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Force Awakens is an incredible financial success!


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I always thought a SW MMO that happened after RotJ would be better. Play 3000 years BEFORE the movies or play some years AFTER so can be in the same time as Luke, Han, Leia...etc? The later always sounded better to me.



I wouldn't mind a mmo similar to this, set during the New Sith Wars though.

Edited by Kaedusz
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I wouldn't mind a mmo similar to this, set during the New Sith Wars though.


Still go back to people wanting to see in the game they saw in the movies. X-Wings, Tie Fighters, Imperial Shuttle, Cloud City.


I'm not sure it would be totally restrictive though. Could have it around movie time then have it divert from the timeline there.

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And it was not? I mean they got their money back in less then half a year all the rest profit. They get hundreds of million per year with 30% at most going to employee salary, server costs and advertising that lets be honest they do not do. The problem is EA puts all its money in the same place so that means that the revenue they get goes to games are not successful. On short instead on using the profit gained to improve the game to gain even more profit they spend a huge chunk of it for other games many that are failures.


As much as people want to claim otherwise, this is the truth. If EA had followed a similar path of REINVESTMENT with SWTOR as was done with other MMO's in the past like WoW, there would have been so much more in game starting around the time of RotHC. Instead of Makeb and an Ops, we would have had 1 chapter of class story each plus lots of FP's, couple of WZ's, etc. Remember, WoW didn't launch with 10 million players, they largely got there on the strength of the expanding world in expansions 2 and 3. To me it's really hard to understand how 2 million launch players weren't enough to justify continuing to invest in the product.


Yes, I understand the launch problems for hardcore MMO players. They could have been fixed fully by expansion 1.

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Christmas eve update:

TFA passed Harry Potter's finale and SW Ep6 RotS for 22nd place all time. This in only 1 week. This is really unheard of territory at this point. Disney's wildest dreams are coming true. Who knows what sort of additional SW material we might get now that wouldn't have come otherwise. Live action TV show? The sky is the limit.



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I guess i rethink what i thought about Disney before.


It seems like they will DO ANYTHING to get most money from Star Wars movies and promoting it ANY means necessary. After seing that clip with Tarantino exlpains how Disney pushed one theather into ultimatum choice it is disgrace.


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I guess i rethink what i thought about Disney before.


It seems like they will DO ANYTHING to get most money from Star Wars movies and promoting it ANY means necessary. After seing that clip with Tarantino exlpains how Disney pushed one theather into ultimatum choice it is disgrace.



I'm missing the part where Disney forced them not to show Tarantino's movie. If The Hateful Eight was a bigger movie they would've made a different decision, it's business. He's taking it personally because he just likes that theatre and they have the equipment needed to show his movie, that's not Disney's problem.


Disney has been doing stuff like that for a long time, you find this shocking? What good is having a lot of pull if you don't use it for anything?

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they put SW brand logo on just about anything...



I saw, on Twitter, SW brand oranges.........frickan Valencia oranges in a bag with a SW tag on em....


Folks will buy just about anything.


I can just imagine......SW tampons.....in designer colors...green blue and red......


SW disposable underwear.......so you can crap on your favorite jedi in discreet comfort.

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I'm missing the part where Disney forced them not to show Tarantino's movie. If The Hateful Eight was a bigger movie they would've made a different decision, it's business. He's taking it personally because he just likes that theatre and they have the equipment needed to show his movie, that's not Disney's problem.


Disney has been doing stuff like that for a long time, you find this shocking? What good is having a lot of pull if you don't use it for anything?


You didnt get the point. Basically Disney forced that movie theatre not to honor contract with other movie that was already agreed. Owners of theatre said they cant just take back agreement THEN Disney forced them or they wont get to show any new episodes coming next years. It is busness but also shows how Disney management will run over all others using any methods they want.

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You didnt get the point. Basically Disney forced that movie theatre not to honor contract with other movie that was already agreed. Owners of theatre said they cant just take back agreement THEN Disney forced them or they wont get to show any new episodes coming next years. It is busness but also shows how Disney management will run over all others using any methods they want.


lol You and Tarantino are fabricating things. I got the "point" you're just making stuff up. Disney has the right to show or not show their movie wherever they want, threatening to not allow a theatre to show their movie is not the same as forcing them, the theatre bowed down to the all mighty dollar.


