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Feedback to Bioware from Founder with 10 days left on sub.


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" I just want to point out that when you start losing people who contribute significantly to the community as a whole"


You think so, I don't. You provide nothing more than any other players. EGO MUCH!

Personally I think raider's damage the community far more than help. So we will have to just agree to disagree on this point.

Remember that when you try Googling a build and only come up with gold selling sites.

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" I just want to point out that when you start losing people who contribute significantly to the community as a whole"


You think so, I don't. You provide nothing more than any other players. EGO MUCH!

Personally I think raider's damage the community far more than help. So we will have to just agree to disagree on this point.


Some raiders can damage the community, sure...so can some RPers, and some PvPers, or even a Crafter can...GSF players can too...in fact, ANY player can...but to state that raiders damage the community is utterly ridiculous.


They may not provide much to players like yourself, but to deny that they provide something beneficial to the game is sheer ignorance.


For some, leading is about ego...but they tend to be terrible leaders. The best ones tend to do it out of a desire to help others.

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Interesting post. My comments in return (probably a lot of them have already been made here or in one of the many other KotFE disenchantment threads)...


1) BUGS. Well, who could disagree? I'll just note that none are game-breaking. At least for me. Disappointing nonetheless.


2) Insta-60. Totally disagree. But I don't think an insta-60 should have been offered to begin with. I think I know why they made it available: (a) since they hyped/marketed KotFE story, best to let someone access immediately. And probably more germane: (b) get new subs hooked on the story to keep them paying monthly for the subsequent chapters (otherwise, they might have left the game when original sub ran out before even getting to KotFE).


But my personal bias is that one should play the game, not be given a fully realized character that has already done it. So if I was a dev forced to offer an insta-60, it wouldn't even have had the crew skills.


3) SF legacy-wide. 100% agreement! Nothing more to say.


4) Companions. 100% agreement and good suggestions. You are so right in how we develop a connectuion. After all the hype about Nico, I am so disappointed that he does virtually nothing. You're on a roll :)


5) CM. I never have been into RNG nonsense. You wouldn't believe how many CC I have just waiting for a use.


6) Never been into end-game. Here for the stories. But good point about the free contributors. Thank heaven for Dulfy et al.


7) Good thinking on the SH's. Though I'm happy enough as is (just add leveling gear vendor!)


Funny thing is, I'm about as story-driven as anyone. BW thought they might be addressing me with this new approach. But honestly, a couple of hours(?) of new content a month, and an unnecessary & painful affection grind aren't close to enticing me to stay subbed.


BTW, I've seen some indication that Prefs can now post. Guess we'll both soon see.

Edited by DocDAM
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Some raiders can damage the community, sure...so can some RPers, and some PvPers, or even a Crafter can...GSF players can too...in fact, ANY player can...but to state that raiders damage the community is utterly ridiculous.


They may not provide much to players like yourself, but to deny that they provide something beneficial to the game is sheer ignorance.


For some, leading is about ego...but they tend to be terrible leaders. The best ones tend to do it out of a desire to help others.


This I agree with. Some people can be idiots and jerks and that doesn't matter what the person does. I have met some wonderful raiders that taught me a lot since launch but then I met some that are jerks.


Some RP'rs can be idiots as well due to the fact they can't ever allow themselves to be hurt etc and I thought all pvp were jerks until recently. I just started some pvp with my boyfriend and learning a lot, yea there are still some idiots that can be a jerk but the ones I met so far been very nice and helpful.


The best leaders are the ones that care and do it because they want to help. I have a wonderful guild leader who does so much for our guild but if you would ask her if she is a good leader she would shake her head no.


You can't state one particular group is worse than the other and that is something we will continue to see if we are wiling to take a chance.

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Interesting post. My comments in return (probably a lot of them have already been made here or in one of the many other KotFE disenchantment threads)...


1) BUGS. Well, who could disagree? I'll just note that none are game-breaking. At least for me. Disappointing nonetheless.


2) Insta-60. Totally disagree. But I don't think an insta-60 should have been offered to begin with. I think I know why they made it available: (a) since they hyped/marketed KotFE story, best to let someone access immediately. And probably more germane: (b) get new subs hooked on the story to keep them paying monthly for the subsequent chapters (otherwise, they might have left the game when original sub ran out before even getting to KotFE).


But my personal bias is that one should play the game, not be given a fully realized character that has already done it. So if I was a dev forced to offer an insta-60, it wouldn't even have had the crew skills.


3) SF legacy-wide. 100% agreement! Nothing more to say.


4) Companions. 100% agreement and good suggestions. You are so right in how we develop a connectuion. After all the hype about Nico, I am so disappointed that he does virtually nothing. You're on a roll :)


5) CM. I never have been into RNG nonsense. You wouldn't believe how many CC I have just waiting for a use.


