open world leveling at all. Why is it not just a base hub with the equipment vendors and whatever else PvPers need. Guild Wars 2 did it fantastically in that regard, with it's Auto max level and preparation area for PvP.


It's to try and fool us casuals so we buy the game or spend money on it in some way, play a month or two and realize that it's just another game that only cares about pvp:ers, and/or raiders. Then the raiders and pvp:ers complain that people are leaving and the servers are empty...


They should remove all pve content that is not raids and let people level up by pvp and raids only. At least this way both groups won't have to deal with casuals like myself and we won't have to deal with these groups.

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Nothing against SWTOR, I have loved it a long time and I keep coming back to it, but I've been ready for something NEW for a long time, and I know I'm not getting another Star Wars MMO, so I've been keeping my eyes open. I've been hearing about black desert online and blade and soul coming out Q1 of 2016. Do you guys think any of these MMO's will be any good?


Im waiting for Camelot Unchained, if you are into good pvp these guys are the best, from the original creaters of dark age of Camelot....all others are fillers for me atm, its in alpha stage, should be out sometime in 2016. check it out at camelotunchained.com

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It's to try and fool us casuals so we buy the game or spend money on it in some way, play a month or two and realize that it's just another game that only cares about pvp:ers, and/or raiders. Then the raiders and pvp:ers complain that people are leaving and the servers are empty...


They should remove all pve content that is not raids and let people level up by pvp and raids only. At least this way both groups won't have to deal with casuals like myself and we won't have to deal with these groups.


I guess that depends on the type of raider. Personally love the idea of having to group to kill someone who's the source of all the open world conflict I was resolving while leveling. Make them evil and sinister enough that it will pretty much always be satisfying to smack them back down.


I guess casual PvP to me feels the same way to me. It needs to be objective and context based for me.Old-school WoW, Horde Vs Alliance fighting over resources was a great motivator. I detest Arena. Fighting to prove who the better fighter is just shallow (to me. I know some people love it, not going to suggest they are wrong)

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I am waiting for Blade & Soul, its F2P and i already played the russion version:)


Its a Korean mmo so u have to like it but the combat is simply very good and if u like pvp duels its the best:D


The launch is announced for January 19 for US and EU:)

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I am waiting for Blade & Soul, its F2P and i already played the russion version:)


Its a Korean mmo so u have to like it but the combat is simply very good and if u like pvp duels its the best:D


The launch is announced for January 19 for US and EU:)


Really? Outstanding! Been waiting a long time for this...since COH/COV closed down.

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It's a long way off, but the Richard Garriott spiritual successor to Ultima Online (Shroud of the Avatar) is the only one I've really got my eyes on. Back to skills being improved via use, rather than the "kill loads of bunnies and then increase your fishing skill" style which you get with XP.

I backed it when it was Kickstarter and so far the alpha's are playing well.

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Don't know what you ppl do,but I moved to RIFT and subscribed there.I know it won't be that much of/as SWTOR,but better than this KOTFE bad expansion of EA/BW.Sick of too much hate and dispair and most of..... ignorance.I don't see progression tasks in "doing better".Whatever... see you all when the game will be better in old terms of what was.:eek:



P.S.:IF there will be a "better".:mad:


Mohishal "the imperial guy" out!!!:cool:

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