So if you want to blame anyone for not showing Tarantino's movie, you have to look directly at the theatre itself. What Disney does with their movie is their business.


I'm sure nobody would've complained that it was unethical if Tarantino pulled his movie from showing a theatre himself because he doesn't like Disney. What Disney did is not unethical, they're doing what's best for their product.

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Christmas eve update:

TFA passed Harry Potter's finale and SW Ep6 RotS for 22nd place all time. This in only 1 week. This is really unheard of territory at this point. Disney's wildest dreams are coming true. Who knows what sort of additional SW material we might get now that wouldn't have come otherwise. Live action TV show? The sky is the limit.




A live action TV show might not be too far away. Apparently, Disney and Netflix have been thinking about developing three!

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Ok i have nothing more to reply after reading that :D

Move along.


Good, but you haven't explained your illogical position, I take you just want this to be an unsubstantiated claim. Tarantino's perspective is logical, as it hurt his movie, but again that is not Disney's problem.


Disney has the right to offer or not offer their product to a venue. They laid out the terms that they deemed were advantageous for their product, it was up to that venue whether or not to accept them.


Just because it hurt some other persons product (debatable) is not enough to make it unethical. The two films are directly competing with each other over the holiday season. If Tarantino can not handle competition, perhaps he shouldn't line up his release with a release he can not compete with.


It is a matter of competition, not ethics, learn the difference.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just wanted to celebrate how amazing the movie is doing. 247.97 million US opening weekend beat the previous record by nearly 40 million ... I hope you'll consider changing your mind and simply enjoying this fantastic movie.

Just because it's making tons of money doesn't mean it is good. It is successful, yes, but I still consider the story, its premise etc. (or what I have so far read about it) so unimagianbly bad that I have decided that I will not see this movie (at least, not before it will be aired on free TV) - and, for that mater, I care even less for the movies that might follow. Why should I change my mind? If you can enjoy this Jar Jar Abrams abomination - good for you. I am too much of a Star Wars fan to accept this piece of garbage as part of the canonical SW-Universe. Instead, I'm going to read the Thrwan-books once more.

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You didnt get the point. Basically Disney forced that movie theatre not to honor contract with other movie that was already agreed. Owners of theatre said they cant just take back agreement THEN Disney forced them or they wont get to show any new episodes coming next years. It is busness but also shows how Disney management will run over all others using any methods they want.


Disney did no such thing:


If you wanted to run The Force Awakens you had to sign on for 4 weeks.


Theater had a contract with Tarintino that started two weeks after The Force Awakens.


Theater wanted to show The Force Awakens for obvious reasons.


Theater had to back out of Tarintino contract to get The Force Awakens... and is probably glad it did.


Disney had the 4 week stipulation for ALL theaters wanting to run The Force Awakens, not just this one theater. And this stipulation is working out fairly well for both sides (Disney and movie theaters in general).


Theater backed out of contract, they had the moral obligation to say no to The Force Awakens, not Disney to grant an exception to this one theater.


Sorry, that rant has been with me every since I read that article...

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Just wanted to celebrate how amazing the movie is doing. 247.97 million US opening weekend beat the previous record by nearly 40 million. But that's not all, it also broke the international record without even opening in China. Even more important to me, I note that it broke the Monday record, indicating that word of mouth is going really strong and the film is really a cultural phenomenon.


For those of you who predicted doom and gloom, and yes I saw many on this board all the way back to Disney's purchase of the franchise, I hope you'll consider changing your mind and simply enjoying this fantastic movie.


Here's some links:




Though I understand what you are trying to do here but really the box office numbers doesn't indicate the good or bad of any given movie. There are a great deal of movies out there that are good but did poorly in theaters and vise versa for bad movies.


I for one liked the movie, it did seem a bit rushed but over all I really liked it. That said we are talking about the Star Wars franchise here, I have seen some horrible, just slapped the SW name on it crap sell well. This movie was a guarantied winner opening weekend and through the following week, there was no way that at least some records would not be broken.


Now the test of the movie you were hoping to convey is in the second and beyond weeks of showings. The fact that people are still filling theaters at that point indicates that they think its a good ride and worth it, because at that point its mostly repeat viewers.

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