6) Never been into end-game. Here for the stories. But good point about the free contributors. Thank heaven for Dulfy et al.


7) Good thinking on the SH's. Though I'm happy enough as is (just add leveling gear vendor!)


Funny thing is, I'm about as story-driven as anyone. BW thought they might be addressing me with this new approach. But honestly, a couple of hours(?) of new content a month, and an unnecessary & painful affection grind aren't close to enticing me to stay subbed.


BTW, I've seen some indication that Prefs can now post. Guess we'll both soon see.


With story, it's hard to make a bug that breaks it. With raids it's super easy and they've been doing it since day 1. With almost every aspect of the game EXCEPT story there are bugs or issues that they would consider "not working as intended"... yet they don't fix them. Actually, I take that back... if you consider companions and romances part of the "story" of SWTOR... those are bugged and not working, too. Right now the main bug annoying me is the ever-changing lack of named search of particular items on the GTN. Sometimes I can't search for something, but after a reboot I can - though 2 other items have to be searched by category and have the listings alphabetized to find them. There are just by and large too many bugs in too many areas of the game that are getting no attention or fixes. 2 of the hyped events in December didn't even run (but also weren't disabled) because of bugs, causing lots of confusion. It's just a mess.


I can agree that they should not offer an instant-level 60, but if you're gonna do that and charge me 1200 cartel coins to unlock one... then please make it worth the money. It is 1000% better experience to play a character from level 1 however, see the great and UNIQUE stories of each class and earn unique titles, class buffs, and other goodies that come from the effort (now somewhat minimal) of working from 1 - 60.


Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply! I love the story too, but I just happen to participate in almost every part of SWTOR and enjoy it all (except starfighter, but that's just not for me). I have done a lot of grind over the past 4 years and I'm not adverse to it if I feel it is worthwhile. I just don't find standing in one spot on the fleet mindlessly feeding trinkets to companions I'm not really that interested in something compelling to grind while I wait for more stuff to enjoy as all new to me. I realize, however, that I'm only speaking for myself and wouldn't elect myself as spokesperson for all of SWTOR because there is something we all like about the game that is perhaps unique to us. I just hope that some of the things they have always done in the past start becoming more a part of the future as well... for the good of everybody.



Edited by PennyAnn
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You make many great points/criticisms, and follow up with good suggestions that could vastly improve the game. Sorry to see you leave. Especially before the KotFE content has been fully released.


I think it is very plausible that new FPs and/or OPs will be released towards the middle/end of the story... after all, FPs are part of middle game and end game content, and OPs are traditionally end game content. As such, I am still hopeful that we'll see some new FPs and OPs during first/second quarter of 2016. The KotFE story has only just begun.

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Been reading this with much interest. That said


Interesting post. My comments in return (probably a lot of them have already been made here or in one of the many other KotFE disenchantment threads)...


1) BUGS. Well, who could disagree? I'll just note that none are game-breaking. At least for me. Disappointing nonetheless.


Pretty much. It actually has pained me to watch people make excuses not just for the number but the time it takes to fix such bugs. They will point to games that had more bugs and say "see!!!!" but then ignore the bugs were fixed in rapid time AND that the games themselves had introduced a lot more new content, which would naturally lead to more bugs. apples to oranges comparisons annoy me.


2) Insta-60. Totally disagree. But I don't think an insta-60 should have been offered to begin with. I think I know why they made it available: (a) since they hyped/marketed KotFE story, best to let someone access immediately. And probably more germane: (b) get new subs hooked on the story to keep them paying monthly for the subsequent chapters (otherwise, they might have left the game when original sub ran out before even getting to KotFE)


Agree again. A few things. First, if you are going to claim to be a story based game and have part of the drama of the KotFE story be that

you were in carbonite for 5 years

you need to actually go through the stuff that led you to that first chapter in KotFE. It makes sense to streamline the previous Class stories, even SoR stories. Let the new players binge watch so to speak, but it seems contradictory to say "we are all about the story" then turn around and undermine your story. If you have confidence in the "fun factor" of your earlier stories then this should pose no danger.


I would say that they did this, not so much for your reasoning though. I think they are under A LOT of pressure to show revenue boosts for the quarter the new movie releases in. I think it also clear their budget is fairly restricted at this point and they are engaged in very short term thinking. basically it's "okay we need to have good numbers from October through January... we'll worry about Feb thru May later.


3) SF legacy-wide. 100% agreement! Nothing more to say.


Yeah... if there was something unique about them class wise it wouldn't make sense...instead its kinda like the old "time to make the donuts" day after day commercial.


4) Companions. 100% agreement and good suggestions. You are so right in how we develop a connectuion. After all the hype about Nico, I am so disappointed that he does virtually nothing. You're on a roll :)


Pretty much. However I think the problem is this, besides the bugs of course. They appear to not only have gone the route of making them generic power wise (a problem for me in terms of immersion) but also in general. The problem is when you go to make things more meaningful you often end up also making them unique. I see this as a good thing BUT I think they wanted to avoid the "why is companion X cool on this and that and Y is so boring?!?! I like Y!!!!!" So make it all basic and vanilla, no such problems.


5) CM. I never have been into RNG nonsense. You wouldn't believe how many CC I have just waiting for a use.


It's how they need to make money sadly


6) Never been into end-game. Here for the stories. But good point about the free contributors. Thank heaven for Dulfy et al.


It's not just that though. I know people who have never stepped foot into an OP and rarely even run FPs BUT are bored to death. Very often those who really love the story here tend to see "elder game" and shoot at the easy targets, raiders and those "slfish elitists", maybe because they thing "end game" and "elder game" are the same? Maybe they are afraid that they will get less story? They are just programmed thanks to WoW to assume that anyone who says "elder game" must be one? There is a difference though. Elder game refers to level, so elder game is level 65 content in general here... End game is the OPS.


While yes, Ops runners are a minority, so are people JUST here for the story. Focusing only on story and having no repeatable content whether it be solo, FPs, or OPs is bad because combine those three? Now you have a majority of players annoyed/bored.


7) Good thinking on the SH's. Though I'm happy enough as is (just add leveling gear vendor!)


Agreed. I loved EQ2 housing. There you had no tiles, you could put items where you wanted, adjust the sizes of items and X, Y and Z axis so that a claw foot bathtub could become a sunken hot tub (as an example). This however I think is a limitation with their engine, likely can't be fixed.


Funny thing is, I'm about as story-driven as anyone. BW thought they might be addressing me with this new approach. But honestly, a couple of hours(?) of new content a month, and an unnecessary & painful affection grind aren't close to enticing me to stay subbed.


BTW, I've seen some indication that Prefs can now post. Guess we'll both soon see.


Yeah I think they screwed up there... even the story oriented person may want something to do that feels "new" and that is why you need non-recycled solo content. Also agree on the last. I have seen some people post identifying themselves as preferred players. If this is true I have a suspicion, albeit cynical, as to why. I know a lot of people who have unsubbed and used to post on the forums more than a little. Even now I see less posting on the forums, on average, than I did pre-KotFE. I wonder if they did this in order to try and stop the trend of fewer posts from accelerating? When forums start feeling more "quiet" it often leads to talk of "doom" which leads to more players unsubbing.

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I believe people can post until the Tuesday after their game time ends, Apparently the website doesn't get updated until maintenance time.

My point is I'm not sure why the OP is bothering. My hunch is there is no impending canceling. People who cancel just cancel. People who want attention post on the forums claiming they are canceling.

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My point is I'm not sure why the OP is bothering. My hunch is there is no impending canceling. People who cancel just cancel. People who want attention post on the forums claiming they are canceling.


Nope...I canceled... BUT I do 3-6 subs on my games. They have my money so I am going to let my views be known, or support those who share them, until I can no longer post. But nice attempt at trying to minimize the degree of discontent.

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Honestly, I was just trying to find it!


I am sure you were. It's just that some people forget something. People can really like a game, want to cancel BUT also still feel that either A) they have the right to express their displeasure and/or B) continue to do so until their posting privileges are revoked.


I actually find the hypocrisy of some people laughable. When they nerfed companions many of these people said they were or had canceled their subscriptions in displeasure but now when people express displeasure at things they like or are not bothered by, those people aren't canceling, they are just people in need of attention.

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I have been subscribed to this game without a single month missed since launch. That's about to change. This is not a goodbye post, but rather a shot at giving a heads up to the developers why people just like me are cancelling their subscriptions....


------------------------------------And I'm out!---------------------------------------------


Oooh a founder! Hey look everybody, this guy is a founder! See, nobody cares. But I didn't write this reply to poke fun at you for thinking you are special because you are a founder, I wrote this post to say I think it's funny you think you are special because you are a founder. Don't see the difference? Yeah, I couldn't tell the difference between your "not a goodbye post" and a "goodbye post" either.

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Oooh a founder! Hey look everybody, this guy is a founder! See, nobody cares. But I didn't write this reply to poke fun at you for thinking you are special because you are a founder, I wrote this post to say I think it's funny you think you are special because you are a founder. Don't see the difference? Yeah, I couldn't tell the difference between your "not a goodbye post" and a "goodbye post" either.


It is readily apparent that you did not read the OP's entire post. You did; however, lock in on the fact he's a founder. Therefore, like all the other trolls who attack people like this, you posted a vitriolic reply. Needless to say, you completely undermined your 'argument' against a 'founder' simply because you failed to read, digest, and comprehend the context of his message. Good for you. I hope you stroked your ePEEN well with your bombastic rhetoric and feel good about your lousy character.

Edited by Ghost_Spectre
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Oooh a founder! Hey look everybody, this guy is a founder! See, nobody cares. But I didn't write this reply to poke fun at you for thinking you are special because you are a founder, I wrote this post to say I think it's funny you think you are special because you are a founder. Don't see the difference? Yeah, I couldn't tell the difference between your "not a goodbye post" and a "goodbye post" either.

nobody care??

you did not see thread received 5 stars??

obviously you are not a smart person because if you read even the first page of this thread you will see most of the people who replied are agreeing with op let alone rest of the replies. i red all of them and i tell you at least 70% of people who replied agree with op. some completely and some not so much but all of them do care that is why they replied.

founders are the most loyal people very important for any mmo, but since you think op used founder title to grab attention, let me tell you this, op did the right thing, let EA/BW know that they are even losing their most loyal customers.

Edited by bahramnima
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You make many great points/criticisms, and follow up with good suggestions that could vastly improve the game. Sorry to see you leave. Especially before the KotFE content has been fully released.


I think it is very plausible that new FPs and/or OPs will be released towards the middle/end of the story... after all, FPs are part of middle game and end game content, and OPs are traditionally end game content. As such, I am still hopeful that we'll see some new FPs and OPs during first/second quarter of 2016. The KotFE story has only just begun.


Thanks for your thoughtful reply! I realize that KotFE has not finished, and I will be back when all the chapters are available to be played through at once, just as the first 9 chapters were in October. I feel like the 6 remaining chapters are worth $15 total, but not $15 apiece. That said, if something else is added to the game to do in the meantime, I might return. But I do not expect another operation before next year at this time. FP perhaps, but nothing bigger than that... which is great (some new content is better than none) but not sure it will be enough for me personally.


I don't intend to talk people into quitting this game, in fact quite the contrary... I'm hoping that they will take some of my suggestions and that in turn will encourage more people to stay/come back/resubscribe to the game long term. Time will tell.


Thanks again, and Happy New Year!

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Subscription ends tomorrow, and probably my posting access is soon to follow. I don't really care if people believe me or not, or think that I'm clamoring for attention as I leave the game... trolls will be trolls and their input here is meaningless. What is NOT meaningless however are the many, many thoughtful replies from truly good people and players of the game in all forms and stages.


I appreciate all of you in that category and thank you for the engaging discussion. It is one of the things I will miss about the game, but hope that many will continue to find enjoyment here. Because of that, I will continue to post replies here if/when I can in order to keep what I think is an important discussion going. Bioware says they listen to their players and want to provide a game to the player base that speaks to what the players have asked for... it is in that effort that I post here and hope others will add their helpful thoughts and ideas to the pile.


Happy New Year all! May the force be with you in 2016 and always!

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You have 1 day of subscription play time remaining.


I'm not sure why you are confused? Unless you're just trolling... but surely you can do better than that? After tomorrow I won't even be able to respond to your nonsense. Maybe you should wait until then? Or is that not as satisfying?


Just ignore him he's notorious for only posting troll posts :D


Wish you good luck & have fun for whatever you're gonna do next. Are you gonna try one of those 'new' hyped MMORPGs such as Black Desert Online, Blade and Soul, Skyforge? :rak_02:





Happy New Year all! May the force be with you in 2016 and always!


Happy New Year to you too :)

Edited by Eltohan
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Penny, you just reminded me of when I finally left EQ2. Since it was fantasy I ended such a post with the line from Tolkein...


The Road goes ever on and on

Down from the door where it began.

Now far ahead the Road has gone,

And I must follow, if I can,

Pursuing it with eager feet,

Until it joins some larger way

Where many paths and errands meet.

And whither then? I cannot say.


The thing that makes this situation more sad than that for me was this. EQ2 was pretty transparent. They made an expac with content not much different than before, I just happened to find a game I liked a lot more (RIFT.) I can't say the above here because the above implies I may renew my subscription at some point.


Here even if there wasn't a new game my sub would be canceled because of the issues we have here and perhaps more importantly no explanation for most of it. Saying "no new PvE" simply isn't acceptable to me. Why? Is it coming some point, even if its 8 months from now or is level sync the way of the future? I never expect a private company, in a competitive environment, to be completely transparent BUT I do expect them to give me enough information to be an informed consumer, which is something BW is not doing. I have never seen this before and I am flabbergasted if I am honest.

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